The eight methods of acupuncture are to stimulate the body's acupuncture points to stimulate the self-regulatory function of the human body system to achieve the purpose of dredging meridians, strengthening the body and eliminating evil, reconciling qi and blood, tonifying deficiency and purging excess.

There are eight types of acupuncture techniques, including lifting and inserting, twisting, scraping, rubbing, springing, warming, retaining, and removing.

In two days, after learning the eight methods of acupuncture, Yu Liang secretly inserted a few needles into his body to feel the effects of acupuncture.

After the acupoint is punctured, a chain reaction will occur throughout the body. The feeling is truly amazing!

However, for safety reasons, Yu Liang only tried it briefly.

Next, you can go to the master’s wife to take the test and learn her secret acupuncture skills!

"Master Wife, I have mastered the eight methods of acupuncture!"

Seeing Yu Liang coming so quickly, the teacher's wife didn't feel any surprise, and there was no assessment, so she started teaching him "Nine Needles to Zhenyue" directly!

"follow me!"

Take Yu Liang to the bedroom.

"Take off your clothes and sit cross-legged on the bed!"


Hearing this request, Yu Liang looked surprised, thinking, shouldn't he want to learn the secret technique of acupuncture? What the hell is this about taking off your clothes and going to bed?

Yu Liang looked at the master's wife with a puzzled look on his face. When he saw her taking out a needle bag and a palm-sized copper bell from the cabinet on the side, Yu Liang understood instantly.

This is to demonstrate acupuncture on his body and then teach him the secret technique of acupuncture!

"Why are you still standing there? Take off your clothes and get on the bed!"


Yu Liang took off his clothes and sat cross-legged on the bed, shirtless.

The master's wife opened the needle bag, and while counting the silver needles inside, she said to Yu Liang: "'Nine Needles of Zhenyue' is the secret technique of my Mu family. It has been passed down for hundreds of years and is not passed on to outsiders, but the Mu family By the time my generation has declined, I am the only daughter left."

"In order to prevent this ancestral method from being lost, I will make an exception and teach it to you today. I hope you can study it well and carry it forward in the future!"

Yu Liang nodded seriously: "Don't worry, Master, I will study hard!"

The mistress nodded.

Then use two fingers to pinch out a silver needle from the needle pack.

"In "Nine Needles to Zhenyue", the first eight needles are actually the eight methods of acupuncture. Only the last needle, 'Zhenyue', is the secret technique!"

As she spoke, the master's wife flicked her fingers, and the silver needle flew out and pierced the Tanzhong point in the center of Yu Liang's chest.

Immediately afterwards, he took out eight silver needles from the needle bag and inserted them into acupuncture points on Yu Liang's limbs.

Nine silver needles penetrated the acupuncture points, but Yu Liang felt nothing at all.

Just when he was confused, he saw the master's wife picking up the palm-sized copper bell, smiling slightly at the corner of her mouth, and flicking it with her fingers.


A crisp sound comes from it.

The nine silver needles inserted into Yu Liang's body suddenly trembled slightly.

For a moment, I just felt like my whole body was being touched by electricity.

Cold hairs stand on end, skin and flesh are tense, and Qi and blood surge rapidly in the body.

Bang ~

The mistress played the bell again, this time with a little more force, and the sound made by the bell was louder and heavier.

The silver needle trembled, Yu Liang's body suddenly straightened up, and his internal energy started to circulate in his meridians without any control!


The mistress rang the bell for the third time, this time with greater force.

Yu Liang felt that his whole body was translucent. He could actually hear his heartbeat and the sound of gastrointestinal movements in his abdomen!

After a while, the mistress put away the bronze bell and stepped forward to remove the nine silver needles on his body one by one starting from the Tanzhong point on his chest.


Lie on your back on the bed.

Yu Liang felt that his body and mind had reached an ultimate level of comfort.

The mistress put the silver needle back into the needle bag, wrapped it up and asked Yu Liang: "This is the 'Zhenyue Nine Needles'. How does it feel after trying it?"

“Transparent and comfortable!”

Yu Liang could only use these two words to describe it at this moment.

The master's wife smiled, and then taught Yu Liang: "Zhenyue Nine Needles can make people's bodies rejuvenated for a short time!"

"Not only can it relieve and cure physical diseases, it can even make dying people appear back to the light of day!"

“And you’ve seen the secret, it’s this ‘Zhenyue Bell’!”

The mistress handed the bronze bell in her hand to Yu Liang

He immediately took it and looked at it carefully.

He didn't pay attention when the teacher's wife took it out with the needle pack just now.

Now hold it in your hand, look up, down, left, front, back, inside and outside, looking at every corner carefully.

Yu Liang wants to find out why this Zhenyue Bell has such magical abilities.

It is about the size of a palm and should be made of brass. Its shape is similar to a musical instrument and a chime. It only has some simple cloud patterns on the outside and is smooth and nothing on the inside.

I can't see anything special about it.

If the problem is not the appearance and material of the Zhenyue Bell, then it is the sound it makes.

Yu Liang tapped twice with his hand, making a squeaking sound.

The master's wife said: "It seems that you have noticed it too!"

"The secret of this Zhenyue bell is its sound, which is different from the sounds produced by other bells."

"In the past, your master and I specially found a highly skilled craftsman to make a replica of the Zhenyue Bell. It looks exactly the same, but the sound produced by it has no effect."

Yu Liang stared at the Zhenyue Zhong in his hand, stroked it gently with his hand, and then asked: "The same is true for the set of silver needles, right?"

Upon hearing the question he asked, the Master's wife's face changed slightly, she was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You are really smart, you can actually guess this."

"Yes, silver needles cannot be imitated.

This Zhen Yue Zhong and the set of silver needles are matched, and both are indispensable for performing secret techniques. "

Yu Liang nodded naturally.

When he was experiencing it just now, he noticed that the silver needles on his body would tremble with the sound of the Zhenyue Bell.

Isn’t this the resonance of sound?

When the natural vibration frequency of one thing is the same or similar to the natural vibration frequency of another thing.

Keep the two close within a certain range.

If you knock one of them, it will vibrate at its own natural frequency, and the other will vibrate at the same frequency.

Moreover, in Yu Liang’s view, in addition to acupuncture, the secret technique of ‘Zhenyue’, the sound of a specific frequency emitted by the Zhenyue Bell also has a certain direct impact on the human body!

When the human body hears sounds of a specific frequency or rhythm, the body and brain will be stimulated and produce specific physiological and psychological reactions.

In modern times, there is a profession called sound therapist.

The reason is that sounds of different frequencies will have different effects on the human body.

High-frequency noise can cause symptoms such as lack of sleep, rapid heartbeat, and inability to concentrate on the human body, thus causing nervous system disorders.

It can even cause resonance in human organs, and long-term exposure may cause dysfunction of human organs.

Low-frequency noise can make people nervous, accelerate their heartbeat, increase blood sugar and blood pressure, cause endocrine disorders, and cause some degree of damage to the heart, spleen, liver, and kidneys.

If you live in low-frequency noise for a long time, your mood will become easily agitated, neurasthenic, insomnia, headache, irritable, and even lose your mind.

Of course, if it is some unique sounds, it will also make people happy physically and mentally and improve the human body mechanism.

This is how a sound therapist works!

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