Early next morning

After getting up and washing up, as soon as they arrived downstairs, three old neighbors stretched out their hands to Yu Liang and praised him: "Xiao Yu, I heard that you saved a little girl yesterday. It's really good!"

"Hey, there's no need to save her. I just helped a little girl who was choked to spit out something. It's not a big deal at all!"

"I'm going to work first!"

Watching Yu Liang leave with a smile, the three old neighbors kept praising him as a good boy.

"Xiao Yu is such a good kid!"

"He doesn't have a partner yet, does he?"

"Well, it seems so!"

"Whoever can live with him will be blessed!"

"Let's help him look for it. If there is a good girl somewhere, we can introduce it to him!"

"Well, not bad, that's right!"

After breakfast, he came to the store, Yu Liang cleaned up a little, and then came to the door to exercise.

one two three four five six seven eight

two two three four five six seven eight

The simplest movements can move every part of the body.

"Good morning, Xiao Yu, how about exercising?"

"Yeah, it's good to exercise!"

After what happened yesterday, the people around him were much more enthusiastic towards Yu Liang than usual.

After the exercise, Yu Liang returned to the store to rest.

Balance work and rest, play with your phone for a while, and then study!

As soon as I turned on my phone, I found that the first short video pushed was about him saving someone yesterday.

The whole incident was recorded from beginning to end.

Seeing that many people had 'liked' the short video, Yu Liang was originally in a good mood.

But after reading the comment section, an unknown fire suddenly rose in my heart.

In the comments, many people were trolling him.

The reason is that he took action too late!

He obviously had the ability to save people, but he waited until the last moment to take action, which made the injured little girl suffer for so long for nothing.

Yu Liang was so angry!

Did he act late on purpose?

The reason why he didn't take action immediately at first was because the previous person's 'Heimlich maneuver' was completely correct.

Even if he went up for treatment, he would still use this method.

The method was correct, and someone had already done it, so Yu Liang naturally didn't need to step forward.

Later, when he saw that it was of no use, he thought about it again before coming up with a new method for first aid.

In addition to those who trolled Yu Liang in the comment area, there were also those who trolled the high school student, saying that he had no ability to save people and still wanted to show off.

There is also the person who criticized the man who said the "Heimlich maneuver", saying that he clearly knew the first aid method, but he chose not to save people, and he had no conscience at all.

There are also those who criticize that woman, saying that she knows how to cry without any brain!

There are even those who criticize the companies that produce that kind of candy and criticize society...

Anyway, it’s just mindless trolling. As long as you can point out the slightest mistake, you can troll whoever you catch!

In addition to the trolls, there are also those who seek justice and fight back against the trolls, calling them ‘keyboard warriors’!

Out of sight out of mind!

Yu Liang put down his mobile phone, turned on his computer, and entered the National Library Network to study.

Study time flies by

At noon, Yu Liang went to a nearby restaurant to order some dishes and asked them to deliver them to his store.

A plate of fried chicken, a braised fish, a large bowl of clam soup, a plate of fried lettuce, and a large bowl of rice.

His appetite is getting bigger and bigger now, and the little money he earns every day is no longer enough to eat.

Yu Liang has already begun to think about what kind of part-time job can make money quickly?

Watch short videos while eating

Unexpectedly, the short video of him rescuing people yesterday was actually trending in local searches!

Looking at the comment area again, it is quite lively!

The focus of people’s comments is no longer on the video content.

But it rises to the comparison between Chinese medicine and Western medicine!

It started when a professional pointed out that Yu Liang’s first aid method was a first aid method used by Chinese medicine to stimulate acupuncture points!

[Tiantu point, also known as Yuhu, is a Renmai point and has the effects of widening the chest, regulating qi, clearing away heat and reducing phlegm. 】

[When symptoms of asthma and excessive phlegm and saliva appear, you can gently press Tiantu to relieve cough and reduce phlegm; when there is phlegm and saliva that cannot be coughed out, you can press Tiantu again to induce coughing and vomiting...]

First aid methods come from traditional Chinese medicine, and many people comment that traditional Chinese medicine is powerful and worthy of being the quintessence of Chinese medicine left by our ancestors!

With such comments, some people complained about the uselessness of the 'Heimlich maneuver' in the video, but the ancestor's method is still effective!

Some people have refuted this, saying that the 'Heimlich maneuver' is known as the first aid technique that saves the most lives in the world!

Then, the two sides started a heated discussion.

In the end, the question rose to the question of who is better, Chinese medicine or Western medicine!

Even some experts and scholars have joined the discussion.

Laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door.

Someone soon noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with Yu Liang’s first aid skills in the short video!

Does the 'Heimlich maneuver' work?

it works!

In the video, is there something wrong with the actions of the high school student who saved someone?

no problem!

Judging from the content in the video, using the ‘Heimlich maneuver’ to treat the little girl is the best choice.

I don’t want to brag, but Heimlich’s first aid is useless. Can just stimulating the ‘Tiantu point’ be effective?


Therefore, not only those who study Western medicine, but also those who study Chinese medicine want to know how Yu Liang treated him?

That afternoon, a local Chinese medicine doctor found Yu Liang's mobile phone repair shop based on the video information.

"is the boss around?"


Yu Liang, who was studying in front of the computer, stood up quickly when he heard someone asking.

In front of him was a handsome young man wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

"Is it buying something or repairing a mobile phone?"

"You must be the boss who saved people in the video!"

After hearing what the other party said, Yu Liang paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's me, what's the matter?"

The other party smiled and stretched out his hand, wanting to shake Yu Liang's hand, and introduced himself: "My name is Wu Wen, and I graduated from Xzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

"I watched your rescue video, and I'm very interested in your method of rescuing people. I have something I don't understand, and I want to ask you for advice!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang smiled and waved his hand.

"Then you have found the wrong person. The method of rescuing people was learned from watching a short video!"

"At that time, I saw that the little girl was about to die, so I tried it with the attitude of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, I succeeded all of a sudden."

"If you want to ask me relevant questions, you may be disappointed. I'm just a mobile phone repairman and I don't know anything else!"

After listening to Yu Liang's explanation, the other party looked a little disappointed.

"I see, then I won't bother you anymore. Goodbye!"


Watching the other party leave, Yu Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

He secretly said that he had done it so covertly, yet someone still noticed it was strange!

When he was rescuing people, he pressed the 'Tian Tu Point' just to cover up his subsequent palm!

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