This is a celebration banquet to celebrate the further expansion of Changsheng Group's territory.

The coveted pieces are staggered, the clothes are fragrant and the shadows on the temples.

The woman sitting on the main seat wore a red dress with a graceful figure, dark lipstick and exquisite makeup, making her look like a queen in the night.

She dangled her black high-heeled shoes, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

The people present here to celebrate, all have their eyes fixed on her, either blatantly, secretly spying, or frivolously disdainful.

Que Yining turned a blind eye to those gazes, smelling the burnt smell that is not easily detectable in the strong perfume, and the smile on her face was even worse.

Soothing music flows in the banquet hall, and people should be chatting and laughing.

When someone noticed a fire, the situation was out of control.

The scorching smell and heat wave created panic, and the people who had just reached a consensus with laughter were thrown into a mess in the banquet room, trying to get out.

"Where's the fire extinguisher? Where's the fire extinguisher?"

"Get out quickly!"

"Take water and put out the fire!"

"It's hot! It burns my clothes! Ahhhhh!"

The screams and the roar of the command were noisy and harsh, and a dozen people were spinning around like headless flies in the wide room.

Que Yining sat on the main seat for a while, watching the hot and distorted air, shook the red wine glass, and watched the group of people panic.

"The door is locked!"

"It's all locked!"

"The glass won't break!"

At this time, the group of talents reacted to what had happened, and looked angrily at Que Yining who was sitting in the seat as if watching their jokes.

"Que Yining, what do you want to do?"

The old man in Tang suit asked in a deep voice, and tightly squeezed the stick in his right hand.

The home game was Que Yining. Now the house is on fire and locked. It must have been made by Que Yining.

"San Bo, the fire is going to burn on your clothes, do you want to ask me what I want to do?"

Que Yining spoke in an unhurried manner, with a natural coquettish voice in his voice, with some lazy voices that stretched his intonation, overflowing with sarcasm.

"Are you crazy? Hurry up and open the door!"

The man next to Sanbo questioned, watching the burning fire, coughing with smoke.

This is a seaside villa. They are in the banqueting room on the second floor. There is no room. Even the kitchen is on the first floor. The only exit is two doors. At this moment, the two steel doors are tightly closed, tablecloth curtains, etc. The flammable items have already been burned, and they have no room to escape.

"Do you want us to die here together!"

The middle-aged woman who opened her mouth had already been smoky with makeup, and the lady was completely nonchalant and her voice was shrill.

"Unexpectedly, you are as stupid as Six Aunts, and you can sometimes guess right."

Que Yining put the wine glass on the long table and clapped his hands pretending to be surprised, without hiding his ridicule.

"Que Yining, you are crazy! Do you know what you are doing! We have contributed a lot to Changsheng to this day, do you want everything to be ruined!"

There are more than a dozen guests, all of whom are beneficiaries of Changsheng Group.

"I'm afraid your uncles, uncles and aunts, I'm afraid you have forgotten, how did you get Changsheng?"

Que Yining's voice was not loud, but it made everyone stiff for a moment.

"Yining can remember it for you."

Que Yining's smile was even a little uncommonly well-behaved, but his eyes were as gloomy as a long night.

In the eyes of others, Que Yining is a wealthy daughter who was raised by thousands of pets, a winner of life who was born at the top, a beautiful beauty who spends a lot of money, is the focus of the elites of upper-class society who want to spring breeze most, and is the head of the group. People are the happiest people in the world.

The people in the Que family think so too, so they take it for granted that the fire that lasted twenty years, Que Yining’s parents, her newly-born siblings, and everyone in the house added up to ten lives, and Que Yining also forgot. Up.

"Do you want to die with us too?"

San Uncle covered his nose and mouth and coughed twice, staring at Que Yining firmly.

"You should have burned me to death together twenty years ago. It's not right, it's made up for it."

Que Yining's hand touched the burning flame, and facing those spiteful sights, she raised her lips and raised her hand to pour the liquor on it.

In the swept tongue of fire, the air was distorted into a hideous appearance.

The fire is getting stronger.

Someone is anxious to contact the outside world, but desperately finds that the signal has been blocked.

Those people cursed Que Yining frantically, trying to go up and intimidate her to open the door, or beat her up if they wanted to vent.

Que Yining had prepared well, took out the gun from under the long table, and hit the nearest person in the leg without shaking.

This shocked those people for a while, but the despair of surviving made them even more twisted.

"Crazy man! You are a crazy man!"

Que Yi Ning's expression became more cheerful when he heard the words, and he didn't care about himself being approached by death.

No one is innocent, she just wants to take them to hell. Although she could get herself out of this good show of many years of planning, she did not choose to leave.

Que Yining was very tired. In order to do this, she exhausted all the means and handled everything well, so she could take care of these people with confidence.

Sanbo was the oldest, and was the first to fall. Those who ate the guns lost the strength to mourn, and the air was full of burnt and **** smells. Those well-dressed men and women had already lost their spirits and were lying dying. On the ground, some people climbed to the door and struggled in vain.

Que Yining watched this scene happily. Twenty years ago, she should have been burned to death together in the fire, but who made her survive. From the moment she knew the truth and started planning, she has been waiting for this day all the time.

It really came, and she had nothing to regret.

Now this seemingly gorgeous but dirty life is finally coming to an end.

The entire banquet hall was in a mess. The smoke was so heavy that people couldn't open their eyes. Que Yining inhaled too much smoke, and he lost the strength to raise his hand.

Before Que Yining closed his eyes, his mind was the sea of ​​flames he couldn't change, as well as the parents and younger siblings who were buried in it.



The afterglow of the sky has been silent for a long time, and the winter night comes exceptionally early, and the air-conditioning clings to the glass windows, forming a layer of mist.

The wide bed was covered with quilts in all directions, and the too quiet environment seemed to ring with noisy cell phone bells.

That was Que Yining's unfamiliar heavy metal music, like being in a noise field, making her irritable.

and many more…!

How can there be music?

Que Yining opened his eyes abruptly and sat up on the bed.

Everything I touched is strange, whether it's the room I can see or the bed my palm touches.

Wasn't she burned to death and was rescued again?

Que Yining frowned subconsciously. What about those people, if they were also rescued, would she fail soon in what she did?

Que Yi's eyes were cold and gloomy, but she soon felt wrong again, she didn't feel any pain in her body, it didn't feel like a person who was rescued from the fire scene should feel.

The phone on the side was still noisy, Que Yining picked it up and saw the remarks on it.

"Little Joe".

When Que Yining saw this name, a face with heavy makeup, between a girl and a woman, quickly appeared in his mind. At the same time, the identity of this person appeared, her good friend Qiao Yuchu.

Que Yining was stunned and pressed her temple. She was sure that she had never seen this person.

Suddenly there was an absurd idea in her mind, she got up from the bedside, went to the bedside barefoot and turned on the light.

Everything in the room was exposed in front of her, including the waiting mirror on the wall.

The girl in the mirror looked like she was only in her twenties, her hair was dyed maroon, her face was unconcealed with fatigue, and her eyes were full of consternation.

Que Yining touched her face, and the person in the mirror also touched her face.

This is Que Yining's familiar and unfamiliar self a few years ago. Her thoughts are a little confused. Is this rebirth? Or parallel time and space?

My mind is empty, I want to recall something carefully, but it seems that I can't remember anything.

The ringtone of the mobile phone finally quieted down, Que Yining held it in her hand, but the impression of this mobile phone emerged in her mind. I remember when I bought it and where I bought it.

It feels a bit weird, like playing a game, triggering items to get memories.

Que Yining looked at the time, October 19, 2023.

But when she died, it was still 2019.

Que Yining searched for the entry, and about the Changsheng Group and everything he knew in his previous life, a small part of it overlapped, but the general was completely inconsistent.

When Que Yining was thinking, the phone rang again like a reminder, and the noisy singing made Que Yining frowned. Seeing the word'Xiao Qiao' beating on it, Que Yining still answered the phone.

"Miss Que Yining, did you fall asleep to death? What's the matter, you didn't answer several calls just now!"

Qiao Yuchu's background sound was a bit noisy, making her voice sound a bit vague.

"what's up?"

After Que Yining opened her mouth, she touched her neck unconsciously. Not only her name but also her voice were exactly the same as before.

Qiao Yuchu seemed to have arrived in a quieter place, and his voice became clear: "Come to play in the Spring Dynasty, and watch the excitement. Xiao Bailian from the Gu family gave a banquet and said that he would invite his sister to dinner. She made it clear that she was going to stop Ma Wei.

Que Yining: "Her sister?"

Que Yining’s memory quickly came to mind. The person Qiao Yuchu said was Gu Xiqian, the daughter of the Gu family, because she always wore a white skirt and was so pitiful, she was given the nickname'Little White Lotus' by Qiao Yuchu, but Gu Xiqian’s sister , Que Yining had no impression.

Qiao Yuchu: "You don’t care about these things and don’t remember it as normal. Mrs. Gu’s health is not good and has been raising abroad. Her daughter followed, and Uncle Gu turned around and gave her lover and illegitimate daughter. I received it from my home, and it should have been almost ten years now. Some time ago, there were no people in the house, and her daughter returned from abroad."

Qiao Yuchu sneered: "Xiao Bailian is a little **** who can't make it on the table. After ten years in the golden nest, she thought she was a phoenix. Now the well-known concubine is back, she can't hang on her face, she must be messed up. , People only came back today, and she immediately "received the dust"."

Qiao Yuchu's voice is full of the meaning of watching the show: "Come on and watch the excitement together. I don't know how Gu's eldest daughter will respond to Xiao Bailian. I heard that she has a cold personality and a cold name, called'Gu Shanxue'. "

These three words are like a switch, reminding Que Yining of something in the past.

My friend’s little sister likes to read novels and has a good relationship with her. Once when she was at her home, she was angry while reading a book. Que Yining thought she was angry when she saw something that she didn’t want to see, but the little sister and her Said that in the book there is a female partner who is obsessed with the hero and has the same name as her.

Que Yining rubbed her head to calm her down, glanced at the book, and happened to see the words'Gu Shanxue'.

The little girl said that it was the heroine.

So she is wearing this book?

Que Yining chuckled thoughtfully, a bit interesting.

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