Chapter 92 Jiang Ning’s Ambition

"This is the money I got from Ma today. There are three hundred coins. Just take it. This child needs to be carefully raised for a while. If it doesn't work, just send it back to the west of the village. There are fewer people there and it is clean. You can take good care of it. . If you need anything, you can come to me. Although I don’t have anything good there, I can still think of something.”

  Mr. Zhou's face turned red as she held her purse, "Sister-in-law, if it weren't for you, Mr. Ma wouldn't have given me this money. I..."

Jiang Ning interrupted her angrily, "Just take it if I tell you to, why are you being polite to me! Besides, I really don't care about taking that stinky bitch's money!"

After Jiang Ning left, Mrs. Zhou packed up and quickly took her two children to the west of the village.

In this kind of weather, it is most comfortable to bask in the sun. Yang Laoer couldn't move his feet and it was cold in the house, so Mrs. Li helped him sit in the yard while she worked on the edge.

Seeing them coming, Ms. Li quickly asked: "Have you visited your sister-in-law? Isn't she really abnormal?"

Mrs. Zhou couldn't laugh or cry, "Mom, don't listen to those people's nonsense! Sister-in-law is very nice. She just wanted to make something but didn't know how to make it, so she trimmed some more bark. It was not just for fun. As for sister-in-law, she couldn't laugh or cry. She didn't say anything about what she was going to do. She didn't even say a word about it, so it was all in vain.

 There is a problem with wealth and honor, I have to tell you about it. "

Li and Yang Laoer subconsciously looked at Yang Fugui and saw that his expression was a little bad, so they couldn't help but worry.

Yang Laoer even waved to Yang Fugui and asked him to pass.

Yang Fugui hid behind Zhou in fear, holding on to her clothes tightly.

"Brother and sister, he is rich and honorable." Yang Laoer was shocked and a little hurt. His son used to be very close to him, even closer than to Qian, but now he looks at him with strange eyes.

Zhou sighed, knelt down to comfort Yang Fugui, and asked Yang Laigui to lead him into the house to play. Then he slowly said: "Yesterday, I told my sister-in-law about some strange things about Fugui, and she said she would take us to the town today. See a doctor.

The doctor took a look at him and said there was nothing wrong with him. However, something went wrong at the hospital at this time. Fugui was stimulated and fell ill, and the doctor discovered the problem. According to the doctor, Fugui's temperament changed drastically due to the stimulation, and he needed to rest. I can't be stimulated anymore. You all know how big a deal the second sister-in-law's matter is.

Those people in the village spoke very unpleasantly. I was worried that it would be bad for Fugui to stay there, so I wanted to bring him back here. At least I wouldn't have to listen to those bad words, and I wouldn't pull him to say anything bad about his mother-in-law. "

Hearing this, Ms. Li was so distressed that she wiped away tears, "That **** thing Qian, if it weren't for her, Fugui wouldn't be so pitiful."

Yang Laoer's eyes were red and his nails were embedded in his flesh. He took a deep breath and said to Mrs. Zhou: "Thank you brother and sister, and thank you sister-in-law. The wealth is with me. I will take care of it myself in the future. I will definitely not let anything happen to him again." "

Mr. Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, took out the three hundred coins, and told her the way down.

When Mrs. Li heard that it was compensation, she immediately collected the money and went back to the house to get a basket of vegetables and gave it to Mrs. Zhou, "You take some of it back and give the rest to my family. Thank you for your hard work today. I plan to spend time in my hometown in the spring." Second, raise some chickens and ducks here, and then give some to the boss after the chickens and ducks lay eggs.”

Hearing this, Mrs. Zhou felt a little unreliable. "Auntie, don't wait to raise chickens to lay eggs. When you want to catch chickens, you can help my sister-in-law catch some. I think she will definitely want it."

Jiang Ning has planned a place specifically to raise these things, and it is still empty now. "Sure! Ask her later to see how much she needs, and I'll catch it for her." Mrs. Li happily agreed.

Yang Laoer said slowly from the side: "Mom, that money"

"Okay! I know what you are going to say. I know it well. You need to heal your legs first and wait until your father and Lao San come back at the end of the year." Mrs. Li was thinking about things in her mind and did not continue to break up with Yang Lao Er. He turned around and went into the house to see his grandson.

As soon as Jiang Ning came back, he went directly to the workshop. It was probably working time, and the children were not studying but making shell ash.

Jiang Ning opened the door and saw Yang Erdan also there, and asked hurriedly: "How long will Capt. Gao have to do the work there?"

Yang Erdan took some time out of his busy schedule and replied: "Come on, Grandpa is very good. It only took him two days to discover what everyone is good at. He arranged everyone's work as fully as possible. Gao Captou's family is very satisfied. Gaojiazhuang The villagers were all excited when they saw the house built by Grandpa and were ready to wait for the final result.

I guess after the Gaotou job is completed, people will come to us for work, but I don’t know how many. "

Yang Erdan’s eyes sparkled with dazzling light as he spoke. Jiang Ning was happy to see him in such high spirits, “Then you guys work hard, as long as you do well, we won’t have to worry about having no work, but I want to give you some advice.

Now only the three of you are taking over this job, and the rest are the helpers you have found. It's definitely okay in the short term, but it won't be okay if you want to keep this rice for a long time! You need to develop your own team, that is, manpower. For example, find a few people who are about the same age as you. You can trust them and they will be willing to work with you.

Let’s talk about the most practical issue. Now with Santie and the others helping you look after the workshop, and your Uncle Yang Han helping to transport oyster shells, we can still meet the demand. Once there are more jobs, this won’t work. The workshop must be expanded. At least three or four people need to be in the workshop for a long time to bake shell ash, and also need manpower for breaking adobe and the like.

The other issue is money, how to divide it? Or how to pay wages, these are all very particular. Do you think what Aniang said makes sense? "

This is the first time Yang Erdan heard this statement. He seemed to have opened up a new way of thinking and was stunned. "Aniang, according to what you said, can our business be bigger?"

"What else? If there is no future in this job, I won't let you waste your time on it!" Jiang Ning looked at Yang Erdan with a smile and patted his head lovingly, "Okay, I just want you to You know what you are doing, remember to recognize a few words with A Feng when you have time, just be able to write and read, it will definitely be good for you. "

Yang Erdan's heart was filled with excitement when he heard that. He immediately nodded heavily and shouted to Tian Feng: "Afeng, I want to learn how to read with you. You can teach me to read ten words a day. No, can I read five words?"

Tian Feng was sitting on the stove burning firewood, with a streak of ashes still on his face. He rolled his eyes in confusion, "You told me the same thing in the morning, but now I don't even understand a single word!"

Yang Erdan scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a naive smile: "From now on, I will learn how to read with you. No, I will stay here at night. I will definitely learn it hard!"

Tian Feng's face looked much better now, and he said to Jiang Ning: "Auntie, Xiaoya and Xiaohua from Santie and Sizhuang can now recognize twenty characters, especially Sizhuang and Xiaoya. They are two very smart people. It’s just a pass, and I can calm down and study. Xiaohua is also good, but she can’t come here all day, so she has to learn slowly. She is smart, but she can’t sit still and forgets quickly.”

Jiang Ning was pleased and sighed, "It shows that you are really interested in this child. You have figured out their temperament in just a few days. I have good news for you."

 “Good news?” Tian Feng looked surprised.

 (End of this chapter)

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