The fireworks exploded dazzling light in the night sky, and then scattered like fireflies.

But then, there will be new fireworks, white, red, yellow, and purple, drawing a beautiful picture of the night sky.

In this roar, Que Yining suddenly noticed something.

If there is a fireworks party in the town tonight, the mayor will not fail to say such a news to attract them during the daytime tour and evening meal.

But the mayor did not say, nor did the people accompanying the town mention that the sudden appearance of the fireworks was like a surprise that had already been prepared.

Que Yining suddenly turned his gaze to Gu Shanxue, looking at Gu Shanxue's side face, he had a guess in his heart.

The arc of her mouth is getting bigger and bigger, if it is really the answer she guessed, then she is absolutely ecstatic.

"Mountain snow!"

Amidst this roar, her voice was much weaker, but Gu Shanxue still heard it, and stopped her eyes from the night sky on Que Yining's body, leaned down in front of her, trying to hear what she said clearly.

"Did you prepare this firework specially for me? It's not an event in the town at all, right?"

They were so close, Gu Shanxue looked into those bright eyes, did not lie, and nodded.

After nodding, she continued to speak as if hiding something.

"You told me that you wanted to see the fireworks, but there was a burning ban in the city, and it was difficult to take you out before, so it has been delayed until now."

Gu Shanxue just wanted to make Que Yining happy. She still remembered her lost expression of waking up from a coma and holding her hand and saying that she couldn't watch the fireworks. Now she finally made up for it.

She also didn't expect Que Yining to notice it so quickly that she thought it was just a small town activity just now.

Que Yining was so happy that she didn't know what to say. At this moment, she even thought that it was not she was chasing Gu Shanxue, but Gu Shanxue was chasing her.

Really, how can the lovely Miss Gu be so cute.

This is so good, but not responsible.

Que Yining muttered in her heart, but the smile on her face became brighter.

She looked at Gu Shanxue's face and her heart throbbed.

"In fact, I asked you to watch the fireworks at the beginning, just to stay with you. Fireworks are not important to me at all, the important thing is to watch them with you."

Que Yining's voice was particularly clear in the space where the fireworks sounded, echoing in the gentle evening breeze.

Gu Shanxue didn't expect her to say so bluntly at this time, or that she didn't think about it, she just didn't think about how to respond, her expression was a little blank.

"Give me this surprise to make me happy?"

Miss Que, who has already decided to play straight, won't play tacitly with Miss Gu. She has to wait for Miss Gu to prepare herself, and she doesn't know when she will wait.

It is to decisively break through her defenses, disrupt her plans, and force her out of the emotional safe zone she thinks.

Gu Shanxue nodded and asked passively.

"If it were another surprise, I would be happier."

Before Gu Shanxue could react, Que encircled Gu Shanxue's neck and pressed her down slightly.

Gu Shanxue's eyes widened as her warm lips touched.

But the fragrant fragrance lingered between her lips and teeth, which made her unconsciously indulge in greed and forget to push people away.

The sound of heartbeat was hidden in the tremors of fireworks, telling of throbbing.

The beautiful fireworks seemed to melt into my mind, leaving a heart-wrenching numb after the light dissipated.

Que Yining's chuckle was immersed in the intertwined breath, Gu Shanxue's reaction was dumbfounded, stiff and motionless, Que Yining embraced her with enthusiasm and slowly melted her.

Although Que Yining doesn't have much experience, she knows a lot, but lacks a little practice. Now that she has a target for practice, she will naturally learn and apply the theories she knows.

Gu Shanxue was also a strong person in her bones, but at the moment she was passive and a little flustered.

The delicate rose kisses give people the whole spring.

The tip of his tongue brushed his upper jaw, and Gu Shanxue stared at those bright eyes, captured by Que Yining's eyes.

The scattered fireworks illuminate the lamp tower that stands silently in the dark, and also illuminate their eyes. The 缱绻 at this moment seems to speed up the summer process, enveloping people in a dry and enthusiastic manner.

The ice on the periphery of the snow-capped mountains melted and fell apart silently. They entangled and fell, falling into the valley of gentle love.

Gu Shanxue has long been unable to pay attention to the fireworks in the night, drowning in the eyebrows.

Forget to abandon all worries and worries, be cautious, without extra words, let it fall.

Que Yining knew that this would not be a unilateral request. After receiving a response, her actions became more reckless, but she did not expect Gu Shanxue to learn too fast. She didn't have too many fancy skills, just stubbornly using one. The method makes her difficult to resist, just like her.

After a brief separation and closeness, so indulged in indulge, they realized only afterwards that the fireworks party had already ended.

Because of the hustle and bustle just now, this night seems to be more quiet.

Gu Shanxue's earlobes were almost red to dripping blood, fortunately the darkness was helping to cover them.

"It's time to go back."

Her voice was a little dumb, with a hint of embarrassment.

"Okay, it's getting late, and it's time to go back."

Que Yining chuckled. She knew that Gu Zui was about to become Gu Tangled again, so she didn't force her to express her attitude and pushed the wheelchair.

It took an hour and a half to drive back. Que Yining didn’t want Gu Shanxue to be shy enough to flee to the co-pilot. She was also very peaceful when in the car. She didn’t mention anything just now, and she didn’t cast her eyes to work. , But she would look at Gu Shanxue from time to time, and continue to work with her head down when Gu Shanxue began to fidget.

Don't say it, it's so fun.

When he returned to the city, Gu Shanxue planned to send Que Yining back to Que's house, but was stopped by Que Yining.

"Send me back to my home."

"Your legs are not good, how can you live by yourself."

Gu Shanxue frowned and said in disagreement.

"Then I go to your house?"

Que Yining asked with a smile on her face, her cheeks floating with pale red, and her lips were also red, which made Gu Shanxue suddenly think of the previous kiss.

When she was hesitating to agree, she heard Que Yining's forbearing laughter again.

"Just kidding, send me back to my parents."

Que Yining originally wanted to go back to her home, but suddenly remembered that she still had something to tell Que's father, she still had to go.

Gu Shanxue didn't feel that she was being teased. She breathed a sigh of relief and was a little disappointed. She waved away those emotions and sent Que Yining back to Que's house.

When she saw Que Yining's background disappear in front of her eyes, she touched her lips in a daze.

It was around nine o'clock in the evening, and it was not too late. Que's family didn't sleep. When Que Yining went in, she found Que Chuling was there.

She looked very bad and looked a little guilty and embarrassed when facing Que's family. She saw Que Yining coming, and said hello, her expression a little sad.

Que Yining immediately understood the situation, knowing that it was the Que family's parents who had talked to Que Chuling, but there was no magical part involved.

"Xiao Ning is here, have you eat dinner?"

You Lanqing walked out of the room with a bad face, and cheered up when she saw Que Yining.

She treats her daughter with duplicated words, which implies petting, and now she knows the truth. Although it is strange, she does not lack some intimacy.

"I've eaten, how about Dad, in the study, I have something to tell him."

"Okay, I'll go call him, your legs are inconvenient and intermittent in your room first."

You Lanqing went upstairs without a glance at Que Chuling who was sitting on the sofa.

The feelings were so deep before, the hatred was so strong. Although she said Que Chuling was not the mastermind, she didn't know that she was also an accomplice, and Yu Lan was so angry, let alone give a good face.

Que's father came down in a while. He looked a little worse than the previous two days. His temples were white with a bit of decay, completely different from the red light that Que Yining saw when he first came here.

Que Yining cared about his body, and Que Han Yi's crutches knocked on the ground.

"Don't worry, if that animal doesn't close his eyes, I will definitely not breathe."

He said that, Que Yining was not good at persuading anymore, but started talking about business.

Que's father had been in business for many years, and he should have a lot of courage. After he and Que Yining had discussed their business affairs and confirmed Que Yining's ability, he asked her to report to Que's headquarters tomorrow.

"You can just do it, and I will take care of the rest."

Que Hanyi's voice was not loud, and he gave a solemn promise.

"it is good."

This sound was also Que Yining's promise to him.

The next morning, Que Yining and Que Hanyi went to the company together.

She directly airborne and became the management team. This news directly caused the company to blow up and down, which caused heated discussions. In addition to her excellent appearance, the wheelchair she was sitting in became the focus of discussion.

【Large Family of Compliance and Law】

[sake]: The emperor is about to succeed? Mrs. Suddenly!

[懵]: What about the prince? What's the matter? I thought the company was properly succeeded by the eldest prince?

[Guaguaguaguagua]: It’s not a day or two for the eldest prince to use power for personal gain. Has the emperor finally found out?

[Xia Zhi]: I don’t want the sister number upstairs anymore, don’t you dare to talk nonsense hahahhah

[Xiao Wang next door]: What is the use of power for personal gain? Nonsense can be opened carefully.

[Yuu]: It’s the most remarkable thing to report to God.

[konoha]: The new emperor is the true orthodox heir. What's so strange and sudden, and first-hand news, the madam is very powerful and looks beautiful, I will be strong first!

[A melon skin]: Rainbow fart upstairs is too much, right? What do you behave when you're not here? I also heard that she was a big lady who was eating, drinking, and having fun before. I hope you don’t care about it.

[Super love milk]: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I just sent coffee to the madam, my hands are still shaking! Stunningly beautiful! It's really beautiful! I was crying. I want to apply to be her assistant!

[Dead Fish Anle]: Report! The royal meeting is about to begin! The eldest prince and the prince have met! The maiden ignored the eldest prince, and I smelled the scent of wind and rain.

In the meeting room, the atmosphere is at a stalemate.

"Han Yi, are you too sloppy? Just let Ning Ning take the lead. Even if you spoil her, you can't be so nonsense. That project is so important. Did you decide to let Lin Yang take charge?"

With the start of Que Hanyi's cousin, dissatisfaction sounded in the conference room.

Que Yining didn't speak, she met the sight of Que Linyang who was sitting opposite, and smiled.

The author has something to say: I used the names of some babies in the comment area, and appeared in friendship!

Miss Gu: Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah [Omit ten thousand characters

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