on the way back

Looking at his grandpa who had won more than ten yuan with a smile on his face, Yu Liang said: "Master, from now on, when the third master becomes the banker, don't sit down!"


After hearing this, Yu Liang's grandfather asked curiously.

Yu Liang said with a smile: "Look back, when the third uncle played with you, did he always lose less and win more?"

After thinking for a moment, Grandpa shook his head slightly: "I haven't noticed this yet. Why, why do you ask that?"

Yu Liang smiled and said: "The third uncle can control the dice points!"


Grandpa was quite shocked when he heard the answer.

"Impossible. If this old boy has this ability, how come we didn't notice it after playing with him for so many years?"

"That's how smart he is!"

"If he keeps winning, can you still play with him?"

"There are losses and there are wins, and the water flows smoothly!"

"Bah, this old thing!"

He spat hard.

Then grandpa looked at Yu Liang curiously and asked doubtfully: "How do you know?"

"You can see it!"

Yu Liang explained: "I watched a promotional video on quitting gambling online a few days ago. It taught some techniques for playing dice, which are exactly the same as what the third uncle just showed!"

"This eggless old thing!"

Hearing Grandpa curse again, he looked at him with a smile and asked: "Xiao Yu, since you know how to control the dice points, then you can teach me!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang curled his lips: "I know, I know, I want to do it without letting people see~

Master, if you're like this, I'm afraid you'll have to practice for three to five years! "

Once I heard it took so long, I gave up decisively.

"I'll expose him later!"

After listening to his grandfather's words, Yu Liang shook his head: "Ten and twenty dollars, forget it!"

"At such an old age, he only wins a little more living expenses every time he uses this little trick. There is no need to expose him."


In fact, that's what he said just now, he never thought about actually doing it.

The two of them returned home

While eating, Yu Liang said that he would stay at home for a few more days.

"How many more days will we stay? What about the store?"

Yu Liang then explained the reason why he wanted to come back and stay for a few days.

After hearing him say that he had saved people, the grandparents still didn't believe it. It wasn't until Yu Liang showed them the video that they were convinced.

"It's time to hide at home for a few days!"

“The internet is terrible right now.”

"I watched a TV series called What the Last Two Days? It told a story about a good little girl who broke down and committed suicide because she couldn't stand the pressure because she was scolded online."

Seeing his grandma looking at him with worry, Yu Liang chuckled: "Nai, you're not worried about me, are you?"

"Your grandson's psychological quality is so good that he can kill a lot of people without any psychological burden!"

"Bah, bah, bah, what nonsense are you talking about?"

After dinner, Yu Liang returned to his room to rest.

Early next morning

Yu Liang got up on time

Opening the window, I found that grandma had gotten up early.

They were moving benches and sitting in the corner by the roadside chatting with a group of people.

After Yu Liang finished washing, he came to the gate, stretched his muscles and breathed fresh air.

The environment in the countryside is better than in the city.

The morning air is humid and carries the smell of earthy vegetation.

one two three four five six seven eight

two two three four five six seven eight

The person chatting with grandma saw Yu Liang exercising and said, "This is Yu Liang, he's so old and has grown into a handsome young man!"

"Have you found someone?"


Yu Liang's grandmother waved to Yu Liang, who was exercising, and shouted loudly: "Come here, Grandson!"

"Milk, what's going on?"

Hearing the sound, Yu Liang stopped and walked over.

"These are your uncle and aunt, please say hello!"

"Hello, uncle and auntie!" Yu Liang said with a smile.

"You're such a nice guy, I'll definitely introduce you to a good girl!"

"Well, that's good!"

After hearing what the ladies said, Yu Liang immediately guessed his grandma's intention of asking him to come over and say hello.

"Xiao Yuliang, right? What kind of punch did you just throw?"

Huddled in the corner, a stooped old man less than one and a half meters tall asked Yu Liang in a hoarse and low voice.

Yu Liang replied with a smile: "It's not boxing, it's just ordinary aerobics."

Hearing the answer, the other party shook his head slightly.

"Don't lie to me, I can see that you have the strength of Bajiquan in your fists and feet!"

Hey, this old man is quite discerning!

"Milk, who is this?"

"He is your grandfather's cousin, you should call him grandpa!"

Just when Yu Liang was about to speak, another uncle sighed: "Nowadays, the kung fu is all just showy and fluffy!"

"It's not like that time when we hit our head against the wall, stabbed our throat with a golden spear, split bricks with our palms, smashed rocks on our chests, and broke wood with one kick. All of them were real skills."

He was so excited that he stood up and gestured swayingly: "When I was young, I could overturn the millstone in the threshing floor with one hand, and if I carried it on my back, I could run away and no one could overtake me! "

Due to old age and frailty, his funny appearance made everyone laugh.

After the laughter was over, they proved to Yu Liang that what they just said was true.

"His kung fu is no show-off!"

The grandfather who was huddled in the corner stood up and walked slowly to Yu Liang.

"Come on, help me!"

Seeing the other person stretching out his bony palm, Yu Liang waved his hand quickly: "No, no, no!"

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the opponent's palm suddenly transformed into a claw shape and grabbed Yu Liang's small arm.


Yu Liang turned his head and took a look, only to feel that his little arm was firmly hooked by an iron claw.

He raised his arm and shook it slightly, originally trying to knock the opponent's hand away.

Unexpectedly, his claws climbed onto Yu Liang's shoulders.

The five fingers were clasped at the joints, which directly made his arm unable to use force!

Good guy, this old man is not simple!

Yu Liang didn't dare to use too much force at first, for fear of hurting the old man, but now it seems that he can't get rid of him without some real effort.

Stomping his heels on the ground, his body shook, his shoulders shook, and his claws flicked off.

Seeing that the other party was unstable and about to fall to the ground because he could not relieve the force from his hands, Yu Liang hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

"Old man, it's useless!"

He sighed, comforted himself, and then said to Yu Liang:

"Xiao Yuliang, you are practicing internal martial arts, right?"

Internal skills?

What's the meaning?

Yu Liang replied curiously: "Grandpa, what do you mean by internal martial arts?"

"What you are doing is internal martial arts, don't you know?" the uncle asked.

Yu Liang shook his head.

"Grandpa, I really don't know. I learned this skill from books!"

"what book?"

"It's a collection of books in the National Library. The introduction says they were donated by some folk master!"

After hearing Yu Liang's answer, the uncle lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said, "Follow me!"

Under the curious eyes of everyone, Yu Liang was taken away by the grandfather and came to his home not far away.

He rummaged through the box and took out an old, yellowed small book.

The uncle said seriously: "Those folk masters, how could they willingly give up all their inheritance!"

"The kung fu you learned must be inferior. Don't practice it again!"

"This is the 'Hard Qigong' I learned in the army when I joined the army. If you want to learn martial arts and can endure hardship, then learn this!"

Yu Liang took the small book handed over by his grandfather and read it.

The contents inside are the notes taken by the great grandfather when he practiced ‘Hard Qigong’.

Describes in detail all the contents and points to note when practicing ‘Hard Qigong’.

[Hard Qigong uses special breathing methods and physical resistance training to enhance one's ability to resist blows.

After a long period of time, human bones will continue to densely proliferate and become harder, bone tissue will be rearranged, osteogenesis will be enhanced, and the adaptability to external stimuli will be improved.

Similarly, due to long-term beating, human muscles have continued to proliferate and have subcutaneous tissue, significantly increased elasticity, enhanced muscle tension, and improved the body's ability to resist beating.

The training process includes breathing, guidance, rowing, vocalization, force...

There are six breathing methods: abdominal breathing, reverse abdominal breathing, breathing, swallowing, puffing, and holding your breath.

Guiding, speaking, and exerting force must be carried out at the same time as during platoon training!

During the training process, imagine that you are a steel warrior and that you are invulnerable!

The practice of hard qigong is particularly difficult, and you must have a strong will and tenacious spiritual support to practice it!

Otherwise, not only will you not be able to practice it, but it will actually harm your body.

In the notes, there is also a ‘method of nourishing Qi’!

Meditate quietly, empty your mind, and imagine that your physical body can absorb the energy of heaven and earth to repair itself!

There is not much content in the small book. After Yu Liang read it, he came to the conclusion that this 'hard qigong' is to train one's body to the greatest extent through the method of 'self-hypnosis'.

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