The same sentence, different people will have different feelings when they say it.

If Gu Shanxue heard this sentence from someone else's mouth, perhaps he felt that it was just a deliberate polite or flattery, but when it was placed on Que Yining, it seemed so natural and sincere.

It seems to be able to meet her here, it is really a very happy thing.

Gu Shanxue found it strange.

The person in front of her didn't seem to conceal her intentions, or that she was showing her intentions openly, knowing her or wanting to have a good relationship with her.

Gu Shanxue went to get to know this young lady named Que Yining last night. Apart from understanding her identity and background, what she heard most was how affectionate and obsessed she was for another person.

Why would such a person who should have not dealt with her appear in front of her for three consecutive days and greet her.

Gu Shanxue hadn't figured it out, but planned to watch the changes, so after Que Yining finished greeting her, she nodded slightly.

Que Yining: "Then let's go in together?"

After Gu Shanxue nodded, Que Yining immediately took Gu Shanxue's arm and pressed it gently next to her.

Standing not far away, Bian Boyan listened to the conversation just now:...

Women are indeed liars.

Obviously, he came here deliberately, and even exchanged favors for this. When he arrived at the house, he pretended to be surprised by chance. How could he not realize that Que Yining was so scheming before.

"Hey, when did sister Yining and my sister have such a good relationship, I don't even know at all."

Gu Xiqian got out of the back seat of the car and took a middle-aged man's hand.

That middle-aged man is undoubtedly the father of Gu Xiqian and Gu Shanxue, Gu Chongheng.

This scene is also ridiculously ironic. Que Yining doesn't know what he brought Gu Xiqian for, and thinks that Gu Shanxue was not pointed enough.

Que Yining chuckled, "There are too many things you don't know."

Que Yining took a step forward, and gently pressed Gu Shanxue's arm with his fingertips: "Let's go in."

Que Yining and Gu Shanxue bought relatively long steps. After a certain distance, Que Yining said in a low voice, "You don't seem to mind at all."

Although both are his biological daughters, Que Yining feels that Gu Chongheng's incident is under Gu Shanxue's face, and he really doesn't care about the feelings of his other daughter.

Que Yining was so close to her that Gu Shanxue smelled the orange scent from her body, not strong, and there was a sense of cleanliness in the winter cold.

She still looked straight ahead, and heard Que Yining's words, her voice was cold: "It's just a frog at the bottom of the well."

She didn't care that Gu Xiqian would come, or even Gu Xiqian's existence.

Que Yi Ning smiled: "I thought you would at least treat her as an obstacle, but I didn't expect it to be just a clown in your eyes. Miss Gu is really big."

Her last sentence was joking, and she liked Gu Shanxue's arrogance more in her heart.

When people and people are not on the same horizontal line, or when there is a big difference, it is in the eyes of that person. The other person is not obstructed or pierced by the enemy, but an insignificant thing that can be kicked away at any time.

What's ridiculous is that Gu Xiqian still wants to show off in front of Gu Shanxue, showing off everything she has gotten with this identity.

Gu Shanxue was non-committal, there was no clue on her face, and no one could see what she was thinking at the moment.

"I haven't officially introduced it to you yet. My name is Que Yining. The **** of the heavenly palace is as thin as the skin. The last idiom is definitely not my boast. If you don't believe it, you can touch it."

Que Yining took Gu Shanxue through the courtyard, walking forward with Gu Shanxue unhurriedly, while introducing herself to her.

When she finished speaking the last sentence, her hand slid off Gu Shanxue's arm and held Gu Shanxue's palm.

There was an unconcealed smile on her face, her movements were clear and frivolous, and she concealed her provocation, but she didn't make people feel that she was deliberately uncomfortable. Naturally, she couldn't feel disgust in her heart.

Gu Shanxue was caught off guard and felt the texture of her skin that did not belong to her. Except for the one last night, this was the second time.

Unlike yesterday's brief contact, today's touch seems to be extremely long, so that Gu Shanxue definitely felt the temperature of Que Yi's palm and the smoothness of his skin.

The girl's hands are mostly soft, but Gu Shanxue felt that Que Yining's hands seemed extra slippery, and she smelled the scent of citrus on her body, revealing the same fragrance as her master.

Que Yining's fingers didn't stay for too long, she slowly slid up Gu Shanxue's forearm, and held her loosely, in a soft tone: "Miss Gu, how about you?"

Que Yining originally wanted to introduce herself as ‘self-righteous,’ thinking about it, she was still not so presumptuous, so as not to leave a bad impression on others, although the focus of her introduction was on the last sentence.

She hoped that when Gu Shanxue heard her name in the future, she would remember the touch of her hand.

Before going to bed last night, she deliberately applied a thick frost. Before going out today, she also made full preparations to make her skin soft and slippery in winter.

Gu Shanxue converged for a moment and said, "Gu Shanxue, mountains and rivers, snow and ice."

Compared with Que Yining's introduction, it was much more succinct and succinct. Que Yining couldn't help but wonder if Gu Shanxue would only give her a name if it hadn't brought a lot of suffix introductions.

Que Yining: "You have a good temperament with Miss Gu."

Gu Shanxue thanked her politely and praised Que Yining's name, which ended the conversation.

Que Yining found her more interesting. Is this temperament cold, cold, arrogant, and arrogant.

But it is not indifferent cold, nor arrogant.

She doesn't feel uncomfortable, as if she should be.

In fact, her superficial work is very beautiful. It seems that her expression has not changed, but she always responds appropriately to bring others into her rhythm.

Que Yining became more curious and wanted to cut open her inside to see if it was the fiery contrast with the surface, or the untouchable coldness.

The invitation was checked when the car came in. Que Yining walked through the courtyard with Gu Shanxue's hand and entered the banquet hall.

The decoration here is very Chinese. The red silk is hung and looks very festive. In the middle of the banquet hall is a long table full of various things, which should be used by children to catch Zhou.

In addition to the regular pen, ink, paper, inkstone, needlework, knives, and swords, there are other things on the top. Guests who are going to visit will also put small items on them. Just a glance at Que Yi Ningguang knows that many people have tried their best .

After all, if Mr. Chen's granddaughter caught something put by a guest during the Catch Week ceremony, then that guest would have the opportunity to show his face in front of Mr. Chen. How many people are jealous of this opportunity.

Que Yining also prepared gifts, but she didn’t plan to show up today. For the still unfamiliar environment, she prefers to observe for a period of time, so she just brought regular gifts. Today’s dressing and dressing are as daily as possible. Go, do not deliberately overtake.

Gu Shanxue drew out her hand to show her willingness to leave, and nodded to Que: "I am unaccompanied."

Que withdrew his hand with conscious interest and waved to Gu Shanxue.

There were already many people standing in the banquet hall, talking in twos and threes, and Que Yining didn't know any of them, but that didn't hinder anything.

Que Yining stood beside the people who were talking, listening to the content of their greetings, and after the people who were talking left, he stood in front of his goal and began to say hello.

Even if you don't know who the other party is, you must be able to stand here. Que Yining has the reputation of being the original owner without panic, and seems very confident to talk to people and get business cards. When talking about her area of ​​expertise, the smile on her face will be brighter.

Gu Shanxue looked at the women talking and laughing in the crowd, a trace of doubt appeared in her heart.

This person is completely opposite to the rumors she heard. No matter when talking and getting along, he is very aggressive and likes to master the rhythm, but it is unexpectedly not annoying, and there is always a feeling that she is unpredictable. .

Gu Shanxue retracted her gaze and reminded herself not to have extra curiosity.

The author has something to say: Xiaowu: Ning Ning, you collapsed the original master set!

Sister Que: I care about that? Don't ask, ask is just to open up and re-behave.

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