The two gangsters bought tickets and entered the ski resort. After being reminded by the staff, they knew that some places were not monitored, so they should pay attention to safety.

The gangsters rejoiced in their hearts, and they were worried that there was surveillance everywhere, and it was hard to do it!

So, the two went in to familiarize themselves with the terrain, and waited for the fish to take the bait.

But the target was not reached on the first day, and the target was not reached after waiting for a long time on the second day, which made the two begin to suspect that the information given by the person who hired them was wrong.

At noon, the two of them each bought a bucket of instant noodles, but because the air pressure on the mountain was too low, the noodles that came out of the bubbles were quite unpleasant to eat.

The two were chatting one after another, when they saw a man and a woman coming to the ski resort, the woman holding the man's arm and looking at the special little bird.

The red-haired **** bumped the other **** with his elbow, "Do you recognize that girl?"

Another gangster was a little blind and said, "The photo that guy gave is of a young lady in a school uniform. Is this girl...a bit older? However, she's really pretty."

"Idiot!" The red-haired **** scolded, and then showed him the photo on his phone, "The guy said that our goal will be with this woman, and now that this woman has appeared, our goal is estimated to be fast. arrive."

"Huh? Really! It looks like we'll get the final payment soon."

Zhou Ning had no idea that she had been targeted by two thugs.

At this time, Xia Ye accompanied Little Lemon in the hotel at the foot of the mountain.

Little Lemon's physical fitness seems to be quite good. Except for the stomachache on the first day, he is not in a good mood, and the next day is full of vitality again.

But thinking that the temperature on the top of the mountain is extremely low, and there is snow everywhere, with Little Lemon's temperament, she will definitely be unable to go up the mountain to play in the snow, so she decided to stay in the hotel for a few more days and wait until Little Lemon's period is over. go up the mountain.

On the contrary, Xiao Lemon couldn't be idle anymore, and dragged Xia Ye to visit the scenic spots at the foot of the mountain. Xia Ye thought about it and felt that although the temperature at the bottom of the mountain was not too high, but there was no snow, it would be good to go out for a walk, so he agreed to her.

Feng Yao and Yu Songbai accompanied the two of them and were in charge of taking pictures throughout the process.

Seeing that Little Lemon didn't look like he had a cold, Yu Songbai couldn't help but ask, "Didn't you say you have a cold? I think you're in good spirits?"

Little Lemon rolled his eyes, "I want you to be a yellow-haired monster! If you don't want to be here, then you go up the mountain to play, and I didn't leave you!"

Yu Songbai touched his nose, feeling a little uncomfortable, "I just asked casually, why is your temper suddenly so big? Forget it, Brother Song doesn't care about you, let's take pictures for you first! "

Listening to what he said, Xiao Lemon didn't continue to fight, because she knew that my brother-in-law's photography skills were terrible, and although the yellow-haired monster was not a master, it was much better than my brother-in-law.

A few people stopped and walked around for a long time, and after lunch, Little Lemon began to organize photos, edit Jiugongge, and prepare to post.

Affected by Xia Ye, he also chose two photos with Xiao Lemon, ready to post a space update.

Seeing that the two of them were busy, Yu Songbai glanced left and right, and with a "tsk", he said with emotion, "Master and I are busy taking pictures for you, but we don't even have a camera, and we are just a co-author. Workers!"

After Little Lemon sent it successfully, he looked at Yu Songbai and said, "My uncle and we are not the same age, so he doesn't like to send space dynamics, and he doesn't like to take pictures."

Yu Songbai pointed to his nose, "Then I'm the same age as you, right?"

Although, he is indeed a few years older than Xiao Lemon, but he is still in the third year of high school, and he is a real peer of Ye Zi, and he is barely a peer of Xiao Budian.

Little Lemon nodded without hesitation, "Is it a peer of the same age, or a tool person of the same age!"

Yu Songbai:…

Forget it, I can't talk about it today.

Xia Ye has long been accustomed to the way the two of them get along. It seems that if they don't quarrel for a day, they will feel as if they are not used to it.

After posting the space update, Xia Ye received a lot of likes and comments, so she selectively replied a few and put away the phone.

On the other hand, Little Lemon was holding his mobile phone and chatting with his friends in the comment area.

After a while, she suddenly came over and put the phone in front of Xia Ye's eyes, "The squad leader asked where we were playing, shall I answer?"

Xia Ye was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile, "Little boy, are you reporting to me?"

Little Lemon shook his head, seeing that Ye Ye didn't really mean anything to the squad leader, so he said, "Okay, then I'll go back normally."

Xia Ye was sitting on a wooden bench at this time. After she answered Xiao Lemon's words, she found that Feng Yao was sitting beside her and asked softly, "Your squad leader, he is very handsome?"

Xia Ye guessed that he had done something bad again, and turned her head and glared at him, but when she saw Feng Yao's flawless face, she suddenly smiled again and said, "No Uncle Lemon is as handsome!"

I thought that Feng Yao would be embarrassed, but I didn't know that this person laughed and said: "After spending a long time with me, your vision will indeed become higher, which is normal."

Xia Ye:…

This big guy is not only unpleasant, but also very narcissistic. Although he is telling the truth, he seems quite immodest.

If she is more confident, she is willing to give up.

On the top of the snow mountain, Zhou Ning followed Xia Bingli to learn skiing, originally thinking that this would cultivate the relationship between the two.

It's a pity that she is a complete rookie. Although Xia Bingli was trying to teach her, she was not a professional after all. After she fell several times, she had a psychological shadow, and the hand holding the snowball was shaking.

The more Xia Bingli taught, the less successful he became. He sighed and said, "I'll find you a coach. You try to learn it earlier."

Zhou Ning:…

What can she say?

At that time, Xia Bingli was persuaded to go up the mountain ahead of time, and the excuse used was that she wanted to learn to ski earlier, so as not to cause trouble for everyone when they play together later. If she said that she did not want to learn from the coach now, Xia Bingli would definitely have an opinion on her.

Although she was helpless, Zhou Ning could only study with the coach seriously. Unfortunately, her control of balance was not very good. Even if the coach taught her best, she still didn't learn it.

Xia Bingli felt that it was too boring to watch her learn to ski, so she simply found a temporary guide and went to the top of the mountain to go around.

Most of the scenic spots on the snow-capped mountains are artificially built, and many of them have been newly developed in recent years. Xia Bingli also went to the snow-capped mountains when he was young, but at that time, he climbed the mountains purely for exercise, which is completely different from the current state of mind.

In recent years, he has been busy with work, and even if he travels, it is mostly to entertain his partners. There are not many opportunities to temporarily put aside his work and just play.

Therefore, he felt that there was no charm.

Zhou Ning saw that the temporary tour guide Xia Bingli was looking for was a very young girl, and her face turned ugly. She was a junior for Xia Bingli, and her superior was successfully transferred to Mrs. Xia. Naturally, she knew that Xia Bingli was not a good man who "keeps himself like a jade".

The little tour guide looked pretty, but the key was still young. If she tried to seduce, she really didn't think Xia Bingli could hold it.

But Zhou Ning knew that Xia Bingli was a macho, and she was impatient. If she dared to say anything, the other party would definitely slap her face, and in the end it was her who suffered.

So she could only hold back her unhappiness and follow the coach to learn slowly.

In the ski resort, the two thugs were wearing rented ski suits, and their eyes followed Zhou Ning.

The red-haired **** was puzzled, "Isn't it that our target will follow this woman? It's been a long time since I've waited, and no one has been seen!"

The face-blind gangster was also very puzzled, but he comforted himself, "Maybe the time for the two of them to go up the mountain is different, let's just wait."

The red-haired **** shook his head, "I can't wait too long, if she has learned to ski completely, she will definitely not come to the ski resort, but we all know the terrain near the ski resort and find a place to start. , if I change it to another place, I am worried that there will be unforeseen branches."

The face-blind **** frowned, "What should I do then?"

The red-haired **** pondered for a moment and said, "Wait a minute, if she's skilled and the girl hasn't come yet, let's tie her up and force the girl to show up, anyway, they're a group, and they can't be left behind. This woman doesn't care."

"That's right! We've worked so hard to go up the mountain, and we'll always have something to gain. After all, we still have a balance of 20,000 yuan waiting for us!"

The red-haired **** took it for granted, 20,000 yuan was a lot for them.

The two of them came to Tangcheng from a relatively remote town to attend vocational high school, but after they entered the school, they found that everyone's living standard was much better than theirs, so naturally they couldn't stand this psychological gap.

Later, someone asked them to help fight, invited them to drink and eat, and generously gave extra money. The two of them tasted the sweetness, and they went further and further on the road of gangsters.

The person who contacted them this time didn't know them at all before, but this person gave generous money and already got 30,000 yuan before he started. If this thing can be done, the other 20,000 yuan will surely be available soon.

The two of them never thought about the consequences if they were caught, because the girls who were bullied would be concerned about the eyes of outsiders, and finally swallowed their voices.

Now, the two seem to have seen the remaining 20,000 yuan beckoning to them.

In the ski resort, Zhou Ning felt unhappy, but he could only study seriously. Fortunately, practice makes perfect. After practicing for a long time, although not as proficient as others on the ski resort, at least the frequency of wrestling has been significantly reduced.

Zhou Ning has already thought about it, and then he will practice seriously later. Even if he can't achieve a beautiful posture, he should try his best not to hold back Xia Bingli.

In the evening, Xia Bingli contacted Xia Ye and learned that they planned to stay at the foot of the mountain for two more days. Xia Bingli didn't say anything, and told Xia Ye not to worry, saying that there were many scenic spots on the mountain, and he hadn't visited a third of it today. , you can walk around slowly and wait for her to come up by the way.

Before hanging up the phone, Xia Bingli also specially said: "The little tour guide I invited today is very good. When you come up, I can be a part-time tour guide for you."

On the other end of the phone, Xia Ye replied with a face-saving smile: "Then Dad, you have to charge at the market price, you can't beat us."

This made Xia Bingli amused, and the father and daughter said a few more words before hanging up.

Zhou Ning saw that Xia Bingli was in a good mood, and her heart was sour, but she didn't dare to ask more, she just smiled and said, "Will you continue to find that little tour guide tomorrow?"

Xia Bingli nodded, "The girl is still in college, studying history. She is very familiar with the human geography of this area, and the people are also interesting. I have already told them that I can find her when the leaves come up."

Hearing him compliment another woman in front of him, Zhou Ning felt a trace of resentment in his heart. When he was Xia Bingli's lover, he was actually quite considerate. Could it be that because he married him, he could only enjoy the treatment of a yellow-faced woman? Yet?

In fact, Zhou Ning has really wronged Xia Bingli. He has a good impression of the girl because he learned that the girl is only twenty years old this year. Work part-time during the holidays to earn living expenses.

Knowing that the girl was about the same age as his own daughter, and that she was full of student spirit, Xia Bingli naturally regarded her as a junior, and her attitude was naturally better.

But Zhou Ning was jealous because he knew that he had the experience of raising a female college student before, so how could he relax.

It was obvious that her heart was sour, but she couldn't say anything, which led to Zhou Ning's words being much less, but Xia Bingli only thought she was tired from learning to ski, and didn't care.

The next day, Xia Bingli followed the little tour guide around as usual, but Zhou Ning felt restless and learned more slowly.

The coach was very speechless to her, but since this person gave VIP prices, he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only tell Zhou Ning the essentials of the action over and over again.

In this way, Zhou Ning went to school in the snow-capped mountains for almost three days, but she was still tied up, looking extremely stiff, not to mention Xia Bingli, even Zhou Ning herself lost hope.

Fortunately, knowing that Xia Ye and the others will come up the mountain tomorrow, she is finally in a better mood.

Zhou Ning never expected Xia Ye to rush over like this moment, because she was really worried that Xia Bingli and the little tour guide had a relationship.

Towards the evening, Zhou Ning and the coach said hello to the end of the course, and was about to unload the equipment, but saw two very young boys paddling towards him.

She has been studying at the ski resort these days, and she didn't pay much attention to the people coming and going, but she was very impressed with these two boys.

She had already noticed that the two of them came to the ski resort every day and often dangled around her, so it was hard not to look familiar.

The two of them weren't very good at first, but they didn't ask for a coach, they just followed behind and listened to the coach's explanation of the basics, and they learned it well.

Thinking that the two were about the same age as his own children, Zhou Ning didn't say anything about their behavior of "taking lessons" behind him.

These two children are also very sensible. They probably feel embarrassed that they are always taking lessons, so they always bring some fruit snacks and distribute them to the surrounding skiers and coaches.

After a few days, she has been able to talk to these two boys.

Zhou Ning took off the ski goggles, looked at the two of them, and said, "Have you two been playing here for a few days, and the adults in the family are not worried?"

The red-haired boy smiled shyly and replied, "Our family also came to play in the snow-capped mountains, and we found a tour guide sister to show them the scenery. The two brothers thought it was boring, so we came to ski."

Zhou Ning thought to himself: That's quite the same disease.

But I didn't think it was boring to enjoy the scenery, but at the beginning I praised Haikou in Xia Bingli, otherwise she would not come to learn such a difficult thing.

After the red-haired boy finished speaking, seeing that she didn't answer, he said while eating fruit: "Sister, you can't learn, it's actually because of your mentality. If you can't calm down your mentality, the more you learn, the less motivated you will be."

Another boy with a normal hairstyle also echoed: "Yes, in fact, we both just learned, and we were nervous at first, but then I felt that it didn't matter if I fell a few times, but after I let go, I quickly learned, sister, don't be nervous, You can definitely learn it.”

Zhou Ning was very happy when she heard the two boys call her sister, because it proved that she was well maintained, but she pretended to be angry and said, "My son is older than you, so he has to be called Auntie!"

The two boys showed surprised expressions. Although they called their sister to please, Zhou Ning looked really young, and she couldn't tell that her son was that old.

The two reacted and immediately acted like a good child, changed their name to auntie, and then volunteered to take Zhou Ning skiing.

Zhou Ning has been really depressed these past two days, and the two of them are deliberately trying to please, and it doesn't matter if they want to learn from them.

Seeing Zhou Ning agree, the two stood on either side of her, chatting with her patiently, and the three slowly slid away from the crowd.

At first, Zhou Ning was quite nervous, but under the brainwashing of the two children, she relaxed a lot, and she didn't wrestle much. Later, she really felt very relaxed.

When it was getting dark, she realized that there was no one around, and that she had just been skating aimlessly with these two children, and it seemed that she had already left the range of the ski resort.

Because of the high altitude of the snow-capped mountains, there is snow all year round in winter, and a thick layer of snow is also accumulated around the ski resort.

Zhou Ning was about to say that it was time to go back, but saw that the two people looked at her differently.

Before she could say anything, she heard the red-haired boy say, "We have long been familiar with this terrain. There is no surveillance here, and it is quite far from the ski resort, so I hope you can be smart."

Another boy echoed: "Our goal is not you, as long as you find a way to deceive Xia Ye, we will not embarrass you."

Zhou Ning:…

She was kidnapped? ? ? ? ?

But in fact, the person these two originally wanted to kidnap was Xia Ye? !

Zhou Ning knew that she was careless, even if the two children were about the same age as hers, they would definitely be lethal.

She forced herself to remain calm and said, "The person you were going to tie up was Xia Ye? Then you found the wrong person. Xia Ye and I are inseparable. If you arrest me, she will only hide from jokes and will never come to save me. of."

She didn't know if anyone was around, and the two boys didn't move for the time being. She didn't want to anger them by calling for help.

The red-haired gangster gave her a mocking look, took out his mobile phone, opened a photo, and said, "It's you right? Our employer can say that Xia Ye will be with you, and we stayed at the ski resort for a while. God, I didn't even see the shadow of Xia Ye, but I saw that your husband found a young tour guide."

Zhou Ning:…

Seeing that she didn't speak, the red-haired gangster continued: "You are not our target, and we will not embarrass you, but if you can't trick Xia Ye over, then we can only take **** photos of you and go to work."

Hearing what the red-haired **** said, the other **** smiled slyly and said, "Actually, this old auntie is also pretty, and she's still a wife. Wouldn't it be too wasteful to just take pictures?"

Zhou Ning didn't know if he was telling the truth or if he was frightening himself. He couldn't help shivering and said, "Do you know who I am? You dare to treat me like this?"

Seeing her uncooperative, the red-haired gangster quickly ran out of patience, "I don't care who you are, since someone has given you money, I will always complete the task, but I don't think you will cooperate with us without suffering. of."

After he finished speaking, he winked at the other gangster, and the other gangster immediately took out a stick, pointed at Zhou Ning, and said, "This is an electric stick, if you don't want to experience it, just unlock the phone, let's use it Send a message to Xia Ye on your mobile phone and ask her to come and find you."

Zhou Ning opened his mouth, ready to call for help, but he knew that the gangster had already prepared to use the electric baton directly on her.

The momentary numbness made Zhou Ning terrified to the extreme. When she reacted, she realized that her mouth had been sealed with tape by the two gangsters. The two of them skillfully removed her skis, and then tied her hands and feet. stand up.

The two thugs ignored Zhou Ning's "uuuuu" voice, one raised her hand and the other raised her foot. She struggled a few times, but the red-haired boy pinched her face hard, and the pain hit, Zhou Ning was honest in an instant down.

The two carried her through the pine forest, and soon took her into a cave. The cave was surrounded by vegetation and looked very hidden, and most people would not come here at all.

Obviously, the two have long been familiar with the surrounding terrain and are waiting for this moment.

Originally, they prepared all this for Xia Ye, but in the end, it was themselves who were unlucky.

At this moment, Zhou Ning was about to cry without tears. It wasn't that she refused to cooperate, but that she was really incompatible with Xia Ye. Even if she said that, Xia Ye would not be cheated!

And she didn't dare to trick Xia Ye over here.

Because if Xia Ye can go out alive and complain after being deceived, Xia Bingli will never let him go. If Xia Ye is silenced, then Xia Bingli will definitely find out about him and still won't let him go.

But after taking a look at the age of the two gangsters, she felt that the two of them should not have much experience. She rolled her eyes a few times, and said "uuuuuu" a few times, wanting these two gangsters to take off the tape for her. .

The red-haired gangster laughed and asked, "Want to talk?"

Zhou Ning nodded frantically.

"Then you'd better say something useful, our patience is very limited." After the red-haired **** finished speaking, he raised the electric baton in his hand before removing the tape from her mouth.

Zhou Ning took a deep breath and said the first sentence: "I know you are for money, I can give you more money."

When she said this, Zhou Ning had no idea in her heart. Although Xia Bingli gave her one million pocket money every month, Xia Ye was the daughter of a wealthy family, and the people who let her tie her must be more than that.

The two gangsters looked at each other quickly, thinking that this woman could buy the best ski equipment and ask a coach to take her alone for a few days, it must be quite rich.

Maybe, they can get more money?

Now that Zhou Ning was in their hands, the two of them didn't panic, the red-haired boy was smiling, and the lion said loudly, "They gave us 100,000 yuan to buy Xia Ye's **** photos, how much can you give us? "

While Zhou Ning breathed a sigh of relief, there was a surge of unease in his heart, because this price was completely incompatible with the value of Xia Ye's wealthy daughter.

Moreover, these two gangsters are not only young, but also have no "professional ethics" at all, and their brains seem not to be very good.

From this point of view, it is absolutely impossible that Xia Bingli's opponent wanted to kidnap Xia Ye to threaten him.

Thinking of her son's phone call with her a few days ago, Zhou Ning suddenly felt terrified. She still clearly remembered that A Yuan said that he wanted to make Xia Ye a stain on Xia Bingli.

And these two gangsters are asking for Xia Ye's **** photos...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ning's inner unease gradually expanded and became out of control.

If her guess is true, then Xia Bingli must not know.

Otherwise, Gu Yuan will be retaliated by Xia Bingli, and he may not only be rejected by Xia Bingli.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ning quickly said to the two gangsters: "I'll give you money, 200,000 yuan, but if you get the money, go down the mountain immediately, and don't go to find the money for you to kidnap Xia Ye, you help Forget about today."

The red-haired **** asked suspiciously, "Why do I think you look like a thief with a guilty conscience?"

She was obviously the one who was kidnapped, but how could she make it seem like she was the one who committed the crime?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, how could he be easily fooled?

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