While the three were having a conversation.

Qu Sheng, who was rowing the boat, suddenly leaned down and shouted softly into the cabin: "There is someone!"

Yu Liang and the other three immediately became more vigilant and leaned forward to look outside.

I saw a fire flickering in the darkness ahead, and a row of small boats was seen approaching their fishing boat in the reflection of the water.

"Qu Yang, it seems we have been ambushed!" Ma Wu said in a solemn tone.

"Damn it, there is a traitor in the church, otherwise how could our whereabouts be leaked!"

Qu Yang hammered the hull angrily, then turned to Ma Wu and said, "Old ghost, it's up to you!"

Ma Wu said coldly: "Let's see!"

Then he said to Yu Liang: "Disciple, let's see how our master can deal with them!"

As he spoke, he picked up a short knife in the cabin and held it in his mouth. He took off his clothes and submerged himself into the water along the edge of the boat. The whole process did not make a single sound.

Not long after Ma Wu set off, Yu Liang saw the fire in the distance begin to shake, and the boats sank to the bottom one by one!

Seeing this, Qu Yang turned around and told Yu Liang with a smile: "I remember that your master once capsized five Japanese pirate ships in the East China Sea, forcing the Japanese people to no longer dare to peep at our divine merchant ships, and every year You will also have to pay a large sum of money to my religion.”


Listening to Qu Yang telling Ma Wu's glorious deeds, Yu Liang focused on the three words "Japanese", and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Qu, the Sun and Moon God Sect still engages in maritime trade?"

Qu Yang replied with a smile: "It seems you don't know yet, this maritime business is very profitable!"

"Every overseas island is equivalent to a mountain of gold and silver. If you bring a ship of goods back to the Ming Dynasty, you can make a lot of money."

"One-third of the annual financial income of the Divine Religion comes from the sea, and not only our Divine Religion is doing this, but other sects and forces are also involved!"

While the two were communicating, Ma Wu had already scuttled seven or eight small boats, and the remaining ones not only did not retreat, but came straight towards them.

Looking at the dark mist behind these small boats, it seems that there are several huge black figures slowly sailing out.

Seeing this, Qu Yang's expression changed and he said seriously: "Yu Liang, as Lao Gui's direct disciple, I must be very good at underwater skills. If something goes wrong later, I'll ask you to lead Qu Sheng out of the water." leave!"

"Dad, I won't leave, I want to be with you!" After hearing Qu Yang's instructions, Qu Sheng immediately retorted excitedly.

"Don't worry, I will leave with Brother Qu when the time comes!" Yu Liang replied.

Seeing the enemy's boat getting closer and closer, Yu Liang took off his clothes, picked up a short gun in the cabin, and dived into the water.

The opponent has too many people to fight head-on. The best way to deal with it is to scuttle all their ships like Master Ma Wu.

The temperature in the water was a bit low at night, so Yu Liang used his internal energy to heat up his body, and then dived into the opponent's boat!

With the help of the power of the water flow, a shot was fired out, and a large hole immediately appeared under the boat, and bursts of shouts from people on the water could be heard.

Without any delay, he turned around and swam under the next boat.

After piercing the fifth ship, the enemy who fell into the water held weapons in his hands and dived into the water to chase Yu Liang.

Seeing them slowly and laboriously swimming towards him, Yu Liang let out a contemptuous smile. He couldn't keep up with him at this level, so he dared to fight with him in the water?

Ignoring them, Yu Liang swam to other boats.

Soon, he met his master Ma Wu who was also building a boat underwater.

Ma Wu pointed upward, letting him float to the surface if he had something to say to him.

The two of them emerged from the water, and Ma Wu immediately said: "Disciple, let's get out of here quickly. These small boats are just the vanguard. There are four large ships behind them, and they are also equipped with special fishing nets. It seems that they are specially designed to deal with the master!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang knew that things were going to be dangerous.

The purpose of these small boats is actually to hold them back. The real killers are the four big boats behind them.

If they don't evacuate and are surrounded by four large ships and the fishing net is thrown, then the master and the disciple will become fish in the net and have no way to escape!

"Let's go!"

The master and apprentice hurried back to the fishing boat and told Qu Yang and his son about the situation.

Not only did Qu Yang not panic, but he said calmly: "Old ghost, Yu Liang, you two take Qu Sheng away. I'll hold them back here and buy you time to escape!"

"Qu Yang, what are you talking about? Have you ever seen me, Ma Wu, abandon my brother and run for his own life?"

"Dad, if you don't leave, I won't leave either!"

"Stop wasting time, no one will be able to leave if you don't leave!"

Ma Wu said to Yu Liang: "Disciple, you take Qu Yang, I will take Qu Sheng, go into the water and go back.

Don't go up to the shore yet. I thought that since they were rounding up on the water, there must be interceptions on the shore. "

"We will march along the coast and wait until we are sure it is safe before we go ashore!"


Without much time to think, the four people immediately entered the water.

Although Qu Yang and Qu Sheng knew how to swim, their speed was much lower than that of Master Yu Liang and his disciples. If they were ignored, Xiao Zhou would soon catch up with them.

One person dragged the other and swam back as fast as possible.

When they were almost approaching the shore, Ma Wu pointed in the south direction, and the four of them continued to swim south along the shore.

They swam all night until the sky turned white and they came across an island in the water before the four of them went ashore to rest.

Ma Wu said: "The Beggar Clan never imagined that not only did we not escape, but we actually came to their main helm."

Hearing this, Yu Liang, Qu Yang, and Qu Sheng turned to look at him at the same time.

Ma Wu pointed forward with his finger and said with a smile: "If you see the island in front of you, that is Junshan Island of the Beggar Clan!"

Looking in the direction of his finger, Junshan Island was less than two or three hundred meters away from them.

"This place is quite safe. I have lurked here many times before when I sneaked into Junshan Island."

"follow me!"

Under the leadership of Ma Wu, the four people came to a hidden bush and saw a small nest made of dead branches and leaves in the center.

Ma Wu got halfway in and took out a package. When he opened it, he saw that it was dry food.

He said to the three people with a smile: "This is what I left here and didn't finish eating. I didn't expect that just one day later, I came back!"

"Here, eat quickly!"

Everyone was given some dry food. Everyone was hungry after a night of escaping, so they all ate hungrily.

Then I just lay down on the ground, too tired to move any more.

"Dad, Senior Ma, what should we do next?" Qu Sheng asked.

After thinking for a while, Qu Yang replied: "Let's hide here for a day or two."

"This time our whereabouts have been leaked, there must be a traitor in the cult, so the previously planned retreat route cannot be used!"

"We can't trust anyone right now and have to re-plan a new route!"

Hearing this, Ma Wu nodded in agreement.

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