When Yang Haiyan heard this question, she almost thought she had heard it wrong. She was originally appreciating Qin Fang's figure very seriously, and she felt quite satisfied when she saw that there were traces of her **** on his body. The possessiveness of a woman is like this, she likes to leave traces on a man's body to tell herself that this man is hers. Sometimes it's just fun, or at least she likes it.

But in the final analysis, the man was too **** the bed.

But now, Yang Haiyan's eyes changed into a playful look. She nodded: "It's best to look at the border."

Qin Fang pursed his mouth when he heard it, but said stubbornly, "Why do men want to look good?"

Yang Haiyan wanted to be serious, but looking at Qin Fang, she couldn't be serious even if she wanted to. She could only try to suppress her smile and look at Qin Fang.

Qin Fang found himself being teased by her, and his face flushed: "Yanyan, you are too bad." He made the bed, "Yanyan, I have to teach you a lesson today."

Yang Haiyan shouted: "Go away, go away, you are too heavy."

Qin Fang was not convinced: "I've lost weight, didn't you say that my face is thin?"

Yang Haiyan retorted: "How many taels of meat can you have on your face? If you are thin, can you count as jin taels?"

Qin Fang grabbed her hand and said, "you can tell how much meat you have by touching it."

Yang Haiyan shouted again: "Ah... Where do you want me to touch, you rascal, beast..."

What responded to her was Qin Fang's wanton laughter.

When the bridal room became famous at the candle night. Qin Fang suddenly thought of this poem, but he felt that there was one more suitable for him: when he became famous, when his wife was calling. Qin Fang thought he was very literary and felt that he could recite more poems in the future.

the next day

April is a very exhausting season. This kind of exhaustion is not because of tiredness from work, but because you want to sleep unconsciously, which is completely different from the awakening of all things.

There was a riot last afternoon, and another riot last night. Yang Haiyan's exhaustion was physical and mental exhaustion, as if all the bones in her body had been dismantled. But it's not too late to wake up. In modern times, it's about eight o'clock, just in time for breakfast.

Yang Haiyan yawned and got up. She didn't see Qin Fang's figure. She knew that Qin Fang was going to settle the surrendered barbarians in the past few days, and she must be busy, so she didn't care.

After getting up, Nanny Lian came in, and looking at Nanny Lian who was smiling, Yang Haiyan shuddered, fearing that she would bring up the matter of giving birth again. "Mommy, where's the general? But you're busy outside the county?"

Madam Lian waited for Yang Haiyan to sit down in front of the dressing table, brushing her hair and saying, "The general is in the study, he is busy early in the morning."

Yang Haiyan said: "He has a lot of work lately, so let the kitchen make more delicious food to nourish his body."

Sister Lian: "Old slave knows, don't worry."

Yang Haiyan combed her hair and went to the study to see Qin Fang. Seeing that he was writing with his head down, he didn't bother him, and went to have breakfast first.

Qin Shoucheng and Kun Daying went to school in the county seat, and Qin Siya was sent to Xiufang in the county seat by her. Although this county is barren, it is still a county, and there are still some things that should be equipped. In the past year, although she was teaching Qin Siya Nuhong, she did not have much time to teach, and she was not patient enough, and Qin Siya did not learn very well. When he was at the border, there was no Xiufang in the town, so Qin Siya couldn't go to school. Finally, there was Xiufang in Yunxiang County, so Yang Haiyan sent her there. Besides, it would be good for other girls in Xiufang to get to know more people.

But what surprised Yang Haiyan was that Meng Qiu sent Meng Qiu to Xiufang as well. In ancient times when son preference was extremely serious, Meng Qiu was a rare mother who was kind to her daughters.

After having a good meal, Yang Haiyan went to the study and saw that Qin Fang was still writing, and there were several pieces of paper that had already been written next to her, so she went over to read it. At first glance, I was satisfied with Qin Fang's words. Although his calligraphy does not have the style of a calligrapher, and he is not even comparable to some teenage children, he can write neatly and neatly every stroke and every stroke, which is not bad for Qin Fang.

However, when Yang Haiyan could see the words on the paper clearly, her entire face was barely darkened.

Qin Fang turned his head and smiled at Yang Haiyan: "This is the verse I thought of yesterday. I remember it today, so I wrote it down so that I don't forget it someday."

Yang Haiyan glared at him: "Are you writing poetry?" When he became famous, when his wife was calling, he was simply crazy.

Qin Fang blinked in confusion: "Why not? What else... Yes, it rhymes." Seeing that Yang Haiyan's face was really bad, Qin Fang changed his words again, "I just learned to write poetry, but I didn't do well. , learn more in the future, don't be angry."

Yang Haiyan almost died of anger: "You better not learn to write poetry, use the skills of poetry to practice martial arts well." If he can call poetry at this level, sows can climb trees.

Qin Fang didn't make trouble, he put away the poem he just wrote, and put it away, he liked it. Then he said, "I'll listen to you." However, poetry must be learned, and someone like Yan Yan, who studied and literate since childhood, came from the Taifu's mansion, and must also like to be able to write poetry. Qin Fang felt that it was not enough for him to be in good shape, he had to have more advantages to attract his daughter-in-law. "By the way, look at my plan. It's a plan to resettle the barbarians and the women who came out of the robbers' den."

When it comes to business, Yang Haiyan doesn't care about what happened just now, and she doesn't bother to read the plan. It's so long and so many words, she looks tired: "Tell me directly, how are you going to arrange them?" She She likes him to discuss these things with herself. A woman should keep abreast of a man's career, lest the two may become farther and farther apart by asking questions.

When it comes to making up his own mind, Qin Fang is also very thoughtful. He said: "This is how I arranged it. There are 18 towns in Yunxiang County. Although there are 3,000 barbarians, there are only 624 households in total, so I divided the 624 households into ten. In eight towns, each town can be divided into 30 households, and then let the mayor of each town transfer these 30 households to each village, it is best to ensure that each village has two barbarian households, so that As a result, the barbarians are dispersed, and it also avoids the loneliness of one household and one village, which will invite the whole village to be xenophobic."

Yang Haiyan said: "This arrangement is good. If there are two barbarians in a village, if there are some situations, they can help each other."

Qin Fang was the happiest to get Yang Haiyan's approval. He added, "I have arranged for the women rescued from the bandits' den to be in the farthest village." This was to please and cautiously.

Yang Haiyan didn't think too much: "It's up to you to decide." She had no idea about those women.

Qin Fang carefully observed her expression, her tone sounded a little dull, is Yanyan angry? Still not angry? Thinking of what Yanyan and Nanny Lian said yesterday, Qin Fang decided to prove his innocence again: "Some of them are a little careful and uneasy. It's better for them to arrange them farther away."

Yang Haiyan lowered her head and looked at Qin Fang, who was looking up at him. His eyes were fixed on him, as if he was saying, hurry up and ask... hurry up and ask... Yang Haiyan thought about it and found it funny again. I think I think too much, how could Qin Fang do this. However, thinking of the words of Mother Lian, she also asked: "Why are they so careful?"

Qin Fang said: "Because Mr. Du asked me to bring them to resettle, I couldn't refuse, so I brought them. How could I know that on the way, some women said with a deep meaning that they should save their lives by themselves. Agreed, I want to stay by my side as a slave and take care of me." Speaking of this, he immediately became serious again, "But Yanyan, I didn't promise them, I kept a long distance from them, I I also told them that I have slaves and maids in my family and I don't need them. So I thought, aren't they afraid that they will cause gossip by staying in their hometown?

If it is too close to Yunxiang County, it will also cause gossip. After all, the three thousand barbarians and the soldiers of the bandit suppression know their identities, so they have to be placed far away, no one will see them. If I care about them, I won't talk about them anymore, and I'm doing it for their own good too. "Speaking, he secretly glanced at Yang Haiyan again.

Seeing that Yang Haiyan didn't say anything, Qin Fang asked worriedly, "Yanyan, do you think my arrangement makes sense?"

Yang Haiyan looked at him begging for praise, and reached out to touch his face: "Xianggong thought about it very well and arranged it very well. Since they are worried about gossip, they should arrange it farther away, and it will indeed be clean for their side. ."

Qin Fang followed her touching her face and rubbed her soft palm: "Yanyan is right, it's for their own good."

This is like Dawang, and Yang Haiyan couldn't help laughing again: "I also want to tell you about my affairs in the past few days."

In fact, Qin Fang already knew from Xiaowei Lu yesterday, but he was willing to listen to her again. The daughter-in-law will tell you that it means she values ​​you, and Qin Fang is happy. "I'm listening."

Yang Haiyan first talked about the family's purchase of land, and then said: "I also bought a thousand acres of land for your military camp, of which five hundred acres are mountains, one tael of silver per acre, but this land needs to be reclaimed by myself. , which is equivalent to buying 500 acres of hills. Niu Da said, if you plant sweet potatoes, the mountains are very suitable, the mountains are fertile, and the harvest will be good. Of the other 500 acres, 300 acres are medium, and 200 acres are inferior. These lands were bought from landlords and merchants.

Many landlords and merchants in Yunxiang County moved to other places because of the barrenness of Yunxiang County. These lands were all empty, registered and entrusted to a monopoly, so I bought them and spent a total of 2,100 Two, with these places in place, the soldiers in the military camp in the defending city of Yunxiang County will not have to worry about running out of food in the future. "

Qin Fang held Yang Haiyan's hand: "Yanyan, thank you." Only she would think about him like this. If it wasn't for him, why should she worry about the soldiers guarding the city?

Yang Haiyan grabbed his palm, and said rudely: "Then you have to remember that if you treat me well, I will treat you well." Although he was rude, his tone was soft, like Like coquettish.

Qin Fang looked at it and couldn't help feeling itchy. This woman is really bad. However, he likes her bad.

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