"Disciple, why have you become like this?"

Ma Wu asked anxiously while feeding Yu Liang carefully.

"Hey, forget it, something went wrong during the practice!"

Hearing this, Ma Wu reproached with a distressed look on his face: "How many times have I told you that you must practice step by step and practice steadily, haven't you listened?"

Yu Liang did not dare to face his master's eyes and lowered his head in shame.

"What skills did you practice that could hurt yourself like this?"

"It's the Snake King Magic Skill. I want to improve it a little bit, and then~"

"Nonsense! Magic skills can be modified at will!"

After a lot of blaming.

Ma Wu looked at the giant python coiled aside, with its huge body and ferocious appearance, and asked worriedly:

"What's going on with this giant python?"

"I didn't tell Master before, but this is actually the strange snake that my disciple has conquered!"

"I also named it Da Zhuang."

Da Zhuang? Ma Wu curled his lips after hearing this, secretly thinking that such a powerful and ferocious snake should have such an unpleasant name.

"Master, please find me some more food, preferably some meat!"

Seeing the wild fruits he had just picked being eaten by Yu Liang, Ma Wu stood up and left.

After a long time, when he returned again, he not only brought more wild fruits, but also a pheasant and a hare.

A fire was raised, and after they were processed, the meat was torn into pieces and fed to Yu Liang.

With food, Yu Liang recovered much faster.

another day later

Ma Wu carried him back to the Miao village.

From a distance, I saw Shi Niang and Shuixiang standing outside the village waiting anxiously.

"came back!"

Seeing Yu Liang being carried back by Ma Wu, the two of them rushed to greet him.

Shuixiang was so sad that she wiped her tears when she saw him like this.

The teacher's wife hurriedly checked the injury: "Why is it so injured? Hurry, go back to the room!"

When the people in the Miao village learned that Yu Liang had returned injured, they all gathered outside his residence.

After hearing the news, the village leader and others immediately came to check the situation.

Seeing Yu Liang lying on the bed, the old woman from the Miao village came forward to check Yu Liang's injuries. She was startled when she saw Yu Liang's injuries. She frowned and said in a heavy tone:

"This injury is too serious. It will take at least half a year to recover as before."

As soon as the village leader heard that it was so serious, he asked Ma Wu, who was carrying him back, "What's going on?"

"Have you encountered a foreign enemy? Tell me who it is, our Miao Village will never let him leave Sichuan!"

Ma Wu shook his head slightly: "No, my disciple had something wrong while practicing!"

After hearing the explanation, several people looked at each other.

What kind of Kung Fu should I practice? It must be the Snake King Magic Kung Fu.

When they obtained the magical power before, they also practiced it secretly, but many problems arose in the process.

Originally they wanted to ask Yu Liang for advice, but now they saw that something went wrong in his practice, so they planned to study it themselves.

After showing concern and letting Yu Hao recover well, the group of people left his residence.

for the rest of the time

Yu Liang just eats and recuperates every day.

The old woman in Miao Village thought it would take him half a year to recover, but it only took him less than a month.

With this lesson, Yu Liang fully realized the importance of having a strong body.

In the past, I relied on swimming, gun training, and basic training to exercise, but now it seems that it is far from enough.

Therefore, he planned to practice ‘Hard Qigong’ to exercise his physical body to the greatest extent.

Hard Qigong, in addition to tapping, also has a unique set of exercises.

After Yu Liang recovered from his injury, he started practicing directly.

The first form: Dapeng spreads its wings!

Use a belt to tie the waist level to the level of the navel, tight enough to allow two fingers to be inserted firmly.

Stand in a horse stance, inhale through your nose in an anti-abdominal position, and at the same time, raise your hands palms upward from the front to both sides at shoulder level.

Inhale fully, exhale forcefully through the nose, and bulge the lower abdomen to oscillate the Dantian. At the same time, place both palms flatly on the chest, grip the ground with the toes, clench the teeth, retract the anus and lift the yin, and use force throughout the body.

This style focuses on the coordination of air blowing, shock to the lower abdomen, chopping with hands, grabbing the ground with toes, clenching teeth, etc.

Then relax your whole body and exhale the remaining breath through your nose. Keeping the posture unchanged, repeat the above actions and breathing forty-nine times.

Note that the puff should be almost violent, but the force should be gradual to prevent injury.

In addition, when inhaling, try to relax as much as possible, and when exhaling, use your whole body to relax and tighten.

The second form: King Kong's angry eyes!

Make a fist with your left hand and place it on your left waist, and put the heel of your right hand on your right waist.

Breathe air slowly in the reverse abdominal position, while tightening the whole body and using force, clasping the toes, clenching the teeth, retracting the anus and lifting the vagina.

Place the right hand against the right waist and push it to the front of the abdomen without stopping, with the palm facing inward and the palm pointing upward, slowly insert it vertically toward the top of the head. When it reaches the chest, clench your teeth, make the neck stiff, eyes wide open, and the head shaking slightly with force. When the fingertips are inserted up to the forehead, the Qi is just full, and the upward insertion is stopped.

Hold the breath with slight force for two seconds, then suddenly relax the whole body, exhale slowly through the nose, repeat forty-nine times.

The third type...

The fourth type...

Ma Wu looked at Yu Liang's hard Qigong practice and asked with a serious face: "Disciple, where did you learn Shaolin Kung Fu?"

Shaolin martial arts?

Yu Liang replied doubtfully: "Master, this is not Shaolin Kung Fu, but Hard Qigong!"

Ma Wu shook his head and said: "How can I be wrong as a teacher? This is Shaolin's horizontal martial arts!"

"Your first move is called Dapeng spreading its wings, and your second move is called Vajra's glaring eyes. Master, you're right!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang stared at the master blankly. He did not tell the master the name of the "Hard Qigong" move, but the other party was able to tell it directly. It seemed that this "Hard Qigong" was really Shaolin Kung Fu.

Ma Wu continued: "Shaolin's horizontal martial arts are all boy's skills. In addition to taking a lot of time, it also requires Shaolin's unique secret medicine and secret methods to master."

"Based on your current situation, practicing can only strengthen your body and muscles, but has no other effect, so you'd better stop practicing. The right way is to concentrate on practicing magical skills!"

How could Master know that Yu Liang practices hard qigong just to strengthen his body:

"Master, I just feel that my body is not strong enough, so I practice this martial arts!"

After hearing the explanation, Ma Wu thought for a moment, and then called his master's wife Mu Niang.

"Mu Niang, I remember that you have an ancestral secret recipe for replenishing qi and blood!"

The mistress nodded: "Yes, there is a secret recipe!"

"Xiao Yu wants to practice Heng Lian martial arts now. You can give him some to use!"

Hearing this, the master's wife looked at Yu Liang and said with a smile: "Practicing martial arts is very hard. Why do you want to practice this?"

"Master's wife, I just want to make myself stronger!" Yu Liang replied.

"Okay, just wait, I'll go to the village to find herbs and make some medicine for you!"

Watching the mistress turn and leave, Yu Liang couldn't help but sigh: It's like having an old man in a family and having a treasure!

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