Although Shen Jue had already seen Xu Han's thoughts, she did not expect that she would be so straightforward, saying that she would introduce her daughter to her.

According to common sense, shouldn't you create an opportunity to meet Xia Zhi and wait for yourself to pursue it?

But thinking of Xia Zhi's current boyfriend's family background, Shen Jue felt that he could understand.

He naturally investigated Xia Zhi's boyfriend, Su Xiao. He and Xia Zhi are in the same school. They are in their third year. Both parents are university professors. In addition to taking classes, they will also take up projects, so there are probably several million a year. income.

Under such conditions, if it sounds good, it is an intellectual family, and if it sounds bad, it is poor. It is normal for Xu Han to dislike it.

In this way, Xia Zhi's mother has already done it. It seems that she should still be her helper.

As for Xia Zhi's father, Shen Jue had also done an investigation. In his opinion, Xia Bingli was definitely more difficult to deal with than Xu Han.

It would be better to use Xu Han as a breakthrough point and slowly approach Xia Zhi. After she and Su Xiao broke up, and then she became interested in herself, it would be much better to negotiate with Xia Bingli at that time.

Although Xu Han said to introduce Xia Zhi to him, Shen Jue still couldn't wait, so he wanted to take the initiative in his own hands.

Shen Jue looked at Xu Han with a gentle smile on his face, and said, "I haven't been in Tangcheng for a long time, and I'm about to hold a reception to get in touch with everyone. To Aunt Xu, and I invite you to appreciate the honor and bring your daughter to participate."

Xu Han smiled and nodded: "I will definitely bring Zhizhi to participate, but she is still studying and has classes during the week. Even if she can come, I am afraid she will not stay long."

Xu Han did intend to introduce Xia Zhi to Shen Jue, but after all, it was the first time they met, so he couldn't be too hasty, otherwise he would appear unrestrained.

After listening to her words, Shen Jue immediately said, "I also plan to hold a cocktail party on the weekend, so it won't conflict with Ling Qianjin's studies."

Hearing what he said, Xu Han naturally couldn't say anything else, so he agreed with a smile.

She thought in her heart that she must choose a beautiful dress for Zhizhi, and make her the focus of the whole banquet.

When it comes to the dress, Xu Han inevitably thinks of Xia Bingli. Before she divorced Xia Bingli, those people hindered her identity as Mrs. Xia, and they always treated her with respect and asked a stylist to come to her door. It also only takes a phone call and a word, and it will never be rejected or dismissed.

But since the divorce from Xia Bingli, those people have become more powerful. Before she went to the stylist she often worked with, who knew that they would make an excuse, saying that she had an appointment with another family and couldn't make time to come.

Xu Han knew the reason why people take tea to cool, so he didn't go to invite the stylist again. The stylist he hired later on his own identity, although the shape he made was okay, but it always made people feel a bit regretful. .

It stands to reason that if Xia Bingli was willing to worry about Zhizhi, she would not have to work so hard.

It's a pity that the dog man's heart has been biased, and everything is planned for Xia Ye. When it was Zhizhi's turn, he didn't say anything, and let her hang out with a poor boy.

Thinking of the fact that Su Xiao's mother saved Xia Bingli's life, Xu Han felt like she was stuck in her throat. She felt that Xia Bingli didn't object to Zhizhi and Su Xiao's love, but it was just to repay his kindness and make up for his regret for reporting the wrong kindness back then.

In this way, she should plan for Zhizhi even more, otherwise this child was confused when she was young. If she was confused, she would get a certificate with Su Xiao, and when she realized the reality later, it would be too late to regret it.

After separating from Shen Jue, Xu Han took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Xia Zhi, talking about the banquet, and then dug out the phone number of the stylist he worked with recently and dialed it.

The weather in Tangcheng is rather strange. It seems that there are no two seasons, spring and autumn. It was just at the beginning of November when the temperature dropped sharply, and people had to wear thick coats.

Little Lemon is afraid of the cold, but she wants to be graceful. After wearing a thick warm coat inside, she put on a wide bat shirt and black pencil pants underneath. Those who don't know, will feel that She was wearing very thin clothes.

But when she found out that Xia Ye was wearing really thin clothes, she couldn't help but envy: "Ye Ye, are you not afraid of the cold?"

Xia Ye smiled and said, "Maybe it's just that you're not afraid of the cold in this life?"

Before she wore a book, she was more afraid of the cold than anyone else. In winter, she wanted to go up and down three floors. If she was on her menstrual period, she would need the blessing of a warm baby to carry it through.

But after wearing the book, she really didn't feel cold, and it was like autumn in winter, not too comfortable.

Little Lemon heard her say "it's just that I'm afraid of the cold in this life", and only thought she was joking, and didn't bother about this issue.

Just thinking that tomorrow is the weekend, and the student union will have activities, she is not in a good mood. Little Lemon lay down on the reclining chair she bought and said, "I have been thinking recently, whether to quit the student union and Forget those clubs, because I don't think it's very interesting."

When Xia Ye heard her say this, she began to feel guilty again, because she knew that Xiao Lemon's joining the student union and the club were both bad ideas from Feng Yao.

These days, she saw that Little Lemon was about to go to a meeting five minutes away from the mountain. It was easy for her to study majors, but Little Lemon was busy as a small top.

Before Xiao Lemon didn't complain, Xia Ye thought that although she was busy, she lived a fulfilling life, but now Xiao Lemon has started to complain, which proves that she is really unhappy. .

She walked to Little Lemon, knocked on her table, and said, "If you don't feel happy, leave earlier and do what makes you happy."

Xiao Lemon thought for a while and said, "I'm really unhappy because I found that they have a lot of bureaucracy. I told my classmates about it, and they said it was normal, and it was regarded as an early adaptation to social life. "

Xia Ye heard what she said and said with a smile, "Don't you want to open a pet hospital and part-time cartoonist in the future? It's okay if you don't adapt to the society. If you want to quit the club, I will be the first to support you."

Little Lemon's eyes lit up, but she frowned again and said, "I've only been in the student union for a few days. If I give up so soon, my uncle will definitely say that I gave up halfway."

Xia Ye comforted: "Don't worry about him, it's a big deal, if we don't tell him about this, he won't know anything!"

Little Lemon said with a simple face: "But when I'm free, my uncle will definitely find out."

Xia Ye nodded her forehead and asked, "Don't you want to draw cartoons? You use your spare time to draw cartoons, what can he find?"

When Little Lemon heard it, he immediately became energetic, "You're right! Then I'll just retire, and I can go and cheer on the yellow-haired monster tomorrow!"

Xia Ye was stunned after hearing her words, hesitated for a moment, but couldn't hold back, and asked, "So the reason you were unhappy just now was not because the student union had an event tomorrow, but because the student union took up your time and made you unable to Go cheer on the pine trees?"

Little Lemon thought for a while and said, "This is a guide, fire and cable, but the real reason is that their bureaucracy is too serious, I don't like it."

Seeing her like this, Xia Ye felt that she thought too much. After all, she and Xiao Lemon had been best friends for a long time. If Xiao Lemon really had an idea for Yu Songbai, she would definitely not be able to hide it.

Little Lemon was completely unaware that Ye Ziyi had something to say. After she decided to retire from those clubs in the student union, she relaxed and even got up from the reclining chair and said, "I have some inspiration now, so let's study my comics. Bar!"

Xia Ye has long been used to her thinking of being out of character, she shook her head with a smile, took out her mobile phone, and prepared to contact Uncle Lemon.

Who knows, she just chose an emoji, and before she could send it out, Uncle Lemon called.

Xia Ye walked to the washstand, slid to answer, and heard Uncle Lemon's familiar and magnetic voice.

"Will you accompany me to a banquet this Sunday?" Feng Yao said.

Hearing Feng Yao's words, Xia Ye asked curiously, "What banquet?"

Having been with Feng Yao for a while, Xia Ye naturally knew that he didn't like to socialize. He was basically with him every Sunday, most of the time he went to the orphanage, and a few times he went shopping.

It was the first time I heard him talk about things like attending a banquet.

Feng Yao smiled and said, "You should be interested in this banquet."

Xia Ye thought about it for a while, but didn't think that any banquet was of interest to him, so he coquettishly said: "That's not necessarily, I'm usually so busy, my uncle said that I'm making great progress, and he's starting to guide me to write a small paper, and I'm going on a date with you. It's all time I took out of my busy schedule, where can I go to a banquet!"

"Shen Jue." Feng Yao only said two words.

Xia Ye:  …

Well, she takes back what she just said!

When she first wore the book, she really just wanted to escape, to stay away from the crazy male protagonist.

But after being with Feng Yao, and hearing him say that he would solve all this, Xia Ye inexplicably believed that the initial fear had disappeared, and the rest was just curiosity.

If she can see Shen Jue at the banquet, then she really wants to follow Feng Yao to see it.

"Are you sure he will go?" Xia Ye asked.

"He held the banquet, and he naturally went back. I told you about this because he has been in close contact with Xu Han recently, so I think you will be interested in visiting." Feng Yao said.

Xia Ye felt that Feng Yao really knew her.

After all, the male protagonist is also on the rich list, but Xu Han only shared a piece of property during the divorce. They are two people from different circles. Shen Jue will approach Xu Han only because of Xia Zhi.

Presumably the male protagonist ran into a wall with Xia Zhi, so he wanted to save the country with a curve.

According to the description in the book, Shen Jue is also a representative of young and promising. If he can be the male protagonist, his appearance can't be bad. Xu Han is not satisfied with Su Xiao. When he sees such a young man again, he must want to introduce him to Xia Zhi. .

If nothing else, Xia Zhi should also attend this banquet.

At that time, there will be a male protagonist who is staring at him, and a mother who can't wait to sell her own daughter. What will happen is really hard to say.

Thinking of this, Xia Ye said to the phone, "It's okay for me to go to the banquet with you, but will my dad go to that banquet?"

Feng Yao smiled and said, "Your father has been very busy recently, and I think that since Shen Jue is so close to Xu Han, he should not be in contact with your father for the time being."

After Xia Ye heard what he said, he didn't hesitate any longer and said, "Okay, I'll go with you, but you have to prepare a dress for me!"

Feng Yao immediately replied: "Xiao Ye'er has been ordered, how dare I not listen?"

When Xia Ye heard his words, a smile appeared on his face unconsciously, and he only said two words: "Poor mouth."

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