Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 1,280 Reply and Compensation

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Soon, Luo Qiao found the medicine Aunt Liu and the others needed and sent it back immediately.

Luo Qiao also arrived at the day of her doctoral thesis defense in the business school. She had experience in her previous life. Although she had no practical experience, she had seen and listened a lot and could speak fluently, so her thesis defense was very exciting and perfect. The end.

The graduation thesis from the medical school has been handed in. Professor Wilson has read it before handing it in and is very satisfied with it. He has arranged a thesis defense early next month.

In the next time, she will put all her energy into the laboratory and strive to produce results before returning to China, so as to contribute to the construction of the motherland.

It was not too busy today, so Luo Qiao went home early.

On the day of my sons' second birthday, because of a set of experimental data, I couldn't take time to go out with my sons. I only had a meal with my family to celebrate their sons' birthdays.

Today she wanted to take her sons out to play. A few days ago, she heard from Emma that a large children's playground had opened not far from here, and she planned to take them there to play.

Before entering the yard, I heard Yanyan and Yueyue practicing the violin. It must be that the two daughters are really talented in music. They have only been studying for less than two months. The teacher said that they can already reach the second or third level. .

This may be related to the fact that they have studied with Michael before. Of course, this is also inseparable from their diligence. Luo Qiao is very happy for them.

For this reason, Luo Qiao specially invited Michael to have a Chinese meal to express her gratitude.

Hearing Luo Qiao's return, the three little ones rushed over. Xiao Yezi raised his head and said, "Mom, it's not dark yet when I get back today."

Luo Qiao smiled and pinched his little face: "Mom will take you out to play later, okay?"

The three little ones all cheered after hearing this.

Aunt Rong smiled and said, "Why are you back so early today?"

Luo Qiao put down her things: "The experiment was completed today. I thought I wouldn't have time to go out with them on their birthdays, so I just happened to take them to the newly opened amusement park today."

Aunt Rong turned to look at the three little guys: "Now you are happy, why don't you go change clothes."

The three little guys ran upstairs happily, and Luo followed them with a smile.

It just so happened that Yanyan and Yueyue had also finished practicing.

Walked out of the room: "Mom, you came back very early today."

Luo Qiao kissed her two daughters and said, "Clean up. Mom will take you out to play."

Yanyan asked happily: "Mom, where are you going?"

Luo Qiao nodded Yanyan's forehead: "You will know when we get there, keep it secret now."

Fifteen minutes later, all five little guys had changed their clothes. Aunt Rong prepared some water and food to take with them. He Qing also made arrangements for the tea shop and came back to accompany them.

I'm really afraid that I won't be able to take care of five children by myself.

Several children were chattering along the way. Winter in Boston is very cold. It snowed a few days ago, and the road was cleared. However, there was still snow on the sidewalks on both sides, and from time to time passers-by would slip and fall.

There were children having a snowball fight on the roadside, and the little ones screamed when they saw it.

Soon they arrived at the large amusement park that Emma and the others were talking about, bought tickets, and walked in with them.

The little ones were dazzled as soon as they entered.

Luo Qiao said to the children: "It's best to play together, so that mom can keep an eye on them without being distracted, and she can also take a lot of photos for you."

The little guys had no objections. There was an inflatable pool for fishing plastic fish, a lift, a merry-go-round, a red train, bumper cars, a big slide, and a lot of food stalls inside.

The children had a great time playing all afternoon, and it was not until closing time that the children reluctantly left. Luo Qiao promised to bring them over to play when they had time.


In Beijing, Lu Yichen received the medicine sent by Luo Qiao and delivered it to the Liu family as soon as possible. The Liu family was very grateful.

When paying for the medicine, he insisted on paying the postage fee to Lu Yichen. Lu Yichen said that it was sent back together with other things, so there was really no need to be so polite.

Only then did Aunt Liu give up.

Director Liu also completed the retirement procedures at the end of December and officially retired from his post.

Director Liu is very optimistic. He always says that life and death are determined by fate. The only thing he is worried about now is his wife. As for his children, they have already started their own families, so there is nothing to worry about.

Perhaps because of his optimistic temperament, the doctor said that his condition has not worsened. He has stopped smoking and drinking during this period, and his nutrition has been kept up. The hospital arranged for an operation after New Year's Day.

Now that the Liu family has received the medicine for post-operative use, they finally feel a little more at ease.


Uncle Rong and Aunt Rong have been packing their things for the past few days. Luo Qiao told them that they can take whatever they want back with them. Except for the things they take with them when they go back, she will have others checked back home.

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