Looked at it for a while.

After Huang Rong thought deeply, she actually made a profound suggestion to Yu Liang.

"Junior brother, I think the Iron Palm Gang's secret martial arts "Iron Palm Kung Fu" may be of great help to your deduction and improvement of the "Black Evil Kung Fu"!"

When Guo Jing heard what Huang Rong said, he frowned and reminded softly: "Rong'er, be careful what you say."

But Huang Rong didn't seem to hear it, and just looked at Yu Liang intently.

"Iron Palm Kung Fu?" Yu Liang repeated in a low voice, thinking in his mind.

Although the Iron Palm Gang's "Iron Palm Kung Fu" has a simple name, it is very different from the common palm techniques such as Iron Palm and Iron Sand Palm that are circulated in the world. It is a powerful unique skill.

In the martial arts world, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are known as the best palm techniques in the world.

The Iron Palm Skill is famous for its unparalleled palm power. It is said to be the most powerful palm technique. In this regard, even the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are not as good as it.

According to what Yu Liang knows, when practicing this technique, you need to insert your hands into the hot iron sand and stir-fry it, so that the palms can naturally absorb the hot poison of the iron sand.

But the power of this palm technique is not in the fire poison, but in forcing out the poison gas through special techniques, thus greatly enhancing the palm power.

Use iron sand and fire poison to temper your palm power!

Yu Liang nodded slowly, "Indeed, Iron Palm Kung Fu should be helpful to my martial arts deduction."

After hearing this, Guo Jing hurriedly warned: "Junior brother, Iron Palm Kung Fu is the secret of the Iron Palm Gang. You must not have any wrong ideas!"

Yu Liang chuckled and responded: "Senior Brother Guo, don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion."

He turned to look at Huang Rong, with a meaningful smile on her face.

Yu Liangliang secretly thought that Huang Rong proposed "Iron Palm Kung Fu" not only because it was helpful to the improvement of "Black Evil Kung Fu", but it might also have a hint of revenge.

She recalled that back then, she was hit by Qiu Qianren's palm and almost died. Although Qiu Qianren was later accepted as a disciple by Master Yideng and became a monk, and it seemed that the grudge was over, she was probably still brooding about this past incident.

Xiao Dongxie Huang Rong is indeed not a loser.

Yu Liang looked at Huang Rong, and both of them smiled knowingly.

Put aside the topic of martial arts for now.

In front of Yu Liang, Guo Jing sent someone to inquire about Huang Yaoshi's whereabouts.

Then, he warmly invited Yu Liang to stay at his house.

"Senior Brother Guo, there's no need to bother. I've already booked a room at an inn outside. I don't want to cause you any more trouble." Yu Liang declined.

However, Guo Jing hurriedly and enthusiastically grabbed him, "Junior brother, this is the first time that you and I have met. How can we let you live outside? Just live here. We, junior brothers, can have a few drinks and have a good talk."

Huang Rong also agreed and advised Yu Liang to stay.

Facing the kind invitation from the couple, Yu Liang had no choice but to turn to look at Li Mochou behind him and ask for her opinion.

"Brother Yu, just make your decision." Li Mochou said softly.

"Then, excuse me." Yu Liang finally agreed and added: "But my luggage is still at the inn."

Before he could finish speaking, Guo Jing hurriedly said, "You don't need to worry about this. I'll have my servants go to the inn to get it. You don't have to make a trip."

Huang Rong noticed the quiet Li Mochou beside her, and immediately greeted her enthusiastically: "This is junior sister Li Mochou, right?"

Seeing Li Mochou nodded slightly, Huang Rong immediately stepped forward to chat with her, and soon the two of them were chatting familiarly. Huang Rong pulled Li Mochou away, saying that she wanted to have a private conversation between women.

Yu Liang was pulled by Guo Jing, and the two began to have an in-depth conversation.

In the content of the conversation, except for martial arts, Guo Jing's other words were all about national justice.

Although he did not state it directly, his words revealed strong expectations, hoping that Yu Liang could help him and fight the Mongolian invasion together.

Guo Jing affectionately told how the rivers and mountains of the Song Dynasty were trampled by the iron hoof of Mongolia and how the people suffered. The words were full of deep affection for the country and hatred of the Mongolian invasion.

He also mentioned that although he had been guarding Xiangyang, he still felt that his strength was weak and that he urgently needed people with lofty ideals to fight the enemy together.

After hearing this, Yu Liang did not directly express his intention to garrison Xiangyang with Guo Jing.

But he also expressed that if Guo Jing is in need, he is willing to do his part.

Guo Jing was greatly moved after hearing this and held Yu Liang's hand tightly.

Yu Liang was not good at drinking, so he drank tea with Guo Jing until late at night, and then they went back to their rooms to rest.

Early the next morning.

The sun shines dappledly through the treetops in the courtyard.

After Yu Liang got up, he wandered in the courtyard.

Then, he saw Guo Jing, who had gotten up early, already starting to practice martial arts in the courtyard.

Each move is calm and powerful. Although the movements are a little slow, you can feel the powerful force contained in them and the energy that may explode at any time.

Guo Jing noticed Yu Liang's arrival, but he did not stop practicing and still focused on his movements and breathing.

Yu Liang also stood quietly aside, carefully observing Guo Jing's every move.

Guo Jing's martial arts are not limited to the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. He also studied under the Six Heroes of Jiangnan and Quanzhen Taoist Master Ma Yu and studied various martial arts.

After years of hard training and actual combat experience, he has reached the level of proficiency in each of his martial arts.

At this moment, the palm technique he is practicing may seem simple, but each palm contains deep inner strength and unique skills.

After finishing practicing, Guo Jing turned around, looked at Yu Liang standing aside, smiled and nodded.

Yu Liang walked up to him and said to him with a smile: "Senior Brother Guo is really diligent!"

"Haha, junior brother, I don't know something. Senior brother, I am stupid and stupid. I was punished by my master many times in the past, so I study and practice harder on weekdays."

Regarding this, Yu Liang sighed inwardly: Is Guo Jing's martial arts talent poor? Not bad at all.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of a top student with good talent, you should be afraid of a top student who is willing to endure hardship.

The two exchanged martial arts experiences in the courtyard, enjoying the morning sunshine and tranquility.

Suddenly, Guo Jing proposed enthusiastically:

"Junior Brother Yu, I heard that you defeated Qi Gong's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms on Taihu Lake. Can you let me see your martial arts today?"

Yu Liang looked at the honest-looking martial arts hero in front of him and agreed with a smile:

"Okay, since Senior Brother Guo is interested, let's compare some moves."

After that, the two of them stood on one side of the courtyard, their eyes met, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

When Guo Jing entered the fighting state, he changed his normal attitude. His usual simple and honest atmosphere was gone, replaced by sharpness and seriousness.

Just when they were about to start sparring, Huang Rong and Li Mochou also walked into the courtyard.

They saw that the two were competing, so they stood quietly aside, preparing to watch the contest between the masters.

"Junior Brother Yu, be careful!"

Guo Jing shouted loudly, then squatted down with his legs, rushed forward, turned one palm, and went straight for Yu Liang.

The wind in the palm was fierce, with a whistling sound. Yu Liang dodged the palm in a flash.

When Guo Jing saw this, he turned around, tapped the ground lightly, and rushed towards Yu Liang again like a gust of wind. He slapped his palms in succession, each palm bringing up a strong wind.

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