
Yu Liang stood in front of the altar, looking at the altar that had lost its power.


As the system's ability was activated, a huge torrent of information continued to flow into Yu Liang's mind.

All the information about the altar was discovered by him.

After Yu Liang activated the "Insight" ability, he gradually understood the specific composition and principle of the runes above.

These runes are not simple patterns, but contain profound laws and cosmic truths.

They are arranged and combined in a special way to form a channel that can communicate with unknown forces and convert them into energy required by semi-virtual creatures.

The value of these runes, their existence is not only to maintain the life of semi-virtual creatures, but also may hide the key to a higher realm.

Yu Liang memorized the knowledge of these runes as a precious treasure on his path of cultivation.

"This place is good, just right for me to continue practicing!"

Yu Liang sat cross-legged on the altar with a smile and began his journey of cultivation.

He closed his eyes, and the whole person seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment, emitting a faint light all over his body.

As he breathed deeper, the energy around him began to surge, like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, and gathered towards him.

Under Yu Liang's guidance, these energies flowed in his body along a mysterious trajectory, nourishing his body and making his breath stronger and stronger.

Although the runes on the altar had collapsed, the remaining power was still stimulated under Yu Liang's guidance, echoing with his power, forming a wonderful resonance. This resonance greatly increased Yu Liang's cultivation speed.

He continued the practice that was interrupted before.

He summarized and created a special method of cultivation.

The core of this method of cultivation is to make his body and power undergo a simulated "collapse" process.

In this process, his volume will feel smaller and smaller, but his swallowing power will become stronger and stronger, just like a black hole, which can absorb all the energy around.

Yu Liang is very clear about the power of black holes. Although there is a "hole" in the name, it is not a real hole, but a celestial body with a mass limit. Its gravity is so strong that even light cannot escape. It is one of the most mysterious and powerful existences in the universe.

As the practice progressed, Yu Liang felt that his body seemed to have really turned into a black hole, and the surrounding energy was attracted to him and poured into his body.

And he also accepted everything. No matter what energy entered his body, it would become his nourishment after collapse and condensation.

Time passed quietly.

Yu Liang was immersed in the practice. Unconsciously, the energy around him became thinner, which was enough to prove the horror of his devouring ability.


Yu Liang stood up, stretched his muscles and bones, and felt the surging power in his body. He knew that it was time to leave this place.

He walked out of the canyon, thinking that the war between the witches and liches should be over.

Although this Jiuyou Land is a good place for practice, Yu Liang does not want to stay here for a long time.

So, he decided to leave.

He began to drill into the ground headfirst.

However, just before he went deep into the ground, a huge thing drilled out from the ground.

"Another zombie!"

Yu Liang looked at the zombie in front of him and couldn't help but think of the fungus.

Although his strength had greatly increased and he was different from the past, he still didn't want to confront the group of things head-on.

He originally planned to retreat and bypass the opponent, but the zombie seemed to have no intention of letting him go and rushed towards him directly.

"Yo, I don't want to bother with you, you thought I was afraid of you!" Yu Liang didn't indulge it, and rushed forward and punched it.

With a bang, although the zombie was repelled by him, Yu Liang stopped in place and stared at the other party. He thought to himself: What's going on? This zombie seems to be different from the ones I encountered before. Its body is extremely hard and its strength is also extremely great. Moreover, it doesn't seem to be parasitized.

The repelled zombie was also stunned in place, as if it was surprised why Yu Liang's strength was so great? It could actually knock itself out?

However, only a moment later, the zombie roared again and rushed towards Yu Liang with its teeth and claws.

Yu Liang took it seriously and rushed forward and punched it in the chest again.

But this time the zombie was not repelled. Instead, a strange red light appeared all over its body. It not only melted the force of Yu Liang's attack, but also shot two red lights from its eyes straight into Yu Liang's face.

Yu Liang dodged with his head turned sideways, then suddenly raised his right fist and swung it at the zombie's temple.

"Knock your head off!"

He roared in his heart and used the new attack moves he created during his training - one punch to break all methods!

This punch was not fancy at all. As long as the fist was too heavy and the power was strong enough, everything was paper in front of it.

The zombie's huge body also fell to the ground under the heavy punch.

Seeing this scene, Yu Liang was surprised and exclaimed: "It didn't explode. How hard is this body?"

He moved his mind and used the "insight" technique. All the information about this zombie appeared in his mind. It turned out that this zombie was different from the ones he had encountered before. It was not a dead body, but a strange beast that was eroded and mutated by the evil spirit of heaven and earth.

Although this kind of zombie is more powerful, it has a fatal weakness, that is, it has no brain and all its actions are based on instinct. Yu Liang couldn't help but compare it with the zombies he encountered before.

One is weak but intelligent, and the other is strong but brainless. Yu Liang thought, if these two are combined, wouldn't it be perfect?

Thinking of this, Yu Liang was no longer in a hurry to leave. He took this zombie back to the canyon again, intending to try it out.

Although Yu Liang had problems with his cultivation before, he later turned the danger into safety and created a new method of cultivation. However, his previous method of cultivation was not abandoned, but integrated into the new method.

Yu Liang pulled out a hair and inserted it between the zombie's eyebrows. This hair seemed to be alive, and it drilled into the zombie's brain all of a sudden, and then began to grow and multiply, spreading to every part of the zombie's body, forming a huge net.

"Stand up!" As Yu Liang's mind moved, the zombie stood up under his control.

"Take two steps!" Yu Liang ordered again.

Looking at the zombie in front of him marching, Yu Liang felt a strange feeling surge in his heart, as if he had an extra vision.

"This clone is good!" He nodded with satisfaction, "In the future, I will hide behind him and let him carry the load in front."

Yu Liang was very satisfied with his new "clone".

Although this zombie has no brain, its body is extremely strong and is under his control. In the future, he can hide behind him and let this zombie take all the attacks for him in front.

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