Under the leadership of the Miao people, Yu Liang came to the outside of Snake Valley.

There are towering and steep cliffs on both sides, and there is a long and narrow canyon in the middle.

Even though he was far away, Yu Liang could hear the whine coming from the wind blowing out of the canyon.

Taking a few steps forward, I looked into the canyon. Since there was no sunlight all year round, it was dark and dark inside. The wind blowing from inside could feel a slight chill on my body.

The old woman handed Yu Liang a special lantern. After entering the Snake Valley, the light inside would not be extinguished by the cold wind and could always illuminate his way forward.

"Go ahead, with your talent you can easily pass through the Snake Valley!"

After looking at the canyon again, Yu Liang slowly walked in with a lantern in hand.

Logically speaking, a dark and humid environment should breed a lot of poisonous insects, snakes, ants and the like.

But since Yu Liang stepped here and traveled a long distance, he has not seen any trace of these things.

Moved some distance further

Yu Liang encountered the first fork in the road, two tunnels that penetrated the mountain!

I don’t know how to choose, not even a hint.

The left is good and the right is bad, try to enter the passage on the left.

He moved forward cautiously, and everything went well at first, but when a gust of wind blew, Yu Liang was so frightened that he quickly exited the passage on the left.

As he guessed, the peculiar environment of Snake Valley will form a low-frequency sound wave when airflow passes through it.

Once the frequency of this low-frequency sound wave is close to the natural frequency of human organs, it will resonate, causing the organs to deform, shift, or even rupture, which is like a curse, killing people invisible.

The left channel is wrong, so the right channel should be right!

Yu Liang tried to step into the passage on the right, moving forward cautiously, so that if he found something wrong, he could immediately turn around and retreat.

Along the way, a gust of wind suddenly blew up. Just when Yu Liang was about to retreat, he discovered that the frequency of the 'whining' sound was normal and would not cause harm to the body.

After passing through the passage, Yu Liang encountered a second fork in the road, with a total of five passages.

This time he didn't step in one by one and try.

Instead, stand in front of these five channels, close your eyes and listen carefully.

A gust of wind blew by, and sounds of different frequencies sounded in the five channels.

Yu Liang instantly picked out the safe passage and strode in.

Not long after, we encountered a third fork in the road, this time there were only three passages.

Still using the same method, stand in front of the three channels and listen carefully to the frequency of the sound coming from inside when the cold wind blows.

Find safe passage again!

After passing through, we encountered a new fork in the road, this time there were ten passages.

It was the same way to find a safe route, but this time I actually found four safe passages.


Although all four channels are safe, three of them will take him around, and only one is correct. How to judge?

"How about Daizong!"

After calculating with his fingers, Yu Liang got the answer instantly.

Judging from the passage he passed through before, Yu Liang should be walking in the upward direction inside the mountain!

Among the four safety passages in front of us, only the third one is most similar to the direction of the previous safety passage.

So, the correct route is this third channel.

After Yu Liang entered the passage, he came to the end and found that it was a natural culvert!

There is a patio above that projects sunlight, which corresponds to the cold pool below.

There are eight stone walls as smooth as a mirror near Hantan, with some patterns and words engraved on them.

"Is this the Snake King's inheritance?"

Taking advantage of the sunlight cast from the patio, Yu Liang carefully watched the content on the stone wall.

The same content as seen on the previous paper, a snake diagram corresponds to a human body imitation diagram!

The difference is that the human body diagram on the stone wall has an additional route of internal force.

And there is also a small piece of Miao text.

Fortunately, before coming here, Yu Liang spent several hours reading about Miao literature, otherwise he still wouldn't be able to understand the content.

After reading the translation, I found that this is a special way of pronunciation.

When pronouncing, the frequency of "snake sound" should be used, and the pronunciation of the throat should cause resonance in the chest, abdominal and cranial cavities.

When practicing, you must imagine that you are a snake, and your posture, internal force movement, and pronunciation must be coordinated.

Yu Liang calmed down and tried to practice what was written on the first stone wall.

In your mind, imagine yourself as a snake.

Slowly swinging his arms, imitating the twisting posture of a snake in the water, his hands are swinging left and right like the snake's body, and the body is also twisting gently.

Internal force moves through the meridians.

And use the pronunciation method of the first word ‘sh’!

Yu Liang instantly felt his blood boiling, and his internal organs, bones and muscles were trembling slightly.

The most important thing is that he actually hallucinated, imagining that he really turned into a snake.


He quickly stopped practicing and let out a long sigh of relief.

That feeling is so strange, it's like forced self-hypnosis, one bad move will affect your mind!

"It seems that as long as it is a magical skill, it has extremely high requirements on people's ideological realm!"

"In this way, you can only practice it after you have mastered the 'Fangzhongshu' and reached a certain height of state of mind!"

Write down the contents on the eight stone walls exactly, then turn around and leave.

It didn't take long for him to leave Snake Valley along the way he came.

The people who had been waiting anxiously at the mouth of the canyon saw him appear safe and sound, and immediately came forward to greet him!

"How's it going? Have you found the Snake King's magical skill?"

"Well, I found it!"

"Okay, okay!" The old Miao woman was so excited that she said three times in a row!

"Can you tell me what the Snake King Magic is?"

Hearing her question, Yu Liangliang felt wary, but his expression remained unchanged and he smiled and said: "The magical power is so mysterious that it can't be understood all at once!"

"But I've written down half of it first, so I can memorize it and show it to you!"


After hearing what Yu Liang said, not only the old Miao woman, but also other Miao people were excited.

"Then let's go back to the stronghold quickly!"

Hearing their urging, Yu Liang chuckled.

Returning to the Miao Village, Yu Liang wrote down everything on the eight stone walls except for the pronunciation method under the expectant eyes of everyone.

Everyone couldn't wait to grab it and watch it.

"Yes, this is the Snake King's inherited magical skill!"

Seeing their excitement, Yu Liang stood quietly and watched.

After a long time, they calmed down and looked at Yu Liang with smiles.

"Well, what is the rest of the content?"

Yu Liang replied calmly: "It's all Miao characters, and there are some strange symbols, which I can't understand either!"

"I plan to learn the knowledge of your Miao people, and then go to Snake Valley to learn the rest when I'm done!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded, as if you want to become the 'Snake King', you need to master the art of poison!

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