After exchanging a few words,

Qu Yang told why he came here.

Yu Liang's master Ma Wu went to Heimuya, the main altar of the Sun Moon God Sect, to ask for an opportunity for his direct disciple Yu Liang to learn the magical power.

Although Ma Wu is in a semi-retired state, he has made great contributions to the religion after all. In addition, he has many old friends in the religion, so this matter is not difficult to handle.

But unfortunately, he went to Blackwood Cliff at the wrong time.

In recent times, people from the Beggar Clan have frequently appeared in the territory of the Sun and Moon God Sect.

Although there has been no large-scale head-on conflict, there have been many secret confrontations.

In order to find out the purpose of the Beggar Clan, one needs to go to the head of the Beggar Clan to inquire about the information.

The headquarters of the Beggar Clan is located on Junshan Island in Dongting Lake.

This is an island surrounded by water and is inaccessible to ordinary people.

And it just so happened that 'Water Ghost' Ma Wu appeared at this time, and he was the best person to find out the information.

The elders ordered him to sneak to Junshan Island in Dongting Lake to find out information, and agreed to his request when he came back.

Ma Wu accepted this task and headed to Dongting Lake.

Qu Yang will come here, firstly, to deliver news. After all, Ma Wu will be away for some time, so Mu Niang should not worry.

The second thing is to see his direct disciple.

Friends who hadn't seen each other for many years naturally wanted to get together. During the conversation between the two, Ma Wu kept praising Yu Liang, his disciple.

Qu Yang had never met Yu Liang, so he naturally became very interested in him. He took the opportunity of passing on the news to come here to get in touch to see if he was as good as Ma Wu said.

After some testing, Yu Liang is indeed good in terms of martial arts!

Yu Liang couldn't help but feel worried after hearing what Qu Yang said that his master had actually accepted the task of going to the chief helm of the Beggar Clan to find out information for him.

Qu Yang saw his worries and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about the old ghost. With his ability, it is easy to sneak into Junshan Island. There will be no problems. Don't worry!"

Hearing what Qu Yang said, Yu Liang became even more worried.

In his opinion, anyone who makes such an oath beforehand will have few good results!

Seeing that Yu Liang's expression became more solemn after listening to his words, Qu Yang said with a smile: "Since you are so worried about Master Qi, then come with me to find him!"

Hearing these words, Yu Liang was stunned. He had no intention of going to the master!

Seeing that he didn't respond, Qu Yang's expression changed slightly and he said calmly: "Why, you don't want to go?" "Are you just pretending to be worried about the master?"

Hearing the question, Yu Liang quickly shook his head: "No, I'm afraid that I will drag the master down if I go!"

You are not afraid of opponents who are like tigers, but you are afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

Ma Wu was performing a latent mission, and Yu Liang was a novice about it. If he went there rashly and dragged down his master, that would be bad!

"Don't worry about that!"

Qu Yang smiled and said, "I'm here with you on this trip, so you don't have to worry about anything!"

Just when Yu Liang wanted to continue to refuse, the master's wife Mu Niang suddenly said: "Yu Liang, just go and have a look!"

Hearing what the Master's Wife had said, Yu Liang swallowed back what he wanted to say. He didn't expect that the Master's Wife would agree.

"Hahaha, that's right!"

"The chick will never grow into an eagle unless it is released."

In response to Qu Yang's words, the master's wife nodded and said, "Yu Liang, this trip to Dongting Lake can be regarded as an experience for you."

"With Elder Qu and your master here, your safety can be guaranteed."

When the words came to this point, Yu Liang nodded and agreed.

"Okay, Master, I'm going to pack my bags and accompany Elder Qu to Dongting Lake to find Master!"


Qu Yang said: "You don't need to pack anything. I have prepared everything. You just need to set off with me right now!"

His words had to make Yu Liang suspect that the real purpose of his trip was to take Yu Liang to Dongting Lake.

"In that case, let's go!"

Shi Niang and Shuixiang sent Yu Liang outside the courtyard gate

An ordinary carriage was parked not far away, and a young man holding a riding crop stood beside it.

"Master's wife, Shuixiang, I'm leaving!"

Yu Liang bent down to say goodbye, and went to the carriage with Qu Yang.


Listening to the young man's name for Qu Yang, Yu Liang couldn't help but take another look at him. Is this man Qu Yang's son?

In his memory, Qu Yang only brought his granddaughter Qu Feiyan with him when he appeared on the stage. The grandfather and grandson were dependent on each other, which proved that his son and daughter-in-law were dead.

It is not known how he died.

In Yu Liang's mind, a bad premonition suddenly flashed at this moment.

Could it be that Qu Yang's son died during this trip to Dongting Lake?

After a second thought, he asked for confirmation: "I'm Yu Liang, I wonder what you call me?"

"Qu Sheng next!"

"Brother Qu Sheng, have you ever been married?"

Regarding this nonsensical question, Qu Sheng was stunned for a moment, but he still casually replied: "Not married yet!"


Yu Liang smiled and nodded. It seemed that he was overthinking. If this trip was dangerous, how could Qu Sheng, who didn't even have a wife, get a daughter?

"Get in the car and chat on the roadside if you have something to say. There's plenty of time!"

Qu Yang entered the carriage and called out to Yu Liang and Qu Sheng outside.

Hearing the sound, Yu Liang immediately entered the carriage, and Qu Sheng also sat down on the carriage.


He waved the whip in his hand to drive the horses to pull the cart forward.

The space in the carriage is not large. In addition to the two people, there is also a wooden box and a piano, so it seems a bit crowded.

Qu Yang opened the wooden box, and Yu Liang glanced around. There were many tattered and rotten bamboo slips piled in the wooden box.

What's this?

Before Yu Liang could ask, the other party picked up one of the bamboo slips and explained, "This is a bamboo slip from the Han Dynasty."

Bamboo slips from the Han Dynasty, Yu Liang immediately remembered that Qu Yang was obsessed with music. In order to find the lost "Guangling San", he excavated twenty-nine ancient tombs before the Jin Dynasty, and finally found Cai Yong's tomb. Only then did something gain.

Digging graves, not for treasures, but for music scores, Yu Liang didn't know how to evaluate this elder Qu Yangqu!

Watching him throw the bamboo slips in his hand aside, he must have not found what he wanted in them.

Yu Liang picked up the bamboo slips curiously and wanted to see what information was recorded on the bamboo slips from the Han Dynasty.

What is this stuff?

The bamboo slips were full of words, but Yu Liang didn't recognize any of them and frowned slightly.

Qu Yang's voice suddenly sounded in my ears: "This is a Taoist scripture!"

Turning to look at him, Qu Yang also looked up at Yu Liang and continued to explain: "The characters used by Taoism are different from the characters circulated in the world, and the characters used by each Taoist school are different due to their different understanding of Tao. All the same.”

"If there is no special study on this, few people can understand these remaining Taoist scriptures."

Yu Liang shook his head slightly, put down the incomprehensible bamboo slips in his hands, and secretly thought that these Taoist priests were really boring. Now that they had written everything down, they still had to make it so confusing that no one could understand it.

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