The river in the horse farm is a tributary branched from the big river. Such a tributary has fish, so after a barbecue, everyone went fishing in the horse farm. The fishing rod was borrowed from the horse farm, which can be seen from the horse farm. People do fishing a lot on weekdays.

Qin Fang naturally knew about this, otherwise he would not have borrowed fishing rods from them.

Fishing is an activity that requires patience, but apparently, there are people here who are impatient. Qin Linyang didn't have a fishing rod. He and his father made one. He sat between his father's legs and babbled. Seeing that his father didn't respond, he went to shoot the fishing rod. In this shot, the fish that was about to be hooked was scared and fled.

Qin Fang hugged him with one hand: "Do you want to eat fish at night?"

When Qin Linyang heard about eating, he answered loudly, "Eat." You can't understand anything else, but you must understand eating.

Qin Fang said: "If you want to eat, don't move the fishing rod. Be good, don't make a sound, understand?" He covered his mouth, "That's it, don't make a sound."

Seeing this, Qin Linyang covered his mouth with his little hand.

Qin Fang nodded: "Yes, that's it, you just sit like this and don't say anything. Daddy will catch a big fish for you later, and I will treat you to fish soup at night."

"Eat." Qin Linyang replied again.

Grandma Qin looked at their father and son, and couldn't help laughing: "Looking at their father and son, Ah Fang can take care of the children. He used to take his younger brothers and sisters very well."

Grandpa Qin and Grandma Qin also put together a fishing rod. Grandma Qin sat beside Grandpa Qin and watched him fish. Speaking of which, it is rare for the old couple to have such a leisurely time. If it was before, they would not have dared to imagine that they could go fishing like this and leave the farm work alone.

Grandpa Qin glanced over there: "He can take care of his younger brother and sister, and naturally he can take care of his son." Unlike grandma Qin who sees her grandson with an excessive filter, Grandpa Qin is more rational.

Grandma Qin snorted her wife: "You just pretend." How could she not know that the old man was proud of his eldest grandson? The threshold of their Qin family was raised by the eldest grandson.

Grandpa Qin protested with silence. Anyway, his mouth is not as good as his wife's, so he must not be able to tell him.

A child's patience is short-lived. Qin Linyang covered his mouth for a while, but he couldn't bear the loneliness anymore. He babbled and communicated with his father again. Qin Fang put down the fishing rod, picked him up again, put him in the scooter, and moved the scooter to the side: "you just stand like this."

Qin Linyang stood still and continued to babble. Although his father didn't respond to him, he alone said he was very happy. But after a while, he was silent. Seeing that his son was quiet, Qin Fang looked back and found that he was asleep, so he carried him into the tent and called a woman to watch him and fan him.

The father and son don't get along very much on weekdays, but today is free, so Yang Haiyan will naturally not disturb their father and son, and let them develop their relationship well.

When the sun was about to go down, they finished fishing, not to mention, there were quite a lot of fish dropped.

Yang Haiyan said to Mother Lian: "Go back and ask the kitchen to buy a few pieces of tofu to make fish head tofu soup and pickled fish."

Mother Lian said: "In such a hot day, everyone has no appetite, but pickled fish is the way to eat." The method of pickled fish was taught to them by Mrs.

Yang Haiyan thought about the taste of sauerkraut and liked it too. It's just that the ancient sauerkraut is not as tasty as the modern sauerkraut, because there are many modern ingredients, so when the sauerkraut is fried in oil, the fragrance can't be covered, and it can be fragrant to the next door neighbor's house.

After the fish was caught, they went back.

Everyone rode on horseback, and everyone rode on a carriage. Niudan also understood a horse. Although he was unfamiliar with riding, he insisted on riding his own horse, so he asked Qin Shouye to ride his horse and lead him.

Qin Linyang's child had woken up, lying on the side of the carriage window and watching the baby pony, the baby pony walked leisurely with the carriage. To Qin Linyang, baby pony is like a little playmate, and he is very happy.


There was a horse coming towards him, Qin Fang just wanted everyone to stop when he heard the people in front shouting: "General..."

It turned out that the soldier who sent the letter to the capital earlier came back. As soon as the soldier arrived in front of Qin Fang, he said, "General, a letter from the capital."

Qin Fang received the letter, and it was Du Ke's response. When he saw it, Du Ke said in the letter, asking him to stick to his position, that of the royalists. At the same time, it is also analyzed in the letter that there are three possibilities for this gunpowder incident.

The first type: spies from other countries mixed in with the court of Qiguo and leaked secrets.

The second type: Some people framed Yonghe Hou Yifang in order to reduce the power of the second prince.

The third type: The people on the second prince's side framed themselves, with the intention of framing other princes.

If it is the first type, it would be good to find out, but the second and third types have nothing to do with them, so let Qin Fang weigh it up by himself.

Speaking of which, Qin Fang's side just received Du Ke's letter, and the capital side also received Qin Fang's second letter about the investigation results of the barbarian incident.

At this moment, Du Ke was in the imperial study, and the emperor showed Qin Fang's letter to Du Ke.

The emperor: "Look, the other party is really calculating. The hijacking of gunpowder, the route, and the inexplicable disappearance are all arranged clearly. Now the clue is broken. Fortunately, Qin Fang has a hand."

Du Ke said: "However, the fact that the barbarians intercepted gunpowder is an iron-clad fact. Those people are barbarians. The body of the murdered barbarian has been transported to Jingzhao Yin Yamen. It is still recognized that this is a barbarian. Therefore, any attack by our army on the barbarian is reasonable."

The emperor chuckled: "You old fox thinks differently from people, so it is inevitable to subdue the barbarians and expand Qiguo's territory."

Duke smiled.

"Your Majesty..." Suddenly, another voice came from the door, "Your Majesty, the Imperial Forest Army that went to Yunxiang County has returned, and General Yu Nianyu is asking to see you."

When the emperor heard Yu Nian's name, he even sank: "Let him get in."

No matter the reason for this incident, Yu Nian, as the person in charge of the gunpowder delivery this time, always has the responsibility that he cannot escape. Even if the barbarians had made arrangements in advance, it would still be inappropriate in terms of combat methods for the rest of the year. Qin Fang can think of two-handed preparation, why didn't Yu Nian? So even if someone leaks the news, but there is no well-arranged plan, the general's skills are not enough.

As soon as Yu Nian entered the imperial study, he knelt down: "I will see the emperor at the end. Regarding the delivery time of gunpowder, I will be guilty at the end, and the emperor will punish him." Anyway, if things are not done well, it is always right to plead guilty.

Yu Nian was the one who was promoted by the emperor. Before he became the guard of the Royal Forest Army, he was the captain of the guard team of the palace. Yu Nian even fought for the emperor and almost killed him. The emperor naturally understood his loyalty to the emperor. In the past, the emperor felt that it was okay if his brain was not smart, he saved too much time and thought, as long as he was loyal. But now, with the comparison, the emperor felt that it would be good to be as smart and loyal as Qin Fang. Because if a loyal brain is not smart enough, things can't be handled well, and he also has a headache.

The emperor: "Get up, I will talk about the punishment later. You should explain this to me first."

Yu Nian got up and said, "Yes." Then, he recounted the matter of transporting gunpowder this time, "After the last general and General Qin separated, they sent someone to the hometown of the two imperial guards to check on their affairs, and they had no reason for it. The disappearance must have something to do with the gunpowder thing. At the same time, after returning from the Yongzhou border, Yonghe Hou was worried that the barbarians would be prepared for gunpowder, so the day the gunpowder was delivered to Yongzhou, there was a war there."

The emperor nodded: "The two imperial guards must have contacted others before they set off, and they must check the matter from the imperial guards thoroughly, and they cannot let go of the slightest suspicion." The imperial guards are the emperor's army. Where is the safety of the As for Yonghe Hou's side, the emperor is not worried. After all, Yonghe Hou has guarded Yongzhou for decades, and this ability is still there.

After thinking about it, the emperor said to Du Ke, "Du Qing, you should step back first."

"Yes." Duke stepped back.

After Du Ke left, the emperor asked Yu Nian: "Yu Nian, what do you think of Qin Fang?"

After thinking about it for Yu Nian, he didn't get along with Qin Fang very much. Judging from the few days in Yunxiang County and the few days we spent looking for gunpowder together, he had a good impression of Qin Fang: "It's especially worthwhile."

In fact, it is very intentional.

The emperor is not a fool, he can succeed in seizing the heirloom, the emperor is smarter and wiser than anyone else, Qin Fang is a smart person, he naturally knows, and he has a secret agent in Yunxiang County, after all, the gunpowder is still there, he can't completely He believed Qin Fang, he sent two people to monitor Qin Fang, and the results were good. Qin Fang is a real person. On weekdays, except for the general's mansion, he is in the military camp. He never does any bad things that men can do. Moreover, he also took special care of the soldiers in the barracks. For such a person, the emperor really likes it. Besides, Qin Fang can make money. Whether it's saltpeter making ice or the imperial grain factory, the emperor's purse is bulging. The emperor is a man of iron and blood, and now that he has money, he is even more unequivocal.

The emperor nodded: "Go down and investigate the matter of the Imperial Forest Army, you must investigate clearly."

Yu Nian: "Yes."

The emperor leaned on the dragon chair and began to think about things. By March next year, Qin Fang's term of office will expire. Do you want to make a move? If so, where should it be moved?

Yunxiang County

In August, there is a lot of good harvest in the General's Mansion. Apples, pears, watermelons, and vegetables. However, this time, there is no need for Taoshan to deliver goods to the capital, because Du Xingran has come to pick up the goods.

Du Xingran lived in the General's Mansion for several days. After eating well, he returned to the capital with these things. As soon as they arrived in the capital, the fruits and vegetables were divided into two teams, one team was sent back to Du Fu, and the other team was sent to the palace.

I have to say that in this season of the year, the Du residence is particularly enviable. Master Du is not only filial to his children, but also his students.

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