In the eyes of secular ethics, Que Yining seems to like men.

Que Yining felt that way at first, but later she found out that she didn't.

She dealt with all kinds of people, acted every time, and constantly planned the layout, so as to finally succeed in revenge.

She is beautiful, charming and bright, and is the focus of the party. She is a charming stunner. There are many people who make her ideas. The more you see, the more you get bored.

She does not generalize to people, and there are many smart gentlemen, but in the **** hatred, she is more and more yearning for people with a clean heart.

It's not the kind of pure innocent and innocent, but to be precise, the kind of cold, abstinent but smart woman.

But such a woman is rare, and even harder to find in Que Yining's life circle, but Que Yining did not expect that she would meet her on the first day of wearing a book.

Que Yining saw Lie Xinxi, but sat upright.

Her gaze was too straightforward and hot, and the person she was looking at noticed, and the gaze met her.

Que Yining smiled with her, and Gu Shanxue withdrew her gaze indifferently.

Obviously she has no good feelings for this party, and maintains an indifferent attitude towards everyone at the party.

This is the party organized by the daughter of Xiaosan who has lived in her house for several years. Gu Shanxue will come, and Que Yining was quite surprised.

Que Yining was not annoyed by Gu Shanxue's attitude. After all, she was sitting here. To Gu Shanxue, she was a person of two worlds, and there will be time in the future.

As for Gu Shanxue's seemingly female protagonist, it was ignored by Que Yining intentionally or unintentionally.

Gu Xiqian waved to Gu Shanxue with a very affectionate attitude: "Sister, come and sit here, I will introduce you my friends."

Gu Qianqian deliberately showed to Gu Shanxue that she was recognized by the circle of wealthy children in the upper class, that she was the real daughter of the Gu family, and she looked like a party master.

Que Yining leaned back on the sofa again, feeling that Gu Shanxue probably wouldn't take this trick.

Que Yining thought that if Gu Shanxue was a smart person, she knew that this gathering would only waste time and should not come.

As expected, Gu Shanxue really didn't walk over.

She just estranged and nodded to Gu Xiqian politely: "Sorry, I went wrong."

She completely ignored Gu Xiqian’s warm words. She seemed to be just treating strangers. With her posture, it seemed that Gu Xiqian who was standing there could not get her eyes. It was just an irrelevant character, even her expression. Nothing has changed.

It was a big slap that was so invisibly slapped on Gu Xiqian's face.

Que Yining couldn't help but laughed. She felt that what Gu Shanxue should have said was true, and pushed the wrong door.

The music in the room didn't know when it stopped, and the people around fell into a dead silence after Gu Shanxue finished speaking, so the laughter that appeared to be extremely conspicuous.

Everyone's eyes moved from Gu Shanxue to Que Yining, including Gu Shanxue himself.

She recognized that the woman who was laughing was the one who had just stared at her, but the light was dim, the man was leaning on the sofa, the upper half of his face was hidden in the dark, and the light hit her jaw.

Although he couldn't see the whole face, Gu Shanxue could guess that he should be a beauty with his delicate nose and beautiful red lips.

But she didn't start to be curious, she narrowed her expression, turned and opened the door of the box.

The bright light from the corridor came in, and when the door slowly closed, Gu Shanxue felt the gaze again, and looked back and saw a beautiful face full of interest in the narrowing gap.

The slash-like light made those eyes brighter.

When the door was closed, the eyes of both parties were also cut off.

Gu Shanxue walked to another box on this floor, opened the door and went in. The people inside stood up and shook hands with her.

On Que Yining's side, after Gu Shanxue opened the door and went out, the scene was quite interesting.

The music didn't play anymore, and Gu Xiqian flushed, as if she was about to cry in sadness.

Wang Ruiyuan and a few others quickly comforted her, cursing Gu Shanxue for not knowing what is good or bad.

Wang Ruiyuan: "Cici, don't be sad, next time I will help you vent your anger, she must be here to humiliate you deliberately. She really thinks she is someone who is dead, not a fart."

Cheng Yijia, who has a good relationship with Gu Xiqian, also agreed with comfort: "Yes, Qianqian, anyway, you are the genuine daughter of the Gu family. You are so kind to hold a welcome party for that poor bug."

In the eyes of this group of rich second generations, Gu Shanxue is indeed a poor worm.

Without mom, Dad doesn't hurt, and the father's lover in the family swaggers to live and treat himself as the main house, almost in a state of isolation and helplessness. If Gu Xiqian's mother and her dad get the marriage certificate and Xiaosan becomes a regular wife, Gu Shanxue's former prostitute will be even more embarrassed. Unless she marries a rich man, it will be difficult to turn her over.

Gu Xiqian's voice was crying: "I know my sister doesn't like me, but I didn't expect her to be so shameless, obviously I wanted to bring her into us with good intentions."

Que Yining was originally to watch the excitement. Gu Qianqian wouldn't do her thing even if he stepped on Gu Shanxue, but now it's different. She is interested in Gu Shanxue, so naturally she can't let Gu Qianqian continue to pretend to be in front of her. .

Que Yining sneered: "So sad, but fortunately, I have been sitting here, otherwise I thought your mother had passed away."

Que Yining interrupted like this, and the atmosphere in the room became more rigid.

Cheng Yijia first embraced the injustice: "Que Yining, what's the matter with you today, choking everywhere?"

Que Yi spoke slowly and leisurely: "The choking sound is not enough, but I found that this world is weird. Xiao Sansheng's daughter is also worthy to call the sister of the child in the main room that Mingzhong is marrying. This cry makes my ears uncomfortable."

Although there are a lot of **** wealthy families and a lot of illegitimate children of mistresses, there are not many on the bright side, and most noble women, including legitimate children, have a contemptuous sense of superiority to illegitimate children, just like Qiao Yuchu would scold Gu Qian behind his back Akane is a **** of Xiaosansheng, but she wouldn't be so unpleasant when she is dealing with each other.

The others were silent for a moment, but Wang Ruiyuan stood up and furiously became a beauty.

Wang Ruiyuan's tone was very aggressive: "You are sick, are you? You have been biting Cici tonight. If you don't please your eyes, don't come. Who wants you to come? Is it interesting? It's been playing for a few years. Are you a friend of yours? Are you looking to outsiders? It’s not something Cici can choose from your birth. Uncle Gu can just admit it. Isn’t it just a matter of proof?"

Bian Ji'an quickly stood up and pulled him: "Ruiyuan, it's alright, what's the fire?"

Just when everyone thought Que Yining was about to get up and curse, Que Yining just twitched.

Que Yining: "Wang San, when will you bring your younger brother to us and let us know and blend in?"

As everyone knows, Wang Ruiyuan is the only child.

Wang Rui started a fire, and he just drank alcohol and cursed angrily: "You **** sick, who do you think you are not worthy to lift shoes for Laozi..."

All kinds of filthy language with **** entrained them, making the people next to them silly.

Even Gu Xiqian was shocked, she didn't pretend to be pitiful, and took Wang Ruiyuan's hand.

Although the Que family is not a behemoth, it is similar to the Wang family, except that the two companies are of different nature and cannot be compared. The shoes that Wang Ruiyuan said are unworthy, which is undoubtedly angry.

The Que family is mainly involved in the catering industry and its roots are in Lu Su, but the industry chain covers almost the whole country. There are many brands underneath. Someone once said with a smile that if the Que family closes all the stores, 60% of Lu Su’s people will not have it. To have a meal.

Bian Ji'an wanted to persuade him but didn't know how to persuade him. Others were even sitting and watching the excitement.

Que Yining disliked him for being noisy, for many years no one had dared to spray dung in front of her like this.

When Que Yining first looked at her mobile phone, she had already read the market value analysis of her home and Wang's home. Combined with the memory in her head, she thought about the risks of what she was about to do in her heart. After the comparison, Finding that the problem is not big, he stood up.

The business ringing on the floor with high heels is surprisingly obvious, and Wang Ruiyuan looked provocatively at Que Yining.

"What do you want, I just scolded women today, what's the matter, I've seen you not pleasing to your eyes a long time ago, stupid..."


The sound of the red wine bottle smashing on the head was sour, and half a second later, Wang Ruiyuan's painful howling sounded in the box.

The escorts who had seen this scene somewhere, were shocked and screamed.

The scene suddenly became a little chaotic, Que Yining admired his masterpiece and whistled.

"Before scolding your mother next time, first weigh whether you are worthy, no, I don't have a son like you."

Que Yining rubbed her wrist unhurriedly and picked up her bag from the sofa.

Gu Xiqian exclaimed: "Sister Yi Ning, how can you beat people!"

Que Yining: "Am I hitting a person? Isn't it a smelly licking dog?"

Que Yining pushed open the box door, and was not interested in staying any longer, and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Qiao Yuchu finally got rid of the abdominal pain, and when he came out of the toilet, he greeted Que Yining.

Seeing Que Yining's face, Qiao Yuchu made no secret of shock: "Fuck, sister, did you find Tony today? It looks so good. Next time the stylist will introduce me to me."

Qiao Yu first put on heavy makeup, and his eyes with false eyelashes blinked.

Que Yining nodded, Qiao Yuchu grinned, but soon collapsed.

"I don't know what I ate, my stomach hurts!" Qiao Yuchu complained, and then became excited. "Have her sister, Xiao Bailian, come when I was not there? Is there anything good?"

Que Yining carefully washed the liquor on her hands, which flowed into her hands when she smashed them, and said: "I beat Wang Ruiyuan."

Qiao Yuchu was shocked: "Why?"

Que Yining shrugged: "Gu Shanxue came and left. After leaving, Gu Xiqian cried. I said she was crying in mourning, did she die too?"

Qiao Yuchu was stunned for a while before he realized who Gu Shanxue was, and applauded: "Good fight, Wang Ruiyuan licks the dog's virtues. I suspect that he has a leg with Xiao Bailian, otherwise he can protect him like that? What else did Xiao Bailian say? Brother fuck, I'm afraid it's not like **** brother during the day, but brother doing it at night."

Qiao Yuchu: "But what about sister Xiao Bailian? I didn't see the scene where Xiao Bailian was humiliated. I was really angry. I'm here tonight waiting for this moment!"

A smile appeared on Que Yining's face, and her tone stretched out: "Her sister, she is very beautiful."

Que Yining looked at the incoming Gu Shanxue's face reflected in the mirror, and blinked at the mirror.

Qiao Yuchu shuddered: "How do you laugh like a fairy who wants to inhale."

The author has something to say: A fairy who specializes in stealing Gu Shanxue's heart, hehe.

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