Internal force: It is to speed up the metabolism in the body through 'aerobic exercise' and release the energy generated in the form of movement and strength.

To put it bluntly, it is actually controlled by consciousness, the energy of the human body to maintain life characteristics.

In Yu Liang's view, the cultivation of internal strength is actually the cultivation of the human body system!

There are eight major systems in the human body: motor system, nervous system, endocrine system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, and reproductive system.

These systems coordinate and cooperate to enable various complex life activities in the human body to proceed normally.

The eight major systems run in the human body, and the channels for energy exchange are the meridians described in the secret book!

"Acupuncture and Moxibustion Jia and B Jing" states: "The meridians are the inner, the branches and transverse meridians are the collaterals, and the other meridians are the sun."

The pulses are called "meridians", "collateral veins" and "grandson veins" according to their differences in size and depth.

The main contents of the meridians are: twelve meridians, twelve different meridians, eight extra meridians, fifteen collaterals, twelve tendons, twelve skin parts, etc.

Among them, in terms of meridians, the twelve meridians are the main ones; in terms of collaterals, the fifteen collaterals are the main ones.

They intersect vertically and horizontally throughout the body, connecting the inside and outside of the human body, organs, and limbs into an organic whole.

If we describe it according to the modern knowledge Yu Liang has learned, meridians are channels for exchanging energy between cell groups, body fluids, and tissue fluids, and form a network cluster of low resistance, nerve information, and bioelectrical signals.

The internal strength and mental method of "Swimming Fish Technique" mainly involves the respiratory system, blood circulation system and nervous system of the human body.

Respiratory system: The process of gas exchange between the human body and the external environment is called respiration.

There are two places for gas exchange. One is the gas exchange between the outside world and the respiratory organ, the lungs, which is called external respiration.

Another source is the gas exchange between blood and tissue fluid and body tissues and cells, which is called internal respiration.

The respiratory system coordinates with the blood circulation system!

There are three types of blood vessels in the human body: arteries, veins and capillaries.

Starting from the heart and lungs, oxygen-containing blood is transported through the arteries to the capillaries of various tissues in the body.

Capillaries are the place where blood exchanges materials with surrounding tissues and cells.

They are also small blood vessels that connect arteries and veins!

When the oxygen in the blood is consumed, it will enter the veins and flow back to the heart and lungs, and so on!

The coordination of the respiratory system and blood circulation system is also regulated by the nervous system!

The circulation in the human body has always been carried out unconsciously.

The practice of internal strength is to let consciousness participate in the cycle!

The human body has huge potential!

The true meaning of cultivation is that consciousness controls the body!


Seeing that Yu Liang had been deep in thought after reading the secret book, Ma Wu thought that there was something he didn't understand, so he asked:

"If you have any doubts, Master will answer them for you!"

Yu Liang came back to his senses after hearing the sound, shook his head slightly and said: "Thank you Master, I have no doubts!"

And handed the secret book back to him.

Ma Wu didn't have any doubts. After all, he knew his apprentice's talent. It was normal for him to learn it after just one look.

Take the secret book and hide it again.

Then he said to Yu Liang: "You can practice now. I will guard you from the side. If you have any questions, you can ask me directly!"

"Thank you Master!"

Yu Liang sat cross-legged on the spot, concentrated his energy, and began to practice.

If you want to control your body, you must first open up the energy channels of the human body.

Since the birth of the human body, the meridians of the human body have been affected by the outside world, depositing many impurities and affecting energy transmission.

The way to open up the meridians is to use internal force to continuously flush the meridians!

Be extremely careful with this process!

One is that one must be very familiar with the meridians, and the other is that one needs to be skilled in controlling internal forces.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will cause damage to the meridians and have serious consequences.

According to the order of the twelve meridians

The first is the Lung Meridian of Hand Taiyin, and the second is the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand Yangming.

Then there are the stomach meridian of Foot Yangming, the spleen meridian of Foot Taiyin, the heart meridian of Hand Shaoyin, the small intestine meridian of Hand Taiyang, the bladder meridian of Foot Shaoyang, the kidney meridian of Foot Shaoyin, the pericardium meridian of Hand Jueyin, the triple burner meridian of Hand Shaoyang, and the gallbladder meridian of Foot Shaoyang. The liver meridian of foot Jueyin and the lung meridian of hand Taiyin finally complete a cycle.

The internal force circulates in the meridians for a small cycle.

Yu Liang continued to run for eight small weeks. He felt that his meridians were a little swollen, so he immediately stopped.

According to the secret book, there is a limit to the number of times the internal energy can be used to perform Xiao Zhoutian practice every day. If it is forced to operate, the meridians will be torn apart if they cannot bear it.

Seeing Yu Liang stop practicing, Ma Wu immediately asked: "How does it feel to practice for the first time? Is there anything wrong? How many small cycles have you run?"

Yu Liang stood up and replied: "Thank you, Master, for your concern. I have been running for eight small weeks without any problems."

Hearing that he had run for eight cycles, Ma Wu nodded slightly: "It's not bad. Most people practice for the first time, which means they run for ten to twenty weeks."

"You have been practicing relatively late, and your bones are not very strong. It is not bad to be able to run eight small heavens for the first time."

Hearing from his master that the average person's first practice can last ten to twenty weeks, Yu Liang felt a little disappointed.

Then he asked again: "Master, how many celestial beings can a person with excellent qualifications perform in his first practice?"

Ma Wu originally didn't want to answer this question, for fear of offending his disciple.

But I thought that he was not young and had a relatively mature mind, so I told him that it might be able to motivate him, and then I replied:

"Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I have heard people mention it. There is a peerless genius in the divine sect. He performed thirty-six weeks in the first practice."

After hearing this, Yu Liang lowered his head and pondered. The strength of the meridians in the body can also reflect the strength of a person's body.

Compare this to his physical strength, which can last for eight weeks.

Running for thirty-six days, not counting other factors, the physical strength of this peerless genius is at least four times higher than him!

"What a pervert!" He complained secretly in his heart.

Yu Liang then thought of another question and asked his master: "Master, are there any levels of warriors in the world?"

"Why do you ask that?" Ma Wu asked doubtfully.

Yu Liang chuckled: "I was thinking that if I meet other warriors when I go out in the future, I can judge their strength based on their realm level."

After hearing this explanation, Ma Wu immediately shook his head and warned: "You must change this idea, otherwise it will be very dangerous to wander around in the world in the future."

"There are indeed levels of warriors, but this does not represent their strength."

"To judge how powerful a person is, there are many factors to consider, including martial arts, martial arts, weapons, fighting experience, scheming, etc."

"In a life-and-life duel, unless the opponent is already dead, any change in details will change the outcome."

"So you must remember my teacher's words: When a lion fights a rabbit, you must do your best! When facing the enemy, you must kill decisively and never be merciful."

Seeing the master's serious instruction, Yu Liang nodded seriously: "Disciple, you must remember it."

Seeing that Yu Liang had listened to his teachings, Ma Wu nodded happily, and then continued:

"The levels of warriors, from low to high, are: low-level, third-rate master, second-rate master, first-rate master and the best in the world!"

"Unqualified people refer to people who have only learned some simple external skills of fists, feet, swords and swords, but have never learned internal skills. Most of the bandits, bodyguards, officers and soldiers, and guards in the world are like this!"

"A third-rate master who is proficient in several ordinary external skills and develops internal strength within his body. Most of the disciples of some Jianghu sects are in this realm!"

"A second-rate master who is proficient in several exquisite external skills and can open up the twelve meridians in the body. Most of the leaders of some small sects in the world, or the true disciples of large sects, are at this level."

"A first-class master, who has a set of martial arts inheritance, has reached a level of proficiency in external skills, and has opened up the eight extraordinary meridians in the body.

First-class masters are mostly leaders of martial arts sects, or celebrities who have been around for many years. They are extraordinary in both scheming and strength. "

"As for the few who can be called the best in the world!

In addition to opening up the twelve meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians in the body, one must also master a peerless magical skill and practice it to the highest level before he can be called the best in the world! "

Yu Liang could clearly feel that when the master mentioned the top masters, his mood was somewhat lonely.

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