Return to ‘Swordsman’

In the inn, as soon as Yu Liang woke up, he loudly called the waiter over.

"The waiter!"

"Sir, what are your orders?"

"Go, find someone for me, I want him to do something for me!"

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment!"

Without much effort, a tall young man came to Yu Liang's room carrying a little girl who looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old on his shoulders.

After putting the little girl on the bed, the waiter who came in later asked with a smile:

"Sir, are you satisfied?"

Seeing this, Yu Liang was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the waiter in the shop might have mistaken his intention. He didn't want a 'romantic woman'!

"Xiaoer, you!"

"Oh, forget it, get out!"

Everyone has already arrived, and Yu Liang doesn't want to explain anything anymore. It all looks the same to him anyway.

The waiter bent down, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile on his face: "Sir, I wish you a pleasant stay!"

He took out two taels of silver and put it in his palm: "Go out. No one is allowed to come in and disturb me without my instructions."


The waiter left the room and closed the door tightly.

Yu Liang came to the bed and looked at the little girl who had stripped naked and got into the bed. She was sticking half of her head out and staring at him with big watery eyes.

"Get up and put on your clothes!"

"Master, aren't you going to bed?"

"I said, put on your clothes!" Yu Liang's tone became a little more serious.

The other party was frightened and immediately opened the quilt and put on his clothes.

"Every word I say next, you must listen carefully and carefully. During this period, you are not allowed to make any other movements or have any thoughts of resistance. Do you understand me?"

"Well, Juhua understands!"

Hearing the little girl's answer, Yu Liang couldn't help but complain: What the hell is this name! It’s not good to choose between plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, why should I choose chrysanthemum!

"First, lie down straight on the bed."

Following Yu Liang's instructions, the little girl lay down on the bed.

"Close your eyes and relax!"

"Slowly, you will feel that your body is very tired!"

"A tired body makes you want to rest!"

"Relax your whole body and slowly fall asleep."

"While you were sleeping, you had a dream. In the dream, you came to a winding path. Walking slowly step by step, you crossed this path and came to a valley with particularly beautiful scenery."

“The sun shines softly, casting a golden halo over the valley.

In the valley, clear streams gurgled, as if singing the praises of nature.

The stream flows through the rocks and jungle, shimmering with silver light.

In the stream, there are a few leisurely small fish playing happily..."

Yu Liang used soft words to lead the little girl into a sweet dream.

Then he tiptoed to the piano and started playing.

The gentle music of the piano echoed in the room. He looked up at the hypnotized little girl lying on the bed. She really resonated with the music.

With a sweet smile on her face, her tight body stretched out wantonly, and she assumed various comfortable postures from time to time.

After the song ended, the other party was still immersed in a sweet dream.

Yu Liang picked up a string with his little finger and strummed it hard. The sharp sound immediately woke him up.

Sitting up suddenly and looking up into Yu Liang's eyes, the little girl wanted to speak: "Young Master, me!"

But Yu Liang stretched out his hand and interrupted: "Don't make any sound, keep lying down!"

The other party is obedient and lies down.

Yu Liang hypnotized him again: "Close your eyes and relax!"

“Imagine yourself floating above the clouds!”


Just now, he was just testing to make the other party resonate with the sound of the piano.

This time, if he tries the 'hypnosis' function!

Suppress the little girl's subjective consciousness, release her subconscious, and control her body to do things she thinks she can't do!

"Raise your left hand!"

After hearing Yu Liang's instructions, the little girl raised her left hand obediently.

"Raise your right hand!"

The opponent raised his right hand again.

"Get up, get out of bed!"

Watching her get up and get out of bed, Yu Liang continued to give instructions.

"Lift your right leg straight up and squat down with your left leg!"

Such a difficult movement was actually completed easily by a weak woman on the other side.

"very good!"

Stand on both legs, do backflips, frontflips...

Yu Liang had almost finished the test, so he asked her to lie back on the bed and plucked the strings with her fingers to wake her up directly.

The little girl's first reaction when she woke up was that she felt sore all over her body and kept beating it with her hands.

"Okay, it's okay now, you can go!"

Yu Liang opened the door and found the man who had brought the little girl standing at the door.

Seeing the door open, he walked straight in, put the little girl on his shoulders again, and left without saying a word.

He called the waiter in the shop and asked him to find another one for him. Yu Liang also specifically asked him to find a 'normal person', a man!

Soon, the waiter sent a young man to the room, but when he closed the door and left, he glanced at Yu Liang in a strange way.

No need to think about it, the waiter in this shop is thinking wrong again!

Yu Liang ignored it and pulled the boy up to do the hypnosis experiment again!

The human body actually has huge potential!

From the perspective of modern medicine, the human body is like a precision instrument, and people cannot even use this instrument one-tenth!

The human brain is one of the most complex organs in the human body. It is composed of billions of neurons, and each neuron is closely connected with other neurons.

Ordinary people do not develop even one tenth of their brains!

Every organ in the human body has a special magical ability to secrete a substance with magical effects: hormones!

The most familiar ones are adrenaline, insulin, growth hormone, etc.

Some illegal drugs are made based on these hormones, which can allow the human body to explode with extraordinary abilities in a short period of time.

These things are usually hidden in the human body, and even if you dig out just a little, you can show extraordinary abilities!

Hypnosis is a method that can stimulate the human body's potential!

Human's own subjective consciousness is the biggest shackles on the human body.

In many things, the subjective consciousness of predecessors has made judgments before implementation, thinking that they can't do it.

This also leads to the fact that things that could have been accomplished cannot be accomplished if they are restricted by consciousness!

In the records, there are many things that were thought to be impossible, but they were accomplished, and people later called them miracles!

What impressed Yu Liang most deeply was the glorious deeds of the "Long Live Army".

Running one hundred and forty-five miles in one night, this is still carrying weapons and equipment weighing dozens of kilograms, in the rugged mountains, under constant firefights from the enemy!

It was like the arrival of heavenly soldiers and generals, catching the enemy by surprise.

Until the end of the war, everyone was conducting tactical deductions. Even if the facts were before their eyes, people still couldn't believe that this could be done by humans.

Facing this miracle, people can only explain it with iron will, lofty ideals and tenacious spirit!

There are also people who caught a child who fell from the sixth floor with their bare hands, and a mother lifted the car with one hand to save her child...

When accomplishing these feats, they never considered whether they could do it or not.

But there is only one thought in my heart, that is, it must be completed!

I can, I can, I can!

This firm belief generated by self-hypnosis will prompt the human body to naturally make some emergency responses, such as secreting adrenaline, cortisol, dopamine...

In this way, the human body can do extraordinary things.

Just like other illegal drugs, it stimulates the nerves of the human brain to put the spirit in a state of excitement, allowing the body to respond in an emergency, thereby allowing the human body to perform beyond its normal capabilities.

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