Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 1,287 Visiting the patient

However, she still asked Lu Yichen to find another person to stay at home. When the two of them were busy, they could pick up and drop off the children, and they could run errands when there was something at home. After all, the old couple were getting older, so she was a little worried.

Lu Yichen actually told her that he had already found someone and would come over after the Chinese New Year. It seemed that he was really worrying about it.

I took my bag, greeted the old couple, and then left the house.

It snowed quite a bit yesterday, but every household in the alley had already swept away the snow in front of their doors, hailed a taxi and headed to Jing's house.

In one year, the city of Beijing has changed a lot. Luo Qiao chatted with the taxi driver and heard a lot of things from the driver.

The two of them chatted happily all the way.

When I arrived at Jing's house, I saw Jing Wanpeng standing at the gate.

Luo Qiao got off the car and stood there without moving forward: "Are you waiting for me here?"

Jing Wanpeng had a faint smile on his face: "Yes, I heard that you have returned to China. I heard from Octavia this morning that you were coming over today, so I tried my luck before going out."

"How have you been this year?"

"Well, it's okay, thanks to you."

"Then if you meet the person you like, I'm waiting to drink your wedding wine."

“I’ve been working hard, but I haven’t encountered it yet.”

"You're already a long time old, don't put it off anymore, and work harder if you have the right one."

Jing Wanpeng laughed: "Okay, why didn't you bring the children?"

Luo Qiao smiled slightly: "They went to the bureau with Lu Yichen to play early in the morning."

The two of them were talking when they saw Jing Mingrui walking out of the door.

He called out: "Uncle."

Then he looked at Luo Qiao, who was standing not far away: "Qiaoqiao, you're here. Jianing asked me to come out and see if you've arrived?"

Luo Qiao smiled and nodded: "Just arrived, I'll go in right away."

Then he looked at Jing Wanpeng: "Brother Peng, when you have time, come to your house and have a meal together."

Luo Qiao knew that this was a bit too much for him, but she had to do it. She regarded him as her brother no matter in the past or now. Now she is married and has five lovely children.

But now he is still alone for a long time. I don't want to delay him any longer, so I just want him to give up and find his other partner as soon as possible and live a good life.

Jing Wanpeng thought in his heart that it was time to let go. She no longer needed his protection: "Okay."

Then he glanced at his nephew and continued to say to Luo Qiao: "I still have something to do, so go ahead and call me if you need anything. It's a cold day, so go in quickly."

Jing Mingrui always felt that his uncle's attitude towards Luo Qiao was different from others. Before, he thought it was because Luo Qiao cured his grandfather's illness, but now with the tone of his words, if he didn't know who his uncle was, he would definitely think more about it. .

The first time I saw Yuan Jianing, I was shocked: "Why is it so serious?"

Yuan Jianing felt aggrieved: "Qiaoqiao, fortunately you are back."

Luo Qiao asked: "Where are the medicines prescribed by the hospital for you? Let me take a look."

Jing Mingrui quickly took the hospital's diagnosis records and prescribed medicines: "They're all here."

After Luo Qiao looked at it, she said to Yuan Jianing: "Stretch out your hand and I will take your pulse."

After half a day, he said: "There is something wrong with my autoimmunity, but it's not a big problem."

After reading the medicines prescribed by the doctor, he said: "Take these medicines in half the amount prescribed by the doctor. I will go back later and give you some pills to adjust your body, and then some medicine for external application. You can apply it on the affected area."

After hearing this, Yuan Jianing breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm really scared to death. This rash is so itchy that I'm really afraid that I'll scratch it."

Seeing that she was fine, Luo Qiao said, "Where is your son?"

Yuan Jianing said: "My mother-in-law kept her in the house because she was afraid that the rash on my body would be passed on to the child."

Luo Qiao nodded: "Your condition is non-infectious, so it is not contagious. It is caused by your own reduced immunity and endocrine factors. It is not caused by diseases caused by pathogenic microorganism infection, so it is not contagious."

Yuan Jianing finally felt relieved after hearing Luo Qiao's words, and then talked about the things that hadn't happened in the past year.

After that, Luo Qiao went to Yuan Jianing's mother-in-law's courtyard and saw Jing Junxuan who had just passed her 100th day. She also presented the golden longevity lock that she had prepared long ago and talked to Yuan Jianing's mother-in-law for a long time before leaving.

Luo Qiao returned to Yuan Jianing's hospital and did not stay long: "Sister Jianing, I have to go to the city bureau to pick up the child. I will go back in the afternoon to make pills and topical medicine for you. I will come back tomorrow."

Yuan Jianing was a little reluctant to give up, and asked about Jing Junxuan's situation again, and then said: "Okay, then I won't keep you. When I get better, you and the children can come over to play."

Yuan Jianing watched the people leave and shouted from behind: "Qiaoqiao, I'm coming over tomorrow."

Luo Qiao turned her head and smiled lightly: "I know, I will come over tomorrow to deliver the medicine to you. You have to endure it for another day."

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