Days passed day by day, and three months later, Luo Qiao's preliminary scientific research experiments were all completed, and she submitted an application to enter the clinical trial stage, and she could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

This day was the day when she went to the hospital for consultation. Although Luo Qiao was young, she had the reputation before going abroad.

After a busy morning, she looked at the medical student who was following her as an intern: "How many numbers are there outside the door?"

Xiao Zhang smiled and said, "Director, there are five patients outside the door, are you tired?"

Luo Qiao shook her head lightly and said, "Call the next one."

Luo Qiao is basically in the outpatient clinic in the morning, eats in the hospital cafeteria, and then goes to the inpatient department in the afternoon. If there is an operation, she will arrange the time in advance.

The last person who came in was a young man in his twenties who was helped in. He roughly explained his condition: He had suffered from repeated lower back pain for more than four years, and he had been suffering from lumbar muscle strain. Treatment, but after repeated treatment, the effect is not very good.

After Luo Qiao examined him repeatedly, she asked some more questions. She felt that this disease needs further investigation.

She explained her diagnosis to the patient, and then continued: "If you want to make a further diagnosis, you need to take an X-ray of the lumbar spine and base bone, and do several laboratory tests to confirm it."

The family member who accompanied her was the patient's mother. She asked with red eyes: "How much does the examination cost? I have been treating this disease for the past few years. If it is too expensive, the family really cannot afford the cost."

Luo Qiao saw the young man's depressed mood, and heard him raise his head and say, "Mom, we're going to die of this disease, let fate do it, I can't drag the family down anymore."

As soon as these words were spoken, the woman burst into tears.

Luo Qiao can understand the current mood of the two of them. This is the real problem faced by poor families. If there is any disturbance in the family, it will be unbearable.

What Luo Qiao asked Xu Shifan to do before was to help the poor through education, donate to build schools and support poor students from poor families in poor areas, but now she has more ideas in her mind.

Seeing their mother and son crying sadly, I looked at the names on the medical records and said, "You don't cry anymore, crying won't solve the problem."

The two mother and son stopped their tears and prepared to pack up their things and go out.

Luo Qiao said, "Wait a minute, if your disease is not cured, it may become more and more serious."

The woman cried: "We also know,

But the family really can't afford such a large sum of money, there is no way, whoever told us to be poor is his fate. "

Luo Qiao speeded up her packing, and looked up at the young man, "Your name is Zeng Liang, right? It's noon now, so you should follow me to the cafeteria for dinner.

I have a friend who is a caring person. I have had dinner with you. I will contact him for you. Professional personnel will come to talk to you. You only need to provide relevant information and board the plane, as long as you meet their rescue conditions. , Your money for medical treatment will be funded by them. "

After hearing this, the mother and son of the Zeng family froze there, a little in disbelief, Zeng Liang's mother murmured in a low voice: "My God, is there such a good thing?"

The intern next to him knew that since Director Luo had said it, it must have been a good thing, so he reminded with a smile, "Thank you, Director, you guys are really lucky."

At this time, Zeng Liang's mother also realized that the doctor in the big hospital would definitely not joke with them about this, and she almost knelt down for Luo Qiao, but fortunately Luo Qiao quickly helped her up: "Don't do this, you To do this, this is not to thank me, but to harm me.

You don’t have to thank me. When you get better in the future, just work hard to repay the society. When you encounter difficulties with others, remember to extend your hand and pass on the love. "

Hearing this, Zeng Liang's heart was filled with enthusiasm: "Doctor Luo, don't worry, if I can recover my health, I will work hard. I will be capable in the future, and I will learn from your friends, just like what you said to work hard to repay the society."

Luo Qiao nodded in relief: "That's a good point."

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