Yang Haiyan said: "Grandma, grandmother, this is the female shopkeeper of the clothing store in the county. She brought some ready-made clothes and fabrics. I called Sanshen and Sanya to come over and choose with you. Let's see if there is any suitable for you. For ready-to-wear, choose a few sets of spares to wear, and if there is no suitable one, choose a suitable fabric to make.”

Grandma Qin said: "Okay, Yanyan, you have to choose something good-looking for your wife later."

Mother Qin also said, "That's right, we haven't worn the ready-to-wear yet. We used to buy fabrics and make them ourselves." After saying this, Mother Qin realized that someone was outside. This might embarrass Yang Haiyan. She was a little embarrassed. .

Yang Haiyan took over: "That's because you make good clothes, mother. I used to like to make clothes myself, but the clothes I bought always felt uncomfortable, but recently I've been busy and I'm lazy, so I like ready-to-wear. ."

The female shopkeeper said: "The main reason is that the clothes made by myself are of the right size, while the clothes made outside are relatively new in style."

Mother Qin breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, yes, that's it."

Yang Haiyan: "The shopkeeper, take out the clothes and fabrics and show them to my grandma and grandmother."

The female shopkeeper shouted the little girl she brought and took out the ready-made clothes and materials. There are ready-made clothes for little girls, middle-aged women, and old ladies. There are many styles of ready-to-wear, and there are different colors.

Yang Haiyan took a fancy to a few pieces of fabric. She picked up one of the dark purple pieces of fabric that hooked the peony **** with gold thread and said, "Mum, the color of this piece of material is beautiful and it suits you very well." The peony pattern, but the pattern is relatively small, and it does not feel earthy.

In fact, Mother Qin also saw this piece of material. At her age, she feels that bright colors are not suitable, and she likes dark colors. I used to like dark colors because they are resistant to dirt. And now, when I look at this piece, there is another reason. She is the official life and the mother of the general, so naturally she can't wear it badly.

Mother Qin said, "Is this cloth too?" The tone was a little hesitant, for fear that the material would be expensive.

Yang Haiyan said: "It's rare to have something that grandma likes, so naturally, it's hard to buy a heart. There is also this dark red piece with the word "happy" hooked with gold thread, which is suitable for grandma."

Grandma Qin touched the edge of the material. She had never touched the smooth material in her life, and she only touched it before. Now she likes it, but...

Yang Haiyan said again: "Grandma, you and your mother are destined to meet some officials' wives. We must have clothes to support the scene. Otherwise, others will think that your husband is not filial to you.

The female shopkeeper was shocked, but she did not expect that these two plain-looking women and the old lady were actually swearing.

Grandma Qin didn't hesitate when she heard that it would affect her grandson. Her grandson is so filial, so she doesn't let anyone gossip.

"Mother, sister-in-law, Yanyan." Aunt Qin came with Qin Qiuya, and Qin Siya was by her side. Qin Siya didn't go to the embroidery workshop today. There were guests at home, and she told her master to leave.

Grandma Qin said: "you are here, A Fang's wife has found someone to make clothes for us. Come and have a look."

Qin Qiuya: "Grandma, aunt, sister-in-law."

Qin Siya: "A lot of clothes."

Yang Haiyan smiled and said, "Third Aunt and Qiuya, let's see if there are ready-to-wear and fabrics that you like. You can make a few more. As for Siya, you have already made the clothes for this season, and I don't have your share today." She makes four sets of clothes for Qin Siya every season, which is enough for a girl without financial ability. When she has the financial capacity, she can satisfy herself by herself, but, "If you have something you like, my sister-in-law will allow you to advance your pocket money to buy a ready-to-wear, or make a ready-to-wear." It's impossible for everyone to have new clothes, just her no?

Qin Siya smiled proudly: "sister-in-law, I don't need to pay pocket money in advance, I have money." She learned embroidery skills in the embroidery workshop, and would embroider things on weekdays. Will take away, but will pay. Of course, the embroidery workshop takes it away and resells it, which is equivalent to the embroidery workshop being a middleman.

For a girl like Qin Siya who learns embroidery skills, it is good to earn some pocket money. Otherwise, she embroidered the embroidery herself, and she also went to the finished product shop to sell the embroidery. Now it is taken away by the embroidery workshop, and she is also relieved.

Yang Haiyan said: "Then Siya is really amazing. Since that's the case, why don't you buy a piece of material for grandma and make a forehead for grandma?"

When Yang Haiyan said this, everyone looked at Qin Siya. Qin Siya thought it was okay, and she agreed readily: "No problem. Don't worry, grandma, my craftsmanship is much better now." In order to make more money for embroidery, she still worked very hard to learn rust skills.

Qin Qiuya looked hesitant, a little embarrassed.

Yang Haiyan added: "Why don't Qiuya also make a forehead support for grandma. You two sisters can discuss the style. If there are two forehead supports, grandma can also take turns."

Qin Qiuya's eyes lit up: "Of course you can, but..." Her eyes darkened again, "I may not be doing well."

Yang Haiyan said: "What's this? It's summer now, and it won't be too late for grandma to wear a forehead in autumn. You have time to learn."

Qin Qiuya nodded heavily: "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I will definitely study hard."

Yang Haiyan has a good impression of Qin Qiuya. She is a gentle and well-behaved girl, but she lacks self-confidence. Although she doesn't bother to teach her like she taught Qin Siya, it's okay to give her a few words and guide her at ordinary times.

Grandma Qin likes the joy of the whole family the most. Seeing their aunt and sister-in-law get along, she is happy.

In the end, Grandma Qin, Mother Qin and Aunt Qin each chose a set of ready-to-wear, and then ordered another set of ready-to-wear. Grandma Qin and Mother Qin's ready-to-wear clothes are in line with official status, and they look like those of rich or official wives. After all, they came all the way from Qin's house and didn't have ready-made clothes. And Aunt Qin's clothes are slightly worse than theirs, which is usually worn by people with some spare money and some conditions in the family, just like the choice of the wives in the town.

Qin Qiuya chose two ready-to-wear suits and ordered two more suits. Like Qin Siya, he ordered four suits in one season, and the materials were the same as Qin Siya's.

Adults are mature in their hearts and know how to choose, but if little girls sometimes treat them differently, they will feel more inferior. Of course, it was also because Qin Qiuya came for the first time, so Yang Haiyan would refer her everything to Qin Siya's, but it could not always be like this in the future. After all, the identities of Qin Siya and Qin Qiuya are different, and some facts still need to be recognized by the little girl. Otherwise, if you don't recognize the facts, you will go down the wrong road in the future.

After the female shopkeeper of the ready-to-wear store left, Qin Siya took Qin Qiuya away happily. Qin Siya couldn't wait to say: "Second sister, go and change your clothes. After you are done, I will take you to the embroidery workshop to meet my friends."

Qin Qiuya said shyly: "Okay, thank you Siya."

Yang Haiyan also put the house near Grandma Qin, and said with interest: "Grandma, Mammy Lian's hair combing skills are first-class, let Mammy Lian give you a haircut."

Grandma Qin said with a smile: "It's good to be brave."

When Grandma Lian was combing Grandma Qin's hair, Aunt Qin watched from the side, while Mother Qin would say a few words from time to time, praising Grandma Qin's hair for combing her hair well and Grandma Lian's craftsmanship.

After Grandma Qin's hair was combed, she looked into the bronze mirror and was reluctant to touch her own hair, for fear of messing up the newly combed hair: "Ah, I have never combed such fine hair in my life. ." This hair is well combed, and people look several years younger.

Yang Haiyan said: "Grandma, if you put on the new clothes you bought, grandpa will not recognize you."

Grandma Qin was dumbfounded by what she said: "then let's change it."

Yang Haiyan: "I'll help you."

At noon, after Qin Fang came back with Grandpa Qin and others, he saw a woman in the family. From childhood to adulthood, he almost didn't recognize it. He could recognize his own daughter-in-law and sister, after all, he was used to their dress, but from grandma to grandmother, to third aunt, and Sanya, he really almost couldn't recognize them.

Yang Haiyan stepped forward, took his hand and said, "Xianggong, look at grandma and the others, is this good-looking? I've said it all, not only you, but also grandpa can't recognize grandma."

Qin Fang looked at Grandpa Qin and wanted to ask to prove his wife's words.

Grandpa Qin really looked at Grandma Qin dumbfounded, and he really didn't recognize anyone. If Yang Haiyan hadn't spoken, he wouldn't have known it was his wife: "You...you..." He stuttered.

Seeing this, Grandma Qin glared at him: "what's wrong with me?"

Grandpa Qin hurriedly said, "You are so beautiful." What can you say? He just wanted to say, you are so old, why are you still dressed like this? But he dared not say it. The men of the Qin family have always been a daughter-in-law at home, and he is no exception.

Grandma Qin blushed a little when she saw him complimenting herself: "I'm old, and I'm not ashamed to speak." She was with this old man all her life, and it was the first time she heard him praise her, and she really blushed.

Grandpa Qin: "...I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, ask the boss." Really, it's hard for a man to do it. To be honest, the daughter-in-law is to blame, and she is not ashamed to be told the irony.

Father Qin is still in the fog. Compared with Grandpa Qin's age, he is only in his early forties, and he is still in his prime, so there is no need to be embarrassed. When Grandpa Qin asked him, he also stared at Mother Qin. When he and Qin's mother were young, you were like each other. Different from the words of the matchmakers who were ordered by their parents today, although they were their parents' fancy, they also liked each other. So he looked at Qin's mother who was dressed up now, and suddenly felt that she was so good-looking, just like her delicate look when she was young. Unconsciously, he was also stunned. I was stunned, but I didn't hear what Grandpa Qin said.

Mother Qin also felt embarrassed, this man was so old and so clueless.

Not to mention Qin's father, even Qin's third uncle is the same. He seemed to see Qin's third aunt for the first time. In his impression, his daughter-in-law kept her head down and did not dare to look up, but today, she raised her head and looked at her expectantly. own.

Qin Fang leaned over and whispered in Yang Haiyan's ear: "Daughter-in-law, what are you doing?" His voice was low, and the heat he exhaled hit her face, which made her heart beat faster. .

Yang Haiyan knew that this man was doing it on purpose. They were so familiar with each other, and their bodies were developed, so don't develop them any more. How could he not know that saying this would make his heart the most? She pinched his waist: "we women should dress up well. I brought all the women of the Qin family and they all dressed up beautifully."

When Qin Fang heard it, he couldn't help laughing out loud, his chest pumped, and his laughter was mellow and sweet.

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