Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 453: Close your eyes and the world will be dark



The originally clear sky suddenly became overcast with thunder and lightning, as if foreshadowing the coming storm.

"The weather is just like changing its face."

Yu Liang looked up at the suddenly changing sky and complained softly.

At first, he didn't take the change of weather seriously, but after a moment, the sky above his head became worse and worse, faintly emitting a kind of pressure like the power of heaven.

Yu Liang immediately realized that something big was going to happen.

He quickly dodged and hid in a corner of a building, secretly observing the situation in the sky.

Sure enough, the dense dark clouds wrapped in lightning, like the sky falling, pressed towards the Golden City.

As the raindrops fell like meteorites, shining with a faint blue luster, the whole Golden City suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light.

Yu Liang noticed that the metal buildings beside him all had a special pattern, and a stream of red light flashed in them.

Then, a dome-like protective shield was formed on the Golden City, blocking the impact of raindrops.

Bang~ Bang~ Bang~

The raindrops hit the dome, constantly emitting a dull roar.

Seeing this scene, Yu Liang was greatly shocked.

He secretly wondered what kind of origin this person had to dare to attack the city of the Zhurong tribe of the Wu clan.


A thunderbolt streaked across the sky, and the dazzling light emitted made Yu Liang notice that there was a burly figure in the dense clouds above his head.

A human body with a python head, covered with black scales, stepping on a black dragon, and holding a green python.

"My God, this can't be Gonggong!" Seeing this figure, Yu Liang complained in his heart.

Then, on the dome of the Golden City, an equally burly phantom gradually emerged.

A human body with a dragon head, covered with red scales, a fire snake pierced his ears, and a fire dragon stepped on his feet.

Seeing this, Yu Liang sighed again in his heart: "Wow, I guessed it right. Yes, who else dares to come here to act wild except Gonggong!"

"Gonggong, Zhurong, these two ancient witches are going to fight!"

Yu Liang thought to himself. At this moment, his only thought was not to hurt innocent people.

Tightened in the corner of the building, his eyes were fixed on the two burly figures in the sky.

Zhurong stepped on the fire dragon, exuding a fiery breath. With his eyes wide open, he confronted Gonggong, and the tension in the air reached its peak.

The dark clouds in the sky became denser, and lightning and thunder intertwined into a terrifying sky.

Gonggong waved the green python in his hand, and the black scales flashed, as if he could devour everything. A roar shook the world like thunder, and then waved the green python to attack the protective shield of the Golden City.

The green python turned into a black lightning in the air, with destructive power, and slammed into the protective shield fiercely.

The red light on the protective shield flickered more violently, as if trying to resist Gonggong's attack.

Facing Gonggong's fierce attack, Zhurong did not show weakness. The fire dragon under his feet soared into the air, turning into a blazing wall of flames, and met Gonggong's green python.

The black lightning and the red flame collided in the air, erupting with a deafening roar.

After a confrontation, the two ancestors continued to launch fierce attacks on each other.

Gonggong's green python circled and danced in the air, sometimes turning into a black lightning, and sometimes turning into a surging black dragon, rushing towards Zhurong.

Zhurong waved his fiery fists, each of which was hot, as if it could melt everything.

The battle became more and more intense, and the two ancestors seemed to have tried their best to defeat each other. Each of their attacks contained the power to destroy the world, making the whole world tremble.

And with his hand, the dimensional space was born and destroyed, as if even time and space became fragile in their battle.

Gonggong roared, swung the green python violently, and tore a black crack in the air.

The crack was surging with unknown terrifying power, as if it was connected to another world.

In the crack, the twisted space and violent turbulence were like a group of imprisoned demons, eager to break free and devour everything.

Gonggong led the crack to the protective shield of the Golden City, wanting to destroy it in one fell swoop.

Seeing this, Zhu Rong exuded a hotter breath, as if he wanted to ignite the whole world.

The fire dragon he stepped on soared into the air and turned into a pillar of flame, rushing straight into the sky.

The pillar of flame contained Zhu Rong's anger and power, supporting a fiery red sky in the air, forming a sharp contrast with the dark clouds.

In that fiery red sky, flames poured down like a waterfall, carrying destructive power.

They intertwined and collided in the air, forming a sea of ​​fire, as if they were going to burn the whole world to ashes.

And the black cracks were constantly twisting and deforming under the impact of the sea of ​​fire, as if they could collapse at any time.

The black cracks collided and intertwined with the fiery red sky in the air, erupting with even more terrifying roars. The whole world seemed to tremble in their battle, and even time and space became chaotic.

Yu Liang hid in the corner of the building, his heart full of shock.

Is this the battle between the ancestors of witches?

Every attack of Gonggong and Zhurong contained the power of destroying the world, making the whole world tremble.

In a moment, the dimensional space was constantly born and destroyed, and even time and space became fragile in their battle, and could be torn or reshaped at any time.

Suddenly, the battlefield changed again.

Yu Liang felt that the whole world had darkened, as if covered by a thick curtain.

What happened?

His heart was full of doubts and uneasiness.

In this darkness, Yu Liang felt not only his body, but also his heart as if covered by a layer of haze, which made him feel depressed and suffocated.

As darkness fell, Gonggong and Zhurong, the two ancestors of witches, stopped fighting and glared at each other.

"Say something, what's going on?" Yu Liang asked the subsystem nervously.

"A stronger existence came to persuade them to stop fighting!" The subsystem responded with a hint of solemnity in his voice.

Stronger existence?

Yu Liang looked up at the sky after hearing this, but found nothing else.


The system function started, and Yu Liang could vaguely see a scarlet eye in the dark night.

The eye revealed a palpitating breath, as if it could see through everything.

At this moment, the other party seemed to have detected Yu Liang's spying and his eyes fell on him.

Yu Liang suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and not only his flesh and blood, but also his soul seemed to be frozen.

A strong sense of fear surged in his heart, as if he was facing an irresistible existence.

Fortunately, the other party withdrew his gaze in just a moment, and Yu Liang suddenly felt like he had survived a disaster. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his inner fear.

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