
At this moment, Yu Liang knew that if he didn't find a way to get out, his right arm would be in danger.

He took a deep breath, endured the pain, and suddenly hit the monster's head with his left hand.


With a muffled sound, Yu Liang's left fist hit the monster's head firmly.

It also cried out in pain and loosened its big mouth that was biting Yu Liang's right arm.

Yu Liang took the opportunity to break free, stepped back several steps, and stared at the rabbit monster in front of him vigilantly.

Glancing down, he found that his right arm had been bitten to a bloody mess, and blood was dripping.

"Too powerful, I can't fight hard, I still have to find a way to escape!"

Staring at the opponent with his eyes, Yu Liang knew that he couldn't be careless anymore, otherwise he might die here. So he adjusted his blood and gathered his strength to prepare to attack again.

And this time he planned to go all out!

The monster was obviously hurt by Yu Liang's counterattack. It shook its head and roared angrily.

Then, it jumped up with all four limbs and rushed towards Yu Liang again.

Yu Liang was prepared and dodged the attack with a flash. At the same time, he concentrated all his strength on his left leg and swept it out.

With a loud "bang!", Yu Liang's left leg kicked the monster's side hard, kicking it several meters away.

The monster screamed in pain, and Yu Liang took the opportunity to step forward a few steps and punched the monster's head hard, then squatted down and grabbed the monster's tail and threw it away with a strong swing, and then quickly followed up with a kick and stepped hard on the monster's back.

After a set of attacks, it seemed fancy, but in fact Yu Liang knew very well that his attack method did not cause much damage to the opponent.

So without any hesitation, he immediately jumped up and fled quickly into the distance.

I don't know how far he ran.

After making sure that the opponent would not catch up again, Yu Liang stopped and sat aside to rest.

"What the hell is this place? How did I end up here?"

Yu Liang complained again about his embarrassing experience.

"Stop complaining!"

Suddenly, the figure of the original body appeared in Yu Liang's mind.

"You still come here! What were you doing before..." Yu Liang kept complaining to him.

"Get me out of this place quickly, I can't stay in this place for a moment."

Hearing his request, the original body shook his head slightly: "Sorry, I didn't send you here."

"If it's not you? Then who is it?" Yu Liang asked in confusion.

"Don't worry, listen to me and tell you slowly."

"This is what happened..."

After hearing the original body say that he had come when Yu Liang was confronting King Yama, but was stopped by Queen Hou Tu, and that with her blessing, the original body had broken through to the Eternal Golden Immortal, Yu Liang was very happy.

In this way, he would no longer have to hide and could do whatever he wanted!

However, Yu Liang asked the main body in confusion: "Why did the Queen Mother of the Earth bestow a gift?"

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and before the main body could explain, he said with a surprised face: "This is not a transaction, and the object of the transaction is me!"

Pah~ The main body snapped his fingers, then pointed his finger at Yu Liang and said with a smile: "Smart, you thought of the key at once."

"Fuck you!"

Yu Liang directly opened his mouth and sprayed: "We are family, you just sold me out like this?"

"Don't worry, I can't hurt you!" The main body waved his hand.

"Don't worry, you listen to me first, and you won't think so later!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang looked at him in silence, wanting to hear how he explained.

"To be honest, this time is definitely a great opportunity for you to reach the sky in one step."

"What do you mean? Explain it clearly." Hearing this, Yu Liang was also a little moved in his heart, and said hurriedly.

"Do you know where you are now?"

"Where?" Yu Liang answered.

"The Age of Liches!" the main body said slowly.

"The Age of Liches? Didn't it pass long ago? How could I appear in this period of time?" Yu Liang asked in confusion.

The main body explained: "For beings of the level of Hou Tu Niangniang, time and space have no meaning to them."

"Even if the era is reincarnated, they can restore this period of time and space through great magical powers!"

Hiss~ Yu Liang felt terrified when he heard this, but then he asked in confusion: "Since you are so powerful, what is the purpose of sending me here?"

Hearing this question, the main body also shook his head: "To be honest, I don't know why Hou Tu Niangniang did this?"

In this regard, the main body and Yu Liang also thought about it again, and neither of them could think of the key.

"Forget it. We can't guess what's going on at this level."

The main body said indifferently: "Anyway, you can come to this time and space, which is a great opportunity for you. As long as you can seize this opportunity, it is very likely that you will ascend to heaven and become an eternal golden immortal like me."

"Yes!" Yu Liang nodded, thinking that he should also seize this opportunity.

The main body then said: "I will accompany you for this opportunity!"

"What?" Yu Liang heard this and said in surprise: "You will accompany me?"

"Is nothing going to happen? Did you get permission? After all..."

The main body also understood Yu Liang's concerns, and then said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this. In fact, my current situation is just the 'subsystem' that was left in your body."

"'Subsystem'?" Yu Liang said somewhat unclearly: "Is it the golden finger panel?"

"Yeah!" The main body nodded.

Yu Liang said with a look of disgust: "What kind of garbage subsystem? It has so few functions, it's just like tasteless food. It's a pity to throw it away."

Then, he said with a proud face: "My current achievements are all due to my own efforts. Whether I left this subsystem in me or not, the result will be the same."

Hearing this, the main body nodded without denying it, but then smiled and said: "Don't underestimate it. Before, I was just afraid of overthrowing the situation, and many functions were not enabled."

"Now that all subsystem permissions have been opened, you will soon understand how powerful its functions are."

"Really?" Yu Liang said with a smile, "Then I'll wait and see."

Rest where you are.

Yu Liang stood up and prepared to set off to explore this Lich Era.

"Let's go and see this glorious era!"

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