Dreamland Guide

Chapter 529: Unless i die

There is an old building with more than ten stories on the opposite side of the Internet cafe. That was the former supply and marketing cooperative building, which was considered a tall building back then. Probably the fire at the opposite woolen mill burned out the whole piece of luck. After that, the supply and marketing cooperatives have not been as good as each year, and they have never been prosperous again.

Liu Huaian jumped down from this building.

The shops downstairs are all holding rolling shutters, and only the door of a housing agency is open. As usual, they have been on vacation a long time ago, and no one will come to buy or rent a house during the Chinese New Year, but for some reason, there is still a young man sitting in it at this time.

The young man glanced at Bi Shenghua through the glass door, then lowered his head to look at the computer, then looked up after a while and found that she hadn't left, so he opened the door and asked, "Do you want to rent a house?"

Bi Shenghua shook her head, saying that it would be New Year's day, and no one would rent a house, so she asked, "You still don't have a holiday?"

The young man said: "Let it go, I will move to a new place next year. On the last day of this year, I will come and have a look." He handed over a business card and added, "I am the store manager. You can find me if you need it in the future."

Lifetime spent "oh" and took the business card: "Why are you moving?"

"It is said that Feng Shui is not very good here, and people often die." The young man said this was a little shy, not like an intermediary, "You know that we are in our business, and this is a taboo."

Bi Shenghua smiled and said: "That's not a taboo! Look at those who sell vegetables in front, don't they all sell well?"

The young man said: "Hey, this area is about to be demolished anyway, move early and move the same at night."

"You have compensation for the demolition, right? How bad is it to move now?"

"The rented shop does not have much compensation. Moreover, the compensation is given to the company, and no amount of compensation will be given to our business people."

Bi Shenghua looked up at the building again. Most of the mosaics on the wall had fallen off, and even the wall skin was mottled and cracked.

It's time for demolition! she thinks.

She walked around the vegetable market again, trying to find the traces of the mulberry roots left in the open space nearby, but found nothing.

All the way along the familiar streets and shops, back to the willow tree covered with stars. The stars are still not bright at this time, when they are not bright, they are just some inconspicuous little glass bubbles. The ugly wires were roughly tied to the branches, and there was no beauty at all.

Bishenghua knows that some things can only be viewed from a distance through the hazy night. If the willow tree is alive, the branches are always full of vitality. Whether you look at it from a distance or close, the vitality can fill your heart. It is full of eyes, and the whole body is as comfortable as having photosynthesized with it. Even in a cold winter like this, there are many yellow, green and green leaves on the wicker, giving you hope for the coming of spring.

This tree must not be moved unless I die. She thought so.

Regarding the construction of the mulberry garden, the flower of life has been thinking about it for many days.

Huang Ziqiang was pretty good, and asked a few people who are professional in urban and garden planning to come over and help her out.

Wuzhong is famous for silk and has many mulberry forests, but the gardens famous for mulberry trees have never been seen before. Since it is called mulberry garden, it can be characterized by sericulture, which is unique among the gardens in Wuzhong, and the fragments of records in the county chronicles can finally find some basis, zoom in, find the roots, and find historical celebrities and stories. It's not difficult.

The problem is that this place hasn't grown a single mulberry tree for decades, and now a mulberry garden is to be built, but the garden is full of willow trees, which is really strange and weird, which makes people confused. And if it is called Liuyuan, it is too common in the garden.

Of course, these are still solvable problems.

The biggest problem is money.

Rebuilding a mulberry garden does not mean buying the land and building a garden on it. It is always necessary to supplement the surrounding facilities, such as mulberry forest food, high-quality silk street, etc., so as to ensure sustainable development in the future. Like other gardens, the garden is maintained as a garden, and it can withstand wind and rain.

Huang Ziqiang does not have that much money, nor the ability to use such project planning to persuade the government.

The flower of a lifetime thought and thought, only two people can help her. One is Mei Yiqiu and the other is Xia Wenyuan.

Although Professor Mei has no officials and no money, he speaks with great weight. As long as he speaks a few words for Sang Yuan, Wuzhong officials should give him this face, and project approval will not be too difficult.

But the professor has not returned since he went to the United States. It seems that he is going to celebrate the New Year there.

The Xia family's financial resources are enough to do this, and this little money is a drop in the bucket for them. Aoki is kind to Old Man Xia. For Aoki's sake, they will not fail to help. Even if the money is not enough, as long as he is willing to take the lead in doing this, someone will follow up.

However, it is not easy for her to go directly to Xia Wenyuan, and only Hu Xing is the only person who can help her pass the message.

Bishenghua stood under the tree for a long time, and finally decided to talk to Hu Xing.

She originally had a bad impression of Hu Xing. A female police officer who didn't do business all day, followed Aoki behind her. She gave away more than 10,000 lighters in less than a day. She was a vixen. But after I knew it for a long time, I found out that this girl was a straightforward person. She was born from a wealthy family, but she didn’t have any arrogance. It might be a professional relationship. She still had a heroic side in her personality. She had a good relationship with her temper, so she slowly changed her attitude. .

After Aoki left, because of the relationship between the children, the two often moved around. Without Aoki, their relationship became closer.

Hu Xing didn't expect that Bi Shenghua would come to the criminal investigation team to look for her, and smiled when she met him: "Madam, why are you here? Just make a phone call if you have something to do?"

Bi Shenghua glared at her: "Don't scream."

"That was my Master Crow's confession. You have to call you Madam!" Hu Xing joked and invited the flowers of his life into the reception room before she got serious and said, "I will leave after this half-day shift. The police force, Sister Hua, please tell me something, while I'm still here, I'll fight to be stripped of this skin, and I'll help you with it."

Bi Sheng Hua was amused by her, and said: "After you have a special time, you don't want to pick it up today, but you have come to me to be generous and generous!"

Hu Xing giggled.

Bi Sheng Hua asked again: "You really quit?"

Hu Xing sighed and said: "Oh, there is no way, you cast the wrong fetus, how can you be as free as Sister Hua!"

Bi Shenghua said: "You are standing and talking without backache. Why don't we switch backgrounds?"

Hu Xing said: "If you change it, you can change it. If I refuse to do anything, I'm afraid you will not do it!"

Bi Shenghua said: "Go to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I won't call you a teacher!"

Hu Xing said: "Now admit it is my wife!"

The two joked with each other a few more girls' jokes, and they started talking about business.

After Hu Xing heard about Huahua's idea of ​​rebuilding the mulberry garden, her eyes turned around, not knowing what she was thinking.

All my life was anxious and said: "You are saying something, can you help me pass a message to your grandpa, if it doesn't work, I will find him by myself."

Hu Xing said: "Let's do it... I don't need to trouble my grandpa, I just do it."

Bi Shenghua said: "You? I heard from the people who Mr. Huang found for me that he might have to invest two to three billion yuan, but it's not insurance!"

Hu Xing said: "It's okay. As long as I am willing to take off the police uniform, my mother will be at my disposal. Even if I can't use so much money at once, I can still fool my two uncles to invest money. In addition, you are beautiful. Godmother, borrowing some money from your goddaughter is not excessive. Do you know how much money your goddaughter has?"

"How much can she have as a child?"

"She is a child, but she is the only seedling of my aunt! My aunt is the only daughter of Aunt Xia. What she inherited is equivalent to a copy of my grandfather left to Aunt Xia, a copy of my aunt, and hers alone A copy. These industries are now being taken care of by someone who takes care of them. In addition, in the entire Xia family, I am afraid that only my two uncles are more than hers, and no one else can compare. If it were not for her young age, she would probably be a rich man. The list is!"

The whole life spent utterly speechless.

"And..." Hu Xing whispered mysteriously again, "My aunt came back secretly at the end of last year, the one that brought back Aoki news. We met. According to her, the property that Meimei's father left them I’m afraid it’s much more than what my grandpa left behind!" 8)

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