Qin Fang came down from the Beast Mountain Taoist Temple on time. He patrolled every day and went down the mountain when it was time for dinner. When I got off the mountain today, I saw the yellow tiger at the foot of the mountain. Qin Fang paused for a while, and then asked with a bit of pleasure, "But brought my family back?" Huang Huzi had been going to Baili Village for a month, and he finally came back. Qin was worried about the situation of his family, thinking about how good it would be if his grandparents and grandparents came.

Huang Huzi first gave Qin a gift: "See the general. The old man and the old lady have brought them back, and now they have settled in the general's mansion."

Hearing this, Qin Fang felt a little anxious to go home: "How is the situation at home? But they're all here?"

Huang Huzi said: "No, after my subordinates arrived at Baili Village..." He recounted everything that happened in the Qin family during this period, mainly about the divorce.

Qin Fang did not expect this to happen. He is no longer a 16-year-old boy who left home to join the army six years ago. After being tempered in the military camp, he has experienced the important events of getting married and becoming an official. At the age of 22, he is mature enough. Besides, he was originally a smart man, so he could think of how embarrassing and courageous it was for his grandfather to let the second uncle and the third uncle write the divorce letter.

Qin Fang sighed: "I made grandpa bear such feelings and pressures." For grandpa, why was it not embarrassing for him to force his two sons to write the divorce letter? But, for himself, Grandpa did it anyway. Qin Fang felt a little sour in his heart. He was moved by his grandfather's contribution to him, and also felt guilty for his grandfather's contribution to himself.

When Huang Huzi heard it, he didn't know what to say. He only said, "The general is the pride of the old man."

Qin Fang smiled.

When Qin Fang returned to the General's Mansion, the Qin family who had had enough rest had gathered in the hall, waiting for Qin Fang to come back and have dinner.

Qin Siya came back from the embroidery workshop, and she was very happy when she knew that everyone from her hometown had returned. For a long time, she was the only one here, and she was extremely lonely. Seeing her father and mother, she acted coquettishly for a while, and then pulled Qin Sanya to start chatting.

However, some precocious and introverted Qin Shoucheng couldn't help but feel a little childish when he saw his family. He was also happy to learn that the second brother was settled in his yard.

Qin Siya seemed to have thought of something, and said to Yang Haiyan: "Sister-in-law, we are going to start embroidering in our embroidery workshop. If the embroidery worker is selected, there will be rewards after the embroidery is completed, and the third sister can come with me at that time. go?"

As soon as Qin Siya said this, Uncle Qin and the others all looked at Yang Haiyan.

Qin Sanya said nervously: "I... I can't do it. I can only embroider hijabs and flowers."

Yang Haiyan said: "Siya, about this matter, no, I said yes, your third sister can go with you."

Qin Siya said: "I know, I have to ask the master in the embroidery workshop, right?"

Yang Haiyan: "Yes, you have to ask the master in the embroidery workshop. But in addition to asking the master in the embroidery workshop, you also have to ask your third sister's opinion. No matter what we do, we can't make decisions for others without authorization. , you must ask the opinions of the parties, their opinions are the most important."

Qin Siya said: "I see, thank you sister-in-law." Then she looked at Qin Sanya, "Sanjie, we can learn different things in our embroidery workshop, and there are many girls to be friends. Do you want to go?"

Qin Sanya has no friends. When she was in Baili Village, because the cousins ​​were close in age, they all played with them and did housework together. Later, when I went to learn embroidery, I went with Qin Erya. The two sisters knew the difficulties at home, and it was not easy to give them the money to learn embroidery, so they studied very hard and seriously. At that time, the embroidery workshops were filled with girls from rich families. Girls from poor families like them had no chance to learn embroidery, so the girls from rich families in the embroidery workshop would not be friends with them. And she and Qin Erya also worked hard to learn embroidery.

At this moment, when Qin Siya said that she could be friends with other girls in the embroidery workshop, she was excited and yearned for it. Qin Sanya didn't agree immediately, she looked at her father.

After Uncle Qin nodded, Qin Sanya said, "Okay, thank you Siya."

"The general is back."

There is a sound from outside.

When everyone heard that Qin Fang was back, they all looked towards the door, and even grandma Qin got up from the seat excitedly and walked towards the door. In his mouth, he shouted, "Is Ah Fang back? Ah Fang..."

Seeing this, Yang Haiyan hurriedly stepped forward to support her, fearing that she would be overexcited. The old lady hasn't seen her grandson for more than a year. It's true that she misses her, but she didn't miss it when she hadn't seen her in the past five years. What she misses now is more excited about her grandson's future.

Before Qin Fang entered the hall, he heard Grandma Qin's voice, and he changed his eager pace to running in. After only running a few steps, he saw Grandma Qin's figure. He was worried about hitting the old lady, so he slowed down, and when the old lady was in front of him, he hugged the old lady again: "Grandma."

Grandma Qin responded with a sigh, and then grabbed Qin Fang's sleeves with her old hands and said, "It's finally a family reunion. After so many years, it's finally a family reunion." As she spoke, she burst into tears. Although Qin Fang took Yang Haiyan back to his hometown in March last year, he only stayed there for about 20 days. In the eyes of the old lady, this is not a family reunion. They can live together like this now. It's a family reunion.

Qin Fang is a big man, even if his wife cried, he didn't know what to do, let alone his grandma. He could only say crampedly: "It's your grandson's unfilial piety, which makes you worry. He looked at the people behind Grandma Qin, from Grandpa Qin, Father Qin, Mother Qin and others, all of them looked at him with anticipation and excitement. Qin Fang's eyes are also a little red." Seeing them now and making them live well is probably the greatest satisfaction for him.

Finally, Qin Fang's eyes stopped on Yang Haiyan's body, with all the meaning of asking for help.

Yang Haiyan smiled and took the old lady's hand and said, "Grandma is crying with joy. Seeing her grandson is happy. But grandma, we juniors will be jealous when they see it."

Qin's mother hurriedly said, "No, mother, come and sit here."

Grandma Qin let them help them over.

Qin Fang walked to Grandpa Qin: "Grandpa."

Grandpa Qin looked at him. This little baby, who only reached his knees when he was born, needs him to look up now. However, Grandpa Qin looked at Qin Fang with a strong sense of pride.

"Grandpa, I..." Qin Fang had a lot to say, especially about the divorce letter.

However, Grandpa Qin patted him on the shoulder and interrupted what he wanted to say. Huang Huzi belongs to his grandson, and he will definitely tell his grandson about things in his hometown, so Grandpa Qin didn't plan to hide it from his grandson. But, some things don't need to be said. Moreover, he knew that the grandson was not a conscientious person. Just use the second and third child's peace of mind, and exchange a little grandson's protection for them.

Grandpa Qin and Qin Fang made eye contact. The Qin family didn't know, and everyone sat down around the dining table. After Grandpa Qin and Qin Fang also walked over and took their seats, the dishes were served.

There are many Qin family members, and one table is not enough, so the elders and Qin Fang and his wife do it together, and the juniors have another table. The juniors are headed by Qin Shouye, and there are five others: Qin Shoucheng, Qin Siya, Niudan, and Sanya. Grandpa Qin, Grandma Qin, Father Qin, Mother Qin, Second Uncle Qin, Third Uncle Qin, Third Aunt Qin, Qin Fang, and Yang Haiyan at the table of the elders, a total of nine people.

The people at these two tables are half the difference.

Qin Fang poured tea for all the elders at the table, and Yang Haiyan was not missed. After pouring the tea, he said, "Grandpa, grandma, daddy, mum, second uncle, third uncle, third aunt, Yanyan, I will use Toast you with tea instead of wine."

Uncle Qin: "A Fang, why are you being so polite?"

Grandpa Qin said: "I haven't seen you for so long, and everyone in the family is worried about you, so you should respect your elders. Your daughter-in-law has followed you all the way here to settle your house, and you really want to toast her, so everyone will drink this cup of tea."

When Grandpa Qin spoke, of course everyone stopped talking and drank tea.

After drinking tea, Qin Fang sat down and brought dishes to Grandpa Qin and Grandma Qin: "Everyone, let's eat." This is the General's Mansion. Although Grandpa Qin and Grandma Qin are the oldest elders, Qin Fang is the master here.

Speaking of this meal, the Qin family was also an eye-opener. When they first arrived, they drank porridge and ate some side dishes, so they didn't have an idea about the situation of the General's Mansion. But at this moment, the dishes came up one after another, and they were all stunned when they saw it. This is where to eat, this is simply a happy event. Oh, even if they do weddings in the countryside, they don't eat so well. Because the food was so good, everyone was too scared to eat it.

Grandpa Qin and Grandma Qin also looked at the dishes, but they were elders, so they could hold on to their faces. Grandpa Qin said: "eat it all, what are you doing sitting down?" Then, he took the dishes that Qin Fang gave him and started eating.

Grandma Qin said, "Yes, yes, eat quickly."

After everyone started, I thought again that not only are there many dishes today, but the taste of the dishes is also good. Among the women sitting, there are also good cooking skills, but such delicious dishes cannot be cooked. Sure enough, the cooks at the General's Mansion were also great.

In fact, these dishes are all made by Kunzhang's family. It's not that Kunzhang's cooking skills are good, but because there are enough seasonings, the Qin family usually cooks, and they are reluctant to add seasonings, so the taste is good There will be in and out.

Kun Zhang is not a cook, and his cooking skills are not as high as everyone thinks.

It was quiet at the dining table, just a few children were busy eating and didn't speak. Although everyone did not gobble, but they ate much faster than usual. Especially men like Uncle Qin and Uncle Qin, who have a big appetite themselves. Today, there are many dishes, so they let go of their stomachs to eat. However, Aunt Qin eats a little slower, Xu is embarrassed.

When the peasant family eats, they like to chat, but no one chats today.

After the meal, Yang Haiyan took everyone to the next door to rest. They could have some snacks or tea, and the table here would naturally be cleaned up.

Yang Haiyan took out a few pieces of paper: "Grandpa, grandma, elders, I have already chosen the names that I said this afternoon. I will read it to everyone. If everyone thinks it is not good, then we will choose it again."

Grandma Qin said: "Okay, Yanyan will tell everyone quickly."

Qin Fang: "What's your name?"

Yang Haiyan said: "It's a new name for the younger brothers and sisters in the family. You are a general now, and the younger brothers and sisters should also have big names. It's always not appropriate to call them big or two. However, I will take the names of the sisters. , Niudan's name has to be chosen by your eldest brother."

Qin Fang didn't know there was such a thing, but he didn't feel anything: "Okay, then I'll give Niuban a name first."

Niudan doesn't despise his name, and he keeps his business and succeeds. There is no such thing as his own Niudan. But he is also half-eldest. Knowing that the eldest brother is promising, he will be embarrassed to call him Niudan if he is the younger brother, so now the eldest brother wants to name him, and he happily makes a suggestion: "Brother, you can give him a name. Can I have fewer strokes for my name? Otherwise, I won't be able to write it."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Seeing everyone laughing, Niudan also laughed silly: "Really, writing is troublesome."

Qin Fang said: "Okay. Your name should follow Shouye and Shoucheng, Shouye, Shoucheng... You can call it Shouxin, the character of the heart has few strokes and is easy to write. Shouxin means sticking to the original heart, I hope you can Always be like now, keep the heart of a child."

Niudan knew the word heart and could write it. When he heard the name Shouxin, he was satisfied: "That's great, Shouxin, Qin Shouxin, this word is easy to write."

Qin Fang said again: "Grandpa, second uncle, do you think the name Shouxin is good?"

Yang Haiyan looked at the name he could take out casually, really...without thinking.

Grandpa Qin said: "It's good." Keep your heart and keep your own heart.

Of course, Qin Fang didn't mean that. He just saw that his cousin was cheerful and hoped that he would always be as happy as he is now.

Uncle Qin said: "Okay, it's good." What can he mean? His grandfather said yes, that is good.

Qin Siya: "Sister-in-law, the eldest brother named Niuban, what name did you name the sisters?" For Qin Siya, she wanted to know the names of the girls more than the names of the brothers.

Indeed, there are many girls, and everyone is curious about the names Yang Haiyan gave the girls.

Qin Fang also looked at his daughter-in-law curiously: "What name did you name your sisters?"

Yang Haiyan said: "I named Daya Yiya, Yi is the sound of one, two, three, four and one, and I use Yiren's Yi. Daya is the first sister of our Qin family. The word is more appropriate. Originally, it was based on Si Ya's name, and it was called Da Ya, but I couldn't find a good sounding word for the word Da, so I used Yi instead, called Yi Ya, what do you think?" She looked towards Qin Fang.

Qin Fang has no problem with the names of the girls, not to mention Yi Ya, even Da Ya. In his mind, it doesn't matter what name he chooses, his sister is still his sister anyway. So after hearing what his wife said, he said, "It's good."

Qin's mother asked: "Yanyan, Yi is the Yi of the Yi people, which means the first girl, which bud is that bud, and what does it mean?"

Yang Haiyan said: "Shoucheng, come and explain to my mother, which bud is the bud, and what does it mean?"

Qin Shoucheng stood up: "Yes, sister-in-law. A mother, bud is a bud that germinates. Sister-in-law said, it is a homophone of ya, and it has another meaning. Bud means future and hope, whether it is fruit, or Crops and other crops all start from a seed, then germinate, and then grow vigorously. Sister-in-law uses this bud to hope that the girls of the Qin family will also have a bright future. Moreover, whether it is fruit or crops, sprouting They all grew up under the care of the common people, and our Qin family girls, like sprouting seeds, grew up with the love of our Qin family members."

Qin's mother heard it: "Ah, the name of the eight classics has a different meaning, and it sounds much better than Ah Fang's."

Qin Fang: "..." This is not a real mother, but if you want to support his daughter-in-law, you can't step on him.

Yang Haiyan glanced at Qin Fang proudly.

Qin Fang also looked back at her innocently, feeling a little aggrieved.

Yang Haiyan continued: "Second uncle, the big name I gave Erya is Erya. Er is the sound of Erya. The characters are very simple, and it is very beautiful to write. Look." She put Erya's name on it. Show the paper to Uncle Qin.

Uncle Qin didn't know how to read, so he took it carefully... I couldn't read it, so he asked Qin Shouxin, "Niudan, look at your sister's name."

Qin Shouxin looked at it: "Wow, my sister's name is easy to write."

Hearing the good writing, Uncle Qin felt relieved: "A Fang's daughter-in-law, thank you very much."

Yang Haiyan said: "Second uncle is very polite." Then came Qin Sanya's name, "Three uncle, third aunt, Sanya's name is a bit complicated, let me explain it to you. It is more suitable to choose according to the sound. Shanya, kindness is similar to the three thoughts, and it is kindness and kindness, but Shanya’s thoughts are fast, and it’s like a cliff, and it’s not smooth. So I thought about it, goodness is a beautiful character, such as using beauty to come In place of Shan, take Sanya as Mei Ya.

But now, I have thought of a very suitable one. According to the ranking of the girls, Sanya ranked third at home. But for the third, you can also arrange it in another way. For example, some people will use spring, summer, autumn and winter to rank. In this case, autumn is ranked third, so I thought of the name Qiuya. With Mei Ya, others won't be the first to come to the third. But talking about the name with the sisters, if Sanya's name is Qiuya, everyone will know that she is the third in the family.

Three uncles, three aunts, there are three names now, Shanya, Meiya, Qiuya, which one do you think is better? "

Uncle Qin and Aunt Qin looked at Qin Sanya. Uncle Qin said, "Sanya, which name do you want?"

Qin Sanya's personality is relatively quiet, because she has no younger brother at home, and she has a little inferiority among the sisters. Now her grandfather asked her, and she said softly, "It's all good."

Uncle Qin said: "Then you choose one, you can't call them three names, right?"

Qin Sanya thought for a while: "I want to be called Qiuya."

Uncle Qin: "That's called Qiuya. A Fang's daughter-in-law, the third girl in our family is called Qiuya. It's really hard for you to think of three names for her."

Yang Haiyan smiled and said: "Where is the third uncle being polite, it's all his own. It's Qiuya, why do you want to be called Qiuya?"

When Qin Qiuya heard her sister-in-law ask her, she explained in a low voice: "I... I want to have the same name as my sisters, and I know the third daughter of my Qin family as soon as I hear it. My sister-in-law just said that the name Qiuya goes with the names of the sisters. If I say it, I can tell that I am the third in the Qin family."

Yang Haiyan smiled: "Qiu Ya really loves her sisters, she's a good girl." The girl with low self-esteem and quiet wants to be recognized by everyone like her sisters and sisters, so she wants a name like everyone else.

Hearing the compliment from the sister-in-law, Qin Qiuya blushed.

The name was settled like this, but what everyone is most worried about is not the name, but the arrangement after that. Everyone took a break in the afternoon, so they are all in good spirits. Grandpa Qin looked at everyone and knew what they were worried about, so he didn't hesitate, and asked directly, "A Fang, now everyone in the family is here. Except for the second room, do you plan to arrange everyone?"

Qin Fang said: "The barracks has a total of 1,000 acres of land, and now there is only one steward with a hundred soldiers, which is equivalent to ten acres of each soldier. Therefore, the barracks now needs stewards who are more familiar with crops. Stewardship, as for the work in the land, you don't have to do it, the soldiers will do it. This is the food for the soldiers, and they work very actively.

Thousands of acres of fields are not connected together, so the stewards are also separated. I plan to recruit one steward for every hundred acres of fields, so a total of ten stewards are required. "Now these fields are being taken care of by Niu Er and his soldiers, and everyone who is busy with Niu Er has lost a lot of weight. There is no way, he has to run back and forth between the thousands of acres of fields.

When Grandpa Qin heard that he wanted ten stewards, he couldn't help but say: "There are only three of us in front of us, me, your father, and your third uncle."

Grandpa Qin hurriedly said: "Grandpa, don't go. You can live in the mansion." He didn't plan to let his grandpa take care of him. If he could, his grandfather didn't want him to go, but Qin Fang also knew that their aunt and aunt had been busy in the fields all their lives, and they were definitely not used to having them live in the mansion every day without doing anything. So, Dad, he arranged it, but Grandpa is old after all, so he is not at ease.

Grandpa Qin said, "I'm fine, it's fine."

Yang Haiyan said: "Grandpa, you and grandma don't manage the fields of the military camp, but you have to manage the vegetable garden of our general's residence."

Grandpa Qin was taken aback and looked at Yang Haiyan.

Yang Haiyan said: "Our general's mansion is too big. I have rectified some places that are not needed. One is the orchard and the other is the vegetable garden. You have to take care of this vegetable garden, so that the husband can also eat the vegetables you grow. Now, it is estimated that Xianggong can eat an extra bowl at every meal."

Qin Fang hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, grandpa, you still have to take care of the vegetable garden at home."

Yang Haiyan said again: "If you want to go to the military camp, you can go anytime."

Qin Fang also followed: "Yes, there are carriages in the house, which is convenient."

How can Grandpa Qin not know their thoughts, his grandchildren and daughter-in-law are filial, so he will not insist, anyway... It will be long in the future. "Okay, listen to you."

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