Dreamland Guide

Chapter 315: Man-machine whisper

Pretending to glance at the prison guard in the distance, he saw that the two guards were chatting, and did not pay attention to this side; he glanced at his camera with the corner of his eye, making sure that the camera would not capture the full screen. Zhao Pengcheng Just relax.

He suddenly felt a little funny, he felt like a thief, as if he was an examinee who was cheating in the examination room. Even when he killed someone with a scalpel, he had never been so nervous.

There is already a large paragraph of automatically entered text on the document, and the cursor stops, but that paragraph of text is obviously not finished in terms of context.

Zhao Pengcheng is very curious, how did this happen? Is it possible that Aoki's mental power can control a remote computer through the network?

No, it's impossible!

Zhao Pengcheng quickly rejected this idea. If that were the case, Aoki would no longer be a human being, but a god. God would not use such a boring way to contact him. God can’t understand anyone, you can throw them into the VY Canis Major star, maybe you can catch up with the supernova explosion, grilling them with gamma rays, just in line with God’s taste.

Thinking of this, Zhao Pengcheng couldn't help but think of the life in which he experienced another parallel world, the freezing laboratory of the underground resistance organization. He couldn't help but wonder whether the pure consciousness could withstand the extreme environment of the material world? For example, close to absolute zero or the high temperature inside the star.

Since Aoki is not a god, the only possibility is that he used some special methods such as computer viruses to invade the prison system. This is a reasonable explanation, and it makes Zhao Pengcheng a little calmer. Otherwise, no matter how calm he is, it is difficult to imagine that he is cooperating with a guy who is as strong as God.

The document on the screen remains unchanged.

Why stopped? Did the guy on the other side go to the bathroom?

Zhao Pengcheng had a clever idea and immediately typed a few words in:

Are you waiting for my answer?

The cursor moved again, and wps automatically jumped out two words when no one was operating:


Zhao Pengcheng got excited and continued typing:

"You hacked the system here?"

"No, it's not an intrusion strictly speaking, I just came over and strolled around."

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered by them? The control here is very strict and the system is very advanced."

"Don't worry, they don't have this ability yet."

"How do you know that I will be on the plane today? To be honest, I don't know it myself."

"My brother told me."

"Your brother?" Zhao Pengcheng raised his head and glanced at the prison guard not far away, thinking of his discipline, and finally shook his head.

"I told my brother, as long as there is news from you, let me know. I wasn't sure if it was you just now until you wrote such a long penitential material. It's well written, brother, it's very promising!"

"..." Zhao Pengcheng had a black line on his face, what a joke this guy is making at this time! Why doesn't it sound like Aoki's tone at all!

Could it not be Aoki, but some other person trying to test himself? He was suddenly startled in a cold sweat.

"Why are you looking for me?" He typed the question carefully.

"Nothing, just help my teacher bring you a few words."


This conversation lasted about ten minutes. To be cautious, Zhao Pengcheng typed and deleted it. Ten minutes later, he continued to write his penitent note.

When his guard returned, Zhao Pengcheng had already written the application form and the penance letter. The guard asked him to upload it to the designated location on the system, and asked the prison guard in the computer room to help print it out.

With the printed manuscript, Guan Jiao took Zhao Pengcheng back to the prison. The shackles rattled in the narrow and cold aisle, and the sunlight shot out from the square hole high in the wall, and slanted on the opposite wall, pulling up bunches of bright light bridges in the air, giving it coldness and dampness. The aisle adds a touch of warmth.

Zhao Pengcheng looked up. From the direction of sunlight, he probably judged the direction of the aisle and the location of the prison machine room. There were shadows in the light from a few square holes, and the silhouettes of branches and barbed wire were reflected on the walls. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, silently counting the steps under his feet.

The penitence is written very seriously, and Zhao Pengcheng is somewhat confident in his writing. He has been writing essays since he was a child. If it wasn't for his sister's illness, he might have applied for the literature major in the college entrance examination.

A former high-ranking intellectual, a surgeon with a promising future, a murderer, a sinner who passed by with death, and his penance written with a pious heart of remorse and a very contagious writing will surely touch Some people’s nerves. After seeing it, the leaders of the prison will definitely take him as a model and publicize it, which is of great benefit to the ideological reform of the prisoners and the promotion of the image of the prison.

During the days of waiting for news, Zhao Pengcheng got up, washed, did exercises, and worked as usual, and his life was very regular.

Although severely sentenced prisoners are tightly detained, their work is relatively stable due to the long serving time. They will not do this today and that tomorrow.

People who have a certain level of cultural knowledge or technology like Zhao Pengcheng will be assigned relatively high-tech jobs. Zhao Pengcheng was assigned to solder the PCB circuit board, which is a very common green plastic board like a computer motherboard. His task is to solder resistors, capacitors, transistors and other components to the printed circuit board according to the drawings.

In prisons, the division of labor is very clear, and the management is much stricter than in ordinary small workshops.

A circuit board is usually divided into many people to complete it. First, someone sorted out all the required components according to the needs of the drawing, and then divided the labor according to different components. Someone was responsible for resistance, some was responsible for capacitance, some was responsible for diodes, etc., and inserted these components into the corresponding PCB board as shown in the drawing. In the hole. After all plugging in, the board will be passed to the hands of the person in charge of welding, and the components will be welded to death with electric welding.

Then, someone will check the butt-welded board again according to the drawing to see if there are any errors. If there are no errors, the board will be passed to the test group. The tester tests the circuit board on which the components have been installed, and packs it if there is no problem after the test. If there is a problem, it will return to the previous process to find out where the problem is, and the prison guard in charge will record ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to deduct points for the whole group and the individual.

Such strict division of labor and quality control will greatly increase the labor cost of products, but in prisons, the least valuable are people, so things that small factories outside cannot do can be done in prisons.

The prisoners are also very serious and rarely make mistakes, because once they make a mistake, they will be severely punished, such as transferring you to make shoes or even go down the mine.

Although Zhao Pengcheng studied medicine, he did well in mathematics, physics and chemistry and computers. He could understand the drawings of such simple circuit boards at a glance, and he could even guess where they were used.

The prison authorities quickly discovered his talents and made him the leader of the quality inspection team. He checked the last pass. Sometimes he also needed to deal with people who were inspected by the factory.

A few days later, the winter clothes he applied for were sent out, a thick cotton-padded jacket and a pair of thin cotton trousers. The cotton trousers are very thin, not because the prison is stingy, but because Zhao Pengcheng is in shackles, and the trousers are too thick to pass through the shackles. Prison guards won't come to open the shackles just because you want to change your pants.

The clothes problem was solved, but Zhao Pengcheng's slanderous penitence book had no news at all.

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