Entering high dimensions by mistake.

At this moment, Yu Liang just wanted to go back.

Looking at the ‘self’ in the lower-dimensional world.

Yu Liang tried to reach out his hand.


When Yu Liang's fingertips touched 'himself', the entire low-dimensional world seemed to be projected by two opposite mirrors, and countless parallel time and spaces appeared instantly.

In response, Yu Liang immediately took his hand back quickly.

Immediately, the unfolded series of parallel space-times instantly compressed into one space.

"This is?"

"Higher dimensions cannot interfere with lower dimensions!"

Yu Liang fell silent.

Regarding the phenomenon just now, he already had preliminary guesses in his mind.

Different dimensions cannot communicate with each other. If they are forcibly interfered with, the original process will be disrupted, countless variables will be derived, and various possibilities will occur, thus forming a series of parallel universes.

Look at yourself in the low-dimensional world.

I clearly still exist in a lower dimension, why can't I go back?

Yu Liang's brows wrinkled slightly, and his thoughts were like tangled threads, which were difficult to sort out for a while.

He realized that although "Yu Liang" in the two latitudes seemed to be the same person, there were actually subtle differences.

"Yu Liang" in the low-dimensional world is just a projection of him, a mirror image that has been stripped of some of its characteristics.

This feeling reminded Yu Liang of the wonderful phenomenon of quantum entanglement.

In the world of quantum mechanics, two particles can be far apart but still maintain a mysterious connection.

When the state of one particle changes, the other particle will react accordingly instantly, as if there is no barrier of time and space between them.

Now, Yu Liang seems to be in such a state.

He is a complete existence in the high-dimensional world, possessing all memories and consciousness.

However, in the low-dimensional world, he is split into two parts, one is the real him, and the other is his projection.

Although these two "Yuliang" have the same origin, they are independent.

The existence beyond the low-dimensional range has entered the high-dimensional world, while the part that has not exceeded remains in the low-dimensional world.

Yu Liang took a deep breath and tried to calm down the fluctuations in his heart.

Some problems really become more complicated the more you think about them!

Yu Liang doesn't care whether he is parallel or not, he will forcefully cross dimensions!


But when Yu Liang returns.

But a serious problem was discovered.

He seemed to have lost a part of him.

Although rare, almost insignificant, this loss is a total loss.

If he can't find a reason and continues like this, then Yuliang will be completely gone!

what happened?

Yu Liang hurriedly investigated.

It didn't take long for him to discover the problem.

The reason is that he traveled through low dimensions and a series of parallel universes appeared.

In these parallel universes, ‘Yu Liang’ exists.

These ‘Yu Liang’ are equivalent to Yu Liang’s other self.

The death of him and me is equivalent to Yu Liang's own loss.

When all of them and I die, then Yuliang will cease to exist!

There is a more important reason.

That is Yu Liang’s special ability ‘Golden Finger’, which is the only one that exists.

In other words, except for the rest of this universe.

All the ‘Yu Liang’ in other worlds are ordinary people!

"My darn thing!"

"Not to mention accidents, all of them died of good health, and I disappeared with them!"

At this moment, Yu Liang finally understood the seriousness of the consequences of destroying the order of the universe without authorization.

After a lot of hard work, he finally reached the immortal existence today, and now he has to face the threat of death again. The key is that this was caused by him. The more Yu Liang thinks about it, the more frustrated he becomes!

"There are remedial measures!"

"There are remedial measures!"

"As long as he and I become stronger, I won't have to disappear!"

Parallel Universe No. 1.

Mobile phone repair shop.

Yu Liang, who had just finished an order of cell phone repairs, lay back.

Close your eyes and take a break.


Just when Yu Liang went from false sleep to real sleep.


A strong sense of suffocation appeared.

Yu Liang opened his eyes suddenly.

I found that everything in front of me was water!


Yu Liang, who didn't react for a moment, choked several times.

His strong desire to survive made him struggle desperately.

The limbs are clawing and clawing!



As soon as he shouted, Yu Liang stopped struggling again.

Because he found that he was just sitting in the water. As long as he straightened his body, his upper body would surface and no longer be submerged.

As the feeling of joy disappeared.

Yu Liang began to look around quickly again.

‘Where is this? ’

‘Didn’t I lie down in the shop to rest? ’

Looking at the unfamiliar surroundings.

There is a sparkling lake with leafy woods on the shore. Yu Liang is sitting in the water by the lake at the moment.

At this moment, two questions emerged in Yu Liang's mind.

who I am?

where am I?

Standing up and shaking off the lake water, Yu Liang came to sit on a small stone in the open space on the shore.

He took off the shirt on his upper body, wrung it out, shook it off, and put it on again.

He stared blankly at the lake in front of him.

After a long time, Yu Liang accepted the fact that he had actually traveled through time.

"This is not scientific at all!"

"I just took a short lunch break, why did I travel through time?"

"Where's the quiz? Where's the big truck? At least give me some mental preparation!"

Just when Yu Liang was still thinking wildly, a bamboo raft was drawn on the lake in front of him.

On the bamboo raft was an old fisherman with gray hair, a dark complexion, and a sparse silver beard under his chin.

Wearing a bamboo hat, dark coarse cloth clothes, a straw rope tied around his waist, and a pair of straw sandals on his feet.

Seeing the old fisherman's clothing, Yu Liang made a guess that the place he traveled through should be from ancient times.

When the old fisherman rowed the bamboo raft in front of Yu Liang, he smiled and shouted to Yu Liang: "Young man, look at you like this, you must have just fallen into the water!"

Yu Liang just looked up at the old fisherman, who was depressed at this time and did not reply.

The old fisherman jumped down from the bamboo raft, came to Yu Liang's side with the pole in his hand, took off the wine gourd from his waist, and handed it to Yu Liang.

"Here, have a drink to warm yourself up!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang raised his head and looked at the old fisherman in front of him. Although he looked amiable, honest and simple, he did not dare to accept something handed to him by a stranger easily.

He forced a smile and replied politely: "Thank you, I don't know how to drink!"

"How can a manly man not drink?"

The old fisherman opened the lid of the gourd and took a swig of it.

"Ah~ what a drink!"

"Come on, it's just spring, the water is still very cold, take a sip to drive it away!"

The old fisherman handed the wine gourd to Yu Liang again.

"Thank you, I don't know how to drink!" Yu Liang waved his hand and rejected the other party's kindness again.

"Forget it if you don't drink!"

Putting away the wine gourd, the old fisherman sat down next to Yu Liang.

Seeing this, Yu Liang frowned slightly, and moved slightly to the side in response to the direct approach of such a stranger.

"Young man, what's your name?"

"Yu Liang!"

"Yu Liang, um~ what a good name! My surname is Ma, and I am the fifth eldest child in my family, so everyone calls me Ma Wu!"

To this familiar old fisherman, Yu Liang politely called out "Master Ma Wu!"

"Young man, who are you?"

Hearing this question, Yu Liang began to ask himself, yes, who am I?

Yu Liang looked confused and didn't know how to answer. The old fisherman Ma Wu patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You don't even know who it is. You couldn't have lost your memory because of the blisters, right?"

Amnesia? Hearing these two words, Yu Liang nodded heavily.

"Oh, this is so pathetic!"

Seeing this, the old fisherman Ma Wu said with regret: "Looking at you like this, don't you have nowhere to go now? Since you have nowhere to go, then go live in my thatched house for a while first!"

After hearing this, Yu Liang thought for a while. He was new here. Not only did he know nothing about the situation here, but he also had nowhere to go.

Following the old fisherman in front of him, he would at least have a place to stay before dark today, and he immediately nodded and agreed.

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