Yu Liang created the God-Devil Bodybuilding Surgery and was not in a hurry to practice.

After all, this is a brand new cultivation method. Although it seems impeccable in theory, whether there are problems in practice still needs further verification.

Therefore, he decided to first select a group of trustworthy people within the Hailong Gang to conduct experiments.

The people carefully selected by Yu Liang are not only loyal and reliable, but also have good cultivation talents.

Yu Liang taught them the training methods of the God and Demon Body Training Technique, and paid close attention to their progress and reactions.

Record every detail and analyze the results of each practice in order to discover problems and make improvements.

A year and a half.

The results of the test exceeded Yu Liang's expectations.

After these people practiced God and Demon Bodybuilding, not only did their bodies become stronger, but their mental state was also significantly improved.

"Ah, very good!"

Seeing such results, Yu Liang also began to try to practice the 'God and Demon Body Training Technique'.

In the process of cultivation, he constantly summed up his experience and perfected the method, making the divine and demon body-building technique more mature and perfect.

"The body is the origin."

“God is the reflection of flesh.”

"Emotional fluctuations, physical desires, inner desires... satisfying any of them can inspire and guide the liberation of the physical body!"

Now that Yu Liang's body has been nourished and strengthened to a certain level, if he wants to achieve greater breakthroughs, he can only rely on the feedback of 'god'.

Yu Liang recalled that Lu Sheng traveled through different planes in the way of the descending demon. By realizing his desire and obsession to seize the body, the 'god' could be sublimated and then feed back his body.

"The devil is coming!"

Yu Liang shook his head gently.

He cannot seize his body and come to other worlds.

But he has another way: deception!

By 'deceiving' oneself, one triggers the sublimation of 'god' and ultimately nourishes the physical body.

And the way to achieve this deception is pain!

Pain has the ability to distort all perception.

It can bring about earth-shaking changes in people's vision, hearing and even touch.

Under the influence of pain, what a person sees will be different from what he sees, what he hears will be different from what he heard, and what he touches will be different from usual.

"In the world of martial arts, all martial arts that temper and beat the physical body begin with pain!"

A flash of understanding flashed in Yu Liang's eyes.

"No pain No gain."

"It's not just physical, it's mental as well."

The process of using pain to achieve 'deception' is a process of deep self-awareness and mental manipulation.

For practice.

Yu Liang began to actively seek out or create experiences that would bring profound pain.

These pains can be physical, such as practicing specific exercises that push the body to the limit, or mental, such as recalling past trauma or facing inner fears.

When pain occurs, Yu Liang does not choose to escape, but is deeply immersed in it, carefully observing and analyzing the changes in perception brought about by this pain.

Yu Liang noticed that under the influence of pain, his perception began to become distorted, and things that were originally familiar became strange and strange.

In this distorted state, Yu Liang began to 'deceive' his own cognition.

He told himself that this pain was the only way to grow physically and spiritually, and was the catalyst for the sublimation of 'God' and the physical body.

Through this autosuggestion, he gradually accepted and adapted to the pain, and even began to enjoy the strange sensations brought by this pain.

Through constant practice and cultivation, this painful power can be integrated into one's own divine and demonic body-building techniques, making it a unique cultivation method.

In the process of practicing this method, the 'god' has been sublimated, and at the same time it has fed back the physical body, greatly improving his strength and realm.

Yu Liang's self-abuse behavior soon attracted the attention of Li Mochou, Yu Jin and others.

Seeing him in pain but still enjoying himself, everyone thought he was a little crazy, and couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with his obsessive spirit that he practiced.

"Brother Yu, how are you doing recently?"

Hearing Li Mochou's inquiry, Yu Liang asked doubtfully: "What can happen to me?"

"Look at you, you torture yourself every day. Is there something wrong with your cultivation?"

Li Mochou said worriedly: "If you need help, we are all here."

After hearing this, Yu Liang felt warm in his heart. He understood that everyone really cared about him. So, he smiled and shook his head:

"Don't worry, I'm fine. This is actually a special method I practice."

"Special method?"

Hearing this, Yi Yan frowned and said, "Father, what kind of method requires such self-abuse?"

In this regard, Yu Liang explained with a smile: "This is a cultivation method that I have recently learned. Although it seems a bit self-abuse, it actually helps me improve my strength faster."

After hearing this explanation, Li Mochou and Yu Yan looked at each other. They still couldn't understand this method of cultivation, but at least they knew that Yu Liang was not mentally ill and felt a little relieved.

"Are you sure this is really okay?" Li Mochou confirmed again.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Yu Liang smiled and said: "Besides, the effect is not bad."

Although everyone still had some doubts about this, seeing how determined Yu Liang was, they all chose to believe him.

After all, they all know Yu Liang's strength.

"When I perfect this cultivation method, I will teach it to you too."

Li Mochou, Yu Yan and others were all shocked when they heard that Yu Liang was going to teach them the cultivation method.

When they think that they have to practice in this seemingly self-abuse way, it is indeed difficult to accept it.

After all, this method seems a bit abnormal to them, and they can't imagine themselves going through that kind of pain.

"Brother Yu, is this cultivation method really effective?" Li Mochou couldn't help but ask.

"Of course it works."

Yu Liang replied with a smile: "This method may seem painful, but in fact it can stimulate the potential of the human body and sublimate both our body and spirit."

"If you don't believe it, which one of you should try practicing first!"

After hearing this, several people immediately looked at each other, and then all focused on Ember.

"Why are you looking at me?" Yu Yan said in surprise.

"Jin'er, you have the best talent, it's up to you to try it first!" Li Mochou looked at Yu Jin and said with a smile.

"This is acceptable!"

Before Yu Jin could reply, Yu Liang looked at him and nodded and said, "Jin Erqi's cultivation has been stagnant for some time. I just take this opportunity to teach you and help you make a breakthrough!"

When Yi Yan heard this, he couldn't help but show a hint of bitterness on his face.

"Father, I am so strong now. It can be said that no one in this world except you is my enemy, so there is no need to..."

Before Yu Yan finished speaking, Yu Liang waved his hand and interrupted him:

"Jin'er, the way of martial arts is never-ending. You are indeed very strong now, but that doesn't mean you have no room for improvement. Martial arts training is not only for the sake of being strong and winning, but also for exploring one's own strength. Limit, pursue a higher realm.”

After hearing this, Yi Jin was speechless. He knew that his father's words made sense, and he might actually be a little proud and complacent. So, he nodded and said respectfully:

"What my father taught me is that children are willing to learn from their father and strive to break through their own limits."

After hearing this, Yu Liang nodded with satisfaction. He patted Yu Jin's shoulder and said, "Very good, Jin'er. If you have such a mentality, I believe you will be able to achieve greater achievements in martial arts."

In fact, when Yu Liang said this, in addition to hoping that Yi Jin could make a breakthrough in martial arts, he also had a desire to let Yi Jin experience the pain of training that he had experienced.

"Made, your father has suffered so much recently and his self-abuse behavior doesn't allow you to laugh at yourselves in your heart. I'll let you have a taste of it today!"

Immediately, Yu Liang began to teach Yi Yan.

Starting from the basics, proceeding from the shallower to the deeper, let Yi Yan gradually understand and master this 'painful' cultivation method.

Then, two ‘masochists’ appeared on Zhoushan!

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