Miao Village Chief said: "Not only dried sweet potatoes, but also dried potatoes, dried radishes, dried vegetables, and corn kernels. We can't do anything about it. Other things are easily damaged. Only these things can be stored in the sun."

Yang Haiyan asked: "Speaking of which, in terms of storage, rice is definitely the best. Why don't you plant rice?"

Miao Village Chief said: "Because Yunxiang County has more dry seasons. There is not enough water, and our side has more land and less fields. Although the bottom can be converted into fields, it is not easy to welcome water into the fields. not easy."

Although Yang Haiyan grew up in the countryside, her great-grandmother died when she was fifteen years old, and she lived alone. The land left by the great-grandmother is being planted by the villagers. After the rice is harvested, they will give her 20%, which is counted as rent. If she wants to eat vegetables, she can go to other people's fields to pluck them. So whether it's farming or farming, she doesn't know anything about it.

Speaking of which, she knows what is popular on the Internet. Because I live alone, I will be curious to study some things when my life is salty. Such as manual work and the like, people always need to find something to pass the time.

Yang Haiyan: "Then what you usually grow the most are radishes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and green vegetables?"

Miao Village Chief said: "Yes, and then dry dried radish, dried potatoes, dried sweet potatoes, and dried vegetables."

Yang Haiyan thought about it for a while, not to mention radishes and green vegetables, but potatoes and sweet potatoes have a better preservation method, which is even better than dried potatoes and sweet potatoes. That is... potato flour and sweet potato flour. Even if you put sweet potatoes and potatoes in a dry place, they will not last for a year, but potato flour is different from sweet potato flour. It will not break even after two or three years. At most, there will be bugs, but you can often take it out for drying, and it will not be damaged. long bugs. Moreover, people are eating rice and worms.

Suddenly, Yang Haiyan's eyes lit up. Sweet potatoes and potatoes in Yunxiang County cost one cent per catty, but fine flour was eight cents per catty outside. Under normal circumstances, six catties of potatoes yield one catty of potato flour, and six catties of potatoes cost three cents, but one catty of potato flour can be sold for eight cents, which is more than double the price. Similarly, under normal circumstances, five catties of sweet potatoes can produce one catty of sweet potato flour. After the cost of sweet potatoes is replaced by sweet potato flour, the difference is more than doubled.

Then... Yang Haiyan suddenly felt that if potatoes and sweet potatoes were grown in Yunxiang County and made into sweet potato flour and potato flour, wouldn't it be a "special product"?

Besides, even in the whole country, there is no surplus of flour. The emergence of potato flour and sweet potato flour may cause a wave of flour.

The problem is that both potato flour and sweet potato flour are easy to make and easy to learn. If they are learned by others, then... However, Yunxiang County has an advantage, that is, the land is cheap. Cheaper land means lower costs. It would be nice if potato flour and sweet potato flour could be monopolized by Yunxiang County.

But there is still a question, how will she figure out potato flour and sweet potato flour? For no reason, she said that she can make potato flour and sweet potato flour. Although outsiders can't question anything about her ability to make potato flour and sweet potato flour, Yang Haiyan still wants to find an appropriate explanation.

After Yang Haiyan had an idea, she had a plan in her heart. She said to the village head Miao: "Don't worry, the village head, among the grains in your fields, we all need sweet potatoes and potatoes, no matter how much." In fact, corn can also be used to make corn flour. Grinding corn kernels into flour is different. However, Yang Haiyan did not plan to make corn flour, because the cost of corn flour is high, and only one pound of corn flour can be produced with about eight catties of corn kernels, so for the time being, sweet potato flour and potato flour are settled.

Miao Village Chief was relieved when Yang Haiyan said this. He is not here for himself. How many sweet potatoes and potatoes can their family have? So, he is for the villagers.

"Madam...Madam..." When Village Chief Miao was about to leave, an urgent voice sounded at the door.

Yang Haiyan paused, this voice... but it was like Tao Shan. But Tao Shan went to the capital... Counting the time, Tao Shan was about to come back to the capital. Is it really Taoshan?

While Yang Haiyan was thinking, Tao Shan had already arrived at the door, but did not come in: "Madam, my subordinate Tao Shan has something to ask his wife."

Really Taoshan.

Yang Haiyan hurriedly said, "Come in."

Village Chief Miao got up: "Mrs. General, the Caomin will leave first. After the potatoes are harvested, the Caomin will bring the potatoes first."

Yang Haiyan said: "I have something to do at the moment, so I won't send the village chief."

Miao Village Chief said: "I dare not dare."

Tao Shan came in, first gave Yang Haiyan a salute, and then said: "Madam, this subordinate came back from the capital with the imperial commissioner and the father-in-law in the palace. They are in the military camp in the eastern suburbs at the moment, and the subordinate will come to tell you first, You will have your decree later."

This is not the first time Yang Haiyan has received the imperial decree. She has also accepted the imperial decree of the fifth grade, but it is the first time that the imperial emissary has come to give her the imperial decree. For a while, she is really a little nervous.

Speaking of which, Yang Haiyan doesn't like ancient times, and she doesn't want Qin Fang to go to the capital in the future. The most important reason is that she is not used to the etiquette between powerful and powerful people, the etiquette of kneeling at every turn, which makes people like her who were born in a peaceful era very unusual. Not fit. But after all, why isn't self-esteem at work?

Because she is from the future, she always has a sense of superiority, so that she disdains and does not want to salute those people. However, she also knew that this was ancient times, and these etiquettes were inevitable. So, she just wanted to avoid these places that required etiquette.

However, some things cannot be avoided.

Modern people with a sense of superiority come to ancient times and always have to adapt to everything in ancient times. Yang Haiyan knew that from today, from the moment when the imperial emissary sent the imperial edict, she had to thoroughly understand how dignity was defined in ancient times. And she can't live as she wants according to the modern concept.

Yang Haiyan closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and when she opened her eyes again, she had already adjusted her mind: "Are the imperial ministers and the father-in-law from the palace going to stay in the general's residence?"

Tao Shan: "Yes, the inn in Yunxiang County is too dilapidated."

How good can the inn be where no big man has ever been? Even the city walls are broken, not to mention the post station?

Yang Haiyan: "I see, I will arrange it. You go back and tell the general to reassure him."

Tao Shan: "Yes, this subordinate will go to the military camp."

Two hours ago, Tao Shan took the imperial envoy and Eunuch Chuanzhi to the military camp in the eastern suburbs. It stands to reason that when someone came to the capital, they either went to the county government office or the general's mansion. The reason why I went to the Eastern Suburbs Barracks was because the father-in-law and the imperial commissioner in the palace were curious about Qin Fang, who was born in a poor family, but who has made great contributions many times.

Others don't know, but as a minister sent by the imperial government to be in charge of the sulfur mine and the saltpeter mine, he must be the emperor's confidant. Since he is the emperor's confidant, naturally Qin Fang has made some contributions. Therefore, after discussing with his father-in-law, he came here. to the Eastern Suburbs Barracks.

Qin Fang is now on the beast mountain.

Yang Xiaowei: "General, the tiger is dead, what should I do?" According to the general practice, the tiger meat must be eaten. But the problem is, this tiger is special.

After the tiger was raised by them for half a month, they did not expect to die today. For the past two weeks, the tiger did not struggle and was quietly trapped in the cage. When they gave the meat, it would eat it quietly. After eating, it would lie down in the cage. It was not like a tiger all the time.

According to Dr. Li, the tiger's life has come to an end, and the reason why it did not struggle or resist is because it is waiting to die. When a tiger reaches old age, its ability to catch prey will decline. It cannot catch its prey and can only take small ones, such as pheasants and hares, but pheasants and hares are not enough for tigers to eat. Moreover, tigers like to eat fresh meat, but in old age, tigers whose ability to catch prey declines can only do so. Or...they were eaten by other animals as prey.

Therefore, for this tiger, when it is dying, it is enough to be raised and fed well.

Qin Fang said: "Buy it." Aiming at the tiger and the iron chain man, Qin Fang couldn't eat the meat of the tiger.

Captain Yang: "Yes." He beckoned and ordered the soldiers to carry the tiger down and bury it.

Qin Fang walked into the room and saw Dr. Li giving needles to the man in chains. Speaking of which, the Chain Man is very easy to talk as long as he encounters something to eat, and Dr. Li uses the food to coax the Chain Man to lie down so that he can administer needles. Qin Fang: "how is he?"

Doctor Li said: "The body is better adjusted, but it's only looking better. His lifespan has been damaged, and he can live for two or three years at most. Now that his body is adjusted, he will have less time to leave. Just suffer."

Qin Fang: "Unfortunately, I don't know if he can recover his memory when he leaves."

Dr. Li was ashamed: "Caomin's medical skills are limited, and this Caomin can't guarantee it. It's better to be a general. Let's invite other doctors in the county to see it?"

Qin Fang shook his head: "Wait first. The situation here, plus the matter of sulfur and saltpeter, the less people know about it, the better. I have already reported this matter to the court, and let's see how the court arranges sulfur and saltpeter, how to arrange him "This man in chains is related to King Liang after all, and the court will definitely send someone to take him away, so for the time being, Qin Fang can't let other doctors come here.

Doctor Li: "What the general said..."

"General...General...General, I'm back." Tao Shan's voice came.

When Qin Fang heard this, he immediately turned the window out of the house. Seeing Tao Shan come in, he nodded: "Just come back, why didn't you take a break and come here?"

Tao Shan hurriedly said: "General, my subordinates are here with the imperial ministers in the capital, and the father-in-law in the capital is also here. By the way, this is a letter from Mr. Du to you, please read the letter first, and then Discuss things with the imperial emissary and the father-in-law."

Oh? Qin Fang raised his eyebrows, and he took the letter: "I see." In the letter, Mr. Du can mention things about the imperial commissioner and the father-in-law.

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