At Heimu Cliff, Ma Wu and Qu Yang talked for a long time.

Seeing that it was getting late, Yu Liang, his master Ma Wucai and Qu Yang said goodbye and left Heimu Cliff to the small town at the foot of the mountain.

Opened two rooms in the inn.

"Have a rest for the night and we'll go back tomorrow!"

"Okay Master!"

Yu Liang came to the room, sat cross-legged on the bed, and opened the copied secret book to study.

"What about Daizong"!

‘What’s up with Daizong’ is the most profound skill among the swordsmanship of the Taishan School.

When facing an enemy, you can calculate the opponent's martial arts, height, weight, wind speed, weather, lighting, weapons and other factors.

Once the calculation is accurate, the sword strikes out, and all hits are missed!

Although ‘Daizong Hao’ is powerful, its shortcomings are also obvious. The calculation is too complicated!

In battle, life and death often only take a moment.

If the calculation can't be completed in an instant, then 'What about Daizong' is useless!

Because the computing power required by the performer is too abnormal, no descendants except the founder can fully master this unique skill.

The reason why Yu Liang chose this stunt was entirely because of its calculation skills!

The right hand holds the sword, and the left hand counts with the fingers.

You can coordinate and calculate so many elements with just one hand. Don’t be too strong in this calculation skill!

Opening the secret book, the prerequisite for practicing "How is Daizong" is to first learn the "Xiao Liuren", "Da Liuren", "Plum Blossom Yishu", "Four Pillars and Eight Characters", "Taiyi Shen Shu" and "Ziwei Dou Shu"!

For a normal person, just taking the first step in this practice would have to spend at least ten years studying.

But this is not difficult for Yu Liang at all. The only difficulty is where to learn this knowledge!

"It seems that I have to go back!"

Putting the secret book away, Yu Liang closed his eyes again and recalled the "Tai Chi Sutra".

If you want to understand this scripture, you must first understand the yin and yang in the human body!

According to medical theory: The human body has five internal organs, the five internal organs are yin, and the six internal organs are yang.

The yin and yang here refers to the relationship between yin and yang to describe the relationship between the five internal organs and the six internal organs in the human body.

The five internal organs: heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

Their main function is to store essence and yin.

Six Fu organs: gallbladder, small intestine, stomach, large intestine, bladder and triple burner.

Their main function is to absorb and transmit water and grain into Yang.

In addition, yin and yang are divided into parts of the body, with the back as yang and the abdomen as yin.

The harmony, harmony and unity of yin and yang described in the Tai Chi Sutra should describe the mutual regulation of the internal organs of the human body.

As for the mechanism of movement and stillness, the inside and outside are integrated, hard and soft!

Yu Liang felt that this was explaining how to practice cultivation.

But he doesn't know exactly how to do it yet. He needs to learn more about yin and yang, the internal organs and the like to confirm it.

Yu Liang couldn't help but think that if he could obtain the complete inheritance of Wudang Sect, his study of the 'Tai Chi Sutra' would be faster and more accurate!

It's a pity that he has already worshiped Ma Wu as his disciple. Not only can he not join another sect, but he has also been labeled as the Sun and Moon God Sect. It is no longer possible to obtain the inheritance of the Wudang Sect.

Realizing that it was getting late and he had to rush back tomorrow, Yu Liang stopped thinking about it and lay down on the bed to rest.

Early the next morning.

Yu Liang got up and went out, only to find that his master, who always got up earlier than him, was still in the room today.

Come to the room and knock on the door gently.


"Master, are you up?"

After a while, there was no reaction inside.

Yu Liang knocked on the door again.


"Master, are you awake?"

Still no response.

Yu Liang frowned and knocked on the door again.

"Master, are you okay?"

Bang ~

Kicking the door open, he strode in and saw his master lying peacefully on the bed.

Feeling something bad going on in my heart, I hurried forward to check.

"Master, Master!"

I called a few times, but got no response.

He grabbed his wrist and checked his pulse.

The pulse beats quickly, accompanied by a thin and mature pulse.

"how so!"

Yu Liang thought the diagnosis was wrong and took off his master Ma Wu's shirt.

It was seen that in addition to his upper body being covered with various old scars, his originally plump body actually shrank slightly.

"San Gong!"

A warrior's body is full of energy and blood. Once he becomes discouraged, his end is approaching!

Yu Liang quickly sealed several of Master Ma Wu's acupuncture points, and then began to explore his body.

I found that there was a hidden chill in Master Ma Wu's abdomen at this moment, and I could feel it even by touching his abdomen with my hand.

After Yu Liang's in-depth investigation, he found that there was actually a cold air entrenched in the kidney of Master Ma Wu.

Medical books say: The kidneys store essence, and kidney yang is the foundation of all yangs in the human body and the foundation of the whole body!

"This is how to do!"

Even though Yu Liang was familiar with medical books, he was unable to do anything when faced with this situation.

Let yourself calm down first and don't panic when something happens.

This is under the black wood cliff of the main altar of the Sun and Moon God Sect. There will definitely be a medical master!

"The waiter!"

Yu Liang shouted loudly!

"Sir, what are your orders?"

A waiter ran over immediately.

"My master is sick. Hurry up and find a famous doctor for him. Listen, my master is a famous figure in the Sun and Moon God Sect. You must find a famous doctor with the best medical skills!"

"Don't worry, sir, I'll go find the little one right now!"

Seeing the waiter running out, Yu Liang loudly called the shopkeeper over.

"Sir, what are your orders?"

"Immediately send someone to the Sun Moon God Sect to deliver a message to Elder Qu Yangqu. Tell him that his brother Ma Wu's life is in danger and ask him to come to his rescue quickly!"

To be able to open an inn under the Blackwood Cliff, the innkeeper must naturally have something to do with the Sun and Moon God Sect.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll send you the news right away!"

The shopkeeper left to find someone to deliver the news.

After an appointment with the incense stick, the waiter of the store led an old doctor to come to diagnose and treat Master Ma Wu.

During the process of taking his pulse and exploring his condition, the other person kept frowning and shaking his head slightly from time to time.

"Doctor, can you treat my master?"

The other party stood up, raised his hands to Yu Liang and apologized: "Please forgive me for my shallow medical skills and my incompetence!"

Yu Liang didn't want to say anything more and waved his hand to let him leave.

"Xiao Er, what kind of doctor are you looking for? I want a famous doctor, do you understand? It's a famous doctor!"

After hearing his reproach, the waiter said helplessly: "Sir, this is the most famous doctor in our town!"

Yu Liang just wanted to get angry, but he endured it. The waiter had done his best and there was no need to anger him.

Another half hour passed

Qu Yang rushed over after receiving the news.

"what happened?"

He rushed to Ma Wu's bed, saw him lying on the bed, and immediately grabbed his wrist to check his pulse.

"No, this old ghost is suffering from an old illness!"

He took out a jade bottle from his arms, poured out a small red pill, and stuffed it into Ma Wu's mouth.


Seeing Qu Yang reaching out for something, Yu Liang immediately poured him a glass of water.

He opened Ma Wu's mouth, poured the water in, and took the medicine into his body.

"Yu Liang, your master's problem has been temporarily stabilized, but it won't last long!"

"You stay here with your master these days, and I'll go find Ping Yizhi to treat him!"

With that said, Qu Yang quickly left the inn.

The famous murderer is flat with one finger!

Hearing that Qu Yang went to see this man to treat his master, Yu Liang felt relieved. His medical skills were not just a boast!

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