
"This is really a great opportunity that came about accidentally!" Yu Liang sighed secretly.

After feeling the great benefits brought by the 'spiritual light' injecting the martial arts conception into his physical cells, he felt excited in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Liang's eyes quickly turned to his other storybook realm "Martial World".

Unlike "The Condor", the storybook "Martial World" introduces some emerging concepts. It may be because these concepts are too avant-garde and cannot be widely recognized by the public in a short period of time. Therefore, the progress of perfection and concreteness of "Martial World" lags far behind that of "The Condor Shooting".

"It seems that I was too perfunctory about "Martial World" before, and I need to plan a publicity strategy carefully." Yu Liang thought to himself.

His consciousness immediately entered the "Martial World" realm.

After some careful investigation, Yu Liang found that the situation in "Martial World" was quite similar to that of "The Condor Shooting", and it had also been unknowingly eroded by Buddhism, but the current degree of erosion was relatively weak.

In this originally pure "physical power" practice system, some impurities have been quietly mixed in.


"Absorb natural energy, mix it with spiritual power and physical energy in a special ratio to form a brand new immortal energy."


"There are seven body chakras hidden in the human body. Every time a body chakra is broken through, one's own potential can be stimulated and increased, thereby gaining power beyond ordinary people."


"Well, not bad!" After understanding these contents, Yu Liang couldn't help but nodded in approval.

"They are all good things. If that's the case, then let me add fuel to the fire!"

Anyway, in the end, Yu Liang wants to destroy this realm and absorb the 'spiritual light' of its birth, so he no longer cares about the invasion of Buddhism. In the end, it will become his nourishment.

Leave the underground chamber.

Yu Liang walked through the front yard and found Liu Lin who was busy in the bookstore.

"Willow Forest!"

Hearing Yu Liang's voice, Liu Lin immediately put down his work and trotted to him: "Shopkeeper, what are your orders?"

"I give you an important task."

Yu Liang looked at Liu Lin and said in a serious tone: "I want you to spare no effort to promote the script of "Martial World" and make it sell well throughout the Tang Dynasty in the shortest possible time. Can you do it?"

Hearing this, Liu Lin looked troubled: "Shopkeeper, this task is not easy. The Tang Dynasty has a vast territory. If you want the story books to sell well, you must first have a sufficient supply of books. This initial investment is not a small amount."

"You don't have to worry about money."

Yu Liang said calmly: "Just go ahead and do it. If you need any money, just come to me."

Hearing Yu Liang's promise, Liu Lin's confidence increased greatly: "Since the shopkeeper said so, then I will take over this task. I will definitely do my best to make the storybook of "Martial World" sell well in the Tang Dynasty."

"very good!"

Yu Liang nodded with satisfaction, then took out ten gold bars from his arms and handed them to Liu Lin. These were all he picked up while traveling in the Tang Dynasty.

"You can use the money first. If you don't have enough, you can ask me for it."

Liu Lin took the gold bar and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes: "Thank you, shopkeeper, for your trust. I will not let you down."

Yu Liang patted Liu Lin on the shoulder: "I believe in your ability. Go ahead and do your best!"

Immediately, Yu Liang turned around and returned to the underground secret room.

Next, he only needs to wait quietly for the realm to take shape, and then he can pick the fruits.

""Chaos Evolution""

Yu Liang's thoughts once again returned to the secret method passed down to him by his body.

What a gem!

Although Yu Liang did not use it to realize the virtual realm, he discovered another wonderful use of this secret method.

On weekdays, he relies on inhalation and exhalation to maintain a balance between energy consumption and replenishment.

The secret method "Chaos Evolution" is designed for the Realization Realm. It can automatically absorb energy, and the absorption speed and quantity are massive every second.

Yu Liang plans to use this characteristic to open up a new path for his own cultivation.

The energy he consumes to strengthen his body is huge. If he can use the secret method of "Chaos Evolution", he will be able to absorb unlimited amounts of energy around him and provide continuous support for his cultivation path.

Yu Liang tried to combine this secret method with his own practice, feeling the flow and gathering of energy around him.

As the energy continued to pour in, his body began to undergo subtle changes, and every cell seemed to be cheering, enjoying this unprecedented energy feast.

However, at this moment.


With the crazy influx of energy, Yu Liang seemed to feel a huge torrent impacting his body.

"Too much, too much energy!"

Fortunately, Yu Liang was prepared for this situation and had prepared countermeasures.

Therefore, when faced with the surging energy, he did not panic, but quickly adjusted his state and worked hard to control and guide it.

Managing these huge energies is like managing a flood. It requires clever channeling rather than forceful blockage.

Divide them into multiple streams, and under Yu Liang's careful guidance, these stream-like energies begin to trickle into every corner of the body.

Therefore, Yu Liang's physical evolution also accelerated.

With the gentle injection of huge energy, his body seemed to have become a melting pot of martial arts conceptions, and various martial arts conceptions continued to emerge in his body.

These artistic conceptions are like dynamic runes, flashing with mysterious light, wandering and interweaving in Yu Liang's body.

What's more magical is that these martial arts artistic conceptions begin to merge with each other, just like a painter splashing colors on a canvas, together to build a gorgeous painting.

This painting is not only reflected in Yu Liang's body, but also seems to have spirituality, slowly unfolding behind him, forming a shocking vision.

Behind Yu Liang, the light flashes and the atmosphere is magnificent.

The martial arts artistic conception in the painting seems to be given life, slowly rotating and rising with Yu Liang as the center. Sometimes it is like a dragon soaring into the sky, and sometimes it is like a phoenix dancing in the sky. Each artistic conception is vivid and fresh, telling the endless mysteries of martial arts.


Just when Yu Liang's physical body was about to take shape, he forcibly terminated the process, not only breaking the martial arts vision, but also returning the structure that was about to be built in the body to a chaotic state.

"I want more than just this!"

Yu Liang's eyes flashed with ambition. His expectations for himself far exceeded the improvement that this physical evolution could bring.

He knew clearly that if this physical evolution was successfully completed, then this result would become the foundation of his martial arts practice.

However, his goal was far more than that. He longed for a stronger and deeper martial arts foundation to support him to a higher level.

Therefore, at the moment when the physical evolution was about to be completed, Yu Liang resolutely chose to break it. Instantly destroy those martial arts visions and physical structures that were about to take shape, and let them turn back into original nutrients for a stronger foundation in the future.

Continue to practice.

Just when Yu Liang was immersed in practice.

Suddenly, he felt a strange feeling, as if something was attracting him.

Yu Liang immediately opened his eyes and looked, but he saw nothing in the dim underground secret room.


Yu Liang's heart beat violently.

The fluctuations emanating from himself spread around like an eye of exploration.

Yu Liang found the source of the problem in an instant.

"One sight brings wealth."

"Peace in the world."

"Black and White Impermanence!"

These two people want to hook his soul!

"Oh, this person has merged his soul and body, this is not easy to deal with."

"But the order of the Palace Master must be carried out, what should I do?"

"If you can't hook his soul, then take him down with him!"

Yu Liang listened to the conversation between the two, and then saw the two of them swinging the iron chain in their hands, forming a vortex out of thin air, directly sucking Yu Liang in, not even giving him a chance to escape.


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