Dreams of the Fragrant River

: Five hundred and ninety-four [Propaganda]

Debao Films, small screening room.

On the screen, swords and swords, the hero Zhang Guorong dressed as a scholar was caught by the ghost mother. The heroine Yingning turned into a light and flew high into the sky, turned into a fox under the moonlight, and then spit out the inner elixir and struck the ghost mother.

An injured monk on the ground rolled over and sat up. When the fox Neidan attacked the ghost mother, he recited the scriptures, squeezed the seal, and flicked his sleeves to move the pestle to the side.


Under the double attack of the fox's inner alchemy and the subduing pestle, the ghost mother screamed and was instantly annihilated.

"Clap clap clap..."

Pan Disheng, who was sitting in the third row, stood up, took the lead in applauding the film, and then said to director Hu Jinquan, "Mr. Hu, this film is so good, it's not inferior to DreamWorks' "A Chinese Ghost Story" at all."

"It's an award, thanks to Mr. Pan's trust." Hu Jinquan laughed, looking extremely happy.

Since "Shushan" and "A Chinese Ghost Story" went viral at the beginning of last year, many film companies in Hong Kong have followed suit and made similar films. However, due to the reluctance to invest too much budget, the effect of the film is not very good, and there is no chance to be released in the golden schedule of several major theaters.

This time, the ghost fox movie "Yingning" by Debao Film Company invested more than 14 million yuan before and after, and also went to Taiwan to invite Hu Jinquan to direct, just to be able to show off his skills in this summer.

Hu Jinquan is best at playing martial arts films, and he has made a ghost fox movie with a taste of rivers and lakes, and it does not affect the quality of the movie at all.

"Ying Ning" was started in the first half of last year, and it has been more than a year since the completion of the project. During this period, Hu Jinquan completely followed his own ideas and made a movie with a budget of 6 million to 14 million.

This is also the coolest thing about Hu Jinquan. Since the decline of traditional martial arts films, no one is willing to throw money at him. Only Pan Disheng is a rich and powerful boss. He was willing to spend money to make the film perfect and more than double the production cycle.

Only in the casting and script of the film did Hu Jinquan and Pan Disheng have some differences, and the final result was that the two compromised with each other.

At the beginning, Pan Disheng positioned "Yingning" as a follow-up work of "A Chinese Ghost Story". I want to invite Zhang Guorong and Wang Zuixian, who are quite popular, to be the hero and heroine. And let Wen Jun write the plot into a heartwarming love story.

After Hu Jinquan got the script, he spent a month revising Wen Jun's script. The changes are two-thirds of the way, and the whole story is completely unrecognizable. Then Hu Jinquan refused to let Wang Zuixian play the leading role, on the grounds that Yingning's personality was quirky and strange, which was completely inconsistent with Wang Zuixian's freshness and coolness.

It took Hu Jinquan another half a month to choose the heroine. First, a second-tier actress from Taiwan was chosen, but Pan Disheng rejected it. The reason has nothing to do with the actress's acting skills and looks, it's purely because the actress's reputation is too low. Unless it is a newcomer with great potential, it will not work hard to cultivate a ** film company like Debao. Directly letting popular movie stars appear will be more attractive to the box office.

Hu Jinquan looked around and picked TVB actress Jing Daiyin. That is, Tang Zhenye's ex-girlfriend, who played Princess Jianning in Liang Chaowei's version of "The Lu Ding Ji". As for the reason why Hu Jinquan took a fancy to her, it was because Jing Daiyin was very lively and laughing, and her ancient costume was quite refined. It is in line with the description of Yingning in "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai".

Pan Disheng once again rejected Hu Jinquan's proposal. The reason is the same as before. Jing Daiyin is only famous in Hong Kong, and has no box office appeal in Taiwan and Nanyang.

Hu Jinquan had a big quarrel with Pan Disheng, and said that Wang Zuixian was not famous in Nanyang before "A Chinese Ghost Story", and now he is still a well-known actress.

It's a pity that Pan Disheng was reluctant to take risks, and in the end, after picking and choosing, Hu Jinquan finally proposed a candidate who was meaningless to both of them - Zhao Yazhi.

Zhao Yazhi has only occasionally filmed TV dramas in the past two years, but she is still a household name in Nanyang and Taiwan. The only concern is that she seems to be too old.

Hu Jinquan invited Zhao Yazhi to audition, but Zhao Yazhi's performance surprised him. Just a few movements and smiles brought Yingning's charm to life. Although Zhao Yazhi has been acting in TV dramas all the year round, the performance is too strong, but these can be corrected during filming.

From changing the script to casting, it took Hu Jinquan 14 months to get Yingning right. In order to improve the quality of the film, Hu Jinquan also specially invited Kang Jianfei's Qimeng special effects company to help, and along the way, he also invited Kang Jiaban to do martial arts. It can be said that the action and special effects team is the original team of "A Chinese Ghost Story".


After sending Hu Jinquan away, Pan Disheng asked Cen Jianxun, "Has the plans for this summer's major theaters come out?"

Cen Jianxun is now the general manager of Debao Cinemas. Since Pan Disheng spent 100 million Hong Kong dollars at the beginning of the year, Debao Cinemas has quickly expanded to 9 theaters on the original basis, and rented a few more theaters for screenings when the schedule is good. , it is enough to compete with several other major theater companies.

"Today's summer season, Jiahe's main hits are Hong Jinbao's "Oriental Condor" and Cheng Long's "A Plan 3", and Zhang Tongzu's "Jianghu Dragon and Tiger Fight"; Princess Jin's side is Mecca's "Wind Fortune III" Ten Thousand, Lin Lingdong's "Dragon and Tiger" and Zhang Jianting's "Marriage of Laughter"; on the Xinbao Cinema Line is Li Xiuxian's "Iron Mounted Police", Zeng Zhiwei's "Happy Words" and Qian Yuesheng's "Marriage". Raising Ghosts”; the Oriental Cinema is Kang Jianfei’s “Fangfang”, Wang Jing’s “Best Loser 3” and Huang Tailai’s “Jianghu Love”.” Cen Jianxun said like a lot of things, although he could not get other theaters The movie schedule, but from the promotions and other actions of other companies, it is easy to judge which movies will be released in the summer.

Other competitors can say that Pan Disheng felt a headache when he heard the names of Kang Jianfei, Wang Jing, Mecca, Hong Jinbao and Cheng Long. He said, "The competition is fierce."

Cen Jianxun smiled confidently and said, "Don't worry too much, Hu Jinquan shot "Infant Ning" to a very high level, surpassing most Hong Kong films in terms of quality."

"That's true." Pan Disheng laughed lightly.

It is not only "Yingning" that gave Pan Disheng confidence, but also the other two movies that Debao Cinemas will release in the summer - "The Thief of the Sky" and "A Last resort". The former starring roles include Lin Zixiang, Zheng Zeshi, Yang Ziqiong and Ke Shouliang, and the latter one starring Liu Dehua and Zhong Chuhong, all of which have a good cast.

The two discussed the post-promotion work of "Yingning", and Pan Disheng drove to his jewelry company. He is not only the boss of a movie and theater company, but also the founder of a famous jewelry company, and the latter is Pan Disheng's main business.

"Ying Ning" was only completed yesterday, so today Pan Disheng went to watch the finished film early in the morning, and now he has not done anything else in the middle of the morning. After arriving at the company, Pan Disheng took care of the daily affairs of the jewelry company, and then started to read newspapers and magazines in his spare time.

As the owner of a jewelry company, Disheng Pan reads newspapers and magazines not for recreation, but for finding useful information between the lines.

After reading the social and financial pages of Ming Pao, Pan Disheng turned to the entertainment page, where there was news that Fang Fang won an award in Cannes, France.

Not to mention the Cannes Film Festival, the Hong Kong media at this time didn't pay much attention to the Oscars. Only when there were Hong Kong films or Chinese people involved would they join in the fun and follow along and report on it.

The cost of going to Europe for interviews is not low, and it is uncertain whether this news will increase newspaper sales. Therefore, even if Kang Jianfei’s film was shortlisted for the main competition in Cannes, only a few Hong Kong newspapers sent reporters to Cannes. Ming Pao is one of them.

A few days ago, several newspapers such as Ming Pao and Oriental Daily were reporting the news that Fang Fang was very popular with foreigners, making this unreleased romance very popular.

However, Pan Disheng didn't care too much. Before Kang Jianfei's "Fang Fang", 6 Chinese-language films had been shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Cannes Film Festival, but only three and a half of them sold well - Hu Jinquan's "Chivalrous Girl" Half of the film, after three years of shooting, did it get back a little bit of the box office because of the award.

Kang Jianfei's reputation in Hong Kong is already big enough, and the audience base in Hong Kong is there. Even if "Fang Fang" wins an award at Cannes, it will not play a big role in increasing it. That would require at least two-fifths of Hong Kong residents (including the elderly and children) to go to the cinema.

"The Most Popular Film Award at the Cannes Film Festival," Pan Disheng looked at the small print on the newspaper, confused, "What kind of award is this?"

However, when Pan Disheng continued to read, he became more and more surprised. There were actually a group photo of Kang Jianfei, Sophie Marceau, and Liang Jiahui with the French Prime Minister below.

Chirac had a group photo with many directors and stars that night. This news is not eye-catching in France, but it will be different when it is brought back to Hong Kong. The legacy of two thousand years of officialdom has instantly improved Kang Jianfei and Liang Jiahui. a grade.

Not to mention, just this handshake group photo, Liang Jiahui can get a lot of pay after returning to Hong Kong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is another report later, but it is the director of "The Last Emperor" Bernardo and Liang Jiahui are there. At the banquet, there was a secret talk, and the two were likely to collaborate on the news of a new film. At the end of the report, the reporter also turned out the old affairs of Liang Jiahui, Bernardo and Li Hanxiang, in order to increase the attraction to readers.

Pan Disheng didn't pay attention to whose new film Liang Jiahui appeared in. The publicity campaign of "Fang Fang" in the following days was the most troublesome thing for him and the bosses of several other major film companies.

Kang Jianfei even shamelessly recorded the grand occasion of "Fang Fang" when it was released in Cannes, and edited it into a short film to broadcast on Phoenix TV.

Watching the ghosts shoving and crowding in line to watch "Fang Fang" on TV, Hong Kong citizens feel a little bit of pride in their hearts. After all, "Fang Fang" is a Hong Kong film, and as a Hong Konger, there is reason to be proud.

At the same time, fans are also looking forward to "Fang Fang" and want to know what is the content of such a movie so popular with foreigners.


Before 12:00, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! ()

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