Dreams of the Fragrant River

: One hundred and ninety-seven [inside and outside the play]

"They want to give me an exclusive interview, what do they want to interview?" Kang Jianfei asked while holding the phone. [;Starting]

Chen Shuli's voice came over the phone: "They didn't say it clearly, but the deputy editor called the company personally. It's a leftist newspaper, so I want to ask you for instructions, should you accept or reject it?"

Although it is a leftist newspaper, it used to be in charge of propaganda for the mainland, but now it has gradually become an ordinary media, at most reporting news from the standpoint of the mainland. Just like, the news position has always been biased towards Taiwan, and will no longer be as fierce in words and deeds as during the Cultural Revolution.

However, Kang Jianfei was a fugitive from Hong Kong, and the deputy editor-in-chief personally called to make an appointment, which was a bit intriguing.

Kang Jianfei is not interested in politics at all, but he is not stupid enough to argue with the government. Just like the CEO Ma Chengkun, who was still firmly opposed to the Communist Party at this time, and he was still a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference before being recruited by the mainland government in another 20 years.

Kang Jianfei thought about it and said, "You tell them, I'll be free in about a week, and I can be interviewed after the filming in Hong Kong."

Chen Shuli said, "Then I'll reply there now?"

Kang Jianfei said: "Yes, let's just say that I've been busy shooting new films these days, and by the way, give me a chance to find out what they're interviewing me for."

"Okay." Chen Shuli said.

Hanging up the phone, Kang Jianfei took the purse handed over by Zhao Yazhi and said, "Sister Zhi, I'll go to the studio first, see you tonight."

Zhao Yazhi asked worriedly: "Except for leftist filmmakers, people in the entertainment industry have always rarely interviewed. Why did they think of interviewing you this time?"

Kang Jianfei said with a smile: "I'm holding my Hong Kong identity card now, so they wouldn't want to send me back. Don't worry, if they want to arrest me, they should send police officers or spies, not reporters."

Zhao Yazhi said: "In short, be careful."

"I see, bye." Kang Jianfei waved his hand.

Zhao Yazhi came over and put his hand on his shoulder, tiptoed to kiss Kang Jianfei with his sweet lips. Just let him go out.

After waiting for the elevator for a while, when the elevator door opened, Kang Jianfei found that Wang Jing was looking down at the script. He walked in and asked with a smile, "Ah Xiang, what are you filming recently?"

"Ah Fei, what a coincidence." Wang Jing raised his head and smiled at Kang Jianfei.

To be honest, Kang Jianfei is now more and more famous and has more and more money in his hands. Wang Jing was very unbalanced at first, and he was even afraid to meet and greet Kang Jianfei. I feel very embarrassed. But after Wang Tianlin scolded him for a while. Wang Jing immediately changed his mind. Sometimes he also took the initiative to go downstairs to find Kang Jianfei for a drink, taking the opportunity to bring the relationship between the two closer.

According to Wang Tianlin's original words: "Are you afraid that there are too many rich and capable friends?"

Kang Jianfei glanced at it and found that the script in Wang Jing's hand was written, and asked with a smile, "Is it the one that was adapted from the TV series?"

Wang Jing nodded and said, "Yeah. It's in the post-production stage, and it will be released in a few days."

Kang Jianfei laughed: "That's a coincidence, it will be released in a few days."

"Why don't we have a higher box office than that movie?" Wang Jing said confidently. The genre does not conflict, and the latter is the TV series that took Hong Kong by storm last year and can attract a large audience for the film.

Kang Jianfei said: "Okay, what to bet?"

Wang Jing remembered his father's bet with Kang Jianfei the year before, and hurriedly shook his head and smiled, "I won't bet with you."

The two went downstairs and got into the car respectively. Kang Jianfei started the car and drove away. Wang Jingcai sighed and started a fire. The joke between the two just now really made Wang Jing feel uneasy, for fear of being robbed of the box office.

Kang Jianfei drove to the Lishi studio, and saw a large number of reporters guarding the entrance of the studio from afar. It is estimated that they were blocked by the janitor of the studio.

I saw Kang Jianfei's car. The reporters stopped together and asked, "Mr. Kang, what's the budget? When will the filming be finished?"

"Director Kang, who is the male lead?"

"There are three female protagonists, and how many male protagonists?"


Pity these reporters, they were appetized by the little bit of information that Kang Jianfei gave last time, and they didn't interview anyone for the next two days.

Kang Jianfei turned a blind eye to the reporters around the car and drove the car slowly forward bit by bit.

When Kang Jianfei drove in through the gate, the reporters also rushed in, but the janitor at the Lishi studio couldn't stop him.

Alas, since there are so many reporters here, it should be regarded as an on-site press conference.

At about ten o'clock, the main creators of the crew were able to come and all arrived. In addition to Lin Qingxia, Guan Zhilin, Zhong Chuhong, Guan Shan, Liang Xiaolong, Dong Wei, there are also Huang Shrimp, Zeng Jiang, Hui Yinghong, Li Jiading, Qin Pei and others.

Zeng Jiang plays Lin Qingxia's father in the film, who used to be a member of Jiashi. At this time, he is a contracted actor of Lishi, who was borrowed from Lishi by DreamWorks.

Qin Pei is also an actor borrowed from Li Shi, who plays Guan Zhilin's senior brother Hua Jinxiu, and Guan Shan plays the restaurant owner.

In addition, Liang Xiaolong plays Ning Beihai and Dong Wei plays Dong Min. Huang Shrimp plays Guan Zhilin's father, who is also Guan Zhilin's father in the film, and Li Jiading plays Lei Ye, the inspector.

Among them, the role of Huang Shrimp was originally played by Wu Ma, but unfortunately, Wu Ma is now the production planner of Baohe Company, which is greatly reused by Hong Jinbao and cannot be dug at all. And because of the hostility between Jia He and Princess Jin, it is impossible to invite guest acting.

As for Hui Yinghong, she is purely a cameo, one of the singers at the beginning of the movie.

"Crack, click..."

In the flash of the camera, Kang Jianfei rubbed incense and worshipped the **** for a few times. After everyone had finished worshipping the god, he suddenly shouted: "Clear the scene, those who are irrelevant, please leave!"

Qi Bo took a group of sub-field workers and started chasing people, and those reporters took several pictures of the crew before leaving.

In order to save the budget and filming time, at this time, the filming of Chun He Ban was skipped, and the restaurant scenes were directly finished before shooting indoor scenes in a large rented villa, and then to Taipei and Macau for final shooting.

There were seven or eight people from the Fan Family Class, instructing the field staff how to set up the backstage of the troupe, while Qin Pei, Guan Zhilin and others were painting their faces and preparing to shoot a Peking Opera drama.




Kang Jianfei stood up from the director's chair, looked at Guan Zhilin speechlessly, and said, "This is the twelfth time for you."

Relying on her relationship with Kang Jianfei, Guan Zhilin had no sense of doing anything wrong, and was still making faces and sticking out her tongue.

Kang Jianfei scratched his forehead with a headache and sighed, "It's normal for you to have a lot of cameras when you're making a movie. But if you can't correct your attitude, then I can only consider changing people. It happens that Hui Yinghong is here, I Would you like her to take your place?"

"What?" Hui Yinghong, who came to play the trick, was heartbroken when she heard it, and wished Guan Zhilin would continue to act in smashing dramas.

Guan Zhilin lowered her head and said, "Then I'll try again."

Kang Jianfei pulled Guan Zhilin aside and said, "Jiahui, the white girl you play is a test of her acting skills. She is a lovely and innocent girl who has never seen much of the world, and is very filial and obedient. In this scene, You have to show her enthusiasm for helping the troupe, as well as the grievances in her heart... In this way, you first make an expression of grievances."

Guan Zhilin said her goodbye, her mouth pouted and silent.

Kang Jianfei was big and two big, and said with a wry smile: "You are Miss Qianjin who is sulking, not a girl who has been wronged. Wronged, haven't you ever been wronged?"

Guan Zhilin thought for a while, pinched the corner of her clothes, and looked at Kang Jianfei with her big eyes flickering.

Kang Jianfei said: "I don't see any grievance in your eyes, but it seems like I'm seducing a man."

Guan Zhilin said, "What do you want me to do?"

Kang Jianfei coughed and said, "Well, wait for a while while filming. You just think that I was robbed by another woman, I'm still dating Lin Qingxia and Zhong Chuhong on a few boats, I'll accompany them to dinner and shopping I'll take care of you...you should feel aggrieved like this, right?"

"Okay," Guan Zhilin said, "but thinking about it is fake, I still can't feel wronged."

"Wait!" Kang Jianfei ran over and pulled Lin Qingxia over in desperation.

Lin Qingxia asked, "How about I teach her."

"No," Kang Jianfei said to Guan Zhilin, "Jiahui, don't lose your temper when you see it."

Guan Zhilin asked inexplicably: "What? What am I doing when I lose my temper for no reason?"

Kang Jianfei didn't wait for her to finish speaking, and suddenly hugged Lin Qingxia into his arms, and the two kissed each other on the lips.

Guan Zhilin was stunned for a moment and said, "You...you..."

Lin Qingxia hasn't figured out what's going on yet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kang Jianfei has let her go, and then scolded Guan Zhilin and said, "Don't talk, don't cry, go back and prepare to film! If you don't make it, get out!"

Guan Zhilin looked at the two of them, not sure if they were real or fake, and after hearing Kang Jianfei's scolding, she felt aggrieved and went back to make up again.

Soon, Guan Zhilin, who had painted a good face mask, n again twice, and finally passed by Kang Jianfei's scolding. She was grabbed by her hair and pressed into the water by the troupe master played by Huang Shrimp, and was laughed at by a group of troupe brothers, full of grievances were written all over her face, and the expression was expressive.

Guan Shan knew his daughter's acting skills and asked in surprise, "A Fei, how did you teach her just now?"

Kang Jianfei laughed and said, "It's nothing, I just frightened her and scolded her a few times. Uncle, you won't blame me, will you?"

Guan Shan said with a smile: "It's filming, there's nothing strange about it."

Kang Jianfei breathed a sigh of relief and shouted, "Prepare for the next game!"

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