Dressed As a Wealthy and Rebellious Female Match

Chapter 2: She confessed that she was rejected (catch bug)

Xia Ye's words caused the atmosphere to suddenly become stagnant.

Xia Bingli was an accident, Xu Han was panicking, and Xia Zhi's eyes widened, as if she was frightened.

After about half a minute, Xia Bingli finally broke the silence and said to the sisters, "Zhizhi, Ye Zi, you go to the study together, I have something to say."

Xu Han's face was completely bloodless, she pointed at Xia Bingli, her lips trembled, and asked, "For the sake of that mistress, you must let this house disperse, right?"

"It's not just because of her, but I've had enough of you!" Xia Bingli said.

Xu Han rushed over like crazy, beat Xia Bingli's chest, and roared: "Zhizhi is the third year of high school this year, and the college entrance examination is more than half a year away. Can't you wait for a few months?"

Xia Bingli let her beat, and his expression remained unmoved. "In another year, the branches and leaves will be adults. It's not a big deal to let them know the truth."

Xu Han's eyes were red, "Xia Bingli! Was your conscience eaten by a dog? When you were in college, you came to me with a cart of roses by yourself, and put a heart-shaped candle at the bottom of my dormitory to make a confession. You forgot all this. Yet?"

Xia Bingli's lips curled into an indifferent smile, "If you didn't remind me, I would have really forgotten the reason why I confessed to you back then!"

"You bastard, I fought with you!"

Xu Han broke out completely. She used both hands and feet, scratching, scratching and kicking, and the fighting was amazing.

In less than a minute, several blood marks appeared on Xia Bingli's face, which immediately added a bit of humor to his handsome and handsome face.

Xia Ye was indifferent to the war between the two, and Xia Zhi hadn't recovered from the shock just now, until she saw Xia Bingli wanted to do something to Xu Han, and she rushed over.

Xia Bingli's strength was not small, Xia Zhi was pushed and fell out, his head slammed on the corner of the dining table, and a swollen bag quickly swelled on his forehead.

Xu Han hurried over to check her injuries, and asked, "Zhizhi, is it okay? Let's go upstairs, and mother will take you to deal with the wound first."

Xia Zhi looked at Xia Bingli hesitantly, but in the end she didn't say anything and went upstairs with Xu Han with red eyes.

Xia Bingli reached out and touched the wound on his face, making a "hiss", knowing that he would not be able to go to the company for the past two days, he kicked the table hard and left the dining room.

A divorce negotiation failed because of a fight between Xu Han and Xia Bingli.

The only Xia Ye who remained at the crime scene had only one thought in her mind: She didn't eat dinner, she was very hungry!

Xia Ye was not someone who would feel wronged, so she went to the kitchen to find something to eat when she was hungry, but the chef of Xia's family looked at her with a very strange look, probably thinking that she could still eat under such circumstances. An alternative!

Xia Ye didn't care what he thought at all, just imitating the original owner's tone and ordering him to cook a bowl of noodles for himself.

Xia Ye, who grew up in an orphanage, never treats himself badly when it comes to food. Only when he has enough food and drink can his brain run faster.

Now that she is in the book, she has to make plans for her future.

According to the plot in the book, Xia Bingli should have suffered a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital at this time.

After that, Mr. Xia came forward and gave enough compensation to prompt Xu Han to agree to divorce.

But now the plot has shifted a lot, Xia Bingli is fine, and Mr. Xia should not come forward for the time being, and the divorce is expected to be postponed.

But no matter how long it is delayed, once the two divorce, she still has to face the choice of guardian.

The original owner of the book chose to follow Xu Han, but ended up miserably, Xia Ye naturally couldn't follow her old path.

If you choose to stay at the Xia family, what you need to deal with in the future are mainly the stepmother of the junior third and the pair of children she brought over.

As for Xia Bingli, he is a macho who eats soft and not hard. He doesn't care about his two daughters, but he is generous enough to give money. As long as he has a sweet mouth and a softer attitude to prevent Xiaosan from taking eye drops too much, he should not target his "daughter" for no reason.

Even if Xia Bingli is really blind and completely bewitched by the mistress, he can move to the school and live in the school, so that he can't see.

The experience of growing up in the orphanage made Xia Ye know how to judge the situation from a young age, and wanting to understand her own situation, she immediately went to the kitchen again and ordered someone to cook another bowl of noodles.

After that, he returned to the original owner's bedroom, found a bottle of ointment to clean the wound from the drawer, went to the kitchen to serve the cooked noodles, and walked towards Xia Bingli's study.

Xia Bingli locked himself in the study, the wound on his face was burning with pain, and the hunger hit him, making him even more irritable, he pulled his tie and threw it on the ground.

Thinking of Xu Han making a fuss today and embarrassing himself in front of his daughter and servants, Xia Bingli became even more determined to divorce.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Thinking that it was Xu Han who came to find fault, he sneered and opened the door to prepare to fight, but found that Xia Ye brought a bowl of noodles on a tray, the bowl was still steaming, and it looked like it was just cooked.

Xia Bingli was a little puzzled: "You are..."

In my memory, the second daughter has always been rebellious and publicized, and when she was never caring, she would let someone cook noodles for herself and serve it in person?

Is the sun coming out west?

Xia Ye walked in, put the tray on the table, handed over the ointment, and said obediently: "I see you haven't eaten dinner, eat a bowl of noodles to cushion your stomach, this medicine, when applied to the wound, can reduce swelling and relieve swelling. pain."

Xia Bingli's face was hurting, so naturally it was impossible to be polite to her. She took the ointment and went to the mirror to smear the wound around it. It really felt much better, and I don't know if it was because of my heart.

Looking at the bowl of noodles on the table again, he finally couldn't help it and asked, "Have you had a conflict with your mother?"

He didn't think it was Xu Han's "dystocia theory" that angered his daughter. After all, Xu Han didn't mention the dystocia in those years, but Ye Ye didn't pay much attention to it.

Xia Ye replied: "I want to transfer to the cultural class. She said that I don't know how much I weigh. Maybe I won't even be able to pass the specialist test in the future, so she won't transfer me."

Xia Bing waved his hand indifferently, "If you don't pass the exam, go abroad to get gold plating, and come back in two years. Who cares what university you go to."

Xia Ye:…

This person speaks a lot better than Xu Han, but the meaning is the same, that is, he looks down on others and thinks that she can't be admitted to the university on her own.

Xia Ye also knew that this was the stereotyped thinking they had formed after living with the original owner for more than ten years, which could not be corrected temporarily.

Xia Bingli saw that Xia Ye was a little unconvinced, so he couldn't help laughing, and asked, "Is it possible, do you really want to take the college entrance examination seriously, and go to a key university?"

Xia Ye nodded quickly and said in a serious tone, "Didn't you just say that I look like you, so you can't be ashamed, and you can't even get into a key university, right?"

Xia Bingli: …

Although he and Xu Han both graduated from key universities, thinking of the style of the second daughter on weekdays, I always feel that it is not very reliable.

However, looking at the steaming bowl of noodles on the table, he decided not to pour cold water for the time being, but instead encouraged: "If you want to transfer to a cultural class, you can transfer it, even if you don't learn acting, when you want to act in the future, you can arrange it at home. ."

Xia Ye hesitated for a moment and said, "But my mother shouldn't agree."

Xia Bingli's expression suddenly changed, and he said angrily, "She is in charge of the sky and can control you to change classes? Since you want to change classes, I can just tell your principal, you don't need to go through her!"

Hearing this sentence, Xia Ye finally showed a sincere smile and smiled sweetly: "Thank you, Dad, I'll go back and sort out the materials to be used for changing classes. Dad should rest early after dinner!"

Her goal has been achieved, and naturally she doesn't need to stay any longer.

"Wait!" Xia Bingli stopped her, pointed to the ointment on the table, and said, "You brought this medicine to your sister, I think her forehead is very serious."

"Okay!" Xia Ye nodded in agreement.

Xia Ye went up to the third floor with the ointment, and was about to find Xia Zhi, but found that she was standing at the door of her room, but hesitantly did not knock on the door.

Seeing Xia Ye coming up from the second floor, she was a little surprised, but then stepped forward, took Xia Ye's arm, and said, "Ye Ye, let's go to Grandpa tomorrow and let him persuade Dad, okay?"

Having absorbed all the memories of the original owner, Xia Ye instinctively rejected her actions. She pulled out her arm slightly unnaturally and replied, "I'm not going to take care of this."

Xia Zhi's eyes widened in surprise, "Why?"

Xia Ye explained: "You stopped them from getting divorced because you wanted to maintain a complete family, but for me, it makes no difference whether the family is complete or not."

Seeing Xia Zhi's expression of disapproval, she continued: "This family is not complete for me at first, and my mother always reminds me every now and then that when she was pregnant with me, she injured her body in a dystocia, and she can no longer give birth to a son to my father. , so she was despised, and she felt that all her misfortunes were caused by me."

Xia Zhi was stunned by what she said. Mother used to say these words, and she naturally knew it, but Ye Ye never cared about it before, so why did she suddenly talk about it today?

Xia Ye caught the stun in her eyes, couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and asked, "You don't agree with her point of view, do you?"

Xia Zhi shook her head, "I never thought so, and I think my mother just said it casually..."

"It's not casual!" Xia Ye interrupted her.

"She knew that you would have a medical examination in a few days, so she warned me not to tell you about my father's divorce with her, but she treated me as an emotional trash can and vomited a lot, and even I have to take an art test tomorrow. I don’t know about the unified examination.”

Xia Zhi:…

When Ye Zi said these words, her tone and expression were very dull, but she felt sour from it.

Don't you know what Ye Ye said?

In fact, I know, but Ye Ye never complained, and always looked careless, so everyone thought she didn't care.

Xia Zhi suddenly felt that she had no position to persuade Xia Ye, so she forced a smile and said, "Then you should rest early, do your best in the exam tomorrow, and play well!"

Xia Ye shook his head, "I won't take the exam tomorrow, and I'll transfer to the cultural class later."

"Why?" Xia Zhi asked.

Xia Ye shrugged, "Just do it, I want to prove myself!"

After finishing speaking, she stuffed the ointment into the hostess' hand and said, "Dad asked me to give it to you." Then she opened the door and entered the house.

Xia Ye didn't plan to go to the old house.

But the next day, after getting up to wash up and going downstairs, he saw Xia Bingli sitting on the sofa wearing a knitted sweater and casual trousers, fiddling with his cell phone.

Seeing Xia Ye go downstairs, he said, "Your grandfather sent a message last night to ask everyone to gather at the old house. Your mother and your sister have already left early. You can come with me after dinner."

Xia Ye looked at his face and found that the red bloodstains on his face looked more serious than yesterday. Is it really okay to go to the old house like this?

But thinking that Xia Bingli is determined to divorce Xu Han, I feel that it is normal. In the past, doesn't it mean that the relationship between the two is not good!

Xia's old house.

"Yo! I haven't seen you for a few days. What's going on on the second brother's face? It's not because the cat was raised at home and got scratched, right?"

Xia Ye followed Xia Bingli and just entered the door of the old house when the joking voice of the eldest aunt Zhou Ya came from a distance, Xu Han sat beside her with a low brow and pleasing to the eye, but Xia Zhi was not by Xu Han's side and did not know where to go. where.

Xia Bingli walked over a few steps, bypassed Zhou Ya and Xu Han, sat on the other side of the sofa, took off the watch and handed it over to the servant, then closed his eyes and rested, completely ignoring his sister-in-law's intentions.

Zhou Ya was a little embarrassed, but she quickly turned her eyes to Xia Ye and joked, "Why did Ye Ye change his clothes today? Aunt almost didn't recognize it."

"Mom, don't you know, the second sister is chasing Qiu Ze from our class. She stopped others to confess, but was rejected. Qiu Ze said that he doesn't like girls with heavy makeup and poor grades."

It was Xia Shuyun, the youngest daughter of the uncle's family, who was talking. She was only two months younger than the original owner.

After hearing Xia Shuyun's words, Xu Han was the one who reacted the most. She frowned at Xia Ye and asked, "What happened?"

No wonder this girl suddenly changed into a pleasing outfit. Yesterday, she said she was going to study in a cultural class, but it turned out to be because of puppy love!

Xia Ye:…

She couldn't deny this directly, because the original owner did confess that she was rejected, and many people were present at the time.

Seeing that everyone in the room was looking at him, obviously waiting for an answer, Xia Ye changed his mind and said with a smile, "That's what happened."

Before Xu Han got angry, she quickly added: "However, it was because of playing Truth or Dare that I got stuck, so I can only be willing to admit defeat!"

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