The guards came in teams, and the captain was called by the guards. After all, what they intercepted was something dedicated to the emperor. The general guards really didn't have the guts to decide.

The captain of the school is a young man. In the command camp in the suburbs of Beijing, there are children of aristocratic families. Many children of aristocratic families feel honored to be able to enter the command camp in the suburbs of Beijing.

The captain followed the guards to the gate of the city. At first, he heard the guards say that there was a cart full of things for the emperor. He didn't believe it, but when he saw it, his eyes were about to fall. This thing... too Is there more?

The guard said: "Xiaowei Du, what do you think?"

Du Xiaowei nodded, walked over, and looked up and down Taoshan: "These are all things for the emperor?"

Tao Shan saw that this man was wearing the same official uniform as Commander Yang and Commander Lu, and knew that this was Commander Lu, and he said, "If you go back to your lord, most of this place is for the emperor, and there is a small part here for you. Sent to the Minister of War, Du's House."

The captain was stunned, not to mention the captain, even the guard next to him was stunned, and said, "Sir, isn't this going to be delivered to your house?"

Tao Shan was also taken aback when he heard the guard's words: "Are you from the mansion of Lord Dukodu, the Minister of War?"

The captain nodded: "Yes, that's my father."

Tao Shan: "..."

Du Ke has a total of two sons, one direct descendant and one concubine. After the imperial examination, the direct son was released. Since ancient times, the descendants of the aristocratic families have high hopes, because the direct descendants are responsible for the family's future, and the hopes for the concubines are less, as long as they don't cause trouble for the family. This captain is Du Ke's concubine. He has no ability, and he can't do anything if he is not skilled. So through Du Ke's relationship, he recruited a captain in the command battalion on the outskirts of Beijing, a seventh-rank officer.

Tao Shan saluted, "Young Master Du, the villain's name is Tao Shan, the master is Qin Fang, the general defender of Yunxiang County, and Du Shilang's student, you..."

"Ah..." Du Xiaowei interrupted Tao Shan, "It's Qin Fang, I know, my father's student." The whole capital knew about Du Ke's apprenticeship, how could he be Du Ke's son? do not know? "Will my father still be in Yunxiang County? How is he?"

Tao Shan was about to speak when a guard stepped forward: "Brother Tao, these things must be transported away quickly, or the ice will melt."

Du Xiaowei also heard the guard's words. He saw that the water was leaking under the cart, and heard the word "ice". It was obvious that the thing was frozen with ice cubes. "Release release, I'll take you to the palace. Oh right..." He looked at the guard, "Has his road citation ultimatum been checked? Is there any problem?"

The guard said: "Checked, no problem."

Tao Shan said: "Master Du, I have been to the mansion several times. The housekeeper and the guards at the door all recognize me."

Du Xiaowei nodded: "That's it, I'll take you to the gate of the palace..." Then he said to the guard behind him, "You send someone to my house, ask the housekeeper to come to the gate of the palace to recognize the person, and then give me the Du residence. Bring something back."

Du Xiaowei made this arrangement to ensure Tao Shan's identity. After all, it was a gift for the emperor. If there was a problem with his identity and something happened, he would not be able to bear it.

Guard: "Yes."

There are people from the command camp in the suburbs of Beijing who open the way. Taoshan's road from the city gate to the palace is still very easy to walk. Otherwise, there are so many things, it will take a long time just to avoid people.

However, when they arrived at the gate of the palace, the butler of the Du residence had already arrived, and he saw Du Xiaowei and Tao Shan: "Second Young Master, Brother Tao."

Du Xiaowei was relieved when he heard Du's housekeeper say this.

Tao Shan also said enthusiastically: "Housekeeper, say hello to the housekeeper, Master Du is all well in the General's Mansion, I have brought things to the Emperor and Du's Mansion for my general this time, and the car behind is for Du's Mansion. Yes, it's in ice, you have to bring it back quickly, otherwise the ice will melt and things will be broken."

When Du's housekeeper heard this, he hurriedly said: "Then I'll take my things back first, and then Brother Tao will come to the house." The current Tao Shan is different from before, because Qin Fang is now Master Du's student, so the Qin family is right Since Du Mansion is his own, Tao Shan is naturally his own, so the Du Mansion housekeeper is even more enthusiastic.

Tao Shan said: "I must come."

On the side of the palace, because it was a gift for the emperor, and there seemed to be too many things, most people did not dare to accept it, so naturally they had to tell Director Chi. When Director Chi heard this, "You mean that General Qin from Yunxiang County sent a lot of things and waited outside the palace?"

Palace gate guard: "Yes, Chief Chi, what do you think?"

Director Chi thought for a while: "Let's go, let's go take a look."

Director Chi knew Tao Shan, and Tao Shan also knew Director Chi. Seeing Director Chi coming out at this moment, Tao Shan stepped forward and bowed first: "I have seen Director Chi."

Manager Chi: "Tao Shan, what are you sending the emperor?"

Tao Shan said: "At the order of the general, I brought some vegetables and fruits to His Majesty. Except for the fruits, all these things came from ice all the way. The ice is about to melt at this moment. Manager Chi, what do you think? "

Manager Chi hurriedly said: "Ah, then hurry up and bring it in, bring it in... Let's bring it to the door of the imperial study first." He originally wanted to say to the imperial kitchen. But... the things that were sent to the imperial kitchen were invisible to the emperor. Thinking that the emperor had a good impression of Qin Fang and that he was a student of Du Ke, Manager Chi naturally sold Qin Fang as a good one. "Tao Shan, follow me to see the emperor."

Tao Shan: "Ah? Yes." His heart was beating fast and nervous.

Manager Chi didn't decide at will. When these things were sent, the emperor would have to ask them. He was someone who didn't know anything, so he naturally had to bring someone he knew in. Isn't this Taoshan just right?

The emperor approved the memorial in the imperial study. Recently, because of the royal grain franchisee, the capital is very quiet. Everyone is waiting for the follow-up of the royal grain franchisee, so there is something to be held at this moment.

Director Chi walked in: "The emperor is overjoyed."

The emperor did not lift his head and said, "Where does the joy come from?"

Mr. Chi said: "General Qin from Yunxiang County has brought you a gift, including vegetables and fruits, which were brought over ice all the way. The servant thought, you are tired from reading the papers in the morning, so put the vegetables and fruits. I took it outside and asked you to give palms and eyes."

When the emperor heard it, he was really interested: "Qin Fang, that kid has brought something again? Let's go and have a look."

The emperor followed Director Chi to the outside, and saw that the boxes were all wooden boxes, and there were eight boxes in total. Water was dripping from the sides of a few boxes. The emperor is in a good mood. No matter whether the things are valuable or not, he owns the entire country, and to him, the most valuable things are nothing but rare things. Yes, it's a toy. So for him, the heart is the most important.

Like Qin Fang, with potato flour and sweet potato flour, he still thinks of his subjects and subjects, which is his favorite.

While observing the emperor's expression, Director Chi saw that the emperor was happier than before. He said, "When General Qin's private guard was entering the city, he was stopped by the guards because there were too many things. Your Majesty, what do you say? Is it funny?"

Hearing this, the emperor raised his eyebrows: "How did that get in?"

Mr. Chi said, "That's really a coincidence. Today's duty is Du Caiming, the second son of the Du family. Isn't the second son Du in the command camp in the suburbs of Beijing?"

The emperor smiled and said, "It's that kid, that's really a coincidence. Open these things to me to see, what are these?"

Manager Chi beckoned to Tao Shan: "Your Majesty, you are asking a servant. This is Tao Shan, General Qin's private guard. Let him tell you."

Tao Shan took a few steps forward, then knelt down with a plop: "Caomin sees the emperor."

The sound of the kneeling was so heavy that the emperor who heard it couldn't help but look at Tao Shan, only to see that the other party was covered in sweat, the sweat was still dripping down, and the whole body was dusty, but he lowered his head and was nervous. Dare to look up. The emperor knew that rushing here from Yunxiang County and carrying so many things must be tiring. He said, "Give this private guard a bowl of water." He said to Tao Shan, "Get up and answer."

Tao Shan was moved: "Thank you, Your Majesty." It turned out that the Emperor was so approachable, no wonder the general would send these things all the way.

The guards have dismantled eight wooden boxes, four with ice and the other four without ice. The emperor asked curiously: "What is this?"

Tao Shan introduced them one by one: "This red one is tomato, this green one is broccoli, this white one is cauliflower, this long one is courgette, and the other four boxes are watermelon. This watermelon is a fruit, and you have to cut it and eat it." Saying that, he took out a notebook from the box and gave it to Manager Chi, "Here is how to make various things and how to eat them. However, this broccoli can't be put away, so you have to eat it quickly, otherwise the green areas will turn yellow. ."

The emperor looked at these vegetables and fruits, and the feeling in his heart was very big. He walked over, touched every vegetable and fruit, and then said to Mr. Chi: "These vegetables are in accordance with the practice here, and the royal chef is asked to cook each dish on the side."

Chief Chi: "Yes."

Tao Shan thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, this watermelon is very delicious. You can eat it when you cut it open, or you can eat it iced. You can cut it in half and scour it with a spoon and eat it."

Manager Chi listened and said, "Your Majesty, will this servant cut one for you?"

There are four boxes of watermelons, each with about ten pieces, forty in total.

The emperor said: "Go."

Manager Chi brought out a watermelon, and then read how to eat watermelon, and Yang Haiyan wrote four kinds of meals on it. The first one is the easiest, just wash the watermelon, then slice it and eat it; the second one is that the watermelon can be pressed into watermelon juice; the third one is to cut the red fruit of the watermelon, put it in a bowl, and then make it Toothpicks are eaten with toothpicks inserted, and of course, the practice of attaching toothpicks; the last one is the watermelon cutting board, which is eaten directly with a spoon.

Manager Chi took a look and decided to use the first type, because he didn't have toothpicks at the moment, and the first type was the most convenient.

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