
The cry of the soldier interrupted Qin Fang's thoughts. "whats the matter?"

Soldier: "General, come here, there is something in this room."

Hearing this, Qin Fang jumped out of the window and came to the room where the soldiers were: "This is?" He went over and looked at the baskets of white and yellow stones, "I have seen these white stones, in my hometown, some old There are these things in the corner of the house, and they look very similar, but what are these? Why does this Taoist temple that no one cares about for 20 years have such things?"

The soldiers naturally didn't know what Qin Fang said.

Qin Fang moved his nose. The white stone didn't smell much, but the yellow stone smelled a little bad and stinky. "Don't worry about this for now, you go and tell Tao Shan, let him invite Dr. Li here, and bring a wild boar leg up by the way, and then you take the wind outside and replace Tao Shan."

Soldier: "Yes."

After the soldiers went out, Qin Fang went to the iron chain man's room again, the tiger was lying there, saw him coming, raised his eyelids and glanced at him, then didn't move.

Qin Fang was really surprised by this tiger. It is unheard of for tigers to raise people, and it is unbelievable. If this is just a dog in front of him, he can still believe what he sees, but this is a tiger.

A tiger is also a beast. A beast follows its nature, just like a cat. Even if you are its owner, when it is in heat or in a hurry, if you disturb it, its claws will still stick out to you. This is the nature of the beast. The nature of the tiger is several times, or even dozens of times, that of other small beasts.

So, this tiger will keep a chain man?

But looking at the appearance of the Chain Man, there is nothing to eat except a piece of meat. If it is not raised by the tiger, then who is raising him?

Whether it is Qin Fang's subconscious or his reason, he thinks that the tiger keeps the chain man.

However, he wanted to rule out this idea in his heart, because it was unbelievable for tigers to raise people.

Qin Fang watched Tie Chain Man frantically looking for something, completely forgetting that he and the tiger were next to him. This Tie Chain Man was really crazy. He was not afraid of himself, a stranger, not to mention that he was not afraid of tigers attacking him. ?

The Chain Man also said to himself, "What about the medicine...the medicine..."

Qin Fang thought for a while, and was about to approach the Chain Man, but as soon as he approached, the tiger stood up, looked at him defensively, and roared at him.

As soon as the tiger screamed, the soldiers outside came to the window nervously: "General, are you all right?"

Qin Fang: "It's fine." It seemed that Tiger allowed him to be here, but he didn't allow himself to approach the Chain Man.

Unexpectedly, the man in chains suddenly roared at the tiger. Chain Man: "Hoho..."

This cry...

Soldier: "General, this man in chains can roar like a tiger."

Qin Fang was also stunned. This man in chains made the same sound as a tiger. No matter how good ventriloquism was, he probably wouldn't be able to learn such a call.

Seeing this, the tiger also roared a few times at the man in chains.

Next, the man in the chain and the tiger barked, and after a while, the tiger exited the leaky room. In the room, only Tie Chain and Qin Fang were left.

Soldier: "General, what's going on?"

Qin Fang said: "I don't know, maybe they are communicating." Qin Fang knew that some artists with good ventriloquism would use animal sounds to communicate with animals. He once saw an artist juggle with monkeys, and then use monkey calls communicate with monkeys. But like the Chain Man and the Tiger, it was the first time he saw it.

This man in chains is not simple.

Seeing that the tiger was gone, Tie Chain Man started looking for things in the house on his own. He looked in the east and in the west. In this clear place, he really didn't know what he was looking for.

Seeing this, Qin Fang couldn't help but ask, "Are you looking for something?"

The Chain Man did not respond.

If he didn't know that he could hear and speak, Qin Fang would still think he was a ghost. Qin Fang took a few steps forward and approached the Chain Man: "Do you need my help to find something together?"

Qin Fang walked to the iron chain man, the iron chain man raised his head to face him, and then said madly: "Looking for medicine to concoct... looking for medicine to concoct... longevity pill... longevity pill..."

Qin Fang: "What medicine are you looking for, I'll help you find it."

Iron Chain Man: "What medicine... what medicine... ah... what medicine..." After saying that, he lay down on the ground and started to roll, like a child making trouble.

Seeing this, Qin Fang had to give up. I can't ask anything about the man in chains. I hope Dr. Li can cure him when he arrives. The only clue that I can know now is that the Chain Man was ordered by King Liang to refine the elixir of immortality here, and King Liang died twenty years ago, but the Chain Man has been imprisoned here, and now he is crazy.

Qin Fang took out dry food from his arms, which were cakes and biscuits. He found a stool in the room and sat down, and then ate, and the soldiers outside the window also began to eat dry food.

The man in chains who was rolling on the ground suddenly stopped rolling. He approached Qin Fang with his nose moving. Then he sat down in front of Qin Fang and watched Qin Fang eat cakes and biscuits while keeping saliva.

Qin Fang looked at him and only had to give out a piece of cake to the other party.

The man in chains immediately took it, and then shoved it into his mouth, and then his eyes lit up, as if he had never eaten something so delicious. Stirring the cake in his mouth, he got up from the ground. He looked around for a while, and then ran towards the piece of raw meat. He picked up the raw meat and sent it to Qin Fang.

Qin Fang's always good appetite suddenly disappeared. Looking at the **** meat, he couldn't even eat the cake. He said, "This meat cannot be eaten." However, the meat was fresh.

Tigers like to eat fresh meat. They eat at night and sleep during the day, so this meat should have been brought back by the tiger last night or early this morning, so it is still fresh, otherwise a piece of meat will smell bad in these days.

Qin Fang gave his cake to the Chain Man, but did not pick up his meat. When the man in chains saw this, he threw the meat and started to eat cake. But this time, Qin Fang didn't eat slowly, because he was afraid that he would take a step slower, and the Chain Man would eat up the meat and exchange it for the meat.

The cake is a little dry, and if you eat it too fast, you will choke. It is the first time that the Chain Man has eaten such a delicious thing, so he eats it quickly. So he was choked. The chain man who was choked came to the corner of the house. This corner was leaking water. When it rained, the water would pour down from the top. At this moment, there was a basin on the ground. There was water in the basin. The chain man who choked directly fell on the ground and drank the water from the basin.

Seeing this, Qin Fang couldn't help frowning. With the iron chain man's condition, he was obviously not someone who would pay attention to hygiene. So if this pot has been stored for more than 20 years, how dirty is it? So Qin Fang went over immediately, but he was willing to give him the water bag he carried with him.

However, when Qin Fang saw the water in the basin, he was very surprised. The water wasn't as dirty as he thought, and the basin didn't look like it hadn't been washed in twenty years. But there is only the Chain Man here. Could it be that he can wash the basin? If he could, shouldn't he wash himself first? Looking at the sour smell of his body, Qin Fang believed that he hadn't bathed for 20 years.

The Chain Man took several sips of water, looked up and saw Qin Fang. He saw that Qin Fang had no cakes and cookies in his hands, so he licked his lips and wanted to eat. So, he went to find the piece of meat, and after finding it, he took the raw meat and gnawed it.

Seeing this, Qin Fang directly avoided the piece of meat: "This can't be eaten." Saying this, he threw it outside. He had a lot of questions he wanted to ask the Chain Man, so what if the Chain Man had a problem eating this piece of meat?

The meat was robbed, and the man in chains didn't respond. He sat on the ground and started to sleep.

The Chain Man closed his eyes and fell asleep, and Qin Fang just sat there.

Until there was movement outside, Tao Shan came with Dr. Li and Captain Lu.

"General, Tao Shan is here."

There were a lot of people outside, and the movement was a bit loud. It was driven out by the chain man, and the tiger who found a place to sleep appeared again. It looked at those people, and its whole body was tense, ready to fight at any time.

Captain Lu was taken aback: "Oh my god, why is there such a big tiger here?"

Qin Fang said: "Don't attack it, it won't take the initiative to attack people." Seeing Tao Shan holding a wild boar leg, he took out Mongolian sweat medicine and intoxicated medicine, mixed it, sprinkled it on the wild boar's leg, and then carried the wild boar leg to deliver In front of the tiger, "Eat it." For the time being, he didn't want to kill the tiger, so he could only let it be quiet.

The tiger glanced at him, then at the wild boar's leg, and instead of eating, he stood on guard.

Qin Fang ignored him, but warned everyone: "Don't attack it, Dr. Li, you come in with me, and the rest of the people retreat outside and stand by." So as not to irritate the tiger.

Doctor Li: "Yes."

After entering the house and seeing the situation inside, Dr. Li was taken aback: "This..."

Qin Fang said: "This person is crazy, look at his situation."

As a doctor, Dr. Li naturally wouldn't dislike the patient, but when he followed Qin Fang, the man in chains who was sleeping with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were cloudy and pure, making it hard to describe.

However, from his eyes, Dr. Li can also see some clues. He frowned and said, "Hand out and let me see."

The Chain Man looked at Dr. Li, but did not respond.

Qin let it go, stretched out his hand and said, "give me your hand."

The Chain Man looked at his hand, then held out his own. Dirty hands, not as clean as tiger claws. Dr. Li shook his head after taking the pulse: "His condition is not good, the pulse is chaotic, and there are signs of poisoning. Caomin estimates that he will not live for two years."

Qin Fang heard it, but he was not surprised: "It's not bad that he can still survive in this environment. Is there a way to make him recover?"

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