Dressed As a Wealthy and Rebellious Female Match

Chapter 33: Summer Solstice Orphanage

After listening to Feng Yao's words, Xia Ye was stunned. She looked at Feng Yao blankly, and after a while, she asked, "Do you also open an orphanage?"

In this world, there will be many orphanage directors, but Feng Yao is younger than President Bei, and some of the things the two have said are similar...

Feng Yao turned to look at her, "Do you still know the person who opened the orphanage?"

Xia Ye hesitated for a moment, nodded, and his voice sounded gloomy, "A very good person, but he is no longer here."

She once heard people say that Dean Bei was in poor health since he was a child, and it was useless to take a lot of medicine. The people in his family wanted to accumulate blessings for him by accumulating virtue and doing good deeds, and opened an orphanage in his name.

When Xia Ye was eight years old, her parents died in an air crash. Her grandparents couldn't bear the blow of the white-haired man sending the black-haired man, and soon passed away. She was sent to an orphanage.

When we first met, Dean Bei was still a teenager. He sat alone under the banyan tree in the orphanage, looking very lonely.

At that time, Xia Ye thought that he was also a child of the orphanage, so he couldn't help chatting with him, but Dean Bei didn't like to talk. Usually, she said ten sentences before the other party replied to her.

But after all, he was the first person Xia Ye saw in the orphanage, and he never interrupted Xia Ye's nagging. Name, he has been called his brother.

After several months, she learned from the staff that the taciturn brother was actually the director of the orphanage. From then on, she started to call him President Bei like everyone else.

From the age of eight to eighteen, Xia Ye lived in the orphanage for ten years. Since she was sensible, she studied hard and supported herself with scholarships and grants, becoming a role model for all the children in the orphanage.

Maybe in the eyes of many people, the children in the orphanage are extreme and love to cause trouble, but it is not. The friends who grew up with her, and the younger brothers and sisters who went after her, may be naughty, but they are all Has its own sparkle.

After knowing the identity of Dean Bei, she began to think of him as an elder like other children, but Dean Bei was too young, so she couldn't help but joke with him.

Ten years is enough for one person to enter another person's heart. Xia Ye can clearly feel that Dean Bei is very happy when he is with him.

In front of her, Dean Bei would laugh, joke, and feel nervous and at a loss because of her mango allergy and pimples all over her body, and carried her to the hospital in the heavy rain.

During those years in the orphanage, Dean Bei was like a luminous body in Xia Ye's mind, but because he was only six years older than Xia Ye, he was always a teacher and a friend to Xia Ye. exist.

In the third year of high school, Xia Ye had already planned to study medicine in the future and treat Dean Bei in the future. Unfortunately, Dean Bei died the day before the college entrance examination.

Seeing her gloomy look, Feng Yao reached out and shook his hand in front of her, and asked, "I see you look like this, shouldn't it be that you like that very good dean?"

Xia Ye glared at him and was about to slap him when he heard Xiao Lemon speak: "What are you putting on your mind, uncle, the head of the orphanage that Ye Zi said is gone, it must be an elderly grandfather or Grandma, do you think all orphanage directors are as young as you?"

"I remember, you kid keeps saying I'm old." Feng Yao said.

Little Lemon frowned, "I said you're old, I used myself as a reference, but compared to those grandparents, you must be very young!"

Being interrupted by Xiao Lemon like this, Xia Ye didn't want to talk about Dean Bei anymore. She didn't take the word "like" in Feng Yao's mouth to heart because she never thought about it.

In her mind, Dean Bei is both a teacher and a friend, and a benefactor. How could she think in that direction?

Feng Yao was silent for a few seconds and asked, "How about we go to the Xiazhi orphanage now?"

Xia Ye's eyes widened, "Xiazhi Orphanage?"

The orphanage where she lives is also called the Xiazhi Orphanage. Before, she proudly told those friends that the orphanage had the same surname as her.

But in fact, the name is that Dean Bei's parents found a master, and the calculated name said that Dean Bei could eliminate disasters and prevent difficulties, but unfortunately, it was not blocked in the end.

Feng Yao looked as usual, "Because the day the orphanage was established, it happened to be the summer solstice, so it was called the summer solstice orphanage."

Xia Ye stared at Feng Yao for a few seconds before saying, "It's still early today, so we can go there, but we have to buy some stationery and daily necessities first and take them with us."

Hearing what she said, Feng Yao drove to the nearby wholesale market. When he arrived at the destination, Feng Yao parked the car and said, "You can take your 9,000 yuan with you, and you can spend it later."

Xia Ye didn't know why he was so obsessed with the 9,000 yuan banknotes. He wanted to exchange it with WeChat for a while, and then let himself spend it, but after thinking about it, it was really inconvenient to carry cash, and it was good to spend it.

After the three got out of the car, Xiao Lemon listened to the hawkers and their haggling with customers, and couldn't help but ask, "Uncle, you've always been good at money, why do you come here to buy things?"

Xia Ye replied instead of Feng Yao: "Because it's for the children in the orphanage, it's too expensive and inappropriate."

Xia Ye has been an orphan for ten years, and he naturally understands the look in the eyes of the people around him. In the eyes of many people, they should be pitiful. They use worn-out and old things for everything. If they suddenly use good things, they will be used by others. A strange look.

Xia Ye has been an academic bully since she was a child. She can live quite well on scholarships and grants, so few people question her, but many of her younger brothers, sisters and friends are children with mediocre aptitudes, so they must be taken into account. The actual situation.

After listening to Xia Ye's explanation, Xiao Lemon understood immediately. She took out her mobile phone from the pocket of her school uniform trousers, opened her coin purse and looked at the balance, and said, "I have more than 900 pocket money left, take them all out. Buy something!"

Feng Yao smiled, "You brat is usually so stingy, but now you are willing to bleed?"

Little Lemon shook his head and replied, "My father only gives me 5,000 per month, and you went to sue that I slept in and asked him to deduct my pocket money, so I don't have much money, so of course I have to be a bit stingy!"

Hearing her words, Xia Ye couldn't help laughing, and said, "You can show a part of it. If you show it all, it's useless."

Little Lemon didn't care: "It's okay, it's a holiday, I can ask my dad for money."

The three entered the wholesale market, purchased a bunch of stationery, daily necessities and snacks, then returned to Feng Yao's car and set off for the orphanage.

When he arrived at the Xiazhi orphanage, Xia Ye saw an elderly grandfather coming out to greet him. The old grandfather was very polite to Feng Yao. After saying a few words, he called a few people out and went to Feng Yao's car to move them. thing.

Feng Yao introduced to Xia Ye: "This is the person in charge of the orphanage, surnamed Bai, you are like me, just call him Grandpa Bai."

Xia Ye nodded and called out, "Hello, Grandpa Bai."

Grandpa Bai nodded again and again, "Okay, okay, come in quickly."

After entering the orphanage, Xia Ye suddenly felt very familiar, because the layout here is very similar to the place where she lived for ten years in her previous life.

Could there really be such a coincidence?

Taking those things, Grandpa Bai took the three to meet the children in the orphanage. Because the winter vacation was already over, the children were basically in the orphanage. Grandpa Bai only called out, and many children rushed coming.

Xia Ye knew that many orphans were very sensitive, and thought it would not be so easy to get along with them. Who knew that just after the passage, a few children rushed over and shouted, "Brother, have you come to see us again?"

The elder brother in those children's mouths naturally refers to Feng Yao.

In this way, Feng Yao is not just a dean in name, but often comes here to see these children, so these children are very familiar with him.

Grandpa Bai distributed the stationery he bought to the children and said, "Brother Feng is coming to see you again today, everyone must behave well!"

The children agreed with a smile, then stood in a circle around Feng Yao, very enthusiastic but not noisy, and looked very polite.

Among them was a ten-year-old boy who looked quite clever. When he came over, he pointed at Xia Ye and asked Feng Yao, "Brother, is this sister your girlfriend?"

Xia Ye:…

She is clearly still wearing a high school uniform, how does she look like Feng Yao's girlfriend?

She waited for Feng Yao to explain, but Feng Yao asked the child with a smile, "You are so young, do you know what a girlfriend is?"

The little boy smiled and said, "Of course I know, I will study hard, make a lot of money in the future, and find a beautiful girlfriend, um... just as beautiful as the girlfriend my brother found."

Feng Yao shook his head and laughed, and stopped discussing the topic of "girlfriend" with the child.

Later, when another little girl with a mushroom head came over, she couldn't help but ask, "Brother, didn't you bring Mengmeng over today?"

Feng Yao replied patiently: "Next time, bring Mengmeng over and let him play with you."

Xia Ye looked at Feng Yao's extremely patient appearance, and felt that his suspicion just now was a bit ridiculous.

On Feng Yao's body, she did see part of Dean Bei's shadow, but she felt that he could not be Dean Bei.

Although there are so many coincidences, the two people's personalities are really different. If Dean Bei really wears books like himself, there shouldn't be such a big change in their personalities.

How could such a proud person, such an impatient person, be like Feng Yao, answering all questions to these children!

The most important thing is that his appearance is basically the same as his previous life, and his personality has not changed much. If Feng Yao is really Dean Bei, he has no reason not to recognize himself, and there is no reason not to recognize himself.

"Sister, would you like to play eagles and chickens with us?" A girl with a braided horns ran up to Xiao Lemon, looking at her expectantly.

Little Lemon is the youngest in their entire family, and also the youngest in the class. She has always been taken care of, but now she suddenly heard someone calling her sister and asking her to play games with her, she suddenly felt a sense of responsibility. Feeling like a child king.

"Okay! You go and get that sister Ye Ye together, she will be the eagle, and I will be the mother chicken, okay?"

Hearing her promise, the children immediately danced over to find Xia Ye.

Looking at these carefree children, Xia Ye instantly thought of his younger brothers and sisters in his previous life, and agreed with a smile.

She found that Little Lemon, a chicken mother, was very conscientious, and it was really not easy for her to catch the chicken.

The children in the orphanage are of different ages. Usually, the younger ones want to play eagle and catching chickens, but the older ones feel naive and never participate.

But now seeing two beautiful sisters participating, many children are interested, a group of people strung together into a long string, and the yard is full of their laughter.

After playing for about half an hour, many children were tired and panting. Xia Ye took out some of the snacks he bought before and distributed them to the children.

After a short time together, those children have been called "Sister Ye" and "Sister Lemon", and they seem to like them from the bottom of their hearts.

When a few people left, the children were reluctant to part and asked if they would come again in the future?

Little Lemon promised: "It will definitely come. Next time Sister Lemon will bring you a lot of delicious food, Ye Ye will also come with me, and we will also bring Mengmeng here."

Here, she is not Little Lemon, but Sister Lemon, and she is very happy just thinking about it.

After the three left the orphanage and returned to the car, Little Lemon sighed with emotion: "I think today is very happy, and I think you are also very happy, Ye Zi, especially happy."

Xia Ye is indeed very happy and relaxed, because she was almost grown up in an orphanage in her previous life, so there is a special plot, I can't believe that Little Lemon can feel it.

Little Lemon didn't think much about it, and then said, "Let's come every weekend from now on, sign up to be a volunteer, and when the college entrance examination is over, we can come often during the summer vacation."

Of course Xia Ye had no opinion, and nodded in agreement.

After playing for a long time this afternoon, Xia Ye felt very fulfilled, but also a little tired. After getting off the bus, he fed Mengmeng a ham sausage as usual, and then walked in the direction of Xia's house.

After returning home, she found that Zhou Ning was sitting on the sofa, and when she saw her coming back, she didn't come up to greet her as usual, she just glanced at her, and then withdrew her gaze.

Naturally, Xia Ye would not be polite to her, and asked the housekeeper directly, "Is my father not at home?"

The housekeeper replied truthfully: "Mr. has returned and is now in the study."

Xia Ye nodded, feeling a little strange. According to Zhou Ning's character, as long as Xia Bingli was at home, she was like a pendant. Now it's strange that she can stay quietly in the hall on the first floor.

Xia Ye went to the kitchen and instructed the chef to make dinner, but found that the housekeeper came over and reminded: "Mr. and the new wife seem to have a conflict, and they are not in a good mood."

In recent days, Xia Bingli's concern for Xia Ye has been seen by everyone, and everyone has paid attention to this second young lady. Now that there is a good opportunity to sell, they naturally don't want to miss it.

When the housekeeper mentioned Zhou Ning in front of Xia Ye, he also used the three words "new wife", because Zhou Ning was a junior, after all, it was impossible for the second lady to like her.

Xia Ye nodded, "Thank you Uncle Lin for reminding me."

She left the kitchen, went up to the third floor to put away the skates, put the schoolbag back in the small study, and put Fatty Lan on her bed before going down to the second floor and knocked on Xia Bingli's study door, but after waiting for a while, she didn't People open the door.

She knocked twice again and called out, "Dad, are you in there?"

The door was quickly opened from the inside, Xia Ye smelled a heavy odor of smoke, frowned in conditioned reflex, and took a step back.

Xia Bingli came out, closed the door of the study, and said, "It smells of smoke very much, don't go in, is there anything wrong?"

Xia Ye had just been reminded by the housekeeper that Xia Bingli didn't open the door immediately when he knocked on the door, so he knew that he was really in conflict with Zhou Ning.

For a woman like Zhou Ning, Xia Ye certainly hoped that she and Xia Bingli would be as stiff as possible, but she kept her face calm and asked, "Dad, aren't you going to eat?"

Xia Bingli nodded, "Let's get someone to cook something casual, the itinerary to the Snow Mountain has been set, let's set off the day after tomorrow."

When the father and daughter went downstairs, they found that Xia Zhi had also come back. Seeing Xia Bingli and Xia Ye go downstairs together, she took the initiative to call "Dad", but she felt that she could not find the topic after calling.

After school today, she went to her mother's place and saw the stepfather.

The stepfather looked good and was warm to her, but her mother persuaded her to go back to Xia's house, saying that she was always hiding outside, and her father's feelings for her would only become more and more indifferent, so she came back.

But after coming back, there is a feeling that this is not my home.

Seeing Xia Bingli going downstairs, Zhou Ning immediately got up from the sofa and said, "It's rare that the branches and leaves are all at home today, and the staff is complete. Let me go and ask the kitchen to cook a few more dishes!"

Xia Bingli's expression was light and noncommittal.

Zhou Ning couldn't get an answer and was a little embarrassed, so she went to the kitchen alone.

A few days ago, she was thinking about being pregnant, so she went for a general physical examination. After the examination results came out, the doctor said that she was very healthy. Although she is old, if she wants to have a child, it is also possible to have regular obstetric examinations in the future. .

After returning home, she pulled Xia Bingli closer to the bedroom and expressed her thoughts about wanting a child. Xia Bingli just smiled and said, "We didn't take any measures after getting the certificate, haven't we been pregnant!"

Zhou Ning thought that he also wanted a child, and said, "I went for a physical examination today, and the doctor said that my body is fine..."

Xia Bingli shook his head, "Let's just go with the flow. You are so old, so what are you messing with."

Zhou Ning didn't agree. If she was really a girl in her twenties, she could naturally go with the flow. Anyway, there were plenty of opportunities, so why bother.

But she is already forty years old, and she is no longer young. Even if she is better maintained than her peers, many people think that she is only about 30 years old, but the function of her body will decline with age, and no one can grow back.

Therefore, after listening to Xia Bingli's words, she said coquettishly, "Let's do a pre-pregnancy check-up. You will also quit smoking and drinking in the future. Let's prepare for pregnancy and have a healthy baby. It would be great."

Xia Bingli still shook his head, "You have two children, and I have two children. Whether we can still have children depends on the will of God. Where did you stop smoking and drinking for a while."

Having a child has almost become Zhou Ning's obsession, she tried to make the last struggle, "But if we don't go to the pre-marital examination, we don't know whether it is suitable for pregnancy..."

Xia Bingli was completely impatient, "Didn't you already examine it? Listening to what you mean, it seems like you are suspecting that there is something wrong with my body?"

Zhou Ning shook her head quickly, "Bingli, I really didn't mean that..."

"What do you mean, only you know, I'm not interested." Xia Bingli said the last sentence and left the bedroom.

Zhou Ning knew that Xia Bingli misunderstood that he suspected that he had a physical problem, and wanted to catch up to explain, but Xia Bingli slapped her in front of the servant. Now almost everyone knows that Xia Bingli and her are in conflict.

Zhou Ning regretted it very much. It was clear that when she and Xia Bingli were first together, she was able to move forward and retreat in moderation.

Zhou Ning was particularly worried that she would follow Xu Han's old path.

Do not! It is true that she is worse than Xu Han!

Because Xu Han gave birth to two children for Xia Bingli, and these two children stayed at Xia's house, Xu Han could rely on her two daughters in the future.

He is different. If Xia Bingli hates him, he will really have nothing.

When the food was on the table, Xia Ye clearly felt that Xia Bingli was in a cold war with Zhou Ning. The original owner had seen this scene many times before, but the object of the cold war with Xia Bingli changed from Xu Han to Zhou Ning.

Is it really a feng shui turn?

When eating, Zhou Ning was always active. Xia Bingli would also take the initiative to find topics, and occasionally serve Xia Ye with vegetables, so that she could feel the care from her cheap dad.

But when Zhou Ning was talking today, Xia Bingli basically didn't respond, and Xia Ye and Xia Zhi naturally wouldn't pay attention to her, and the atmosphere at the dinner table gradually became silent.

Xia Ye didn't know what happened to the two of them, but she was quite happy to see Zhou Ning unhappy.

After eating on one table for so long, she knew that Xia Bingli was not a picky eater and had no special preferences, so she brought a shrimp over, peeled the shell and put it in Xia Bingli's bowl, saying, "Dad, you are too much. Eat some shrimp, it's good for you."

Xia Bingli didn't understand why, "What's the benefit?"

"People who smoke often have low levels of selenium in their blood. Shrimp is rich in selenium and can be supplemented." Xia Ye told the truth.

Xia Bingli showed his first smile tonight and said, "Well, it's still our baby girl who knows she loves her father."

Seeing that he was not in a bad mood, Xia Ye couldn't help but take things a little further, "Then can Dad smoke less in the future? That thing is not good for the lungs."

When she said this, even Xia Ye couldn't tell whether she was worried about second-hand smoke, or whether she had already started to care about this cheap dad involuntarily.

After all, Xia Bingli has been really kind to her during this time.

After listening to Xia Ye's words, Zhou Ning sneered in her heart. According to what she knew about Xia Bingli, what this person didn't like the most was that others would take care of him.

I just suggested him to go for a medical examination, he slapped his face, but Xia Ye let him smoke when he was in a bad mood, and he had just suggested him to quit smoking and alcohol to prepare for pregnancy, and now Xia Ye brought it up again, he can give Xia Ye Ye Hao's face was strange.

Who knows, Xia Bingli laughed out loud. While eating shrimp, he asked, "I'm worried that Dad won't live long?"

Xia Ye:…

She hadn't really worried about this issue.

Although Xia Bingli has passed the age of confusion, his appearance is good, his temperament is also good, and his maintenance has not fallen behind, so he looks quite young.

If he didn't know his real age, Xia Ye would probably think he was only in his early thirties.

Although Xia Bingli described in the book has some small heart problems, but through this period of time, she feels that the cheap father's body seems to be quite healthy, and it doesn't look like he has a heart disease at all.

Such a person looks like he has many years to live.

Seeing her in a daze, Xia Bingli couldn't help laughing, and said, "I don't smoke a lot, so don't worry, the big deal is that Dad will quit smoking in the future."

Although smoking and drinking are all social entertainment, but at his level, no one can force him, and smoking is not a good thing. Although it is not easy to quit, it is not impossible.

At this time, the expression on Zhou Ning's face looked very calm, but he felt very uncomfortable inside. Xia Bingli was obviously a straight man with cancer, but in order to make his daughter happy, he lied and said that he wanted to quit smoking, how much he cared about her daughter!

Sometimes, deception is actually a manifestation of caring.

Xia Ye was surprised to hear what Xia Bingli said, but she still followed the other party's words and said in a coquettish tone: "Then you have to keep your word."

Xia Bingli nodded, "Whatever you say, when did Dad lie to you?"

Looking at the interaction between the father and daughter, Zhou Ning thought it more and more uncomfortable. She turned her eyes to Xia Zhi, but found that Xia Zhi was just silently picking up the rice in the bowl, and there was no sadness or joy in her eyes.

After the failure to sow discord last time, Zhou Ning knew that Xia Zhi was not someone who could be led by the nose, but Xia Bingli treated the two sisters differently, so Xia Zhi really had no idea?

How did Zhou Ning know that Xia Zhi was actually quite uncomfortable.

But whenever the thought of "Father's partiality" arises in her mind, she will recall the sentence her father asked her at the beginning, making her feel that she is not qualified to care about this matter at all.

However, Xia Bingli didn't care about Xia Zhi at all. Seeing that the eldest daughter had been silent, he asked, "Have you already booked the make-up classes for the winter vacation?"

Xia Zhi looked up at him and replied, "Well, starting from tomorrow to make up lessons, I'm looking for the school's subject teacher, and I go to the teacher's house to make up for it, and lunch is also solved at the teacher's house."

Seeing that Ye Ye had made such great progress before, she originally wanted to ask Xi Yang to supplement mathematics, but she was declined, so she contacted several subject teachers who needed supplementary lessons.

Although the teachers were busy with the Chinese New Year, she had always had a good image in the eyes of the teachers, and the price was high. Several teachers agreed to her.

Xia Bingli frowned and said, "Tomorrow, your grandfather asked you to go to the old house for a dinner party. Let's put it back for a while!"

Xia Zhi hesitated for a while, and said, "But I have already contacted the teacher. For the water class... not very good, otherwise... I'll see Grandpa later!"

Xia Bingli shrugged, "As you please!"

In fact, he thinks that the eldest daughter's grades are already quite good, and it should be no problem to get into a famous school, but Xu Han was in charge of her children's studies before, and she has always instilled in her the concept of striving to be the first.

After divorcing Xu Han, although Zhizhi's custody is with her, it can be seen that she is obviously getting closer to Xu Han.

He hadn't thought about correcting his eldest daughter's concept, and there were too many words to say, which would be boring to those who listened and who spoke.

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