Dressed As A Waste Prince, The Queen Mother Made Him A Puppet Emperor

Chapter 80 Divine Armament Descends From The Sky! Break The Alien Race! The County Owner Is Numb!

After a few days.

As Lu Qingge expected.

The barbarians in the north began to harass the northern border.

From time to time, troops were sent to burn, kill and loot.

The Marquis of Zhenbei sent soldiers and horses to fight against them, and achieved good results.

Among them, an unknown teenager performed outstandingly.

With only 3,000 soldiers and horses, all 10,000 cavalry of the Hu tribe were wiped out!

This battle will move the northern border!

Countless people remembered the name of that young general——Xiao Fan!

Looking at the North City.

In the residence of the Marquis of Zhenbei.

Jiang Fengxian personally met Xiao Fan.

"The last general, Xiao Fan, met Lord Hou!"

Xiao Fan saluted neither humble nor overbearing.

"It's really a hero out of a boy."

Zhenbeihou smiled slightly, with a look of appreciation in his eyes.

If they are cultivated, maybe in the future they will have another peerless future in the northern border!

"Thank you, Lord Hou, for your appreciation!"

Xiao Fan respectfully cupped fist.

He was secretly happy, as long as he got the affirmation of Zhenbeihou.

Then it will definitely not be difficult to gain a foothold in the northern border in the future.

And Xiao Fan is confident, relying on his own ability.

Soon, all the soldiers in the northern border will look at him with admiration!

In the Hou Mansion.

Xiao Fan also met the beauty 'Jiang Hanqing' who is famous in the north!

The daughter of Zhenbeihou, the jewel in his palm.

She is indeed beautiful, and has a kind of heroic spirit that does not give way to a man.

In fact, Jiang Hanqing's military achievements in the northern border really made many generals feel ashamed!

This is a beautiful woman with beauty, wisdom, and strength!

Xiao Fan couldn't help feeling his heartbeat.

If he can hook up with Jiang Hanqing, not only will he embrace the beauty, but he will undoubtedly be of great help.

His position in Zhenbeihou's heart is rising steadily!

After all, this is Zhenbeihou's favorite daughter.

In the arena, Jiang Hanqing also looked at Xiao Fan curiously.

Seeing the other party with sword eyebrows and star eyes, handsome and extraordinary, it is easy to make people have a good impression.

"Xiao Fan?"

"Are you the Tianjiao who won the eighth place at the Spring Hunting Sacrifice?"

Jiang Hanqing asked curiously.

But it fell into Xiao Fan's ears, but it was not a taste!

Really which pot does not open which pot to lift!

He won the eighth place is completely calculated by the dog emperor!

If it's a one-on-one duel, he has full confidence to win the first place!

But Jiang Hanqing didn't know.

In her opinion, it is impossible to say that there is unfairness under the spotlight.

She only recognized 15 results.

Just like on the battlefield, everything is changing rapidly. Will the enemy talk to you about fairness?

Winner and loser!

Only lose and win, two results.

"A few achievements are not worth mentioning.

Xiao Fan suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and a sunny smile appeared on his face.

"It's the princess, who doesn't give way to a man, has gone through many battles, big and small, and has achieved amazing military exploits!"

"The general admires it."

"I hope to be able to join Commander Jiang's command and make contributions."

Don't look at Jiang Hanqing as a woman.

But now it's a party leader!

Served as the commander of Liaozhou in the northern border, and was in charge of the third rank army!

She is a female general who really holds military power.

"Okay, from now on you will join my 'Frost Armor Army'!"

Jiang Hanqing nodded very simply.

She felt that Xiao Fan was a good seedling, worth cultivating.

And Zhenbei Hou glanced at the two of them, and the corners of the eyes showed an inexplicable arc.

Obviously, he saw what Xiao Fan was planning.

But I didn't mind.

Over the years, for his daughter, many people wanted to join the Hanjia Army.

There is no lack of sons of princes and nobles, and the nobles of the famous family.

They all hope to win Jiang Hanqing's favor.

It's a pity that few people can get into her eyes!

Want to impress her.

It's not the family background behind you.

Nor is your peerless Talent, Martial Dao amazing.

But you have to have the unparalleled ability to lead troops in battle and strategize!

Jiang Hanqing has always regarded her father Zhenbeihou as an idol.

If someone can match her father's height, then she will be able to be moved!

However, in the entire Northern Territory, how could it be possible to find such a character...

Zhenbeihou, but the strongest prince in the northern border!

"Whether you can make Qing'er interested depends on your own ability.

Zhenbeihou smiled in his heart.

He didn't intend to break Xiao Fan's mind.

Zhenbei Hou will not interfere too much with his daughter's marriage.

As long as your daughter likes it.

But whether you can make her like it depends on personal ability.

Right now.

Suddenly, a spy ran over anxiously.

"Master Hou, something is wrong!"

"The Hu army invaded wantonly!"

"Now the army is approaching the border, Sunset City!"

The faces of the generals present all changed in unison!

It seems that the previous harassment by the Hu people was just a test!

The real intention is to suddenly dispatch an army to attack Sunset City!

Sunset City is an important checkpoint in the northern border.

If it is breached, the enemy army can drive straight into the northern border!

Zhenbeihou asked calmly: "How many soldiers and horses did the Hu tribe dispatch?"

"Reporting to Lord Hou, the Hu Clan has mobilized almost all of them this time, with a total of 300,000 troops!"

The spy responded.

"Father, hurry up and order me to lead the Hanjia Army to guard Sunset City!"

Jiang Hanqing did his part, stood up and volunteered.

"The Hanjia Army only has 150,000 people, and including the defenders of Sunset City, it is only 200,000."

"I'm afraid it will be very difficult to repel the 300,000 Hu army!"

"I'll give you another 100,000 heavy armor troops!"

Zhenbei Hou pondered for a moment, then decided.

The Hanjia Army led by Jiang Hanqing is mainly composed of cavalry.

There is more than enough attack power, but not enough defense.

Plus one hundred thousand heavy armored troops, it happens to be both offensive and defensive!

"Okay, just as my father said!"

"It's not too late, my daughter leads the army to set off immediately!"

Jiang Hanqing acted resolutely, quickly mobilizing troops to rush to Luoyou City.

And Xiao Fan was a little dazed, as if he had been forgotten?

He smiled wryly in his heart and had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow.

"It's not a big problem.

"As long as I fight with Jiang Hanqing, I'm not afraid that I won't have a chance!"

Hearing that a big battle is about to happen, I even feel a little excited in my heart!

Maybe this time the opportunity will come.

If you find the right time, you may not be unable to make great achievements!

It would be even more wonderful if a hero could come to save the beauty!

Dongli Dynasty.

Inside the Great Hall of the Royal Palace.

Li Huang covers the crown and stands with his hands behind his back.

Beside him, Grand Master Sun Yuan smiled and said:

"Your Majesty, everything is going according to plan."

"This time, the northern part of the Daqian Dynasty, the Hu and Turkic peoples have reached an agreement.

"We will jointly attack the northern border of Dagan, and we will be caught off guard!"

With a twinkle in Li Huang's eyes, he said with a faint smile:

"very good."

"For this, I have paid a lot of price, and the two great alien races are willing to join forces temporarily!"

"If you can't even attack a pass, it's too useless."

"When the Marquis of Zhenbei reacts, the two foreign races should have won several cities, right?"

Gongsun Yuan smiled confidently and said:

"Even if Zhenbeihou can react, he may not be able to resist."

"Besides, the northern border is remote, and it will take some time for other places to provide support."

Li Huang narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Once the gap in the northern border of Daqian is opened, things will be much easier to handle in the future."

"This is only the first step in dismantling the Dagan Dynasty!"

Gongsun Yuan cupped fist and said: "I wish Your Majesty every success!"

the other side.

Jiang Hanqing has already led the army to Sunset City.

At this time, Sunset City is facing the first wave of onslaught from the Hu army!

The 50,000 city guards hardly had any power to resist.

Fortunately, Jiang Hanqing's Hanjia army arrived in time.

Great stress relief.

And the heavy armor army will arrive soon to support.

It shouldn't be a problem to defend Sunset City.

But not long after.

Not far outside the pass, another army suddenly appeared, setting off billows of dust!

The sound of horseshoes is like thunder, making the earth fight!

Seeing this, the expressions of Jiang Hanqing and other generals suddenly changed!

How many soldiers and horses are there to create such power?

The spies soon brought news.

"Commander, something is wrong!"

"The Turkic army is coming to Sunset City!"

"Roughly estimated, they have at least 300,000 troops!"

Hearing the news, everyone couldn't help being shocked!


"Why is the Turkic army also coming?"

"The Turks and the Hus have always been at odds, but this time they will join forces to attack?"

Those generals felt incredible.

As the two most powerful alien races in the north, the Turkic and Hu ethnic groups do not share the same hatred.

There are even frictions from time to time, and no one accepts the other.

It is the fact that the two great alien races restrain each other, which has kept the northern border extremely stable.

But this time, the two foreign races invaded at the same time, which is completely unreasonable!

What's more, the Turkic people actually sent so many soldiers and horses!

The two great alien races can be said to be out in force!

All together!

What is the reason that makes them unite regardless of past suspicions?

"How long does it take for the Heavy Armored Army to arrive?"

Jiang Hanqing's face was a little dignified, but now is not the time to dwell on the reason.

Right now, we must find ways to defend Sunset City!

"Commander Qi, there are still two hours before the heavy armored army can arrive!"

A subordinate replied.

"No matter what method is used, we must persist until the arrival of the Jia army!"

"Also, try to minimize unnecessary casualties!"

Jiang Hanqing quickly ordered.

It shouldn't be difficult to stick to it for two hours.

But the faces of everyone are not relaxed at all!

Because even after the heavy armored army arrives, Sunset City will not be easy to defend!

The alliance of the two foreign races has an army of 600,000!

On the other hand, on the side of Sunset City, including the heavy armor army, it is only 300,000 soldiers and horses.

It is very difficult to defend Sunset City!

It depends on how long they can hold on, waiting for another reinforcement to arrive!

Not long.

The Turkic army arrived, and together with the soldiers and horses of the Hu people, they began to attack the city frantically.

Sunset City is the defender, using various methods to obstruct it.

Throwing stones, bow and arrow, fire attack......

But the two armies of foreign races are not afraid of death, and continue to advance!

The killing sound shook the sky, and the setting sun city seemed to shake.

The walls seem to be crumbling at any moment!

Fortunately, two hours later.

The Heavy Armored Army arrived for support, and the pressure on the Defending Army and the Cold Armored Army was greatly relieved.

But the hearts of all the soldiers are still extremely heavy!

Facing two foreign races with a total of 600,000 soldiers and horses.

How long can the 300,000 defenders last?

"Father should know about this soon, and will certainly think of

There is a way!"

Jiang Hanqing's eyes were burning, and his face was determined.

At this time, Xiao Fan, who was on the edge of the group of generals, felt a headache.

This time, I still want to find an opportunity to build military merits, but under the current situation, how can there be a chance?

Facing 600,000 enemy troops, even Celestial Realm Power can only shake its head!

Once the city is broken, Xiao Fan can only let Kaifeng protect him from the distance!

The news spread quickly.

Zhenbeihou learned about it immediately.

"Damn it!"

"Someone is manipulating behind the scenes, plotting and calculating!"

Zhenbeihou's face suddenly darkened.

But now is not the time to analyze the cause, we must send reinforcements as soon as possible!

"Military division, how many soldiers and horses can be mobilized in the northern border?"

Zhenbeihou asked an old man with a white beard beside him.

"Master Hou, originally there were hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses that could be mobilized, but today in the north, other barbarians are also frantically harassing the border."

"I have to send soldiers and horses to guard!"

"The number of soldiers and horses that can be mobilized today may be less than 50,000..."

The white-bearded military division had a worried look on his face, frowning.


"It's damn it!"

"It seems that the enemy is coming prepared!"

Zhenbeihou was startled and angry, but he still forced himself to calm down.

"No matter how many soldiers and horses can be mobilized, immediately dispatch them to reinforce Sunset City!"

"At the same time, send out an emergency call for help and ask the imperial court to send troops to support us!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Zhenbeihou had to do this.

This time the opponent has a big plan!

Sunset City must be defended, otherwise the entire Northern Territory will fall into a passive state!

What's more, Zhenbeihou's daughter is still in Sunset City!

230 Emotional and Reasonable, You Must Defend Sunset City!

the second day.

Daqian Palace.

Xuanzheng Hall.

Civil and military officials are all discussing the war in the north.

Sunset City is now in crisis.

It can be broken at any time!

"Your Majesty, the final general is willing to lead 300,000 troops to the northern border to resist alien races!"

A general stood up and volunteered.

"You don't need to panic."

"I have dispatched 100,000 cavalry to support, and according to the time calculation, it should have arrived.

On the dragon chair, Lu Qingge spoke calmly.

"Oh? Your Majesty unexpectedly dispatched reinforcements early?"

"But, only 100,000 cavalry?!"

When Man Chaowen and Wu reacted, they all looked astonished!

The two big alien races have more than 600,000 horses!

And it's not a mob, most of them are brave cavalry who are good at fighting!

Your Majesty sent 100,000 cavalry, what effect can it have?

The battle situation in Sunset City is in full swing.

It has come to a precarious point.

Although Jiang Hanqing has rich experience, he also feels helpless at the moment!

The opponent clearly intends to rely on crowd tactics!

In the past two days, fierce attacks have been launched one after another, and both sides have suffered heavy casualties!

Judging from this situation, it is estimated that it will be difficult to hold on today.

Even if Jiang Hanqing desperately ordered to defend the city.

The number of casualties will be even more terrifying!

"Are you really going to give up Sunset City?"

Pain appeared in Jiang Hanqing's beautiful eyes.

Once Sunset City is broken, the consequences will be disastrous!

You can choose to stick to it, and all defenders will face Death!

"Commander, why not fight with them!"

"Yes, Princess! Sunset City cannot be lost!"

"It's a big deal! These barbarians can't even think about it!"

The blood of several generals surged up, and they planned not to die.

Jiang Hanqing gritted his teeth tightly, without saying a word, and fell into the battle of Deva.

Isn't there a third option?!

"Princess, it's better to withdraw the army in time to preserve the vitality..."

Xiao Fan persuaded with a sigh.

Others did not refute him, in fact, this is a more appropriate choice.

It's just that Jiang Hanqing and many generals are not reconciled!

At this moment.

Mutations are born!

Not far away, smoke and dust rose into the sky, and a large group of cavalry, as if appearing out of thin air, rushed to kill!

This group of cavalry, wearing snow-white armor, swept over like an avalanche!

The terrifying iron-blooded Killing intent is shocking!

It seems that there are only about 100,000 troops, but it gives people the aura of a million soldiers coming!

"Is it the reinforcements sent by Lord Hou?"

"Why does it seem that I have never seen this type of arms?"

Just when all the soldiers in Sunset City were in shock.

That snow-white cavalry has been killed!

They were invincible, and they tore through the defense line of the Turkic army in an instant!

See this scene.

Jiang Hanqing couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes, she was numb all over!

This cavalry is actually so powerful?!.

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