Dressed As a Wealthy and Rebellious Female Match

Chapter 45: The ideal type of small lemon (2)

There seems to be no problem with picking that spot.

Teacher Zhao hesitated for a few seconds, and decided not to interfere with Xia Shuyun for the time being. Anyway, Xia Ye, Linmeng and Xi Yang were already together. If Xia Shuyun caused trouble in the past, they would definitely be isolated by the three of them. Just change her position.

Xia Shuyun ignored everyone's inquiring eyes. She looked at Xi Yang with the perfect smile on her face and said, "Xi Xueshen, can you help me make up a lesson? I'll give you one thousand per hour."

Xia Shuyun found a tutor during the winter vacation, and her grades did improve. Whether it was the entrance exam or the weekly exam, she was on the key line, but compared to Xia Ye, her progress was insignificant.

She knew that Xia Ye paid Xi Yang 800 yuan an hour, 4 hours a week, 3,200 yuan, and Xi Yang also wiped off the fraction for her, so she would give Xi Yang an hour and 1000 yuan, Jan will definitely agree!

When Xi Yang heard Xia Shuyun's words, his eyebrows wrinkled directly into Sichuan characters, but seeing Xia Shuyun's thirst for knowledge, he really didn't know what to say.

As we all know, Xia Shuyun's tears come as soon as they say it.

Xi Yang was silent for a few seconds, then turned his head to the other side, pretending that he didn't hear it.

Xia Shuyun:…

She doesn't seem to have offended Xi Yang, what's the matter with this person?

Or does he want to isolate himself with Xia Ye and the dwarf?

No, she can't admit defeat. Even if Xi Yang doesn't make up lessons for him, he can eavesdrop on his self-study class and Xia Ye's discussions.

It was because the college entrance examination was only a little over two months away, so she was flustered!

Xia Ye doesn't understand Xia Shuyun's thoughts, and doesn't want to understand. Anyway, Xia Shuyun has stopped a lot recently. Based on the principle of not offending me, Xia Ye decided to ignore her completely.

But she could ignore Xia Shuyun, but she couldn't ignore Xu Han. When Xu Han appeared at the door of the classroom, she was completely confused and didn't know what Xu Han was looking for.

In any case, Xu Han was the original owner's mother in name, and she really couldn't keep people out of the classroom.

After going out, Xia Ye looked at Xu Han with a stiff tone and said, "If you have something to do, keep it short, if it's okay, I'll go back and continue studying."

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