Dressed As a Wealthy and Rebellious Female Match

Chapter 86: She wears makeup to make her feel better

Hearing the news brought by Feng Yao, Xia Ye was really relieved.

Although she had known for a long time that Shen Jue had been arrested, as long as this person hadn't died for a day, something might have changed. Now that she knew that Shen Jue was sentenced to death, she finally didn't have to worry anymore.

Seeing her relieved expression, Feng Yao reached out and tapped her forehead lightly, and asked, "Didn't I say before that I would protect you? So you never trust your Uncle Lemon?"

Xia Ye quickly looked up at him and smiled, and said, "Of course I believe you, but you also know that what happened to me is too bizarre! In that book, Shen Jue is the male protagonist. If he has the aura of a male protagonist, We're so lucky, like Xiaoqiang who can't be killed, we can't do anything about it!"

Feng Yao listened to her coquettish voice, and his mood improved immediately, he smiled and said, "This male protagonist leaked the news because he wanted to take the female protagonist with him, and he was arrested. The male protagonist in this book is unlucky with him, is this still called the halo of the male protagonist?"

Xia Ye was stunned when he heard what he said, and then the corners of his lips rose, feeling that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Speaking of which, the novel that suddenly appeared in her mind can barely be called a redemption text. It tells the story of a male protagonist whose hands are stained with blood, meets a female protagonist who makes him want to give up everything, and then for her The story of the Lord making a difference.

In the story, he puts the heroine first in everything, and he will take into account the feelings of the heroine in everything he does. Although he has not become a good person, he is not as conscientious as before.

After being with the female lead, the male lead is subtly influenced by the female lead, and his behavior has indeed changed, but anyone who offends the female lead will be dealt with secretly by him without leaving a trace.

After every bad deed, he was worried that his sins would be retributed to his beloved, so he would build Hope Primary School, build bridges and pave roads for charity, as if that would alleviate his sins.

But Xia Ye thinks that such novels are wrong. As a paper man, the character of the male protagonist may be able to attract some readers, but if it rises to reality, the male protagonist has a female protagonist to redeem him, but those before. Who is going to redeem those who are harmed by the male protagonist?

Because of her own appearance, Xia Zhi and Xi Yang missed it, and then they met Su Xiao. She put all her heart on Su Xiao. Naturally, she didn't have the spare time to influence and redeem the paranoid male protagonist, but the male protagonist was still obsessed and eventually met with retribution.

The result now is good.

After clearing Shen Jue's affairs out of his mind, Xia Ye looked at Feng Yao and asked in a low voice, "There are only three days before the New Year's Day. This year... when are you going back to Beijing?"

Feng Yao looked at her with a smile but not a smile, and asked, "Then you want me to go back?"

Xia Ye pursed her lips and didn't speak, because she was actually reluctant to Feng Yao back.

I still remember last year's Chinese New Year, Feng Yao went back the day before the New Year's Eve. At that time, she was really busy as Uncle Lemon and had a lot of work to deal with, so she stayed in Tangcheng for so long.

But after falling in love, although Feng Yao would indeed be busy with the company, he would also make time to accompany her, especially in the days approaching the Chinese New Year, when the two met every day, and she did not hear Feng Yao say how busy he was.

Thinking about it now, he stayed last year until the day before the Chinese New Year, but he actually just wanted to stay by his side and spend a few days with him!

Just like this year, Xiao Lemon and his family had already gone back tomorrow, but he still stayed.

Xia Ye couldn't help but guess that Uncle Lemon would still be the same as last year, and wouldn't go back until the day before Chinese New Year?

Seeing the reluctance in her eyes, Feng Yao almost blurted out a sentence, but after thinking about it, he decided to give her a surprise, so he put his palm on her forehead and said, "It's still the day before the Chinese New Year. But don't come to see me off, or I'll definitely be reluctant to leave."

This was the expected answer, but Xia Ye didn't feel much disappointed, but thinking that she would be separated from Feng Yao for so long, she couldn't help but say, "You can accompany me to climb the mountain tomorrow, let's go outside the city. Youming Mountain, the altitude is not high, and there are artificially cultivated camellias on the top of the mountain, which is also very beautiful in winter.”

Feng Yao naturally had no objection. He nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, I'll pick you up after breakfast tomorrow."

Early the next morning, Xia Ye got up to freshen up and put on his clothes, and then spent nearly half an hour putting on makeup before going downstairs for breakfast.

Because the Chinese New Year is coming soon, Xia Bingli has been busy with some follow-up work for the past two days, so he also got up early. When he saw his second daughter getting up early and wearing delicate makeup, he immediately guessed her. What are you going to do?

The love affair between Feng Yao and Ye Zi was not too low-key. It was well known in the circle. Those who wanted to compliment him always said he was very lucky, and his daughter was so pretty and smart enough to be envied. , the key daughter also found him an equally excellent son-in-law.

Xia Bingli agreed 10,000 times for the first compliment, but Xia Bingli only agreed intellectually, but emotionally, he still felt that his cabbage had been slapped by pigs.


At that time, Xia Bingli still thought it was ridiculous.

According to his philosophy, everyone is an independent individual. As a parent, as long as you don’t raise your child in a wrong way, it’s up to the child to find a partner. That’s their own business. What are you doing?

But this year, the distance between him and Ye Ye has become closer and closer, and some of the previous concepts have gradually changed. Now, Xia Bingli feels that his daughter is very good, and any stinky boy is not worthy of his family. baby.

Xia Bingli felt unhappy in his heart, but he didn't show it at all. Seeing Ye Ye greeted him and was ready to go out after a few bites of breakfast, he couldn't help but ask, "Are you losing weight recently?"

Ye Ye is rather thin, so losing weight is absolutely unnecessary. He asked nonsense, and he was not worried that his daughter would be angry because of it.

Xia Ye was stunned and shook his head: "No, I didn't eat much for breakfast."

The key point is that she is going out on a date. According to Uncle Lemon's habit of arriving early every time, Xia Ye thinks that he may have arrived, but he just didn't tell himself.

Although she really wasn't full just now, Feng Yao put a lot of snacks in the car, and they were all her favorites, so there was no need to worry about starvation.

Xia Bingli gave an "oh" and said, "Then let's eat some more!"

Just when Xia Ye was about to speak, Xia Bingli said again, "Just eat some more, and chat with your empty-nesters by the way."

After listening to his words, Xia Ye was naturally embarrassed to leave again, she smiled and sat back opposite Xia Bingli, eating snacks slowly, and jokingly said: "The winter vacation recently, my sister and I will go home every night, how are you? Empty-nest old man?"

She and Xia Zhi do go home every day, but Xia Zhi likes to sleep late and hasn't woken up yet.

In fact, she doesn't have the habit of getting up early either. If she hadn't made an appointment with Uncle Lemon to go out to play today, she would still be meeting Duke Zhou in bed.

Xia Bingli raised her eyelashes slightly, glanced at her, and said, "When I go out every morning, you two hardly get up, and I rarely see your shadows. I'm not called an empty nester?"

Xia Ye glanced at the cheap dad in a stunned way, always feeling that he was arguing with her, she stuck out her tongue and couldn't help but retorted: "But, Dad, you don't come home every night, for example... The night before yesterday, I made a snack, and I wanted to surprise you when you came back, but you didn't come back very late, so I called to ask, and you couldn't tell me."

Xia Bingli:  …

The night before yesterday, he did not go home, but went to a little star who had recently bagged.

The little star met a few months ago. At the age of 27 or 8, she is as sweet and coquettish as a little girl. She is also smart. she plays.

Having experienced two failed marriages before, Xia Bingli has absolutely no expectations for marriage, but he is a normal man and always has physical needs. It is unrealistic to be a monk.

But the disgusting things Gu Yuan did must have left a psychological shadow on Ye Zi, and he didn't want Ye Zi to misunderstand that he wanted to remarry and feel uneasy, so he never brought women home.

Therefore, he bought an apartment in a prime location, wrote it in the name of the little star, and asked her to wait for him there when there was a need.

Of course Xia Bingli wouldn't talk to his two daughters about such things, but at this time, when Ye Ye asked why he didn't go home at night, he actually felt a little guilty.

Xia Bingli felt embarrassed, after coughing lightly, he looked at Xia Ye and said, "Don't think that being a president is so easy, once you get busy, don't forget to eat or sleep in the company. How can you little children understand the hardships of life."

Xia Ye nodded, but then said suspiciously: "But Uncle Lemon doesn't seem to be very busy at ordinary times, and he sleeps at home at night."

Xia Bingli:  …

Today, we can't talk anymore! ! ! !

However, Ye Zi actually knew that Feng Yao slept at home every night. Does that mean that the two often meet at night?

Or, they two... live together?

Xia Bingli drank the fresh milk in the cup as quickly as possible, went out to put on his suit jacket, and went back to the dining room to look at Ye Ye and asked, "Can you tie a tie?"

Xia Ye was stunned and shook his head: "I haven't learned it before, but... it shouldn't look complicated, why don't I try it?"

Xia Bingli listened to her answer, and her face that was tense just now suddenly relaxed, and said, "I'm very busy at work, where do I have time for you to try? I'll go first, put the glass in the cup before you leave. After drinking milk, it is the time to grow your body, you must pay attention to nutrition."

Xia Bingli said disgusting words, but she was in a very happy mood. Judging from Ye Ye's reaction just now, she really didn't know how to wear a tie, which proved that her guess just now was wrong.


When Xia Ye saw that the cheap father was out, he immediately threw away most of the milk left in the cup, rinsed his mouth and simply put on his makeup, then went to the sofa to pick up the backpack he had packed before, and went out with the baby on his back.

As she expected, Feng Yao was already waiting at the door. After she got into the car, she couldn't help but ask, "When my father just went out, he should have met you, right?"

Feng Yao nodded, "I ran into it, and told me to be patient, saying that girls always groom before going on a date, and it will take a long time."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Xia Ye and said with a smile, "Really put on makeup? To be honest, it's pretty."

Xia Ye:  …

When she used to date Feng Yao, she would also wear makeup!

Could it be that this person has never been discovered before? ? ? ?

Feng Yao went to fasten the seat belt for her. Seeing her expression was different, he asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Xia Ye looked at him, was silent for two seconds, and asked, "How did you see that I put on makeup today?"

Feng Yao shrugged and said, "The color of your mouth is a little different from yesterday. It must be makeup, right?"

Xia Ye looked at Feng Yao expressionlessly, she now had a feeling that she got up so early this morning and tossed it for so long, as if she was playing the piano to a cow.

However, she wears makeup to make herself feel better, not for that, old man! ! !

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