"My old cold legs are very serious. Massage alone won't do much. It needs to be paired with some medicinal wine, preferably snake wine, which can force out the deep-hidden dampness!"

"Snake wine, yes!"

Grandpa took out a small bottle of snake wine from the house.

Yu Liang took a quick look at the color and knew it was fake.

"Master, your snake wine is fake!"

"Fake? No way, I bought this at the drugstore."

Yu Liang took the bottle and said to his grandfather: "Real snake wine should have a certain viscosity, neither too clear nor too turbid. Generally speaking, the color of snake wine should be light yellow or dark yellow. , and has a rich aroma.”

Open the cap of the bottle and give it back to Grandpa so he can smell it.

"Is it just the smell of alcohol?"

"Yeah!" Grandpa nodded.

“Real snake wine is not just a matter of mixing snakes and wine, it must be carefully concocted with a recipe to be effective.”

Hearing what Yu Liang said, Grandpa threw away the fake snake wine in his hand, thought for a while and said: "Wu Laoer made a lot of medicinal wine, and some of it was made with snakes. He made it himself, so there shouldn't be anything fake." , I’ll go ask him for some!”

Hearing that grandpa wanted to ask Wu Laoer for snake wine, grandma said with a smile: "Wu Laoer won't sell his medicinal wine even if someone pays for it. If you ask him for it, can he give it to you?"

"You don't understand what the relationship between me and him is. It's so easy to order snake wine!"

Grandpa just turned around and walked a few steps, then turned to Yu Liang and said: "By the way, what kind of snake-infused wine is effective?"

Yu Liang replied: "For sexual intercourse and rheumatism removal, black-tip snakes and golden snakes are the best!"

"What snake?"

"I can't remember it either. Come and have a look with me!"

Grandpa, who didn’t understand snake wine, asked Yu Liang to go with him.

Wu Laoer lived in the next village and walked two miles to his house.

The door opened, and an old man in blue overalls was seen cleaning the wine jar in the courtyard.

"Wu Laoer!"

Yu Liang’s grandfather waved and greeted him with a smile.

"Yu Dachuan, why do you come to my place when you have time?"

Putting down the wine jar in his hand, Wu Laoer also came forward with a smile.

Seeing Yu Liang following behind him, he asked doubtfully: "Whose family does this belong to?"

"My grandson!"

"Your grandson has grown so big. Time flies so fast."

Yu Liang's grandfather pushed him in front of him: "This is your Uncle Wu, call someone quickly!"

"Uncle Wu!"


After chatting for a few words to reminisce about old times,

Wu Laoer asked: "You came here this time, do you have something to do?"

Yu Liang’s grandfather said with a smile: “Isn’t my wife suffering from old cold legs? I wanted to treat her with snake wine, but the wine sold in the drug store was all fake.

Thinking that your snake-infused medicinal wine can be brewed at home without being fake, I wanted to buy some from you! "

Hearing this, Yu Liang glanced at his grandfather secretly, thinking, didn't he ask for a drink before he came out? Why do you say buy?

When Wu Laoer heard that he was here to buy snake wine, he immediately said with a smile: "Nothing to buy, just a little snake wine, I'll get some for you!"

Yu Liang's grandfather hurriedly said: "Do you have that kind of snake-infused wine?"

Looking back at Yu Liang, Yu Liang immediately said: "Black-shaded snake or golden snake!"

"Yes, if there is a snake, I just want to catch one like this for you."

Go inside the house, and soon Wu Laoer comes out with a transparent wine bottle, which contains half a bottle of light yellow snake wine.



Yu Liang took the bottle, opened it and smelled it, and thought to himself: Well, yes, it is real snake wine, but the time is a little short and the ingredients are a little short, but it can still be used.

"How much?"

Seeing Yu Liang's grandfather put his hands in his pockets to take out money, Wu Laoer quickly stopped him pretending to be angry: "Are you trying to slap me in the face? It's just a little wine!"

After pushing each other for a few times, Yu Liang's grandfather finally took Yu Liang and said goodbye to Wu Laoer with a smile without paying.

on the way back

Yu Liang said to his grandfather: "Master, you and Uncle Wu have a good relationship!"

"That is!"

Grandpa said with a smile: "Although he and I are from two different villages and we used to fight a lot when we were kids, if something happens to us, each of us will help the other."

"I'm telling you a joke, I've been fighting him for half my life because of this!

That year the first fried dough sticks shop opened in the village. Wu Laoer had never eaten fried dough sticks. One day he took money from home to buy a fried dough sticks. After paying, he ran home excitedly with the fried dough sticks. You guessed it? What did he say? "

"What did you say?"

"He said he took advantage and bought a fried dough stick with one stuck on it!"

Seeing his grandfather laughing, Yu Liang also laughed twice symbolically.

Grandpa and grandson returned home talking and laughing.

Yu Liang used snake wine to give her grandma a massage. After the massage, she happily said that her legs had never felt so comfortable and relaxed in decades.

Yu Liang asked grandma when she got cold legs.

Grandma replied that it was when she was 27 or 28 years old, and the team organized people to plow the river. For a whole autumn, her legs were basically stuck in the cold muddy ground, and then she developed the problem of cold legs.

It was okay at first, but as I got older, this problem became more and more serious.

The initial invasion of dampness was not properly regulated, and then it gradually worsened and finally became a chronic disease.

"This way, I have one more reason to find the 'Vulcan Needle' special skill!"

After staying at home for five days, Yu Liang tried his best to help his grandparents and elders recuperate.

Then return to the county community.

Lying in bed at night, falling into a dark dream.

Yu Liang suddenly discovered that there was one more aperture to pass through!

Is this a new world?

He didn't dare to get close, he just observed it from a distance for a while, and then traveled back to Xiaoao again.

early morning

Yu Liang woke up from bed.

After washing up, we went to Master Ma Wu's house.

"Good morning, Master and Master!"

"Xiao Yu is here, haven't you eaten yet?"

"Xianger, bring the chicken soup!"

Sitting at the table in the courtyard, Yu Liang finished a large bowl of chicken soup in a short time.

"Disciple, my master discussed it with your wife yesterday and decided to hold a wedding for you and Shuixiang in seven days!"

Hearing this, Shuixiang on the side ran back to the room shyly.

"what do you think?"

"It's all up to Master and Master!" Yu Liang replied with his hands in hand.

Seeing this, Master Ma Wu smiled and nodded.

The mistress spoke again: "Although everything is simple at the wedding, some basic rituals are still required!"

"Also, although your parents have passed away, you still have elders and relatives here. You have to find an elder to officiate your marriage!"

Speaking of elders and relatives, the first thing Yu Liang thought of was his fifth uncle.

After discussing many matters,

Yu Liang left and returned home, taking care of everything one by one.

First, I came to my fifth uncle’s house and told him about getting married.

Uncle Wu was overjoyed after hearing this!

Yu Liang took out two ingots of silver and gave them to him, hoping that Uncle Wu could help him with all the wedding arrangements.

After asking for all the relevant information, Uncle Wu directly promised that everything would be taken care of by him, and Yu Liang only needed to pick up the bride safely.

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