"Is the shopkeeper here?"

A question broke the silence of the bookstore

Yu Liang raised his head and looked around.

A young scholar in a green shirt walked into the bookstore.

His eyes wandered among the scattered books on the bookshelf, and he held a thick stack of manuscripts in his hands.

It doesn't look like he is here to buy books, but has other intentions.

Yu Liang stood up and greeted him with a smile: "I am the shopkeeper. What do you do for me?"

The young scribe looked polite. He bowed slightly and saluted, and then slowly said, "Shopkeeper, can you keep your script?"

Yu Liang noticed the paper manuscript in his hand and already had some guesses in his mind.

"I accept it, but I have to check the content of the story you wrote first."

Upon hearing this, the young scribe immediately handed the manuscript in his hand carefully to Yu Liang.

Yu Liang took the manuscript and read it slowly.

This is a wild fox-type story about a scholar and a vixen. Although the plot is a bit cliché, the writing is smooth and the words are precise.

Thinking that the bookstore does not have many books at this time, if it can be collected, it can be regarded as filling up the facade.

Yu Liang gently closed the manuscript and looked at the slightly nervous young man in front of him.

"Well, although the story is old-fashioned, the writing is acceptable. I wonder what price you expect?"

When the young scribe heard Yu Liang's evaluation, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes. Then he replied respectfully: "As long as the shopkeeper is willing to include my storybook, you can decide the price."

Yu Liang felt an urgency and desire from his words. He must be in urgent need of money now, and he had been to other bookstores before coming here. Since no one accepted them, he came to this remote place.

Yu Liang thought for a moment and then gave a price of one: "How about this? I'll give you ten taels of silver."

Although this price is a bargain, it is not a low price if no one takes it.

The young scribe hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed: "Thank you, shopkeeper, for your generosity!"

Yu Liang nodded, took out ten taels of silver from the drawer and handed it to the young scribe.

The young scribe took the silver with unconcealable joy on his face.

"I am Liu Yongyuan, from Fu County, Chang'an. If a new storybook is completed in the future, I wonder if the shopkeeper will still be willing to include it?" He asked tentatively.

Regarding the question he asked, Yu Liang smiled slightly and shook his head.

"If it's the same subject, there's no need to send it again."

Hearing this answer, Liu Yongyuan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He also understood the reason behind it. There were too many storybooks like his on the market, unless the writing style was particularly amazing or the plot was interesting. If you innovate, it will be difficult to sell.

Yu Liang spoke to him again and said: "But if it is a storybook with other themes, if you have written it, you can only show it to me for a look. As long as it is well written, I will accept it."

He took a deep breath, thanked Yu Liang, turned around and left the bookstore.

Yu Liang watched his figure disappear around the corner of the street.

Sit back at the counter.

Yu Liang carefully read the newly received picture book again.

As the author's first-hand manuscript, its role is not only to provide a template for publication and printing.

It also allows readers to immerse themselves in the storyline depicted in the storybook and experience the content of the story immersively.

Young scholars study hard under the lamp, working tirelessly to gain fame.

A woman transformed into a vixen quietly appeared in the scholar's life with an otherworldly beauty.

Although Yu Liang is speaking from the perspective of a reader, he can also experience the scholar's surprise and joy, and feel the vixen's tenderness and charm.

Smell the fragrance of ancient books, hear the melodious sound of the piano, and feel the unforgettable love...

Their meeting, getting to know each other, falling in love, and finally parting.

This immersive reading experience makes Yu Liang feel like he is in a fantasy dream.

He is no longer a bystander, but truly integrated into the story, breathing the same breath and sharing the fate of the characters in the book.

Experience their joys and sorrows, feel their joys and sorrows.

This experience was so profound and real, as if he himself was the scholar, experiencing an unforgettable love story.

When Yu Liang slowly closed the storybook, his eyes sparkled.

This is the power of Wen Dao!

Can use words to build a rich and colorful world, allowing readers to directly experience the content depicted in the storybook in spirit.

Put yourself in that world personally, feel the emotional fluctuations of the characters, and experience the ups and downs of the plot. Every detail seems to be at your fingertips and you are completely immersed in it.

After reading this story.

Yu Liang also derived the idea of ​​writing a storybook.

What should I write about?

Otherwise, just write "The Condor Shooting"!

Storytelling is not something that can be written casually. It requires the author to devote his efforts and sincere emotions in order to create a fascinating story and have the effect of allowing people to immerse themselves in the storyline.

Otherwise, it's just a pile of paper on which to write a story.

As for "Shooting the Condor", Yu Liang had personal experience, so unlike the poems he copied, he was completely able to write it out.

Moreover, the protagonists of "The Condor Shooting" are no longer Guo Jing and Huang Rong, but Yu Liang and Li Mochou!

Grab a pen and paper.

Yu Liang began to write word for word.

Time passed little by little, and Yu Liang was completely immersed in his creation.

In his writing, vivid characters began to appear vividly on the page, and exciting plots gradually unfolded.

The protagonist Yu Liang is smart, handsome, and brave...Li Mochou is beautiful, cool, and witty...and the innocent love between them.

Yu Liang meticulously depicts every scene, from the Mongolian grasslands with howling wind and snow, to the flowery Jiangnan water towns, to the mist-shrouded martial arts world, every place is lifelike and lifelike.

As the story progresses, Yu Liang becomes more emotionally involved.

His brushstrokes are like a delicate painter, carefully sketching out colorful martial arts paintings.

Night falls.

The lights in the bookstore are still bright.

Yu Liang was busy writing at his desk, completely forgetting himself.

However, without Yu Liang even noticing, his physical and mental state quietly changed.

His spirit became more and more confused, and his eyes became more and more distracted, as if his soul had left his body and entered the martial arts world he described.

His body also felt a bit hollowed out and exhausted, but he didn't notice it. The pen in his hand was still flying on the paper, and he was tirelessly writing the storybook.

I don’t know how much time has passed, and I don’t know how the outside world has changed.

He only knows that he is creating a martial arts world of his own, a world that allows readers to immerse themselves in it and feel the charm of martial arts.


"It's done!"

When the last stroke fell on the paper, Yu Liang slowly raised his head, his eyes shining with excitement and pride.

"Why am I so tired?"

At this time, Yu Liang realized that his physical condition had become so bad.

"I'll go, this isn't the script, is it?"

There was no delay, and Yu Liang immediately began to rest, regardless of the script of "The Condor Shooting" he had just written.

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