Latest website: Zhou Zhongyuan looked at the people standing beside him: "Is it true that we can't let them join?"

The person in charge from before came forward and said: "It seems that the three children came to register for the class because they like it. So we will make an exception today. You can go through the formalities and meet the teacher later, and come to class tomorrow afternoon."

Luo Qiao glanced at Zhou Zhongyuan, then turned to the person in charge and replied calmly: "Thank you."

The person in charge pointed to the chairs on the other side of the hall: "Sit over there and rest for a while. I will come over in a moment to take you through the formalities."

Luo Qiao turned to look at Zhou Zhongyuan: "Thank you, goodbye."

Zhou Zhongyuan said with a smile: "You're welcome. By the way, I still have something to ask for."

Luo Qiao smiled lightly: "You tell me."

Zhou Zhongyuan looked at the flowers placed in the corner of the hall: "I have a Clivia at home. I don't know why, but it has started to have yellow leaves frequently. The beautiful potted flower is almost dying from us. Is there any way to save it?"

Luo Qiao thought for a moment: "Then you can have the flowers delivered to my house, and I will help you take care of them, but I can't promise you anything."

Zhou Zhongyuan's face was full of smiles: "Don't worry, I can't blame you for not being able to raise him well. I'll have someone send him over later."

Luo Qiao took out a small notebook from her bag and wrote down her home address: "Okay, just have it delivered here."

Zhou Zhongyuan received the address, then said goodbye to the three children and walked out.

When they got outside, the person in charge asked: "Minister Zhou, is that person your friend?"

Zhou Zhongyuan smiled and nodded: "I'm not really a friend, but I have dealt with her a few times and she is a person worth getting to know. Let me remind you, she is not someone you can mess with. Be polite in your words and actions."

The man nodded and said, "Thank you, Minister Zhou, for the tip."

Zhou Zhongyuan did not directly say who she was. From today's events, we can see this woman's style of doing things. Even if he wanted to have his children enrolled in the class, he did not use Lu Yichen's identity to pressure them. This shows that they do not want to be high-profile, so he himself It's just a matter of personal preference.

Soon Luo Qiao took the children to go through the formalities.

The three little guys were so happy.

On the way back, I received a call from Shen Juan: "Hey, Qiaoqiao."

"Shen Juan, I'm here."

"I've thought about it. I don't want to go through this anymore, but I want to get custody of my child. Can you help me find a better lawyer?"

"Are you sure you won't change again?"

"No, I want a divorce. My mother called me yesterday. She is helping her with blind dates everywhere. She is more anxious than me. So why don't I help them."

"Okay, when are you ready to go back, I will ask the lawyer to contact you."

"I'll go back next week. My second brother is busy these days, and I have to help them take care of their children for a few days."

After half a day, Shen Juan said with some embarrassment: "Qiaoqiao, I, I want to be transferred to work here in Beijing. I know that telling you may cause trouble to you, but I don't want to live in a city with them anymore." .”

Luo Qiao was silent for a while: "I will help you inquire about this matter. Now each hospital has a limited number of establishment places, but you have an advantage in that you have been working for many years. I will inform you if there is any news."

"Thank you Qiaoqiao."

"We are friends. Besides, I can't give you a position directly. You still have to rely on your own strength. If you have the chance, face-to-face, written examinations, and on-site assessments are inevitable."

"I understand that as long as I have the opportunity, I will perform well."

The two spoke briefly for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

When the four of them, mother and son, arrived home, Lu Yichen was already at home. Luo Qiao smiled and asked, "Why did you get off work on time today?"

Lu Yichen smiled and helped the mother and son bring watermelons and cold drinks to the stone table under the tree: "I went to my brother's unit to do some errands, and I got off work directly when I got there."

Xiao Yezi climbed onto the stone bench and sat down: "Dad, we will start class tomorrow."

After hearing his son's words, Lu Yichen looked at Luo Qiao: "Have you signed up?"

Luo Qiao reached for a glass of cold drink and was about to drink it when Lu Yichen said, "This is a bit cold. Please take a few sips. The day is coming soon, so don't be greedy."

Luo Qiao felt a little unnatural. She looked at the lower courtyard like a thief and saw that there was no sign of Aunt Rong or the others, and then she replied: "I understand, I understand, thank you, Brother Chen."

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