Qin Shouye stabilized his mind, and already had ideas and plans in his heart. He first said to Niudan: "Shouxin, you go to take a nap first, otherwise you will lose your energy when the private guards teach you Kung Fu, and then you will suffer from your aunt and aunt's intentions. Disappointing Big Brother."

Niudan is most afraid of disappointing Qin Fang, especially since he has seen Qin Fang's competition with private guards and guards, and he is more and more sure of his idea of ​​going to the military camp. He now admires Qin Fang very much, so he does not want to Let Qin Fang disappointed.

Niudan: "Second brother, don't worry, I'm going to rest. I will definitely learn kung fu well. In the future, I will go to the military camp, go hunting, and suppress bandits with my eldest brother. I will also be a general like my eldest brother." With longings and dreams.

Qin Shouye said: "Come on." Although they are his cousins, the relationship between them is very good, no difference from his own brothers. Of course, he also hopes that the eggs will be good.

Niudan jumped back to his room, and in the original hall, only Qin Shouye and Qin Shoucheng were left. Qin Shoucheng's heart tightened: "Second brother, I...I have something to tell you."

Qin Shouye sat down: "Go ahead, be frank and be lenient. I can properly consider the reasons for your actions." Qin Shouye originally wanted to reprimand, but seeing his younger brother being so self-conscious, he was in a better mood. Just be good, there must be a reason, as long as there is a reason, Qin Shouye can rest assured.

Qin Shoucheng was taken aback: "Second brother, you...you know I have something to say?"

Qin Shouye snorted: "Look at your guilty face, I'm your brother, I watched you grow up since I was a child, can I not see it?"

Qin Shoucheng didn't expect his second brother to be so powerful, so he felt relieved when the second brother said this: "Second brother, I was at the gate of the academy today and saw that the eldest brother is very close to one person, like that... just as close as the eldest brother and the eldest sister-in-law. "

Qin Shouye's mouth was wide open, and he was so surprised that he could stuff a goose egg. He must have heard it wrong, right? Must have heard it wrong. Qin Shouye swallowed: "Shoucheng, do you know what you're talking about? This is not a joke." Hearing this in Qin Shouye's ears, it was as if Qin Shoucheng was saying that his eldest brother had cheated.

In Qin Shouye's heart and eyes, there is no such thing as three wives and four concubines. It would be great if the peasant family could marry a daughter-in-law, but still want three wives and four concubines? So he never thought that his eldest brother who became a general would have three wives and four concubines. But now... Qin Shouye felt a little uncomfortable when he thought that his eldest brother might have three wives and four concubines. Not because of Yang Haiyan. Of course, my sister-in-law was kind to him and taught him a lot, even clearer than what my grandmother and grandmother taught him, but it didn't mean that his heart was broken by getting along with him during this period of time. It will be biased towards the sister-in-law, after all, Qin Fang is a brother.

What makes him uncomfortable is that he feels that the eldest brother has changed, the eldest brother who will marry three wives and four concubines has changed."

Qin Shoucheng looked at his second brother's surprised look, and sighed: "Are you surprised? When I saw it, I was also surprised, so I hurriedly asked the master to leave and came back to tell you about it. I... I didn't dare to tell my sister-in-law that she was so good, so I was afraid that she would get angry. Second brother, you don't know, the elder brother was arguing with a young man at the time, and even wiped his tears. People thought they were a couple, but they were close..."

"Wait..." Qin Shouye stopped him, "Wait, you mean eldest brother and a young man? That...that closeness?" Qin Shouye thought, let him faint, as hungry as a tadpole Forget it, he doesn't have to worry about these things. If the eldest brother is the same young man, it is more serious than if the eldest brother has an outer room.

A concubine is still a concubine if she is brought into the house, and it will not affect the reputation of the eldest brother, but if the eldest brother is with a young man, it will be detrimental to his reputation. Longyang's goodness is despised by listeners. "Shoucheng, are you sure you read it right?"

Qin Shoucheng said, "How can I see this wrong? I have good eyesight. Besides, it's hard for me to see the wrong thing with our eldest brother's body shape."

Qin Shouye said: "I see, don't tell anyone about this, even your grandparents, aunt and aunt. Let me try my elder brother first and hear what he has to say. In short, this matter The matter is very serious, and no one can tell it for the time being."

Qin Shoucheng: "I know, I just don't know what to do. I thought I'd tell the second brother first."

Qin Shouye nodded, he got up, went to Qin Shoucheng's side, and patted his brother's shoulder: "You are right, you are doing well, Shoucheng will think about things when you grow up." However, he would rather The younger brother didn't tell him about it, so he didn't have to worry about it. "Okay, since I already know the matter, you don't need to take leave to the Master for this purpose. You can go to the academy."

But Qin Shoucheng didn't want to go, he said: "Second brother, this matter has not been resolved, I always feel uneasy, I can't listen to what the master is saying when I go to the academy, I don't want to go, I want to wait for the result at home. "

Qin Shouye thought about it, his younger brother has always been good, probably because this incident really scared him. Not to mention him, even he was shocked, so he agreed: "Well, you can stay in the yard and I will go out."

Qin Shoucheng: "Hey."

Qin Shouye walked out of the yard and wandered around the house several times. He hesitated for a while, but still didn't know what to do. Speaking of which, Qin Shouye was only sixteen years old after all. If he was in a family of orphans and widows, a sixteen-year-old boy would be the backbone and the head of the family. But in the Qin family, with Grandpa Qin and Father Qin, the sixteen-year-old Qin Shouye was only a half-year-old boy. Although he was very calm in front of Qin Shoucheng, he just hid his anxiety in his heart.

Qin Shouye couldn't think of a way. He didn't plan to tell Yang Haiyan about this. At least he had to make it clear first. He felt that the elder brother should not be such a person. Although Shoucheng saw it with his own eyes, some things still had to be made clear. Therefore, only after asking the elder brother to explain the matter clearly, can we think about how to solve it, or see what the elder sister means.

Of course, if the eldest brother really wants to take a concubine or Long Yangzhi, he will still stand on the side of the eldest sister-in-law. Although the pro is the big brother pro, but some things are not right. Sister-in-law is a good person, and I can't make my sister-in-law suffer just because my elder brother is a relative.

Qin Shouye sighed, thinking about talking to his elder brother, so he turned to the door again, and he saw Uncle Hong guarding the house at the door, so he walked over.

Uncle Hong will read books in his spare time, and then teach Hong Datou. Because he can read, it is convenient for him to teach his son. However, Hong Datou was only two years old, and it was when he was active that he refused to learn.

Seeing Qin Shouye coming, Uncle Hong put down the book and said, "Second Master is here."

Qin Shouye nodded: "Uncle Hong, are you busy?"

Uncle Hong said: "I'm not busy, I'm not busy, I have nothing to do, just read a few more words, and if I don't recognize a few words, I will circle them, and then ask the third master and the big eagle. The third master passed by the first few times. He taught me when I was young." When his family was in the middle of the road, he hadn't read all the words yet, so there were a lot of people who didn't know them. Uncle Hong would ask Qin Shoucheng several times when he was going to and from school.

Qin Shouye said: "That's good, and it's better to ask Shoucheng to re-read the words. But Uncle Hong, you are really motivated. Qin Shouye is very surprised that you are still so motivated in your thirties.

Uncle Hong smiled: "If we are slaves, we will have the opportunity to learn to read with the right master. Xiangjun said that when the master is enlightened, he can go to the class together and let the master teach it together. Before, I didn't dare to think about it. So, I want to know more words, so as to teach Datou, so that he won't drag everyone down. Second Master, do you want to come in and sit for a while?"

Qin Shouye said: "Okay." After sitting in the room for a while, Qin Shouye said again, "Uncle Hong, did you follow my elder brother when you were at the border?"

Uncle Hong said with a smile, "It doesn't count. In September of the previous year, Xiang Jun bought me, and Xiang Jun bought me with kindness. Later, I was worried about my daughter-in-law, so I went back and took care of my own affairs. Let me explain, so that I can do things with Xiangjun in peace. But my daughter-in-law's living environment is really bad, so I thought... I talked about the privately taking people to the family room back then. At that time, I really I have no face, but there is no way. If I only care about my own face, my wife and son may be even worse. People have been slaves all their lives, so why is it important to have a face? Thanks to Xiangjun for taking in our family People, we can have today." Therefore, he was very loyal to Xiangjun. If the private guards and bodyguards of the General's Mansion are loyal to Qin Fang, then Uncle Hong is loyal to Yang Haiyan.

When Qin Shouye listened to Uncle Hong talking about the border issues, he admired his sister-in-law more and more, and at the same time, felt more and more guilty. He is most afraid that the elder brother is really sorry for the elder sister-in-law, and then the Qin family will have no face to face the elder sister-in-law.

Unconsciously, the two chatted from noon to the afternoon, and when they were about to eat dinner, a voice came from the guard at the door: "The general is going home."

When Uncle Hong heard this, he immediately got up: "The general went out with Xiangjun, the general has returned to the mansion, and it is estimated that Xiangjun has also returned." As he spoke, he went out to greet him.

Wait... what do you mean, big brother and big sister-in-law left the house together? Qin Shouye always felt that something was wrong with what he said. Before he could understand, he went out, because he still had to talk to his elder brother.

But as a result, he saw his eldest brother came in with a young man. And this young man was very familiar, as if he had seen it before, until Uncle Hong's voice sounded.

Uncle Hong: "The general is back, and the Xiangjun is back." Uncle Hong has been with Yang Haiyan for a longer period of time, almost two years, so even if Yang Haiyan disguised herself as a man, he recognized it immediately. It was mainly when Yang Haiyan and Qin Fang came in holding hands that he could recognize it immediately. If he was on the road, he might have thought that this was a young man who looked a little like the fellow from the village.

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