That year, Xia Ye was eight years old, her parents were killed, her grandparents also died one after another, she no longer had any relatives, so she could only be sent to an orphanage.

After Xia Ye cried, he had to accept the reality.

In fact, she didn't quite understand the meaning of death, so she felt that her grandparents went to a far away place.

Before, Mom and Dad suddenly disappeared. Grandpa told her that Mom and Dad went to a far away place. As long as they were obedient and had a good meal, Mom and Dad would come back.

So, she will be obedient and wait for her parents to come back with her grandparents.

Before going to the orphanage, Grandpa Li downstairs stopped her and put a large amount of candy in her pocket before telling her not to cry casually after going to the orphanage, but to learn to mix with other children, otherwise she might be being isolated.

Grandpa Li is a very kind old grandpa. He often gives her candy and teaches her to do math Olympiad problems. Xia Ye likes Grandpa Li very much and thinks that Grandpa Li will not lie to her.

When she was young, she didn't know what "isolated" meant. Seeing the confused look in her eyes, Grandpa Li smiled and rubbed the top of her head and said, "Maybe it's because Grandpa is thinking too much, Ye Ye is so good, the orphanage is so good. Everyone will love you."

When Xia Ye heard Grandpa Li's words, she showed a well-behaved smile. Ever since she had a memory, it seemed that few people really didn't like her.

Although the orphanage is a completely unfamiliar place, after a while, those strangers will become mature people.

Carrying a small schoolbag with summer homework on her back, she followed the community staff into a car and ran to the completely unfamiliar place.

In the car, Xia Ye looked at the community worker who took her to the orphanage and asked curiously, "Sister, what is isolation?"

In fact, the person in front of her should be called Auntie, but Grandpa said that as long as she is not too old, she should be called Sister. Others will be happy when they hear it. She feels that what Grandpa said must be right.

Sure enough, as soon as the community aunt heard her words, a smile appeared on her face and said, "Isolation, that is, everyone is together, ignoring one person, but you are so sensible, you will definitely not be isolated."

Xia Ye nodded, indicating that she understood that she had never been isolated before, and hoped that she would not be in the future.

The car stopped at the entrance of the orphanage, and Xia Ye was led into the orphanage by the community aunt.

Because the formalities had already been done, the staff at the orphanage also knew that Xia Ye was coming today. The aunt who was in charge of taking care of the children glanced at Xiao Xia Ye, and the first impression was: such a cute powder dumpling seems to be with them The orphanage is somewhat inaccessible.

This child is really too beautiful. Although the clothes on her body look old, they are clean and tidy. The expression on her face is also pure and innocent. Such a child, at first glance, is pampered and grown up, she can really be with her Do the other kids mingle and not be isolated?

Auntie took Xia Ye to collect daily necessities, and then sent her to the orphanage's room for the children.

On the way, she introduced herself and said that the children in the orphanage called her Aunt Gao, and Xia Ye immediately called her sweetly, making Aunt Gao almost adorable.

Soon, Xia Ye arrived at the room arranged for the children in the orphanage.

There are four beds in the room of about ten square meters, but only two beds have quilts, and the other two beds are empty.

The first thing Xia Ye did after entering the room was to take off the schoolbag and put it on the table beside the cot, then smile at Aunt Gao.

Because she is at the age of changing teeth, she is missing two front teeth, and there is a small pear vortex on her face, which looks cute and well-behaved.

Aunt Gao asked her to choose a bed by herself, and then simply cleaned it up for her, and told her what problems she should pay attention to when living here in the future.

When Aunt Gao spoke, Xia Ye listened attentively, took out a pen and notebook from her schoolbag, and wrote it down. However, she had just finished the second grade of elementary school, and she could not write many words. words, she used pinyin instead.

Aunt Gao looked at her sensible and well-behaved appearance, and her handwriting looked very correct. At a glance, she knew that she was a good student.

Aunt Gao was worried again whether the child would be isolated by other children, especially the two "demon kings" of the orphanage who always like to bully little girls. The weaker they are, the more they will bully them.

Xiao Xiaye has no offensive power like this, I am afraid that he will be bullied very badly!

Although worried, Aunt Gao couldn't change anything.

Everyone has their own lives. Since Xiao Xiaye came to the orphanage, she must learn to adapt to all this, because it is no longer possible for her to be petted by her family in the palm of her hand.

After Aunt Gao left, Xia Ye stayed in the room for a while, and decided to go out for a walk. She just heard Aunt Gao say that she could be active in the orphanage, as long as she didn't go out and run around.

She has a good memory and a strong sense of direction. She never gets lost. When she followed Aunt Gao just now, she had already memorized the nearby road. There was a small forest outside her yard, and she wanted to see it.

When they arrived at the grove, Xia Ye discovered that there was a lawn opposite the wood. There were many children playing on the lawn, many of them were older than her, but there were also two about her age.

However, under the stoutest banyan tree, there was a brother sitting there with a book on his knees. The book was open, but instead of reading, he was in a daze.

Xia Ye glanced at the group of children on the opposite lawn, then glanced at his brother who was alone in a daze, and suddenly remembered what Grandpa Li said.

Is this brother isolated by other children?

Xia Ye hesitated for a moment, ran over, stood in front of the elder brother, and asked, "Are you new here too?"

After she finished speaking, she saw that brother frowning at her.

Xia Ye found that this elder brother is really good-looking, and the frown is also very good-looking.

"My name is Xia Ye, but everyone likes to call me Ye Ye, so you can call me that too."


"You haven't seen me before because I'm also new here, but I'm not a bad guy!"


"Would it be alright for me to be your friend?"


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