The place where Yu Liang is located is located in Wujiang County, north of Jiaxing and south of Taihu Lake.

This is the intersection of the Canal, Taipu River and many other rivers, thus forming Cangzhoudang, Dongguadang, Taohuayang, Lujiabang, Xueluoyang, Caodang, Nanmeidang, Beimayang, Tianqiandang, etc. Ten lakes and grasslands.

Due to its unique geographical location, this place is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and many villains and bandits gather here.

In order to track down the forces behind the flower boat, Yu Liang stayed by the lake for two days.

Sure enough, the forces behind the scenes who had lost contact with the flower boat sent someone to check.

Yu Liang did not alert the enemy, but secretly followed them to Longnan Village, Pingwang Town.

After just a brief observation, I discovered that there was a group of dozens of bandits entrenched in Longnan Village.

Night falls.

Yu Liang lurked in the dark, his eyes like torches, watching the movements of the bandits in the village.

He had already made a plan in his mind to catch this gang of villains in one fell swoop.

At this moment, a bandit walked out of the house, staggered to a dark corner, took off his pants and poured water on the roots of the tree.

Yu Liang's heart moved, and he approached quietly.

A little bit of cold light arrives first!

The wooden gun in his hand was like a poisonous snake, and it instantly sprang out and penetrated his throat. When he was about to die, the bandit's eyes widened and he looked at Yu Liang with a look of horror.

Yu Liang caught the bandit who was about to fall to the ground and gently put him in the corner. The whole process didn't make any sound, as if everything was happening in silence.

After killing one person, although there were fluctuations in Yu's conscience, his face was as calm as still water.

He glanced at the unaware bandits again, took a deep breath, and suppressed the murderous intention in his heart.

Sneaking into the darkness again, like a ghost in the night, quietly waiting for the next target to appear.

Not long after, another bandit walked out of the house.

He looked around as if searching for his former accomplices.

Yu Liang sneered and followed quietly.

When he walked to a dark corner, he stopped and seemed to be thinking about something.

Yu Liang took this opportunity to approach quietly, and the wooden gun in his hand turned into a cold light again.


A cold light flashed, and the bandit fell down in response. His eyes were also filled with horror and disbelief.

Yu Liang didn't give him any chance to struggle, and the wooden gun took away his life instantly.

After getting rid of two bandits in succession, he lurked into the darkness again and quietly observed the movements around him.

As the night grew darker, the bandits in the village began to commotion.

Yu conscience understood that this was a sign that they sensed something was wrong.

Not long after, torches lit up in the village, and dozens of gangsters were dispatched, in groups of three or two, and began to search every corner of the village.

Two bandits held torches and walked toward the bushes where Yu Liang was hiding.

The light of the torch reflected their ferocious faces, their eyes flashed with fierce light, and they cursed.

Holding the wooden gun in his hand, Yu Liang counted the steps silently, waiting for the best opportunity.

The two bandits held torches and approached his hiding place without noticing.

Their curses echoed in the night sky, but they became the countdown to Yu Liang's attack.

The moment they were about to walk through the grass, Yu Liang suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the two bandits like a cheetah.

The wooden gun was like a bolt of lightning, piercing the night sky and accurately stabbing the neck of one of the bandits.

The bandit didn't have time to react before he was pierced by the wooden gun. He fell backwards and the torch flew out of his hand, drawing a sad arc in the air.

The other bandit was shocked when he saw this, turned around and wanted to escape, but how could Yu Liang give him a chance?

In a flash, he had already stopped in front of the bandit. The wooden gun swept out and hit the bandit hard on the neck.

Just listen to a crisp "click" sound.

The bandit's neck was broken in response. His eyes widened with disbelief on his face, but he was helpless and fell heavily to the ground.

Yu Liang's movements were quick and decisive, and the whole process only happened in a short moment.

Take care of the two and dive into the darkness again to find your next target.

But the bodies of the two bandits were soon discovered by their companions.

Realizing that it was dangerous to be separated, as there was no telling what kind of enemies were hidden in the darkness, they all gathered together and started exploring the surroundings with the discovered corpse as the center.

"it's here!

A bandit suddenly discovered Yu Liang's traces and shouted. Suddenly, all the torches gathered towards Yu Liang's location.

Yu Liang started to run away, and they chased him.

Not long after, Yu Liang came to a grass bank.

"Come on, let's see if you dare to come in!" Yu Liang said coldly as he looked back at the swaying torches behind him.

The figure quickly disappeared in the grass, leaving only the slightly swaying grass tips.

The thieves chased them to the edge of the grass marsh. Looking at the dense reeds and grass in front of them, they couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

"What to do? He ran in."

A bandit looked around nervously, fearing that Yu Liang would suddenly rush out from some corner.

"What are you afraid of? He is only one person, why are there so many of us afraid of him?"

Another bandit waved the torch in his hand, trying to embolden himself.

Everyone was talking about it, but no one dared to step into the grass easily.

The terrain in the grass swamp is complex, and they may fall into a swamp if they are not careful, not to mention that they have to face an unknown enemy.

At this moment, Yu Liang's voice suddenly came from deep in the grass: "Why, don't you dare to come in?"

There was a hint of ridicule in his voice, as if he was provoking these pursuers.

"Damn it, how dare he underestimate us!"

One of the bandits roared angrily, stepped forward, and took the lead in stepping into the grass swamp.

Seeing this, others gathered their courage and followed.

However, they soon found themselves in trouble.

There are puddles and mire everywhere in the grassland, and you will fall into them if you are not careful.

Moreover, strange sounds often came from the reeds and grass, as if Yu Liang was spying on them secretly, ready to attack at any time.

At this moment, Yu Liang suddenly jumped out from behind a reed, and with a flash of cold light in his hand, one of the bandits fell to the ground, blood gushing from his throat.

Everyone was horrified and swung their weapons to attack Yu Liang, but he nimbly dodged them.

Yu Liang shuttled through the grass swamps like a ghost, taking away the life of a bandit every time he appeared.

His movements are quick and decisive, and he shows no mercy in every move. Not long after, there were not many thieves left, and the few remaining ones were frightened out of their wits, thinking only of how to escape.

But how could Yu Liang let them go!

In the end, the entire army was wiped out in chaos and screams.

Yu Liang stood on the edge of the grass dang, looking coldly at the bandits who fell on the ground, then turned and left, and the grass dang returned to silence and darkness. Only corpses and scattered weapons were left on the ground.

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