Pan Hao shuffled the playing cards skillfully.

His fingers jumped nimbly and slid lightly over the cards. The cards were constantly flipping under his control. The whole process was smooth and fast.

After shuffling the cards, Yu Liang was randomly dealt three cards and placed them on the table.

"open to take a look!"

Yu Liang gently turned over the three cards.

"Three Points, are you playing magic on me?"

"What magic!"

Pan Hao took back the three cards and randomly inserted them into a pile of playing cards in his hand.

After the cross is scrambled, the three playing cards on top are turned over, and they still have the same three points!

He said with confidence: "I am a card player!"

"Now you should believe that I will win!"

Yu Liang sat on the chair, tilted his back slightly, and said lightly: "Borrowing money, no!"

"Hey, are you still worried that I won't get enough?"

Pan Hao said seductively: "You lend me money, why don't you pay high interest to you later if I win?"

When Yu Liang heard this, he said expressionlessly: "Sorry, I don't do loan sharking. I think you can try elsewhere. I believe others will be happy to lend you money!"


Seeing that Yu Liang refused to lend him money no matter what, Pan Hao became a little angry.

"We have known each other for so many years~"

"Stop it!"

Yu Liang directly stretched out his hand to stop him: "If it's other matters, it's easy to discuss, but this matter is non-negotiable!"

Seeing his determination, Pan Hao knew that he would not be able to borrow money today, so he sighed and turned around to leave.

But as soon as he reached the door, he turned around and came back.

Yu Liang asked: "Is there anything else?"

Pan Hao laughed and said: "You recycle second-hand mobile phones, let's see how much my two mobile phones are worth!"

He took out two mobile phones, one with national brand and one with fruit brand, and put them on the table.

Yu Liang raised his head and glanced at him. Without picking up his phone to check, he directly estimated: "Two thousand people, eight thousand fruits!"

Hearing the price, Pan Hao said in surprise: "You didn't quote the wrong price, did you?"

Picking up the national brand mobile phone: "This is what you sold me, six thousand!"

He picked up the Fruit brand mobile phone again: "This is the latest model. It's only less than two months old. The price I bought it for was 13,000!"

"Sell it or not?" Yu Liang asked directly.


Pan Hao handed the fruit phone to Yu Liang: "This is for you!"

"You are hopeless!"

Yu Liang took the phone and said helplessly.

"Hey, when I make a big fortune, you won't say this again!"

Seeing Pan Hao looking so confident, Yu Liang didn't want to waste any more words.

Gamblers are not worthy of sympathy!

I checked the Fruit Brand mobile phone and asked him to cancel all the accounts and passwords on it.

Transferred 7,000 yuan to Pan Hao.

Yu Liang suddenly asked out of curiosity: "Where did you learn your gambling skills?"

"Hehe, if someone asks me, I will never tell him, but you, I will tell you!"

Pan Hao opened a video on his phone and stretched it out for Yu Liang to watch.

Seeing the content of the video, Yu Liang's first reaction was that the other party was completely hopeless.

Because the content of the video is a documentary warning people to stay away from gambling.

The original intention was to let gamblers who are addicted to gambling understand that nine out of ten gambles are cheating, and hope that they can rein in the danger and turn around.

Unexpectedly, Pan Hao actually learned the deceptive gambling techniques revealed in the video, and thus went deep into the whirlpool of gambling.


Yu Liang really didn't know what to say and could only sigh.

After Pan Hao left, Yu Liang saw the playing cards he left on the table and reached out to take them out.

Judging from Pan Hao's demonstration just now and the revelation in the video, the so-called gambling technique is actually a superb technique.

The three most important elements are: eyesight, memory and hand speed.

When shuffling the cards, use a keen eye to memorize the positions of all the playing cards you see.

With extremely fast and flexible hand speed, deal the desired playing cards to the other party or keep them for yourself.

Among the techniques are reservation: shuffling the cards you want and placing them in a fixed position.

Draw low: Deal the last card on the bottom as the first one.

Draw two cards: The first card is in your hand, and the second card will always be dealt.

Yu Liang tried to use these skills. With his ability to remember images and control of the power in his body, he only used these skills three or four times, and he became familiar with them.

"It's boring. A warrior who practices these small skills is really overqualified!"

He pinched a playing card with two fingers and flicked his wrist quickly. The playing card was thrown out and flew several meters away from the door before falling to the ground.

There are some bloggers who play flying cards on the Internet. They can cut cucumbers with flying cards four or five meters away, and even insert paper flying cards into wooden boards at close range.

Yu Liang thinks he can practice when he has nothing to do. In addition to flying cards, there are also flying needles, coins, marbles, etc. These things are small and easy to carry.

People are wandering around the world, and maybe one day this hidden weapon method will come in handy.

After Pan Hao's incident, Yu Liang did not pay too much attention and continued to do what he should do.

Unexpectedly, the next day

As soon as Yu Liang arrived at the door of the store, he found Pan Hao already waiting there.

I thought he had lost all his money again last night, but when he saw Yu Liang, he was so proud that he took out a wad of money from his pocket and handed it to Yu Liang.

"Brother, I was so awesome yesterday, I got back all the money I lost before!"

"This is the money I paid for selling my mobile phone yesterday. I want to redeem it!"

Yu Liang took the money and opened the store door before counting them one by one.

"Seven thousand one is not enough!"

"What's not enough? Yesterday I sold you seven thousand, and I added one hundred more!"

Yu Liang smiled and said: "Have you ever seen anyone who resells second-hand mobile phones and only makes a hundred yuan difference in price?"

Pan Hao heard this and said slightly surprised: "We are friends!"

"Friendship is friendship, business is business!"


"Dude, he turned over last night and doesn't care about this little money!"

Pan Hao took out two more bills and handed them to Yu Liang: "That's enough!"

Yu Liang took the money and returned his phone to him.

After getting the phone, Pan Hao did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he boasted to Yu Liang about his glorious victory last night.

After hearing this, Yu Liang looked solemn and dissuaded him: "Since you have turned over, just let it go as soon as you are ready!"

"That won't work!"

Pan Hao immediately replied: "I just got my money back. After losing for so many years, it's my turn to win now!"


If you lose, you want to get it back. If you win, you still want to win. This is a gambler.

Yu Liang sighed: "Then you can take care of yourself!"

Therefore, with Yu Liang's current ability, it is very easy to make money.

The simplest thing is to go to a small casino with Pan Hao at night. Just once is enough for him to open his business for a year or two.

But Yu Liang won’t do that!

As long as a principle is violated once, it will be violated a second time.

There is a real case beside him.

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